blob: 79885e03178b95b1fd68f6ba44f56ace8b1ecb8f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.js_emitter.program_builder;
import 'js_emitter.dart' show computeMixinClass;
import 'model.dart';
import '../common.dart';
import '../js/js.dart' as js;
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart' show
import '../closure.dart' show ClosureFieldElement;
import 'js_emitter.dart' as emitterTask show
import '../universe/universe.dart' show Universe;
import '../deferred_load.dart' show DeferredLoadTask, OutputUnit;
part 'registry.dart';
class ProgramBuilder {
final Compiler _compiler;
final Namer namer;
final emitterTask.CodeEmitterTask _task;
final Registry _registry;
ProgramBuilder(Compiler compiler,
: this._compiler = compiler,
this._registry = new Registry(compiler);
JavaScriptBackend get backend => _compiler.backend;
Universe get universe => _compiler.codegenWorld;
/// Mapping from [ClassElement] to constructed [Class]. We need this to
/// update the superclass in the [Class].
final Map<ClassElement, Class> _classes = <ClassElement, Class>{};
/// Mapping from [OutputUnit] to constructed [Output]. We need this to
/// generate the deferredLoadingMap (to know which hunks to load).
final Map<OutputUnit, Output> _outputs = <OutputUnit, Output>{};
/// Mapping from [ConstantValue] to constructed [Constant]. We need this to
/// update field-initializers to point to the ConstantModel.
final Map<ConstantValue, Constant> _constants = <ConstantValue, Constant>{};
Program buildProgram() {
// TODO(kasperl): There's code that implicitly needs access to the special
// $ holder so we have to register that. Can we track if we have to?
MainOutput mainOutput = _buildMainOutput(_registry.mainFragment);
Iterable<Output> deferredOutputs = _registry.deferredFragments
.map((fragment) => _buildDeferredOutput(mainOutput, fragment));
List<Output> outputs = new List<Output>(_registry.fragmentCount);
outputs[0] = mainOutput;
outputs.setAll(1, deferredOutputs);
Program result =
new Program(outputs, _task.outputContainsConstantList, _buildLoadMap());
// Resolve the superclass references after we've processed all the classes.
_classes.forEach((ClassElement element, Class c) {
if (element.superclass != null) {
if (element.isMixinApplication) {
MixinApplication mixinApplication = c;
return result;
void _markEagerClasses() {
/// Builds a map from loadId to outputs-to-load.
Map<String, List<Output>> _buildLoadMap() {
List<OutputUnit> convertHunks(List<OutputUnit> hunks) {
return unit) => _outputs[unit])
.toList(growable: false);
Map<String, List<Output>> loadMap = <String, List<Output>>{};
.forEach((String loadId, List<OutputUnit> outputUnits) {
loadMap[loadId] = outputUnits
.map((OutputUnit unit) => _outputs[unit])
.toList(growable: false);
return loadMap;
MainOutput _buildMainOutput(Fragment fragment) {
// Construct the main output from the libraries and the registered holders.
MainOutput result = new MainOutput(
"", // The empty string is the name for the main output file.
_registry.holders.toList(growable: false));
_outputs[fragment.outputUnit] = result;
return result;
DeferredOutput _buildDeferredOutput(MainOutput mainOutput,
Fragment fragment) {
DeferredOutput result = new DeferredOutput(
backend.deferredPartFileName(, addExtension: false),,
_outputs[fragment.outputUnit] = result;
return result;
List<Constant> _buildConstants(Fragment fragment) {
List<ConstantValue> constantValues =
if (constantValues == null) return const <Constant>[];
return value) => _constants[value])
.toList(growable: false);
List<StaticField> _buildStaticNonFinalFields(Fragment fragment) {
// TODO(floitsch): handle static non-final fields correctly with deferred
// libraries.
if (fragment != _registry.mainFragment) return const <StaticField>[];
Iterable<VariableElement> staticNonFinalFields =
return Elements.sortedByPosition(staticNonFinalFields)
.toList(growable: false);
StaticField _buildStaticField(Element element) {
JavaScriptConstantCompiler handler = backend.constants;
ConstantValue initialValue = handler.getInitialValueFor(element).value;
js.Expression code = _task.emitter.constantReference(initialValue);
String name = namer.getNameOfGlobalField(element);
bool isFinal = false;
bool isLazy = false;
return new StaticField(element,
name, _registry.registerHolder(r'$'), code,
isFinal, isLazy);
List<StaticField> _buildStaticLazilyInitializedFields(Fragment fragment) {
// TODO(floitsch): lazy fields should just be in their respective
// libraries.
if (fragment != _registry.mainFragment) return const <StaticField>[];
JavaScriptConstantCompiler handler = backend.constants;
List<VariableElement> lazyFields =
return Elements.sortedByPosition(lazyFields)
.where((field) => field != null) // Happens when the field was unused.
