blob: 25a9ff94b32c226077b7e6bb384ae5aab19219e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.ir_builder;
* This task iterates through all resolved elements and builds [ir.Node]s. The
* nodes are stored in the [nodes] map and accessible through [hasIr] and
* [getIr].
* The functionality of the IrNodes is added gradually, therefore elements might
* have an IR or not, depending on the language features that are used. For
* elements that do have an IR, the tree [ast.Node]s and the [Token]s are not
* used in the rest of the compilation. This is ensured by setting the element's
* cached tree to `null` and also breaking the token stream to crash future
* attempts to parse.
* The type inferrer works on either IR nodes or tree nodes. The IR nodes are
* then translated into the SSA form for optimizations and code generation.
* Long-term, once the IR supports the full language, the backend can be
* re-implemented to work directly on the IR.
class IrBuilderTask extends CompilerTask {
final Map<Element, ir.ExecutableDefinition> nodes =
<Element, ir.ExecutableDefinition>{};
IrBuilderTask(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler);
String get name => 'IR builder';
bool hasIr(Element element) => nodes.containsKey(element.implementation);
ir.ExecutableDefinition getIr(ExecutableElement element) {
return nodes[element.implementation];
ir.ExecutableDefinition buildNode(AstElement element) {
if (!canBuild(element)) return null;
TreeElements elementsMapping = element.resolvedAst.elements;
element = element.implementation;
return compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () {
SourceFile sourceFile = elementSourceFile(element);
IrBuilderVisitor builder =
new IrBuilderVisitor(elementsMapping, compiler, sourceFile);
return builder.buildExecutable(element);
void buildNodes() {
measure(() {
Set<Element> resolved = compiler.enqueuer.resolution.resolvedElements;
resolved.forEach((AstElement element) {
ir.ExecutableDefinition definition = buildNode(element);
if (definition != null) {
nodes[element] = definition;
bool canBuild(Element element) {
if (element is TypedefElement) return false;
if (element is FunctionElement) {
// TODO(sigurdm): Support native functions for dart2js.
assert(invariant(element, !element.isNative));
// TODO(kmillikin,sigurdm): Support constructors.
if (element is ConstructorElement && !element.isGenerativeConstructor) {
return false;
} else if (element is! FieldElement) {
compiler.internalError(element, "Unexpected element type $element");
return compiler.backend.shouldOutput(element);
bool get inCheckedMode {
bool result = false;
assert((result = true));
return result;
SourceFile elementSourceFile(Element element) {
if (element is FunctionElement) {
FunctionElement functionElement = element;
if (functionElement.patch != null) element = functionElement.patch;
return element.compilationUnit.script.file;
class _GetterElements {
ir.Primitive result;
ir.Primitive index;
ir.Primitive receiver;
_GetterElements({this.result, this.index, this.receiver}) ;
* A tree visitor that builds [IrNodes]. The visit methods add statements using
* to the [builder] and return the last added statement for trees that represent
* an expression.
class IrBuilderVisitor extends ResolvedVisitor<ir.Primitive>
with IrBuilderMixin<ast.Node> {
final Compiler compiler;
final SourceFile sourceFile;
ClosureClassMap closureMap;
// In SSA terms, join-point continuation parameters are the phis and the
// continuation invocation arguments are the corresponding phi inputs. To
// support name introduction and renaming for source level variables, we use
// nested (delimited) visitors for constructing subparts of the IR that will
// need renaming. Each source variable is assigned an index.
// Each nested visitor maintains a list of free variable uses in the body.
// These are implemented as a list of parameters, each with their own use
// list of references. When the delimited subexpression is plugged into the
// surrounding context, the free occurrences can be captured or become free
// occurrences in the next outer delimited subexpression.
// Each nested visitor maintains a list that maps indexes of variables
// assigned in the delimited subexpression to their reaching definition ---
// that is, the definition in effect at the hole in 'current'. These are
// used to determine if a join-point continuation needs to be passed
// arguments, and what the arguments are.
/// Construct a top-level visitor.
