blob: 6abd7bd19e0e3d69b4724e9836e4f98684d60be1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.context.context_builder;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:core' hide Resource;
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/plugin/resolver_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/analysis_options_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/embedder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/package_map_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/sdk_ext.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/options.dart';
import 'package:package_config/discovery.dart';
import 'package:package_config/packages.dart';
import 'package:package_config/packages_file.dart';
import 'package:package_config/src/packages_impl.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
* A utility class used to build an analysis context for a given directory.
* The construction of analysis contexts is as follows:
* 1. Determine how package: URI's are to be resolved. This follows the lookup
* algorithm defined by the [package specification][1].
* 2. Using the results of step 1, look in each package for an embedder file
* (_embedder.yaml). If one exists then it defines the SDK. If multiple such
* files exist then use the first one found. Otherwise, use the default SDK.
* 3. Look in each package for an SDK extension file (_sdkext). For each such
* file, add the specified files to the SDK.
* 4. Look for an analysis options file (`analyis_options.yaml` or
* `.analysis_options`) and process the options in the file.
* 5. Create a new context. Initialize its source factory based on steps 1, 2
* and 3. Initialize its analysis options from step 4.
* [1]:
class ContextBuilder {
* The [ResourceProvider] by which paths are converted into [Resource]s.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
* The manager used to manage the DartSdk's that have been created so that
* they can be shared across contexts.
final DartSdkManager sdkManager;
* The cache containing the contents of overlayed files.
final ContentCache contentCache;
* The resolver provider used to create a package: URI resolver, or `null` if
* the normal (Package Specification DEP) lookup mechanism is to be used.
ResolverProvider packageResolverProvider;
* The file path of the .packages file that should be used in place of any
* file found using the normal (Package Specification DEP) lookup mechanism.
String defaultPackageFilePath;
* The file path of the packages directory that should be used in place of any
* file found using the normal (Package Specification DEP) lookup mechanism.
String defaultPackagesDirectoryPath;
* The file path of the analysis options file that should be used in place of
* any file in the root directory.
String defaultAnalysisOptionsFilePath;
* The default analysis options that should be used unless some or all of them
* are overridden in the analysis options file.
AnalysisOptions defaultOptions;
* Initialize a newly created builder to be ready to build a context rooted in
* the directory with the given [rootDirectoryPath].
ContextBuilder(this.resourceProvider, this.sdkManager, this.contentCache);
AnalysisContext buildContext(String rootDirectoryPath) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Split getAnalysisOptions so we can capture the
// option map and use it to run the options processors.
AnalysisOptions options = getAnalysisOptions(rootDirectoryPath);
InternalAnalysisContext context =
context.contentCache = contentCache;
context.sourceFactory = createSourceFactory(rootDirectoryPath, options);
context.analysisOptions = options;
//_processAnalysisOptions(context, optionMap);
return context;
// void _processAnalysisOptions(
// AnalysisContext context, Map<String, YamlNode> optionMap) {
// List<OptionsProcessor> optionsProcessors =
// AnalysisEngine.instance.optionsPlugin.optionsProcessors;
// try {
// optionsProcessors.forEach(
// (OptionsProcessor p) => p.optionsProcessed(context, optionMap));
// // Fill in lint rule defaults in case lints are enabled and rules are
// // not specified in an options file.
// if (context.analysisOptions.lint && !containsLintRuleEntry(optionMap)) {
// setLints(context, linterPlugin.contributedRules);
// }
// // Ask engine to further process options.
// if (optionMap != null) {
// configureContextOptions(context, optionMap);
// }
// } on Exception catch (e) {
// optionsProcessors.forEach((OptionsProcessor p) => p.onError(e));
// }
// }
Map<String, List<Folder>> convertPackagesToMap(Packages packages) {
if (packages == null || packages == Packages.noPackages) {
return null;
Map<String, List<Folder>> folderMap = new HashMap<String, List<Folder>>();
packages.asMap().forEach((String packagePath, Uri uri) {
folderMap[packagePath] = [resourceProvider.getFolder(path.fromUri(uri))];
return folderMap;
Packages createPackageMap(String rootDirectoryPath) {
if (defaultPackageFilePath != null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out why we're going through Uri rather than
// just creating the file from the path.