.toList(growable: false);
StaticField _buildLazyField(Element element) {
JavaScriptConstantCompiler handler = backend.constants;
js.Expression code = backend.generatedCode[element];
// The code is null if we ended up not needing the lazily
// initialized field after all because of constant folding
// before code generation.
if (code == null) return null;
String name = namer.getNameOfGlobalField(element);
bool isFinal = element.isFinal;
bool isLazy = true;
return new StaticField(element,
name, _registry.registerHolder(r'$'), code,
isFinal, isLazy);
List<Library> _buildLibraries(Fragment fragment) {
List<Library> libraries = new List<Library>(fragment.length);
int count = 0;
fragment.forEach((LibraryElement library, List<Element> elements) {
libraries[count++] = _buildLibrary(library, elements);
return libraries;
// Note that a library-element may have multiple [Library]s, if it is split
// into multiple output units.
Library _buildLibrary(LibraryElement library, List<Element> elements) {
String uri = library.canonicalUri.toString();
List<StaticMethod> statics = elements
.where((e) => e is FunctionElement).map(_buildStaticMethod).toList();
.where((e) => e is FunctionElement)
.where((e) => universe.staticFunctionsNeedingGetter.contains(e))
if (library == backend.interceptorsLibrary) {
List<Class> classes = elements
.where((e) => e is ClassElement)
.toList(growable: false);
return new Library(library, uri, statics, classes);
Class _buildClass(ClassElement element) {
List<Method> methods = [];
List<InstanceField> fields = [];
void visitMember(ClassElement enclosing, Element member) {
assert(invariant(element, member.isDeclaration));
assert(invariant(element, element == enclosing));
if (Elements.isNonAbstractInstanceMember(member)) {
js.Expression code = backend.generatedCode[member];
// TODO(kasperl): Figure out under which conditions code is null.
if (code != null) methods.add(_buildMethod(member, code));
} else if (member.isField && !member.isStatic) {
fields.add(_buildInstanceField(member, enclosing));
ClassElement implementation = element.implementation;
// MixinApplications run through the members of their mixin. Here, we are
// only interested in direct members.
if (!element.isMixinApplication) {
implementation.forEachMember(visitMember, includeBackendMembers: true);
emitterTask.TypeTestGenerator generator =
new emitterTask.TypeTestGenerator(_compiler, _task, namer);
emitterTask.TypeTestProperties typeTests =
// At this point a mixin application must not have any methods or fields.
// Type-tests might be added to mixin applications, too.
assert(!element.isMixinApplication || methods.isEmpty);
assert(!element.isMixinApplication || fields.isEmpty);
// TODO(floitsch): we should not add the code here, but have a list of
// is/as classes in the Class object.
// The individual emitters should then call the type test generator to
// generate the code. name, js.Node code) {
methods.add(_buildStubMethod(name, code));
String name = namer.getNameOfClass(element);
String holderName = namer.globalObjectFor(element);
Holder holder = _registry.registerHolder(holderName);
bool onlyForRti = _task.typeTestRegistry.rtiNeededClasses.contains(element);
bool isInstantiated =
Class result;
if (element.isMixinApplication) {
result = new MixinApplication(element,
name, holder, methods, fields,
isDirectlyInstantiated: isInstantiated,
onlyForRti: onlyForRti);
} else {
result = new Class(element,
name, holder, methods, fields,
isDirectlyInstantiated: isInstantiated,
onlyForRti: onlyForRti);
_classes[element] = result;
return result;
Method _buildMethod(FunctionElement element, js.Expression code) {
String name = namer.getNameOfInstanceMember(element);
return new Method(element, name, code);
Method _buildStubMethod(String name, js.Expression code) {
return new StubMethod(name, code);
// The getInterceptor methods directly access the prototype of classes.
