blob: ca02b18d8ddf68daccf337a34ee93504d427442a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library defines the operations that define and manipulate Dart
/// classes. Included in this are:
/// - Generics
/// - Class metadata
/// - Extension methods
// TODO(leafp): Consider splitting some of this out.
part of dart._runtime;
/// Returns a new type that mixes members from base and the mixin.
void applyMixin(to, from) {
JS('', '#[#] = #', to, _mixin, from);
var toProto = JS('', '#.prototype', to);
var fromProto = JS('', '#.prototype', from);
_copyMembers(toProto, fromProto);
_mixinSignature(to, from, _methodSig);
_mixinSignature(to, from, _fieldSig);
_mixinSignature(to, from, _getterSig);
_mixinSignature(to, from, _setterSig);
var mixinOnFn = JS('', '#[#]', from, mixinOn);
if (mixinOnFn != null) {
var proto = JS('', '#(#.__proto__).prototype', mixinOnFn, to);
_copyMembers(toProto, proto);
void _copyMembers(to, from) {
var names = getOwnNamesAndSymbols(from);
for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', names); i < n; ++i) {
String name = JS('', '#[#]', names, i);
if (name == 'constructor') continue;
_copyMember(to, from, name);
return to;
void _copyMember(to, from, name) {
var desc = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, name);
if (JS('!', '# == Symbol.iterator', name)) {
// On native types, Symbol.iterator may already be present.
// TODO(jmesserly): investigate if we still need this.
// If so, we need to find a better solution.
// See
var existing = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(to, name);
if (existing != null) {
if (JS('!', '#.writable', existing)) {
JS('', '#[#] = #.value', to, name, desc);
var getter = JS('', '#.get', desc);
var setter = JS('', '#.set', desc);
if (getter != null) {
if (setter == null) {
var obj = JS<Object>(
'#.set = { __proto__: #.__proto__, '
'set [#](x) { return super[#] = x; } }',
'!', '#.set = #.set', desc, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name));
} else if (setter != null) {
if (getter == null) {
var obj = JS<Object>(
'#.get = { __proto__: #.__proto__, '
'get [#]() { return super[#]; } }',
'!', '#.get = #.get', desc, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name));
defineProperty(to, name, desc);
void _mixinSignature(to, from, kind) {
JS('', '#[#] = #', to, kind, () {
var baseMembers = _getMembers(JS('', '#.__proto__', to), kind);
var fromMembers = _getMembers(from, kind);
if (fromMembers == null) return baseMembers;
var toSignature = JS('', '{ __proto__: # }', baseMembers);
copyProperties(toSignature, fromMembers);
return toSignature;
final _mixin = JS('', 'Symbol("mixin")');
getMixin(clazz) => JS('', ', #) ? #[#] : null',
clazz, _mixin, clazz, _mixin);
final mixinOn = JS('', 'Symbol("mixinOn")');
final implements_ = JS('', 'Symbol("implements")');
/// Either `null` if `clazz` doesn't directly implement any interfaces or a
/// list of type objects if it does. Note, indirectly (e.g., via superclass)
/// implemented interfaces aren't included here.
/// See compiler.dart for when/how it is emitted.
List Function()? getImplements(clazz) => JS(
', #) ? #[#] : null',
/// The Symbol for storing type arguments on a specialized generic type.
final _typeArguments = JS('', 'Symbol("typeArguments")');
final _variances = JS('', 'Symbol("variances")');
final _originalDeclaration = JS('', 'Symbol("originalDeclaration")');
final mixinNew = JS('', 'Symbol("dart.mixinNew")');
/// Normalizes `FutureOr` types when they are constructed at runtime.
/// This normalization should mirror the normalization performed at compile time
/// in the method named `_normalizeFutureOr()`.
/// **NOTE** Normalization of FutureOr<T?>? --> FutureOr<T?> is handled in
/// [nullable].
normalizeFutureOr(typeConstructor, setBaseClass) {
// The canonical version of the generic FutureOr type constructor.
var genericFutureOrType =
JS('!', '#', generic(typeConstructor, setBaseClass));
normalize(typeArg) {
// Normalize raw FutureOr --> dynamic
if (JS<bool>('!', '# == void 0', typeArg)) return _dynamic;
// FutureOr<dynamic|void|Object?|Object*|Object> -->
// dynamic|void|Object?|Object*|Object
if (_isTop(typeArg) ||
_equalType(typeArg, Object) ||
(_jsInstanceOf(typeArg, LegacyType) &&
JS<bool>('!', '#.type === #', typeArg, Object))) {
return typeArg;
// FutureOr<Never> --> Future<Never>
if (_equalType(typeArg, Never)) {
return JS('!', '#(#)', getGenericClassStatic<Future>(), typeArg);
// FutureOr<Null> --> Future<Null>?
