blob: df2ed8c5f4b702b3a5bb5faf46dd542f196aa947 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:kernel/ast.dart" hide Visitor;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import 'package:kernel/src/bounds_checks.dart' show calculateBounds;
import 'package:kernel/testing/mock_sdk.dart' show mockSdk;
import 'package:kernel/testing/type_parser.dart' as type_parser show parse;
import 'package:kernel/testing/type_parser.dart'
import 'package:kernel/testing/type_parser.dart';
Component parseComponent(String source, Uri uri) {
Uri coreUri = Uri.parse("dart:core");
TypeParserEnvironment coreEnvironment =
new TypeParserEnvironment(coreUri, coreUri);
Library coreLibrary =
parseLibrary(coreUri, mockSdk, environment: coreEnvironment);
TypeParserEnvironment libraryEnvironment = new TypeParserEnvironment(uri, uri)
Library library = parseLibrary(uri, source, environment: libraryEnvironment); = "lib";
return new Component(libraries: <Library>[coreLibrary, library]);
Library parseLibrary(Uri uri, String text,
{Uri? fileUri, TypeParserEnvironment? environment}) {
fileUri ??= uri;
environment ??= new TypeParserEnvironment(uri, fileUri);
Library library =
new Library(uri, fileUri: fileUri, name: uri.path.replaceAll("/", "."));
List<ParsedType> types = type_parser.parse(text);
for (ParsedType type in types) {
if (type is ParsedClass) {
String name =;
new Class(fileUri: fileUri, name: name)
..typeParameters.addAll(new List<TypeParameter>.generate(
(int i) => new TypeParameter('T$i'))));
for (ParsedType type in types) {
Node node = environment._kernelFromParsedType(type);
if (node is Class) {
} else if (node is Typedef) {
} else {
throw "Unsupported: $node";
return library;
class Env {
late Component component;
late CoreTypes coreTypes;
late TypeParserEnvironment _libraryEnvironment;
final bool isNonNullableByDefault;
Env(String source, {required this.isNonNullableByDefault}) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(isNonNullableByDefault != null);
Uri libraryUri = Uri.parse('memory:main.dart');
Uri coreUri = Uri.parse("dart:core");
TypeParserEnvironment coreEnvironment =
new TypeParserEnvironment(coreUri, coreUri);
Library coreLibrary =
parseLibrary(coreUri, mockSdk, environment: coreEnvironment)
..isNonNullableByDefault = isNonNullableByDefault;
_libraryEnvironment = new TypeParserEnvironment(libraryUri, libraryUri)
Library library =
parseLibrary(libraryUri, source, environment: _libraryEnvironment)
..isNonNullableByDefault = isNonNullableByDefault; = "lib";
component = new Component(libraries: <Library>[coreLibrary, library]);
coreTypes = new CoreTypes(component);
DartType parseType(String text,
{Map<String, DartType Function()>? additionalTypes}) {
return _libraryEnvironment.parseType(text,
additionalTypes: additionalTypes);
List<DartType> parseTypes(String text,
{Map<String, DartType Function()>? additionalTypes}) {
return _libraryEnvironment.parseTypes(text,
additionalTypes: additionalTypes);
List<TypeParameter> extendWithTypeParameters(String? typeParameters) {
if (typeParameters == null || typeParameters.isEmpty) {
return <TypeParameter>[];
ParameterEnvironment parameterEnvironment =
_libraryEnvironment = parameterEnvironment.environment;
return parameterEnvironment.parameters;
void withTypeParameters(
String? typeParameters, void Function(List<TypeParameter>) f) {
if (typeParameters == null || typeParameters.isEmpty) {
} else {
TypeParserEnvironment oldLibraryEnvironment = _libraryEnvironment;
List<TypeParameter> typeParameterNodes =
_libraryEnvironment = oldLibraryEnvironment;
class TypeParserEnvironment {
final Uri uri;
final Uri fileUri;
final Map<String, TreeNode> _declarations = <String, TreeNode>{};
final TypeParserEnvironment? _parent;
/// Collects types to set their nullabilities after type parameters are ready.
