blob: d7992f72c620a7a1e7081c742e560f4cdf8ac2a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of touch;
* Wraps a callback with translations of mouse events to touch events. Use
* this function to invoke your callback that expects touch events after
* touch events are created from the actual mouse events.
EventListener mouseToTouchCallback(EventListener callback) {
return (MouseEvent e) {
var touches = <Touch>[];
var targetTouches = <Touch>[];
var changedTouches = <Touch>[];
final mockTouch = new MockTouch(e);
final mockTouchList = <Touch>[mockTouch];
if (e.type == 'mouseup') {
changedTouches = mockTouchList;
} else {
touches = mockTouchList;
targetTouches = mockTouchList;
callback(new MockTouchEvent(e, touches, targetTouches, changedTouches));
// Required to prevent spurious selection changes while tracking touches
// on devices that don't support touch events.
/** Helper method to attach event listeners to a [node]. */
void _addEventListeners(Element node,
EventListener onStart, EventListener onMove, EventListener onEnd,
EventListener onCancel, [bool capture = false]) {
Function removeListeners;
onEndWrapper(e) {
return onEnd(e);
onLeaveWrapper(e) {
return onEnd(e);
onCancelWrapper(e) {
return onCancel(e);
if (Device.supportsTouch) {
var touchMoveSub;
var touchEndSub;
var touchLeaveSub;
var touchCancelSub;
removeListeners = () {
Element.touchStartEvent.forTarget(node, useCapture: capture).listen((e) {
touchMoveSub = Element.touchMoveEvent.forTarget(
document, useCapture: capture).listen(onMove);
touchEndSub = Element.touchEndEvent.forTarget(
document, useCapture: capture).listen(onEndWrapper);
touchLeaveSub = Element.touchLeaveEvent.forTarget(
document, useCapture: capture).listen(onLeaveWrapper);
touchCancelSub = Element.touchCancelEvent.forTarget(
document, useCapture: capture).listen(onCancelWrapper);
return onStart(e);
} else {
onStart = mouseToTouchCallback(onStart);
onMove = mouseToTouchCallback(onMove);
onEnd = mouseToTouchCallback(onEnd);
// onLeave will never be called if the device does not support touches.
var mouseMoveSub;
var mouseUpSub;
var touchCancelSub;
removeListeners = () {
Element.mouseDownEvent.forTarget(node, useCapture: capture).listen((e) {
mouseMoveSub = Element.mouseMoveEvent.forTarget(
document, useCapture: capture).listen(onMove);
mouseUpSub = Element.mouseUpEvent.forTarget(
document, useCapture: capture).listen(onEndWrapper);
touchCancelSub = Element.touchCancelEvent.forTarget(
document, useCapture: capture).listen(onCancelWrapper);
return onStart(e);
* Gets whether the given touch event targets the node, or one of the node's
* children.
bool _touchEventTargetsNode(event, Node node) {
Node target = event.changedTouches[0].target;
// TODO(rnystrom): Move this into Dom.
// Walk up the parents looking for the node.
while (target != null) {
if (target == node) {
return true;
target = target.parent;
return false;
abstract class Touchable {
* Provide the HTML element that should respond to touch events.
Element getElement();
* The object has received a touchend event.
void onTouchEnd();
* The object has received a touchstart event.
* Returns return true if you want to allow a drag sequence to begin,
* false you want to disable dragging for the duration of this touch.
bool onTouchStart(TouchEvent e);
abstract class Draggable implements Touchable {
* The object's drag sequence is now complete.
void onDragEnd();
* The object has been dragged to a new position.
void onDragMove();
* The object has started dragging.
* Returns true to allow a drag sequence to begin (custom behavior),
* false to disable dragging for this touch duration (allow native scrolling).
bool onDragStart(TouchEvent e);
bool get verticalEnabled;
bool get horizontalEnabled;
class MockTouch implements Touch {
MouseEvent wrapped;
MockTouch(MouseEvent this.wrapped) {}
int get clientX => wrapped.client.x;
int get clientY => wrapped.client.y;
get client => wrapped.client;
int get identifier => 0;
int get pageX =>;
int get pageY =>;
int get screenX => wrapped.screen.x;
int get screenY {return wrapped.screen.y; }
EventTarget get target =>;
double get force { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
Point get page { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
int get radiusX { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
int get radiusY { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
num get rotationAngle { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
Point get screen { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
num get webkitForce { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
int get webkitRadiusX { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
int get webkitRadiusY { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
num get webkitRotationAngle { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
class MockTouchEvent implements TouchEvent {
MouseEvent wrapped;
// TODO(jacobr): these are currently Lists instead of a TouchList.
final List<Touch> touches;
final List<Touch> targetTouches;
final List<Touch> changedTouches;
MockTouchEvent(MouseEvent this.wrapped, List<Touch> this.touches,
List<Touch> this.targetTouches,
List<Touch> this.changedTouches) {}
bool get bubbles => wrapped.bubbles;
bool get cancelBubble => wrapped.cancelBubble;
void set cancelBubble(bool value) { wrapped.cancelBubble = value; }
bool get cancelable => wrapped.cancelable;
EventTarget get currentTarget => wrapped.currentTarget;
bool get defaultPrevented => wrapped.defaultPrevented;
int get eventPhase => wrapped.eventPhase;
void set returnValue(bool value) { wrapped.returnValue = value; }
bool get returnValue => wrapped.returnValue;
EventTarget get target =>;
int get timeStamp => wrapped.timeStamp;
String get type => wrapped.type;
void preventDefault() { wrapped.preventDefault(); }
void stopImmediatePropagation() { wrapped.stopImmediatePropagation(); }
void stopPropagation() { wrapped.stopPropagation(); }
int get charCode => wrapped.charCode;
int get detail => wrapped.detail;
// TODO(sra): keyCode is not on MouseEvent.
//int get keyCode => (wrapped as KeyboardEvent).keyCode;
int get layerX => wrapped.layer.x;
int get layerY => wrapped.layer.y;
int get pageX =>;
int get pageY =>;
Window get view => wrapped.view;
int get which => wrapped.which;
bool get altKey => wrapped.altKey;
bool get ctrlKey => wrapped.ctrlKey;
bool get metaKey => wrapped.metaKey;
bool get shiftKey => wrapped.shiftKey;
DataTransfer get clipboardData { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
Point get layer { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
Element get matchingTarget { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
Point get page { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
List get path { throw new UnimplementedError(); }
Point get screen { throw new UnimplementedError(); }