if (_equalType(typeArg, Null)) {
return nullable(
JS('!', '#(#)', getGenericClassStatic<Future>(), typeArg));
// Otherwise, create the FutureOr<T> type as a normal generic type.
var genericType = JS('!', '#(#)', genericFutureOrType, typeArg);
// Overwrite the original declaration so that it correctly points back to
// this method. This ensures that the we can test a type value returned here
// as a FutureOr because it is equal to 'async.FutureOr` (in the JS).
JS('!', '#[#] = #', genericType, _originalDeclaration, normalize);
JS('!', '#(#)', addTypeCaches, genericType);
// Add FutureOr specific is and as methods.
is_FutureOr(obj) =>
JS<bool>('!', '', typeArg, obj) ||
'!', '#(#).is(#)', getGenericClassStatic<Future>(), typeArg, obj);
JS('!', ' = #', genericType, is_FutureOr);
as_FutureOr(obj) {
// Special test to handle case for mixed mode non-nullable FutureOr of a
// legacy type. This allows casts like `null as FutureOr<int*>` to work
// in weak and sound mode.
if (obj == null && _jsInstanceOf(typeArg, LegacyType)) {
return obj;
if (JS<bool>('!', '', typeArg, obj) ||
JS<bool>('!', '#(#).is(#)', getGenericClassStatic<Future>(), typeArg,
obj)) {
return obj;
return cast(
obj, JS('!', '#(#)', getGenericClassStatic<FutureOr>(), typeArg));
JS('!', ' = #', genericType, as_FutureOr);
return genericType;
return normalize;
/// Memoize a generic type constructor function.
generic(typeConstructor, setBaseClass) => JS('', '''(() => {
let length = $typeConstructor.length;
if (length < 1) {
$throwInternalError('must have at least one generic type argument');
let resultMap = new Map();
// TODO(vsm): Rethink how to clear the resultMap on hot restart.
// A simple clear via:
// _cacheMaps.push(resultMap);
// will break (a) we hoist type expressions in generated code and
// (b) we don't clear those type expressions in the presence of a
// hot restart. Not clearing this map (as we're doing now) should
// not affect correctness, but can result in a memory leak across
// multiple restarts.
function makeGenericType(...args) {
if (args.length != length && args.length != 0) {
$throwInternalError('requires ' + length + ' or 0 type arguments');
while (args.length < length) args.push($dynamic);
let value = resultMap;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
let arg = args[i];
if (arg == null) {
$throwInternalError('type arguments should not be null: '
+ $typeConstructor);
let map = value;
value = map.get(arg);
if (value === void 0) {
if (i + 1 == length) {
value = $typeConstructor.apply(null, args);
// Save the type constructor and arguments for reflection.
if (value) {
value[$_typeArguments] = args;
value[$_originalDeclaration] = makeGenericType;
map.set(arg, value);
if ($setBaseClass != null) $setBaseClass.apply(null, args);
} else {
value = new Map();
map.set(arg, value);
return value;
makeGenericType[$_genericTypeCtor] = $typeConstructor;
return makeGenericType;
getGenericClass(type) => safeGetOwnProperty(type, _originalDeclaration);
/// Extracts the type argument as the accessor for the JS class.
/// Should be used in place of [getGenericClass] when we know the class we want
/// statically.
/// This value is extracted and inlined by the compiler without any runtime
/// operations. The implementation here is only provided as a theoretical fall
/// back and shouldn't actually be run.
/// For example `getGenericClassStatic<FutureOr>` emits `async.FutureOr$`
/// directly.
external getGenericClassStatic<T>();
// TODO(markzipan): Make this non-nullable if we can ensure this returns
// an empty list or if null and the empty list are semantically the same.