/// [TypeParameterType]s may receive their nullability at the declaration or
/// from the bound of the [TypeParameter]s they refer to. If a
/// [TypeParameterType] is allocated at the time when the bound of the
/// [TypeParameter] is not set yet, that is, if it's encountered in that
/// bound or the bound of other [TypeParameter] from the same scope, and the
/// nullability of that [TypeParameterType] is not set at declaration, the
/// [TypeParameterType] is added to [pendingNullabilities], so that it can be
/// updated when the bound of the [TypeParameter] is ready.
final List<TypeParameterType> pendingNullabilities = <TypeParameterType>[];
TypeParserEnvironment(this.uri, this.fileUri, [this._parent]);
Node _kernelFromParsedType(ParsedType type,
{Map<String, DartType Function()>? additionalTypes}) {
Node node = type.accept(
new _KernelFromParsedType(additionalTypes: additionalTypes), this);
return node;
/// Parses a single type.
DartType parseType(String text,
{Map<String, DartType Function()>? additionalTypes}) {
return _kernelFromParsedType(type_parser.parse(text).single,
additionalTypes: additionalTypes) as DartType;
/// Parses a list of types separated by commas.
List<DartType> parseTypes(String text,
{Map<String, DartType Function()>? additionalTypes}) {
return (parseType("(${text}) -> void", additionalTypes: additionalTypes)
as FunctionType)
bool isObject(String name) => name == "Object" && "$uri" == "dart:core";
Class get objectClass => lookupDeclaration("Object") as Class;
TreeNode lookupDeclaration(String name) {
TreeNode? result = _declarations[name];
if (result == null && _parent != null) {
return _parent!.lookupDeclaration(name);
if (result == null) throw "Not found: $name";
return result;
T _registerDeclaration<T extends TreeNode>(String name, T declaration) {
TreeNode? existing = _declarations[name];
if (existing != null) {
throw "Duplicated declaration: $name";
return _declarations[name] = declaration;
TypeParserEnvironment _extend(Map<String, TreeNode> declarations) {
return new TypeParserEnvironment(uri, fileUri, this)
TypeParserEnvironment extendWithTypeParameters(String? typeParameters) {
if (typeParameters?.isEmpty ?? true) return this;
return extendToParameterEnvironment(typeParameters!).environment;
ParameterEnvironment extendToParameterEnvironment(String typeParameters) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(typeParameters != null && typeParameters.isNotEmpty);
return const _KernelFromParsedType().computeTypeParameterEnvironment(
parseTypeVariables("<${typeParameters}>"), this);
/// Returns the predefined type by the [name], if any.
/// Use this in subclasses to add support for additional predefined types.
DartType? getPredefinedNamedType(String name) {
if (_parent != null) {
return _parent!.getPredefinedNamedType(name);
return null;
class _KernelFromParsedType implements Visitor<Node, TypeParserEnvironment> {
final Map<String, DartType Function()>? additionalTypes; // Can be null.
const _KernelFromParsedType({this.additionalTypes});
DartType _parseType(ParsedType type, TypeParserEnvironment environment) {
return type.accept<Node, TypeParserEnvironment>(this, environment)
as DartType;
InterfaceType? _parseOptionalInterfaceType(
ParsedType? type, TypeParserEnvironment environment) {
return type?.accept<Node, TypeParserEnvironment>(this, environment)
as InterfaceType?;
DartType visitInterfaceType(
ParsedInterfaceType node, TypeParserEnvironment environment) {
String name =;
DartType? predefined = environment.getPredefinedNamedType(name);
if (predefined != null) {
return predefined;
} else if (name == "dynamic") {
// Don't return a const object to ensure we test implementations that use
// identical.