IrBuilderVisitor(TreeElements elements, this.compiler, this.sourceFile)
: super(elements);
/// True if using the JavaScript backend; we use this to determine how
/// closures should be translated.
bool get isJavaScriptBackend => compiler.backend is JavaScriptBackend;
* Builds the [ir.ExecutableDefinition] for an executable element. In case the
* function uses features that cannot be expressed in the IR, this element
* returns `null`.
ir.ExecutableDefinition buildExecutable(ExecutableElement element) {
return nullIfGiveup(() {
if (element is FieldElement) {
return buildField(element);
} else if (element is FunctionElement) {
return buildFunction(element);
} else {
compiler.internalError(element, "Unexpected element type $element");
Map mapValues(Map map, dynamic fn(dynamic)) {
Map result = {};
map.forEach((key,value) {
result[key] = fn(value);
return result;
// Converts closure.dart's CapturedVariable into a ClosureLocation.
// There is a 1:1 corresponce between these; we do this because the IR builder
// should not depend on synthetic elements.
ClosureLocation getLocation(CapturedVariable v) {
if (v is BoxFieldElement) {
return new ClosureLocation(, v);
} else {
ClosureFieldElement field = v;
return new ClosureLocation(null, field);
/// If the current function is a nested function with free variables (or a
/// captured reference to `this`), this returns a [ClosureEnvironment]
/// indicating how to access these.
ClosureEnvironment getClosureEnvironment() {
if (closureMap == null) return null; // dart2dart does not use closureMap.
if (closureMap.closureElement == null) return null;
return new ClosureEnvironment(
mapValues(closureMap.freeVariableMap, getLocation));
/// If [node] has declarations for variables that should be boxed, this
/// returns a [ClosureScope] naming a box to create, and enumerating the
/// variables that should be stored in the box.
/// Also see [ClosureScope].
ClosureScope getClosureScope(ast.Node node) {
if (closureMap == null) return null; // dart2dart does not use closureMap.
closurelib.ClosureScope scope = closureMap.capturingScopes[node];
if (scope == null) return null;
// We translate a ClosureScope from closure.dart into IR builder's variant
// because the IR builder should not depend on the synthetic elements
// created in closure.dart.
return new ClosureScope(scope.boxElement,
mapValues(scope.capturedVariables, getLocation),
IrBuilder makeIRBuilder(ast.Node node, ExecutableElement element) {
if (isJavaScriptBackend) {
closureMap = compiler.closureToClassMapper.computeClosureToClassMapping(
return new JsIrBuilder(compiler.backend.constantSystem, element);
} else {
DetectClosureVariables closures = new DetectClosureVariables(elements);
if (!element.isSynthesized) {
return new DartIrBuilder(compiler.backend.constantSystem,
/// Returns a [ir.FieldDefinition] describing the initializer of [element].
ir.FieldDefinition buildField(FieldElement element) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isImplementation));
ast.VariableDefinitions definitions = element.node;
ast.Node fieldDefinition =
if (definitions.modifiers.isConst) {
// TODO(sigurdm): Just return const value.
assert(fieldDefinition != null);
assert(elements[fieldDefinition] != null);
IrBuilder builder = makeIRBuilder(fieldDefinition, element);
return withBuilder(builder, () {
closureScope: getClosureScope(fieldDefinition));
ir.Primitive initializer;
if (fieldDefinition is ast.SendSet) {
ast.SendSet sendSet = fieldDefinition;
initializer = visit(sendSet.arguments.first);
return builder.makeFieldDefinition(initializer);
ir.FunctionDefinition _makeFunctionBody(FunctionElement element,
ast.FunctionExpression node) {
FunctionSignature signature = element.functionSignature;
List<ParameterElement> parameters = [];
closureScope: getClosureScope(node),
closureEnvironment: getClosureEnvironment());
List<ConstantExpression> defaults = new List<ConstantExpression>();
signature.orderedOptionalParameters.forEach((ParameterElement element) {
List<ir.Initializer> initializers;
if (element.isSynthesized) {
assert(element is ConstructorElement);
return irBuilder.makeConstructorDefinition(const <ConstantExpression>[],
const <ir.Initializer>[]);
} else if (element.isGenerativeConstructor) {
initializers = buildConstructorInitializers(node, element);
return irBuilder.makeConstructorDefinition(defaults, initializers);
} else {
return irBuilder.makeFunctionDefinition(defaults);
List<ir.Initializer> buildConstructorInitializers(
ast.FunctionExpression function, ConstructorElement element) {
List<ir.Initializer> result = <ir.Initializer>[];
FunctionSignature signature = element.functionSignature;
void tryAddInitializingFormal(ParameterElement parameterElement) {
if (parameterElement.isInitializingFormal) {
InitializingFormalElement initializingFormal = parameterElement;
withBuilder(irBuilder.makeDelimitedBuilder(), () {
ir.Primitive value = irBuilder.buildLocalGet(parameterElement);
// TODO(sigurdm): Preserve initializing formals as initializing formals.
if (function.initializers == null) return result;
bool explicitSuperInitializer = false;
for(ast.Node initializer in function.initializers) {
if (initializer is ast.SendSet) {
// Field initializer.