List? getGenericArgs(type) =>
JS<List?>('', '#', safeGetOwnProperty(type, _typeArguments));
List? getGenericArgVariances(type) =>
JS<List?>('', '#', safeGetOwnProperty(type, _variances));
void setGenericArgVariances(f, variances) =>
JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _variances, variances);
List<TypeVariable> getGenericTypeFormals(genericClass) {
return _typeFormalsFromFunction(getGenericTypeCtor(genericClass));
Object instantiateClass(Object genericClass, List<Object> typeArgs) {
return JS('', '#.apply(null, #)', genericClass, typeArgs);
final _constructorSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigCtor")');
final _methodSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigMethod")');
final _fieldSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigField")');
final _getterSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigGetter")');
final _setterSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigSetter")');
final _staticMethodSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigStaticMethod")');
final _staticFieldSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigStaticField")');
final _staticGetterSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigStaticGetter")');
final _staticSetterSig = JS('', 'Symbol("sigStaticSetter")');
final _genericTypeCtor = JS('', 'Symbol("genericType")');
final _libraryUri = JS('', 'Symbol("libraryUri")');
getConstructors(value) => _getMembers(value, _constructorSig);
getMethods(value) => _getMembers(value, _methodSig);
getFields(value) => _getMembers(value, _fieldSig);
getGetters(value) => _getMembers(value, _getterSig);
getSetters(value) => _getMembers(value, _setterSig);
getStaticMethods(value) => _getMembers(value, _staticMethodSig);
getStaticFields(value) => _getMembers(value, _staticFieldSig);
getStaticGetters(value) => _getMembers(value, _staticGetterSig);
getStaticSetters(value) => _getMembers(value, _staticSetterSig);
getGenericTypeCtor(value) => JS('', '#[#]', value, _genericTypeCtor);
/// Get the type of an object.
getType(obj) {
if (obj == null) return JS('!', '#', Object);
// Object.create(null) produces a js object without a prototype.
// In that case use the native Object constructor.
var constructor = JS('!', '#.constructor', obj);
return JS('!', '# ? # : #.Object.prototype.constructor', constructor,
constructor, global_);
getLibraryUri(value) => JS('', '#[#]', value, _libraryUri);
setLibraryUri(f, uri) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _libraryUri, uri);
bool isJsInterop(obj) {
if (obj == null) return false;
if (JS('!', 'typeof # === "function"', obj)) {
// A function is a Dart function if it has runtime type information.
return JS('!', '#[#] == null', obj, _runtimeType);
// Primitive types are not JS interop types.
if (JS('!', 'typeof # !== "object"', obj)) return false;
// Extension types are not considered JS interop types.
// Note that it is still possible to call typed JS interop methods on
// extension types but the calls must be statically typed.
if (JS('!', '#[#] != null', obj, _extensionType)) return false;
return !_jsInstanceOf(obj, Object);
/// Get the type of a method from a type using the stored signature
getMethodType(type, name) {
var m = getMethods(type);
return m != null ? JS('', '#[#]', m, name) : null;
/// Gets the type of the corresponding setter (this includes writable fields).
getSetterType(type, name) {
var setters = getSetters(type);
if (setters != null) {
var type = JS('', '#[#]', setters, name);
if (type != null) {
return type;
var fields = getFields(type);
if (fields != null) {
var fieldInfo = JS('', '#[#]', fields, name);
if (fieldInfo != null && JS<bool>('!', '!#.isFinal', fieldInfo)) {
return JS('', '#.type', fieldInfo);
return null;
finalFieldType(type, metadata) =>
JS('', '{ type: #, isFinal: true, metadata: # }', type, metadata);
fieldType(type, metadata) =>
JS('', '{ type: #, isFinal: false, metadata: # }', type, metadata);
/// Get the type of a constructor from a class using the stored signature
/// If name is undefined, returns the type of the default constructor
/// Returns undefined if the constructor is not found.
classGetConstructorType(cls, name) {
if (cls == null) return null;
if (name == null) name = 'new';
var ctors = getConstructors(cls);
return ctors != null ? JS('', '#[#]', ctors, name) : null;
void setMethodSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _methodSig, sigF);
void setFieldSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _fieldSig, sigF);
void setGetterSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _getterSig, sigF);
void setSetterSignature(f, sigF) => JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _setterSig, sigF);
// Set up the constructor signature field on the constructor
void setConstructorSignature(f, sigF) =>
JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _constructorSig, sigF);
// Set up the static signature field on the constructor
void setStaticMethodSignature(f, sigF) =>
JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _staticMethodSig, sigF);
void setStaticFieldSignature(f, sigF) =>
JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _staticFieldSig, sigF);
void setStaticGetterSignature(f, sigF) =>
JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _staticGetterSig, sigF);
void setStaticSetterSignature(f, sigF) =>
JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _staticSetterSig, sigF);
_getMembers(type, kind) {
var sig = JS('', '#[#]', type, kind);
return JS<bool>('!', 'typeof # == "function"', sig)
? JS('', '#[#] = #()', type, kind, sig)
: sig;
bool _hasMember(type, kind, name) {
var sig = _getMembers(type, kind);
return sig != null && JS<bool>('!', '# in #', name, sig);
bool hasMethod(type, name) => _hasMember(type, _methodSig, name);
bool hasGetter(type, name) => _hasMember(type, _getterSig, name);
bool hasSetter(type, name) => _hasMember(type, _setterSig, name);
bool hasField(type, name) => _hasMember(type, _fieldSig, name);
final _extensionType = JS('', 'Symbol("extensionType")');
final dartx = JS('', 'dartx');
/// Install properties in prototype-first order. Properties / descriptors from
/// more specific types should overwrite ones from less specific types.