// We must evaluate these classes eagerly so that the prototype is
// accessible.
void _markEagerInterceptorClasses() {
Map<String, Set<ClassElement>> specializedGetInterceptors =
for (Set<ClassElement> classes in specializedGetInterceptors.values) {
for (ClassElement element in classes) {
Class cls = _classes[element];
if (cls != null) cls.isEager = true;
Iterable<StaticMethod> _generateGetInterceptorMethods() {
emitterTask.InterceptorStubGenerator stubGenerator =
new emitterTask.InterceptorStubGenerator(_compiler, namer, backend);
String holderName = namer.globalObjectFor(backend.interceptorsLibrary);
Holder holder = _registry.registerHolder(holderName);
Map<String, Set<ClassElement>> specializedGetInterceptors =
List<String> names = specializedGetInterceptors.keys.toList()..sort();
return name) {
Set<ClassElement> classes = specializedGetInterceptors[name];
js.Expression code = stubGenerator.generateGetInterceptorMethod(classes);
return new StaticStubMethod(name, holder, code);
bool _fieldNeedsGetter(VariableElement field) {
if (_fieldAccessNeverThrows(field)) return false;
return backend.shouldRetainGetter(field)
|| _compiler.codegenWorld.hasInvokedGetter(field,;
bool _fieldNeedsSetter(VariableElement field) {
if (_fieldAccessNeverThrows(field)) return false;
return (!field.isFinal && !field.isConst)
&& (backend.shouldRetainSetter(field)
|| _compiler.codegenWorld.hasInvokedSetter(field,;
// We never access a field in a closure (a captured variable) without knowing
// that it is there. Therefore we don't need to use a getter (that will throw
// if the getter method is missing), but can always access the field directly.
bool _fieldAccessNeverThrows(VariableElement field) {
return field is ClosureFieldElement;
InstanceField _buildInstanceField(VariableElement field,
ClassElement holder) {
assert(invariant(field, field.isDeclaration));
String name = namer.fieldPropertyName(field);
int getterFlags = 0;
if (_fieldNeedsGetter(field)) {
bool isIntercepted = backend.fieldHasInterceptedGetter(field);
if (isIntercepted) {
getterFlags += 2;
if (backend.isInterceptorClass(holder)) {
getterFlags += 1;
} else {
getterFlags = 1;
int setterFlags = 0;
if (_fieldNeedsSetter(field)) {
bool isIntercepted = backend.fieldHasInterceptedSetter(field);
if (isIntercepted) {
setterFlags += 2;
if (backend.isInterceptorClass(holder)) {
setterFlags += 1;
} else {
setterFlags = 1;
return new InstanceField(field, name, getterFlags, setterFlags);
Iterable<StaticMethod> _generateOneShotInterceptors() {
emitterTask.InterceptorStubGenerator stubGenerator =
new emitterTask.InterceptorStubGenerator(_compiler, namer, backend);
String holderName = namer.globalObjectFor(backend.interceptorsLibrary);
Holder holder = _registry.registerHolder(holderName);
List<String> names = backend.oneShotInterceptors.keys.toList()..sort();
return name) {
js.Expression code = stubGenerator.generateOneShotInterceptor(name);
return new StaticStubMethod(name, holder, code);
StaticMethod _buildStaticMethod(FunctionElement element) {
String name = namer.getNameOfMember(element);
String holder = namer.globalObjectFor(element);
js.Expression code = backend.generatedCode[element];
return new StaticMethod(element,
name, _registry.registerHolder(holder), code);
StaticMethod _buildStaticMethodTearOff(FunctionElement element) {
String name = namer.getStaticClosureName(element);
String holder = namer.globalObjectFor(element);
// TODO(kasperl): This clearly doesn't work yet.
js.Expression code = js.string("<<unimplemented>>");
return new StaticMethod(element,
name, _registry.registerHolder(holder), code);
void _registerConstants(OutputUnit outputUnit,
List<ConstantValue> constantValues) {
if (constantValues == null) return;
for (ConstantValue constantValue in constantValues) {
_registry.registerConstant(outputUnit, constantValue);
String name = namer.constantName(constantValue);
String constantObject = namer.globalObjectForConstant(constantValue);
Holder holder = _registry.registerHolder(constantObject);
Constant constant = new Constant(name, holder, constantValue);
_constants[constantValue] = constant;