FieldElement field = elements[initializer];
withBuilder(irBuilder.makeDelimitedBuilder(), () {
ir.Primitive value = visit(initializer.arguments.head);
ir.RunnableBody body = irBuilder.makeRunnableBody(value);
result.add(irBuilder.makeFieldInitializer(field, body));
} else if (initializer is ast.Send) {
// Super or this initializer.
if (ast.Initializers.isConstructorRedirect(initializer)) {
giveup(initializer, "constructor redirect (this) initializer");
ConstructorElement constructor = elements[initializer].implementation;
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(initializer);
List<ir.RunnableBody> arguments =
initializer.arguments.mapToList((ast.Node argument) {
return withBuilder(irBuilder.makeDelimitedBuilder(), () {
ir.Primitive value = visit(argument);
return irBuilder.makeRunnableBody(value);
explicitSuperInitializer = true;
} else {
"Unexpected initializer type $initializer");
if (!explicitSuperInitializer) {
// No super initializer found. Try to find the default constructor if
// the class is not Object.
ClassElement enclosingClass = element.enclosingClass;
if (!enclosingClass.isObject) {
ClassElement superClass = enclosingClass.superclass;
Selector selector =
new Selector.callDefaultConstructor(enclosingClass.library);
FunctionElement target = superClass.lookupConstructor(selector);
if (target == null) {
"No default constructor available.");
return result;
ir.FunctionDefinition buildFunction(FunctionElement element) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isImplementation));
ast.FunctionExpression node = element.node;
Iterable<Entity> usedFromClosure;
if (!element.isSynthesized) {
assert(node != null);
assert(elements[node] != null);
} else {
SynthesizedConstructorElementX constructor = element;
if (!constructor.isDefaultConstructor) {
giveup(null, 'cannot handle synthetic forwarding constructors');
usedFromClosure = <Entity>[];
IrBuilder builder = makeIRBuilder(node, element);
return withBuilder(builder, () => _makeFunctionBody(element, node));
ir.Primitive visit(ast.Node node) => node.accept(this);
// ==== Statements ====
visitBlock(ast.Block node) {
irBuilder.buildBlock(node.statements.nodes, build);
ir.Primitive visitBreakStatement(ast.BreakStatement node) {
if (!irBuilder.buildBreak(elements.getTargetOf(node))) {
compiler.internalError(node, "'break' target not found");
return null;
ir.Primitive visitContinueStatement(ast.ContinueStatement node) {
if (!irBuilder.buildContinue(elements.getTargetOf(node))) {
compiler.internalError(node, "'continue' target not found");
return null;
// Build(EmptyStatement, C) = C
ir.Primitive visitEmptyStatement(ast.EmptyStatement node) {
return null;
// Build(ExpressionStatement(e), C) = C'
// where (C', _) = Build(e, C)
ir.Primitive visitExpressionStatement(ast.ExpressionStatement node) {
return null;
visitFor(ast.For node) {
// TODO(asgerf): Handle closure variables declared in a for-loop.
if (!isJavaScriptBackend && node.initializer is ast.VariableDefinitions) {
ast.VariableDefinitions definitions = node.initializer;
for (ast.Node definition in definitions.definitions.nodes) {
LocalElement element = elements[definition];
DartIrBuilder dartIrBuilder = irBuilder;
if (dartIrBuilder.isInClosureVariable(element)) {
return giveup(definition, 'Closure variable in for loop initializer');
JumpTarget target = elements.getTargetDefinition(node);
buildInitializer: subbuild(node.initializer),
buildCondition: subbuild(node.condition),
buildBody: subbuild(node.body),
buildUpdate: subbuildSequence(node.update),
closureScope: getClosureScope(node),
target: target);
visitIf(ast.If node) {
ir.Primitive visitLabeledStatement(ast.LabeledStatement node) {
ast.Statement body = node.statement;
if (body is ast.Loop) return visit(body);
JumpTarget target = elements.getTargetDefinition(body);
JumpCollector jumps = new JumpCollector(target);
IrBuilder innerBuilder = irBuilder.makeDelimitedBuilder();
withBuilder(innerBuilder, () {
bool hasBreaks = !jumps.isEmpty;
ir.Continuation joinContinuation;
if (hasBreaks) {
if (innerBuilder.isOpen) {
// All jumps to the break continuation must be in the scope of the
// continuation's binding. The continuation is bound just outside the
// body to satisfy this property without extra analysis.
