blob: 03f0cc31780c87759daa6ab3f8dfb199f8f98d1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:test_runner/src/test_file.dart';
import 'package:test_runner/src/update_errors.dart';
// Note: This test file validates how some of the special markers used by the
// test runner are parsed. But this test is also run *by* that same test
// runner, and we don't want it to see the markers inside the string literals
// here as significant, so we obfuscate them using seemingly-pointless string
// escapes here like `\/`.
Future<void> main() async {
// Inserts analyzer, CFE, and both errors.
int i = "bad";
int another = "wrong";
int third = "boo";
""", errors: [
StaticError(line: 1, column: 9, length: 5, code: "some.error"),
StaticError(line: 3, column: 15, length: 7, message: "Bad."),
line: 5,
column: 13,
length: 5,
code: "an.error",
message: "Wrong.\nLine.\nAnother."),
], expected: """
int i = "bad";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [analyzer] some.error
int another = "wrong";
/\/ ^^^^^^^
/\/ [cfe] Bad.
int third = "boo";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [analyzer] an.error
/\/ [cfe] Wrong.
/\/ Line.
/\/ Another.
// Removes only analyzer errors.
int i = "bad";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [analyzer] some.error
int another = "wrong";
/\/ ^^^^^^^
/\/ [cfe] Bad.
int third = "boo";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [analyzer] an.error
/\/ [cfe] Wrong.
removeCfe: false,
expected: """
int i = "bad";
int another = "wrong";
/\/ ^^^^^^^
/\/ [cfe] Bad.
int third = "boo";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [cfe] Wrong.
// Removes only CFE errors.
int i = "bad";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [analyzer] some.error
int another = "wrong";
/\/ ^^^^^^^
/\/ [cfe] Bad.
int third = "boo";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [analyzer] an.error
/\/ [cfe] Wrong.
removeAnalyzer: false,
expected: """
int i = "bad";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [analyzer] some.error
int another = "wrong";
int third = "boo";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [analyzer] an.error
// Preserves previous error's indentation if possible.
int i = "bad";
/\/ ^^
/\/ [analyzer] previous.error
""", errors: [
line: 1,
column: 9,
length: 5,
code: "updated.error",
message: "Long.\nError.\nMessage."),
], expected: """
int i = "bad";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [analyzer] updated.error
/\/ [cfe] Long.
/\/ Error.
/\/ Message.
// Uses previous line's indentation if there was no existing error
// expectation.
main() {
int i = "bad";
""", errors: [
StaticError(line: 2, column: 11, length: 5, code: "updated.error"),
], expected: """
main() {
int i = "bad";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [analyzer] updated.error
// Discards indentation if it would collide with carets.
int i = "bad";
/\/ ^^
/\/ [analyzer] previous.error
main() {
int i =
""", errors: [
StaticError(line: 1, column: 9, length: 5, message: "Error."),
StaticError(line: 7, column: 3, length: 5, code: "new.error"),
], expected: """
int i = "bad";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [cfe] Error.
main() {
int i =
/\/ [analyzer] new.error
// Uses an explicit error location if there's no room for the carets.
int i =
/\/ ^^
/\/ [analyzer] previous.error
int j =
""", errors: [
StaticError(line: 2, column: 1, length: 5, code: "updated.error"),
StaticError(line: 7, column: 1, length: 5, message: "Error."),
], expected: """
int i =
/\/ [error line 2, column 1, length 5]
/\/ [analyzer] updated.error
int j =
/\/ [error line 7, column 1, length 5]
/\/ [cfe] Error.
// Uses an explicit error location if there's no length.
int i = "bad";
""", errors: [StaticError(line: 1, column: 9, message: "Error.")], expected: """
int i = "bad";
/\/ [error line 1, column 9]
/\/ [cfe] Error.
// Explicit error location handles null length.
int i =
""", errors: [StaticError(line: 2, column: 1, message: "Error.")], expected: """
int i =
/\/ [error line 2, column 1]
/\/ [cfe] Error.
// Inserts a blank line if a subsequent line comment would become part of the
// error message.
int i = "bad";
// Line comment.
""", errors: [
StaticError(line: 1, column: 9, length: 5, message: "Wrong."),
], expected: """
int i = "bad";
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [cfe] Wrong.
// Line comment.
// Multiple errors on the same line are ordered by column then length.
""", errors: [
StaticError(line: 1, column: 9, length: 5, message: "Wrong 1."),
StaticError(line: 1, column: 9, length: 4, message: "Wrong 2."),
StaticError(line: 1, column: 6, length: 3, message: "Wrong 3."),
StaticError(line: 1, column: 5, length: 5, message: "Wrong 4."),
], expected: """
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [cfe] Wrong 4.
/\/ ^^^
/\/ [cfe] Wrong 3.
/\/ ^^^^
/\/ [cfe] Wrong 2.
/\/ ^^^^^
/\/ [cfe] Wrong 1.
void expectUpdate(String original,
{List<StaticError> errors,
bool removeAnalyzer = true,
bool removeCfe = true,
String expected}) {
errors ??= const [];
var actual = updateErrorExpectations(original, errors,
removeAnalyzer: removeAnalyzer, removeCfe: removeCfe);
if (actual != expected) {
// Not using Expect.equals() because the diffs it shows aren't helpful for
// strings this large."Output did not match expectation. Expected:\n$expected"