void _installProperties(jsProto, dartType, installedParent) {
if (JS('!', '# === #', dartType, Object)) {
// If the extension methods of the parent have been installed on the parent
// of [jsProto], the methods will be available via prototype inheritance.
var dartSupertype = JS<Object>('!', '#.__proto__', dartType);
if (JS('!', '# !== #', dartSupertype, installedParent)) {
_installProperties(jsProto, dartSupertype, installedParent);
var dartProto = JS<Object>('!', '#.prototype', dartType);
copyTheseProperties(jsProto, dartProto, getOwnPropertySymbols(dartProto));
void _installPropertiesForObject(jsProto) {
// core.Object members need to be copied from the non-symbol name to the
// symbol name.
var coreObjProto = JS<Object>('!', '#.prototype', Object);
var names = getOwnPropertyNames(coreObjProto);
for (int i = 0, n = JS('!', '#.length', names); i < n; ++i) {
var name = JS<String>('!', '#[#]', names, i);
if (name == 'constructor') continue;
var desc = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(coreObjProto, name);
defineProperty(jsProto, JS('', '#.#', dartx, name), desc);
void _installPropertiesForGlobalObject(jsProto) {
// Use JS toString for JS objects, rather than the Dart one.
JS('', '#[dartx.toString] = function() { return this.toString(); }', jsProto);
identityEquals ??= JS('', '#[dartx._equals]', jsProto);
final _extensionMap = JS('', 'new Map()');
void _applyExtension(jsType, dartExtType) {
// TODO(vsm): Not all registered js types are real.
if (jsType == null) return;
var jsProto = JS('', '#.prototype', jsType);
if (jsProto == null) return;
if (JS('!', '# === #', dartExtType, Object)) {
if (JS('!', '# === #.Object', jsType, global_)) {
var extName = JS<String>('!', '', dartExtType);
"Attempting to install properties from non-Object type '$extName' onto the native JS Object.");
jsProto, dartExtType, JS('', '#[#]', jsProto, _extensionType));
// Mark the JS type's instances so we can easily check for extensions.
if (JS('!', '# !== #', dartExtType, JSFunction)) {
JS('', '#[#] = #', jsProto, _extensionType, dartExtType);
JS('', '#[#] = #[#]', jsType, _methodSig, dartExtType, _methodSig);
JS('', '#[#] = #[#]', jsType, _fieldSig, dartExtType, _fieldSig);
JS('', '#[#] = #[#]', jsType, _getterSig, dartExtType, _getterSig);
JS('', '#[#] = #[#]', jsType, _setterSig, dartExtType, _setterSig);
/// Apply the previously registered extension to the type of [nativeObject].
/// This is intended for types that are not available to polyfill at startup.
applyExtension(name, nativeObject) {
var dartExtType = JS('', '#.get(#)', _extensionMap, name);
var jsType = JS('', '#.constructor', nativeObject);
_applyExtension(jsType, dartExtType);
/// Apply all registered extensions to a window. This is intended for
/// different frames, where registrations need to be reapplied.
applyAllExtensions(global) {
JS('', '#.forEach((dartExtType, name) => #(#[name], dartExtType))',
_extensionMap, _applyExtension, global);
/// Copy symbols from the prototype of the source to destination.
/// These are the only properties safe to copy onto an existing public
/// JavaScript class.
registerExtension(name, dartExtType) {
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _extensionMap, name, dartExtType);
var jsType = JS('', '#[#]', global_, name);
_applyExtension(jsType, dartExtType);
/// Apply a previously registered extension for testing purposes.
/// This method's only purpose is to aid in testing native classes. Most native
/// tests define JavaScript classes in user code (e.g. in an eval string). The
/// dartdevc compiler properly calls `registerExtension` when processing the
/// native class declarations in Dart, but at that point in time the JavaScript
/// counterpart is not defined.
/// This method is used to lookup those registrations and reapply the extension
/// after the JavaScript declarations are added.
