blob: 3cd024ba6e645736fd18d0ca9527cadd32c81d18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Top level comment of sorts. With utf8 stuff → in it so offsets aren't byte
// offset!
library top_level_stuff;
import "top_level_stuff_helper.dart";
export "top_level_stuff_helper.dart";
import "top_level_stuff_helper.dart" show a, b, c hide d, e, f show foo;
export "top_level_stuff_helper.dart" show a, b, c hide d, e, f show foo;
part 'top_level_stuff_helper.dart';
void toplevelMethod() {
// no content
List<E> anotherTopLevelMethod<E>() {
return null;
enum FooEnum { A, B, Bla }
class FooClass {
// no content.
mixin FooMixin {
// no content.
class A<T> {
// no content.
typedef B = Function();
mixin C<T> on A<T> {
// no content.
extension D<T> on A<T> {
// no content.
class E = A with FooClass;
int field1;
int field2, field3;
int field4 = 42;