// As a consequence, the break continuation needs parameters for all
// local variables in scope at the exit from the body.
List<ir.Parameter> parameters =
new List<ir.Parameter>.generate(irBuilder.environment.length, (i) {
return new ir.Parameter(irBuilder.environment.index2variable[i]);
joinContinuation = new ir.Continuation(parameters);
irBuilder.invokeFullJoin(joinContinuation, jumps, recursive: false);
irBuilder.add(new ir.LetCont(joinContinuation, innerBuilder._root));
for (int i = 0; i < irBuilder.environment.length; ++i) {
irBuilder.environment.index2value[i] = parameters[i];
} else {
if (innerBuilder._root != null) {
irBuilder._current = innerBuilder._current;
irBuilder.environment = innerBuilder.environment;
return null;
visitWhile(ast.While node) {
buildCondition: subbuild(node.condition),
buildBody: subbuild(node.body),
target: elements.getTargetDefinition(node),
closureScope: getClosureScope(node));
visitForIn(ast.ForIn node) {
// [node.declaredIdentifier] can be either an [ast.VariableDefinitions]
// (defining a new local variable) or a send designating some existing
// variable.
ast.Node identifier = node.declaredIdentifier;
ast.VariableDefinitions variableDeclaration =
Element variableElement = elements.getForInVariable(node);
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(identifier);
buildExpression: subbuild(node.expression),
buildVariableDeclaration: subbuild(variableDeclaration),
variableElement: variableElement,
variableSelector: selector,
buildBody: subbuild(node.body),
target: elements.getTargetDefinition(node),
closureScope: getClosureScope(node));
ir.Primitive visitVariableDefinitions(ast.VariableDefinitions node) {
if (node.modifiers.isConst) {
for (ast.SendSet definition in node.definitions.nodes) {
VariableElement element = elements[definition];
ConstantExpression value = getConstantForVariable(element);
irBuilder.declareLocalConstant(element, value);
} else {
for (ast.Node definition in node.definitions.nodes) {
Element element = elements[definition];
ir.Primitive initialValue;
// Definitions are either SendSets if there is an initializer, or
// Identifiers if there is no initializer.
if (definition is ast.SendSet) {
initialValue = visit(definition.arguments.head);
} else {
assert(definition is ast.Identifier);
irBuilder.declareLocalVariable(element, initialValue: initialValue);
return null;
// Build(Return(e), C) = C'[InvokeContinuation(return, x)]
// where (C', x) = Build(e, C)
// Return without a subexpression is translated as if it were return null.
ir.Primitive visitReturn(ast.Return node) {
assert(invariant(node, node.beginToken.value != 'native'));
return null;
// ==== Expressions ====
ir.Primitive visitConditional(ast.Conditional node) {
return irBuilder.buildConditional(
// For all simple literals:
// Build(Literal(c), C) = C[let val x = Constant(c) in [], x]
ir.Primitive visitLiteralBool(ast.LiteralBool node) {
return translateConstant(node);
ir.Primitive visitLiteralDouble(ast.LiteralDouble node) {
return translateConstant(node);
ir.Primitive visitLiteralInt(ast.LiteralInt node) {
return translateConstant(node);
ir.Primitive visitLiteralNull(ast.LiteralNull node) {
return translateConstant(node);
ir.Primitive visitLiteralString(ast.LiteralString node) {
return translateConstant(node);
ConstantExpression getConstantForNode(ast.Node node) {
ConstantExpression constant =
compiler.backend.constantCompilerTask.compileNode(node, elements);
assert(invariant(node, constant != null,
message: 'No constant computed for $node'));
return constant;
ConstantExpression getConstantForVariable(VariableElement element) {
ConstantExpression constant =
assert(invariant(element, constant != null,
message: 'No constant computed for $element'));
return constant;
ir.Primitive visitLiteralList(ast.LiteralList node) {
if (node.isConst) {
return translateConstant(node);
List<ir.Primitive> values = node.elements.nodes.mapToList(visit);
InterfaceType type = elements.getType(node);
return irBuilder.buildListLiteral(type, values);
ir.Primitive visitLiteralMap(ast.LiteralMap node) {
if (node.isConst) {
return translateConstant(node);
InterfaceType type = elements.getType(node);
return irBuilder.buildMapLiteral(
type, => e.key), => e.value),
ir.Primitive visitLiteralSymbol(ast.LiteralSymbol node) {
return translateConstant(node);
ir.Primitive visitIdentifier(ast.Identifier node) {
// "this" is the only identifier that should be met by the visitor.
