blob: aeeaca78623175b0dadbdf2b7b0c27738cdf22a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Provides a default implementation of the report and format methods of
/// [CompilerContext] that are suitable for command-line tools. The methods in
/// this library aren't intended to be called directly, instead, one should use
/// [CompilerContext].
library fasta.command_line_reporting;
import 'dart:io' show exitCode;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show Location;
import 'colors.dart' show cyan, magenta, red;
import 'compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
import 'deprecated_problems.dart'
show Crash, deprecated_InputError, safeToString;
import 'fasta_codes.dart' show LocatedMessage, Message;
import 'messages.dart' show getLocation, getSourceLine, isVerbose;
import 'problems.dart' show unhandled;
import 'severity.dart' show Severity;
import 'util/relativize.dart' show relativizeUri;
const bool hideWarnings = false;
/// Formats [message] as a string that is suitable for output from a
/// command-line tool. This includes source snippets and different colors based
/// on [severity].
/// This is shared implementation used by methods below, and isn't intended to
/// be called directly.
String formatInternal(Message message, Severity severity, Uri uri, int offset,
{Location location}) {
try {
String text =
"${severityName(severity, capitalized: true)}: ${message.message}";
if (message.tip != null) {
text += "\n${message.tip}";
if (CompilerContext.enableColors) {
switch (severity) {
case Severity.error:
case Severity.internalProblem:
text = red(text);
case Severity.nit:
text = cyan(text);
case Severity.warning:
text = magenta(text);
if (uri != null) {
String path = relativizeUri(uri);
location ??= (offset == -1 ? null : getLocation(uri, offset));
String sourceLine = getSourceLine(location);
if (sourceLine == null) {
sourceLine = "";
} else {
// TODO(ahe): We only print a single point in the source line as we
// don't have end positions. Also, we should be able to use
// package:source_span to produce this.
sourceLine = "\n$sourceLine\n"
"${' ' * (location.column - 1)}^";
String position =
location == null ? "" : ":${location.line}:${location.column}";
return "$path$position: $text$sourceLine";
} else {
return text;
} catch (error, trace) {
print("Crash when formatting: "
"[${}] ${safeToString(message.message)}\n"
throw new Crash(uri, offset, error, trace);
/// Are problems of [severity] suppressed?
bool isHidden(Severity severity) {
switch (severity) {
case Severity.error:
case Severity.internalProblem:
return false;
case Severity.nit:
return !isVerbose;
case Severity.warning:
return hideWarnings;
return unhandled("$severity", "isHidden", -1, null);
/// Are problems of [severity] fatal? That is, should the compiler terminate
/// immediately?
bool shouldThrowOn(Severity severity) {
switch (severity) {
case Severity.error:
return CompilerContext.current.options.throwOnErrorsForDebugging;
case Severity.internalProblem:
return true;
case Severity.nit:
return CompilerContext.current.options.throwOnNitsForDebugging;
case Severity.warning:
return CompilerContext.current.options.throwOnWarningsForDebugging;
return unhandled("$severity", "shouldThrowOn", -1, null);
/// Convert [severity] to a name that can be used to prefix a message.
String severityName(Severity severity, {bool capitalized: false}) {
switch (severity) {
case Severity.error:
return capitalized ? "Error" : "error";
case Severity.internalProblem:
return capitalized ? "Internal problem" : "internal problem";
case Severity.nit:
return capitalized ? "Nit" : "nit";
case Severity.warning:
return capitalized ? "Warning" : "warning";
return unhandled("$severity", "severityName", -1, null);
/// Print a formatted message and throw when errors are treated as fatal.
/// Also set [exitCode] depending on the value of
/// `CompilerContext.current.options.setExitCodeOnProblem`.
void _printAndThrowIfDebugging(
String text, Severity severity, Uri uri, int charOffset) {
// I believe we should only set it if we are reporting something, if we are
// formatting to embed the error in the program, then we probably don't want
// to do it in format.
// Note: I also want to limit dependencies to dart:io for when we use the FE
// outside of the VM. This default reporting is likely not going to be used in
// that context, but the default formatter is.
if (CompilerContext.current.options.setExitCodeOnProblem) {
exitCode = 1;
if (shouldThrowOn(severity)) {
if (isVerbose) print(StackTrace.current);
// TODO(sigmund,ahe): ensure there is no circularity when InputError is
// handled.
throw new deprecated_InputError(uri, charOffset,
"Compilation aborted due to fatal ${severityName(severity)}.");
/// Report [message] unless [severity] is suppressed (see [isHidden]). Throws
/// an exception if [severity] is fatal (see [isFatal]).
/// This method isn't intended to be called directly. Use
/// [] instead.
void report(LocatedMessage message, Severity severity) {
if (isHidden(severity)) return;
format(message, severity), severity, message.uri, message.charOffset);
/// Similar to [report].
/// This method isn't intended to be called directly. Use
/// [CompilerContext.reportWithoutLocation] instead.
void reportWithoutLocation(Message message, Severity severity) {
if (isHidden(severity)) return;
formatWithoutLocation(message, severity), severity, null, -1);
/// Formats [message] as described in [formatInternal].
/// This method isn't intended to be called directly. Use
/// [CompilerContext.format] instead.
String format(LocatedMessage message, Severity severity, {Location location}) {
return formatInternal(
message.messageObject, severity, message.uri, message.charOffset,
location: location);
/// Formats [message] as described in [formatInternal].
/// This method isn't intended to be called directly. Use
/// [CompilerContext.formatWithoutLocation] instead.
String formatWithoutLocation(Message message, Severity severity) {
return formatInternal(message, severity, null, -1);