blob: a6ad2d8c201f89a6284fd48bbc14c8cbf65de197 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
extension IterableOfStringExtension on Iterable<String> {
/// Produce a comma-separated representation of this iterable, with the last
/// element preceded by 'and' when there are more than two elements in this
/// iterable.
String get commaSeparatedWithAnd => _commaSeparated('and');
/// Produce a comma-separated representation of this iterable, with the last
/// element preceded by 'or' when there are more than two elements in this
/// iterable.
String get commaSeparatedWithOr => _commaSeparated('or');
/// Produce a comma-separated representation of this iterable, with the last
/// element preceded by 'and' when there are more than two elements in this
/// iterable, and a pair of single quotes surrounding each element.
String get quotedAndCommaSeparatedWithAnd =>
_commaSeparated('and', quoted: true);
/// Produce a comma-separated representation of this iterable, with the last
/// element preceded by the [conjunction] when there are more than two
/// elements in this iterable.
/// Each element is surrounded by a pair of single quotes if [quoted] is true.
String _commaSeparated(String conjunction, {bool quoted = false}) {
var iterator = this.iterator;
// If has zero elements.
if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
return '';
var first = iterator.current;
// If has one element.
if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
return quoted ? "'$first'" : first;
var second = iterator.current;
// If has two elements.
if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
return quoted
? "'$first' $conjunction '$second'"
: '$first $conjunction $second';
var third = iterator.current;
var buffer = StringBuffer();
_writeElement(buffer, first, quoted);
buffer.write(', ');
_writeElement(buffer, second, quoted);
var nextToWrite = third;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
buffer.write(', ');
_writeElement(buffer, nextToWrite, quoted);
nextToWrite = iterator.current;
buffer.write(', ');
buffer.write(' ');
_writeElement(buffer, nextToWrite, quoted);
return buffer.toString();
void _writeElement(StringBuffer buffer, String element, bool quoted) {
if (quoted) {
if (quoted) {