return irBuilder.buildThis();
ir.Primitive visitParenthesizedExpression(
ast.ParenthesizedExpression node) {
return visit(node.expression);
// Stores the result of visiting a CascadeReceiver, so we can return it from
// its enclosing Cascade.
ir.Primitive _currentCascadeReceiver;
ir.Primitive visitCascadeReceiver(ast.CascadeReceiver node) {
return _currentCascadeReceiver = visit(node.expression);
ir.Primitive visitCascade(ast.Cascade node) {
var oldCascadeReceiver = _currentCascadeReceiver;
// Throw away the result of visiting the expression.
// Instead we return the result of visiting the CascadeReceiver.
ir.Primitive receiver = _currentCascadeReceiver;
_currentCascadeReceiver = oldCascadeReceiver;
return receiver;
// ==== Sends ====
ir.Primitive visitAssert(ast.Send node) {
return giveup(node, 'Assert');
ir.Primitive visitNamedArgument(ast.NamedArgument node) {
return visit(node.expression);
ir.Primitive visitClosureSend(ast.Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
Selector closureSelector = elements.getSelector(node);
if (element == null) {
ir.Primitive closureTarget = visit(node.selector);
List<ir.Primitive> args =
node.arguments.mapToList(visit, growable:false);
return irBuilder.buildFunctionExpressionInvocation(
closureTarget, elements.getSelector(node), args);
} else {
List<ir.Primitive> args =
node.arguments.mapToList(visit, growable:false);
return irBuilder.buildLocalInvocation(
element, elements.getSelector(node), args);
/// If [node] is null, returns this.
/// If [node] is super, returns null (for special handling)
/// Otherwise visits [node] and returns the result.
ir.Primitive visitReceiver(ast.Expression node) {
if (node == null) return irBuilder.buildThis();
if (node.isSuper()) return null;
return visit(node);
/// Returns `true` if [node] is a super call.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove the need for this.
bool isSuperCall(ast.Send node) {
return node != null && node.receiver != null && node.receiver.isSuper();
ir.Primitive visitDynamicSend(ast.Send node) {
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
ir.Primitive receiver = visitReceiver(node.receiver);
List<ir.Primitive> arguments = new List<ir.Primitive>();
for (ast.Node n in node.arguments) {
return irBuilder.buildDynamicInvocation(receiver, selector, arguments);
_GetterElements translateGetter(ast.Send node, Selector selector) {
Element element = elements[node];
ir.Primitive result;
ir.Primitive receiver;
ir.Primitive index;
if (element != null && element.isConst) {
// Reference to constant local, top-level or static field
result = translateConstant(node);
} else if (Elements.isLocal(element)) {
// Reference to local variable
result = irBuilder.buildLocalGet(element);
} else if (element == null ||
Elements.isInstanceField(element) ||
Elements.isInstanceMethod(element) ||
selector.isIndex ||
// TODO(johnniwinther): clean up semantics of resolution.
node.isSuperCall) {
// Dynamic dispatch to a getter. Sometimes resolution will suggest a
// target element, but in these cases we must still emit a dynamic
// dispatch. The target element may be an instance method in case we are
// converting a method to a function object.
receiver = visitReceiver(node.receiver);
List<ir.Primitive> arguments = new List<ir.Primitive>();
if (selector.isIndex) {
index = visit(node.arguments.head);
assert(selector.kind == SelectorKind.GETTER ||
selector.kind == SelectorKind.INDEX);
if (isSuperCall(node)) {
result = irBuilder.buildSuperInvocation(selector, arguments);
} else {
result =
irBuilder.buildDynamicInvocation(receiver, selector, arguments);
} else if (element.isField || element.isGetter || element.isErroneous ||
element.isSetter) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Change handling of setter selectors.
// Access to a static field or getter (non-static case handled above).