Uri fileUri = new Uri.file(defaultPackageFilePath);
io.File configFile = new io.File.fromUri(fileUri).absolute;
List<int> bytes = configFile.readAsBytesSync();
Map<String, Uri> map = parse(bytes, configFile.uri);
return new MapPackages(map);
} else if (defaultPackagesDirectoryPath != null) {
return getPackagesDirectory(
return findPackagesFromFile(new;
SourceFactory createSourceFactory(
String rootDirectoryPath, AnalysisOptions options) {
if (packageResolverProvider != null) {
Folder folder = resourceProvider.getResource('.');
UriResolver resolver = packageResolverProvider(folder);
if (resolver != null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This doesn't support either embedder files or
// sdk extensions because we don't have a way to get the package map
// from the resolver.
List<UriResolver> resolvers = <UriResolver>[
new DartUriResolver(findSdk(null, options)),
new ResourceUriResolver(resourceProvider)
return new SourceFactory(resolvers);
Map<String, List<Folder>> packageMap =
List<UriResolver> resolvers = <UriResolver>[];
resolvers.add(new DartUriResolver(findSdk(packageMap, options)));
if (packageMap != null) {
resolvers.add(new SdkExtUriResolver(packageMap));
resolvers.add(new PackageMapUriResolver(resourceProvider, packageMap));
resolvers.add(new ResourceUriResolver(resourceProvider));
return new SourceFactory(resolvers);
* Use the given [packageMap] and [options] to locate the SDK.
DartSdk findSdk(
Map<String, List<Folder>> packageMap, AnalysisOptions options) {
if (packageMap != null) {
EmbedderYamlLocator locator = new EmbedderYamlLocator(packageMap);
Map<Folder, YamlMap> embedderYamls = locator.embedderYamls;
EmbedderSdk embedderSdk = new EmbedderSdk(embedderYamls);
if (embedderSdk.sdkLibraries.length > 0) {
List<String> paths = <String>[];
for (Folder folder in embedderYamls.keys) {
SdkDescription description = new SdkDescription(paths, options);
DartSdk dartSdk = sdkManager.getSdk(description, () {
embedderSdk.analysisOptions = options;
embedderSdk.useSummary = sdkManager.canUseSummaries;
return embedderSdk;
return dartSdk;
String sdkPath = sdkManager.defaultSdkDirectory;
SdkDescription description = new SdkDescription(<String>[sdkPath], options);
return sdkManager.getSdk(description, () {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk =
new DirectoryBasedDartSdk(new JavaFile(sdkPath));
sdk.analysisOptions = options;
sdk.useSummary = sdkManager.canUseSummaries;
return sdk;
AnalysisOptions getAnalysisOptions(String rootDirectoryPath) {
AnalysisOptionsImpl options = new AnalysisOptionsImpl.from(defaultOptions);
File optionsFile = getOptionsFile(rootDirectoryPath);
if (optionsFile != null) {
Map<String, YamlNode> fileOptions =
new AnalysisOptionsProvider().getOptionsFromFile(optionsFile);
applyToAnalysisOptions(options, fileOptions);
return options;
File getOptionsFile(String rootDirectoryPath) {
if (defaultAnalysisOptionsFilePath != null) {
return resourceProvider.getFile(defaultAnalysisOptionsFilePath);
Folder root = resourceProvider.getFolder(rootDirectoryPath);
for (Folder folder = root; folder != null; folder = folder.parent) {
File file =
if (file.exists) {
return file;
file = folder
if (file.exists) {
return file;
return null;