return new DynamicType();
} else if (name == "void") {
// Don't return a const object to ensure we test implementations that use
// identical.
return new VoidType();
} else if (name == "Never") {
// Don't return a const object to ensure we test implementations that use
// identical.
return NeverType.fromNullability(
} else if (name == "Null") {
// Don't return a const object to ensure we test implementations that use
// identical.
return new NullType();
} else if (name == "invalid") {
// Don't return a const object to ensure we test implementations that use
// identical.
return new InvalidType();
} else if (additionalTypes != null && additionalTypes!.containsKey(name)) {
return additionalTypes![name]!.call();
TreeNode declaration = environment.lookupDeclaration(name);
List<ParsedType> arguments = node.arguments;
List<DartType> kernelArguments =
new List<DartType>.filled(arguments.length, dummyDartType);
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
kernelArguments[i] = _parseType(arguments[i], environment);
if (name == "FutureOr") {
return new FutureOrType(kernelArguments.single,
if (declaration is Class) {
Nullability nullability =
if ( == 'Null' &&
declaration.enclosingLibrary.importUri.scheme == 'dart' &&
declaration.enclosingLibrary.importUri.path == 'core') {
if (node.parsedNullability != ParsedNullability.omitted) {
throw "Null type must be written without explicit nullability";
nullability = Nullability.nullable;
List<TypeParameter> typeVariables = declaration.typeParameters;
if (kernelArguments.isEmpty && typeVariables.isNotEmpty) {
kernelArguments =
new List<DartType>.filled(typeVariables.length, dummyDartType);
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++) {
kernelArguments[i] = typeVariables[i].defaultType!;
} else if (kernelArguments.length != typeVariables.length) {
throw "Expected ${typeVariables.length} type arguments: $node";
return new InterfaceType(declaration, nullability, kernelArguments);
} else if (declaration is TypeParameter) {
if (arguments.isNotEmpty) {
throw "Type variable can't have arguments (${})";
Nullability nullability = declaration.bound == null
? Nullability.nonNullable
: TypeParameterType.computeNullabilityFromBound(declaration);
TypeParameterType type = new TypeParameterType(
ifOmitted: nullability));
// If the nullability was omitted on the type and can't be computed from
// the bound because it's not yet available, it will be set to null. In
// that case, put it to the list to be updated later, when the bound is
// available.
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (type.declaredNullability == null) {
return type;
} else if (declaration is Typedef) {
return new TypedefType(declaration,
interpretParsedNullability(node.parsedNullability), kernelArguments);
} else {
throw "Unhandled ${declaration.runtimeType}";
Class visitClass(ParsedClass node, TypeParserEnvironment environment) {
String name =;
Class cls = environment.lookupDeclaration(name) as Class;
ParameterEnvironment parameterEnvironment =
computeTypeParameterEnvironment(node.typeVariables, environment);
List<TypeParameter> parameters = parameterEnvironment.parameters;
setParents(parameters, cls);
TypeParserEnvironment environment = parameterEnvironment.environment;
InterfaceType? type =
_parseOptionalInterfaceType(node.supertype, environment);
if (type == null) {
if (!environment.isObject(name)) {
cls.supertype = environment.objectClass.asRawSupertype;
} else {
cls.supertype = toSupertype(type);
InterfaceType? mixedInType =
_parseOptionalInterfaceType(node.mixedInType, environment);
if (mixedInType != null) {
cls.mixedInType = toSupertype(mixedInType);
List<ParsedType> interfaces = node.interfaces;
for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
_parseOptionalInterfaceType(interfaces[i], environment)!));
return cls;
Typedef visitTypedef(ParsedTypedef node, TypeParserEnvironment environment) {
String name =;
Typedef def = environment._registerDeclaration(
name, new Typedef(name, null, fileUri: environment.fileUri));
ParameterEnvironment parameterEnvironment =