/// An alternative to this would be to invest in a better test infrastructure
/// that would let us define the JavaScript code prior to loading the compiled
/// module.
applyExtensionForTesting(name) {
var dartExtType = JS('', '#.get(#)', _extensionMap, name);
var jsType = JS('', '#[#]', global_, name);
_applyExtension(jsType, dartExtType);
/// Mark a concrete type as implementing extension methods.
/// For example: `class MyIter implements Iterable`.
/// This takes a list of names, which are the extension methods implemented.
/// It will add a forwarder, so the extension method name redirects to the
/// normal Dart method name. For example:
/// defineExtensionMembers(MyType, ['add', 'remove']);
/// Results in:
/// MyType.prototype[dartx.add] = MyType.prototype.add;
/// MyType.prototype[dartx.remove] = MyType.prototype.remove;
// TODO(jmesserly): essentially this gives two names to the same method.
// This benefit is roughly equivalent call performance either way, but the
// cost is we need to call defineExtensionMembers any time a subclass
// overrides one of these methods.
defineExtensionMethods(type, Iterable memberNames) {
var proto = JS('', '#.prototype', type);
for (var name in memberNames) {
JS('', '#[dartx.#] = #[#]', proto, name, proto, name);
/// Like [defineExtensionMethods], but for getter/setter pairs.
void defineExtensionAccessors(type, Iterable memberNames) {
var proto = JS<Object>('!', '#.prototype', type);
for (var name in memberNames) {
// Find the member. It should always exist (or we have a compiler bug).
var member;
var p = proto;
for (;; p = JS<Object>('!', '#.__proto__', p)) {
member = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, name);
if (member != null) break;
defineProperty(proto, JS('', 'dartx[#]', name), member);
definePrimitiveHashCode(proto) {
defineProperty(proto, identityHashCode_,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, extensionSymbol('hashCode')));
/// Link the extension to the type it's extending as a base class.
setBaseClass(derived, base) {
JS('', '#.prototype.__proto__ = #.prototype', derived, base);
// We use __proto__ to track the superclass hierarchy (see isSubtypeOf).
JS('', '#.__proto__ = #', derived, base);
/// Like [setBaseClass], but for generic extension types such as `JSArray<E>`.
setExtensionBaseClass(dartType, jsType) {
// Mark the generic type as an extension type and link the prototype objects.
var dartProto = JS('', '#.prototype', dartType);
JS('', '#[#] = #', dartProto, _extensionType, dartType);
JS('', '#.__proto__ = #.prototype', dartProto, jsType);
/// Adds type test predicates to a class/interface type [ctor], using the
/// provided [isClass] JS Symbol.
/// This will operate quickly for non-generic types, native extension types,
/// as well as matching exact generic type arguments:
/// class C<T> {}
/// class D extends C<int> {}
/// main() { dynamic d = new D(); d as C<int>; }
addTypeTests(ctor, isClass) {
if (isClass == null) isClass = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_" +');
// TODO(jmesserly): since we know we're dealing with class/interface types,
// we can optimize this rather than go through the generic `` helpers.
JS('', '#.prototype[#] = true', ctor, isClass);
''' = function is_C(obj) {
return obj != null && (obj[#] || #(obj, this));
''' = function as_C(obj) {
if (obj != null && obj[#]) return obj;
return #(obj, this);
/// Pre-initializes types with empty type caches.
/// Allows us to perform faster lookups on local caches without having to
/// filter out the prototype chain. Also allows types to remain relatively
/// monomorphic, which results in faster execution in V8.
addTypeCaches(type) {
JS('', '#[#] = void 0', type, _cachedLegacy);
JS('', '#[#] = void 0', type, _cachedNullable);
var subtypeCacheMap = JS<Object>('!', 'new Map()');
JS('', '#[#] = #', type, _subtypeCache, subtypeCacheMap);
JS('', '#.push(#)', _cacheMaps, subtypeCacheMap);
// TODO(jmesserly): should we do this for all interfaces?
/// The well known symbol for testing `is Future`
final isFuture = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_Future")');
/// The well known symbol for testing `is Iterable`
final isIterable = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_Iterable")');
/// The well known symbol for testing `is List`
final isList = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_List")');
/// The well known symbol for testing `is Map`
final isMap = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_Map")');
/// The well known symbol for testing `is Stream`
final isStream = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_Stream")');
/// The well known symbol for testing `is StreamSubscription`
final isStreamSubscription = JS('', 'Symbol("_is_StreamSubscription")');
/// The default `operator ==` that calls [identical].
var identityEquals;