blob: 9997689c6d65d5b7992b8b92821f380232b8f10f [file] [log] [blame]
* A custom KeyboardEvent that attempts to eliminate cross-browser
* inconsistencies, and also provide both keyCode and charCode information
* for all key events (when such information can be determined).
* KeyEvent tries to provide a higher level, more polished keyboard event
* information on top of the "raw" [KeyboardEvent].
* The mechanics of using KeyEvents is a little different from the underlying
* [KeyboardEvent]. To use KeyEvents, you need to create a stream and then add
* KeyEvents to the stream, rather than using the [EventTarget.dispatchEvent].
* Here's an example usage:
* // Initialize a stream for the KeyEvents:
* var stream = KeyEvent.keyPressEvent.forTarget(document.body);
* // Start listening to the stream of KeyEvents.
* stream.listen((keyEvent) =>
* window.console.log('KeyPress event detected ${keyEvent.charCode}'));
* ...
* // Add a new KeyEvent of someone pressing the 'A' key to the stream so
* // listeners can know a KeyEvent happened.
* stream.add(new KeyEvent('keypress', keyCode: 65, charCode: 97));
* This class is very much a work in progress, and we'd love to get information
* on how we can make this class work with as many international keyboards as
* possible. Bugs welcome!
part of html;
class KeyEvent extends _WrappedEvent implements KeyboardEvent {
/** Needed because KeyboardEvent is implements.
* TODO(terry): Consider making blink_jsObject private (add underscore) for
* all blink_jsObject. Then needed private wrap/unwrap_jso
* functions that delegate to a public wrap/unwrap_jso.
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
js.JsObject blink_jsObject;
/** The parent KeyboardEvent that this KeyEvent is wrapping and "fixing". */
KeyboardEvent _parent;
/** The "fixed" value of whether the alt key is being pressed. */
bool _shadowAltKey;
/** Calculated value of what the estimated charCode is for this event. */
int _shadowCharCode;
/** Calculated value of what the estimated keyCode is for this event. */
int _shadowKeyCode;
/** Calculated value of what the estimated keyCode is for this event. */
int get keyCode => _shadowKeyCode;
/** Calculated value of what the estimated charCode is for this event. */
int get charCode => this.type == 'keypress' ? _shadowCharCode : 0;
/** Calculated value of whether the alt key is pressed is for this event. */
bool get altKey => _shadowAltKey;
/** Calculated value of what the estimated keyCode is for this event. */
int get which => keyCode;
/** Accessor to the underlying keyCode value is the parent event. */
int get _realKeyCode => _parent.keyCode;
/** Accessor to the underlying charCode value is the parent event. */
int get _realCharCode => _parent.charCode;
/** Accessor to the underlying altKey value is the parent event. */
bool get _realAltKey => _parent.altKey;
/** Shadows on top of the parent's currentTarget. */
EventTarget _currentTarget;
/** Construct a KeyEvent with [parent] as the event we're emulating. */
KeyEvent.wrap(KeyboardEvent parent): super(parent) {
_parent = parent;
_shadowAltKey = _realAltKey;
_shadowCharCode = _realCharCode;
_shadowKeyCode = _realKeyCode;
_currentTarget = _parent.currentTarget == null? window :
/** Programmatically create a new KeyEvent (and KeyboardEvent). */
factory KeyEvent(String type,
{Window view, bool canBubble: true, bool cancelable: true, int keyCode: 0,
int charCode: 0, int keyLocation: 1, bool ctrlKey: false,
bool altKey: false, bool shiftKey: false, bool metaKey: false,
EventTarget currentTarget}) {
var parent = new KeyboardEvent(type, view: view, canBubble: canBubble,
cancelable: cancelable, keyLocation: keyLocation, ctrlKey: ctrlKey,
altKey: altKey, shiftKey: shiftKey, metaKey: metaKey);
var keyEvent = new KeyEvent.wrap(parent);
keyEvent._shadowAltKey = altKey;
keyEvent._shadowCharCode = charCode;
keyEvent._shadowKeyCode = keyCode;
keyEvent._currentTarget = currentTarget == null ? window : currentTarget;
return keyEvent;
/** Accessor to provide a stream of KeyEvents on the desired target. */
static EventStreamProvider<KeyEvent> keyDownEvent =
new _KeyboardEventHandler('keydown');
/** Accessor to provide a stream of KeyEvents on the desired target. */
static EventStreamProvider<KeyEvent> keyUpEvent =
new _KeyboardEventHandler('keyup');
/** Accessor to provide a stream of KeyEvents on the desired target. */
static EventStreamProvider<KeyEvent> keyPressEvent =
new _KeyboardEventHandler('keypress');
/** The currently registered target for this event. */
EventTarget get currentTarget => _currentTarget;
/** True if the ctrl key is pressed during this event. */
bool get ctrlKey => _parent.ctrlKey;
int get detail => _parent.detail;
* Accessor to the part of the keyboard that the key was pressed from (one of
* KeyLocation.STANDARD, KeyLocation.RIGHT, KeyLocation.LEFT,
* KeyLocation.NUMPAD, KeyLocation.MOBILE, KeyLocation.JOYSTICK).
int get keyLocation => _parent.keyLocation;
/** True if the Meta (or Mac command) key is pressed during this event. */
bool get metaKey => _parent.metaKey;
/** True if the shift key was pressed during this event. */
bool get shiftKey => _parent.shiftKey;
Window get view => _parent.view;
void _initUIEvent(String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable,
Window view, int detail) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot initialize a UI Event from a KeyEvent.");
String get _shadowKeyIdentifier => _parent._keyIdentifier;
int get _charCode => charCode;
int get _keyCode => keyCode;
int get _which => which;
String get _keyIdentifier {
throw new UnsupportedError("keyIdentifier is unsupported.");
void _initKeyboardEvent(String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable,
Window view, String keyIdentifier, int keyLocation, bool ctrlKey,
bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Cannot initialize a KeyboardEvent from a KeyEvent.");
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool getModifierState(String keyArgument) => throw new UnimplementedError();
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get location => throw new UnimplementedError();
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get repeat => throw new UnimplementedError();
dynamic get _get_view => throw new UnimplementedError();