blob: e731acd8e06368fc956f74f304bb4f5e29fb6104 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/util/parser_ast_helper.dart';
enum Coloring { Untouched, Marked }
abstract class AstNode {
Map<String, List<AstNode>> scope = {};
Container? parent;
ParserAstNode get node;
Token get startInclusive;
Token get endInclusive;
Coloring marked = Coloring.Untouched;
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent);
void buildScope();
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope();
List<AstNode>? findInScope(String name) {
return scope[name] ?? parent?.findInScope(name);
abstract class Container extends AstNode {
List<AstNode> _children = [];
Iterable<AstNode> get children => _children;
void addChild(AstNode child, Map<ParserAstNode, AstNode> map) {
child.parent = this;
map[child.node] = child;
class TopLevel extends Container {
final String sourceText;
final Uri uri;
final ParserAstNode node;
final Map<ParserAstNode, AstNode> map;
TopLevel(this.sourceText, this.uri, this.node,;
String toString() => toStringInternal(new StringBuffer(), 0).toString();
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (_children.isEmpty) {
String stringIndent = " " * ((indent + 1) * 2);
} else {
for (AstNode node in _children) {
node.toStringInternal(sb, indent + 1);
return sb;
void buildScope() {
for (AstNode child in _children) {
for (MapEntry<String, AstNode> entry in child.selfScope().entries) {
(scope[entry.key] ??= []).add(entry.value);
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return const {};
Token get endInclusive => throw new UnimplementedError();
Token get startInclusive => throw new UnimplementedError();
class Class extends Container {
final TopLevelDeclarationEnd node;
final String name;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
Class(this.node,, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Class $name");
if (_children.isEmpty) {
String stringIndent = " " * ((indent + 1) * 2);
} else {
for (AstNode node in _children) {
node.toStringInternal(sb, indent + 1);
return sb;
void buildScope() {
for (AstNode child in _children) {
for (MapEntry<String, AstNode> entry in child.selfScope().entries) {
(scope[entry.key] ??= []).add(entry.value);
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return {name: this};
class Mixin extends Container {
final TopLevelDeclarationEnd node;
final String name;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
Mixin(this.node,, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Mixin $name");
if (_children.isEmpty) {
String stringIndent = " " * ((indent + 1) * 2);
} else {
for (AstNode node in _children) {
node.toStringInternal(sb, indent + 1);
return sb;
void buildScope() {
for (AstNode child in _children) {
for (MapEntry<String, AstNode> entry in child.selfScope().entries) {
(scope[entry.key] ??= []).add(entry.value);
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return {name: this};
class Extension extends Container {
final TopLevelDeclarationEnd node;
final String? name;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
Extension(this.node,, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Extension $name");
if (_children.isEmpty) {
String stringIndent = " " * ((indent + 1) * 2);
} else {
for (AstNode node in _children) {
node.toStringInternal(sb, indent + 1);
return sb;
void buildScope() {
for (AstNode child in _children) {
for (MapEntry<String, AstNode> entry in child.selfScope().entries) {
(scope[entry.key] ??= []).add(entry.value);
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
if (name != null) {
return {name!: this};
} else {
return const {};
class ClassConstructor extends AstNode {
final ClassConstructorEnd node;
final String name;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
this.node,, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Class constructor $name");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
// TODO: Possibly this should be different...
return {name: this};
class ClassFactoryMethod extends AstNode {
final ClassFactoryMethodEnd node;
final String name;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
this.node,, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Class factory constructor $name");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
// TODO: Possibly this should be different...
return {name: this};
class ClassMethod extends AstNode {
final ClassMethodEnd node;
final String name;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
ClassMethod(this.node,, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Class method $name");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return {name: this};
class ExtensionMethod extends AstNode {
final ExtensionMethodEnd node;
final String name;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
ExtensionMethod(this.node,, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Extension method $name");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return {name: this};
class MixinMethod extends AstNode {
final MixinMethodEnd node;
final String name;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
MixinMethod(this.node,, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Mixin method $name");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return {name: this};
class Enum extends AstNode {
final EnumEnd node;
final String name;
final List<String> members;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
Enum(this.node,, this.members, this.startInclusive,
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Enum $name with members $members");
return sb;
void buildScope() {
for (String child in members) {
scope[child] = [this];
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return {name: this};
class Import extends AstNode {
final ImportEnd node;
final Uri firstUri;
final List<Uri>? conditionalUris;
final String? asName;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
Import(this.node, this.firstUri, this.conditionalUris, this.asName,
this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
List<Uri> get uris => [firstUri, ...?conditionalUris];
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
if (asName == null) {
sb.writeln("Import of $uris");
} else {
sb.writeln("Import of $uris as '$asName'");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
if (asName != null) {
return {asName!: this};
return const {};
class Export extends AstNode {
final ExportEnd node;
final Uri firstUri;
final List<Uri>? conditionalUris;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
Export(this.node, this.firstUri, this.conditionalUris, this.startInclusive,
List<Uri> get uris => [firstUri, ...?conditionalUris];
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Export of $uris");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return const {};
class Part extends AstNode {
final PartEnd node;
final Uri uri;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
Part(this.node, this.uri, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Part $uri");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return const {};
class TopLevelFields extends AstNode {
final TopLevelFieldsEnd node;
final List<String> names;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
TopLevelFields(this.node, this.names, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Top level field(s) ${names.join(", ")}");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
Map<String, AstNode> scope = {};
for (String name in names) {
scope[name] = this;
return scope;
class TopLevelMethod extends AstNode {
final TopLevelMethodEnd node;
final String name;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
TopLevelMethod(this.node,, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Top level method $name");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return {name: this};
class Typedef extends AstNode {
final TypedefEnd node;
final String name;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
Typedef(this.node,, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Top level method $name");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return {name: this};
class ClassFields extends AstNode {
final ClassFieldsEnd node;
final List<String> names;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
ClassFields(this.node, this.names, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Class field(s) ${names.join(", ")}");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
Map<String, AstNode> scope = {};
for (String name in names) {
scope[name] = this;
return scope;
class MixinFields extends AstNode {
final MixinFieldsEnd node;
final List<String> names;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
MixinFields(this.node, this.names, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Mixin field(s) ${names.join(", ")}");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
Map<String, AstNode> scope = {};
for (String name in names) {
scope[name] = this;
return scope;
class ExtensionFields extends AstNode {
final ExtensionFieldsEnd node;
final List<String> names;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
this.node, this.names, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("Extension field(s) ${names.join(", ")}");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
Map<String, AstNode> scope = {};
for (String name in names) {
scope[name] = this;
return scope;
class Metadata extends AstNode {
final MetadataEnd node;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
Metadata(this.node, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return const {};
class LibraryName extends AstNode {
final LibraryNameEnd node;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
LibraryName(this.node, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("library name");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return const {};
class PartOf extends AstNode {
final PartOfEnd node;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
final Uri partOfUri;
PartOf(this.node, this.partOfUri, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
sb.writeln("part of");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return const {};
class LanguageVersion extends AstNode {
final ParserAstNode node;
final Token startInclusive;
final Token endInclusive;
LanguageVersion(this.node, this.startInclusive, this.endInclusive);
StringBuffer toStringInternal(StringBuffer sb, int indent) {
String stringIndent = " " * (indent * 2);
if (marked != Coloring.Untouched) {
sb.write("(marked) ");
return sb;
void buildScope() {}
Map<String, AstNode> selfScope() {
return const {};