computeTypeParameterEnvironment(node.typeVariables, environment);
DartType type;
TypeParserEnvironment environment = parameterEnvironment.environment;
type = _parseType(node.type, environment);
if (type is FunctionType) {
FunctionType f = type;
type = new FunctionType(
f.positionalParameters, f.returnType, Nullability.nonNullable,
namedParameters: f.namedParameters,
typeParameters: f.typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: f.requiredParameterCount,
typedefType: new TypedefType(
.map((p) => new TypeParameterType(
p, TypeParameterType.computeNullabilityFromBound(p)))
return def..type = type;
FunctionType visitFunctionType(
ParsedFunctionType node, TypeParserEnvironment environment) {
ParameterEnvironment parameterEnvironment =
computeTypeParameterEnvironment(node.typeVariables, environment);
List<DartType> positionalParameters = <DartType>[];
List<NamedType> namedParameters = <NamedType>[];
DartType returnType;
TypeParserEnvironment environment = parameterEnvironment.environment;
returnType = _parseType(node.returnType, environment);
for (ParsedType argument in node.arguments.required) {
positionalParameters.add(_parseType(argument, environment));
for (ParsedType argument in node.arguments.positional) {
positionalParameters.add(_parseType(argument, environment));
for (ParsedNamedArgument argument in node.arguments.named) {
namedParameters.add(new NamedType(, _parseType(argument.type, environment),
isRequired: argument.isRequired));
return new FunctionType(positionalParameters, returnType,
namedParameters: namedParameters,
requiredParameterCount: node.arguments.required.length,
typeParameters: parameterEnvironment.parameters);
VoidType visitVoidType(
ParsedVoidType node, TypeParserEnvironment environment) {
return const VoidType();
TypeParameter visitTypeVariable(
ParsedTypeVariable node, TypeParserEnvironment environment) {
throw "not implemented: $node";
TypeParameterType visitIntersectionType(
ParsedIntersectionType node, TypeParserEnvironment environment) {
TypeParameterType type =
_parseType(node.a, environment) as TypeParameterType;
DartType bound = _parseType(node.b, environment);
return new TypeParameterType.intersection(
type.parameter, type.nullability, bound);
Supertype toSupertype(InterfaceType type) {
return new Supertype.byReference(type.className, type.typeArguments);
ParameterEnvironment computeTypeParameterEnvironment(
List<ParsedTypeVariable> typeVariables,
TypeParserEnvironment environment) {
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = new List<TypeParameter>.filled(
typeVariables.length, dummyTypeParameter);
Map<String, TypeParameter> typeParametersByName = <String, TypeParameter>{};
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++) {
String name = typeVariables[i].name;
typeParametersByName[name] = typeParameters[i] = new TypeParameter(name);
TypeParserEnvironment nestedEnvironment =
Class objectClass = environment.objectClass;
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++) {
ParsedType? bound = typeVariables[i].bound;
TypeParameter typeParameter = typeParameters[i];
if (bound == null) {
..bound = new InterfaceType(
objectClass, Nullability.nullable, const <DartType>[])
..defaultType = const DynamicType();
} else {
DartType type = _parseType(bound, nestedEnvironment);
..bound = type
// The default type will be overridden below, but we need to set it
// so [calculateBounds] can distinguish between explicit and implicit
// bounds.
..defaultType = type;
List<DartType> defaultTypes = calculateBounds(typeParameters, objectClass,
new Library(new Uri.file("test.lib"))..isNonNullableByDefault = true);
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
typeParameters[i].defaultType = defaultTypes[i];
for (TypeParameterType type in nestedEnvironment.pendingNullabilities) {
type.declaredNullability =
return new ParameterEnvironment(typeParameters, nestedEnvironment);
class ParameterEnvironment {
final List<TypeParameter> parameters;
final TypeParserEnvironment environment;
const ParameterEnvironment(this.parameters, this.environment);