// Even if there is only a setter, we compile as if it was a getter,
// so the vm can fail at runtime.
assert(selector.kind == SelectorKind.GETTER ||
selector.kind == SelectorKind.SETTER);
result = irBuilder.buildStaticGet(element, selector);
} else if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevelFunction(element)) {
// Convert a top-level or static function to a function object.
result = translateConstant(node);
} else {
throw "Unexpected SendSet getter: $node, $element";
return new _GetterElements(
result: result,index: index, receiver: receiver);
ir.Primitive visitGetterSend(ast.Send node) {
return translateGetter(node, elements.getSelector(node)).result;
ir.Primitive translateLogicalOperator(ast.Operator op,
ast.Expression left,
ast.Expression right) {
ir.Primitive leftValue = visit(left);
ir.Primitive buildRightValue(IrBuilder rightBuilder) {
return withBuilder(rightBuilder, () => visit(right));
return irBuilder.buildLogicalOperator(
leftValue, buildRightValue, isLazyOr: op.source == '||');
ir.Primitive visitOperatorSend(ast.Send node) {
ast.Operator op = node.selector;
if (isUserDefinableOperator(op.source)) {
return visitDynamicSend(node);
if (op.source == '&&' || op.source == '||') {
assert(node.receiver != null);
return translateLogicalOperator(op, node.receiver, node.arguments.head);
if (op.source == "!") {
assert(node.receiver != null);
return irBuilder.buildNegation(visit(node.receiver));
if (op.source == "!=") {
assert(node.receiver != null);
return irBuilder.buildNegation(visitDynamicSend(node));
assert(invariant(node, op.source == "is" || op.source == "as",
message: "unexpected operator $op"));
DartType type = elements.getType(node.typeAnnotationFromIsCheckOrCast);
ir.Primitive receiver = visit(node.receiver);
return irBuilder.buildTypeOperator(
receiver, type,
isTypeTest: op.source == "is",
isNotCheck: node.isIsNotCheck);
// Build(StaticSend(f, arguments), C) = C[C'[InvokeStatic(f, xs)]]
// where (C', xs) = arguments.fold(Build, C)
ir.Primitive visitStaticSend(ast.Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
// TODO(lry): support foreign functions.
if (element.isForeign(compiler.backend)) {
return giveup(node, 'StaticSend: foreign');
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
// TODO(lry): support default arguments, need support for locals.
List<ir.Primitive> arguments =
node.arguments.mapToList(visit, growable:false);
return irBuilder.buildStaticInvocation(element, selector, arguments);
ir.Primitive visitSuperSend(ast.Send node) {
if (node.isPropertyAccess) {
return visitGetterSend(node);
} else {
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
List<ir.Primitive> arguments = new List<ir.Primitive>();
for (ast.Node n in node.arguments) {
return irBuilder.buildSuperInvocation(selector, arguments);
visitTypePrefixSend(ast.Send node) {
compiler.internalError(node, "visitTypePrefixSend should not be called.");
ir.Primitive visitTypeLiteralSend(ast.Send node) {
// If the user is trying to invoke the type literal or variable,
// it must be treated as a function call.
if (node.argumentsNode != null) {
// TODO(sigurdm): Handle this to match proposed semantics of issue #19725.
return giveup(node, 'Type literal invoked as function');
DartType type = elements.getTypeLiteralType(node);
if (type is TypeVariableType) {
ir.Primitive prim = new ir.ReifyTypeVar(type.element);
irBuilder.add(new ir.LetPrim(prim));
return prim;
} else {
return translateConstant(node);
ir.Primitive visitSendSet(ast.SendSet node) {
Element element = elements[node];
ast.Operator op = node.assignmentOperator;
// For complex operators, this is the result of getting (before assigning)
ir.Primitive originalValue;
// For []+= style operators, this saves the index.
ir.Primitive index;
ir.Primitive receiver;
// This is what gets assigned.
ir.Primitive valueToStore;
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
Selector operatorSelector =
Selector getterSelector =
// Indexing send-sets have an argument for the index.
(selector.isIndexSet ? 1 : 0) +
// Non-increment send-sets have one more argument.
(ast.Operator.INCREMENT_OPERATORS.contains(op.source) ? 0 : 1)
== node.argumentCount());
ast.Node getAssignArgument() {
assert(invariant(node, !node.arguments.isEmpty,
message: "argument expected"));
return selector.isIndexSet
? node.arguments.tail.head
: node.arguments.head;
// Get the value into valueToStore
if (op.source == "=") {
if (selector.isIndexSet) {
receiver = visitReceiver(node.receiver);
index = visit(node.arguments.head);
} else if (element == null || Elements.isInstanceField(element)) {
receiver = visitReceiver(node.receiver);
valueToStore = visit(getAssignArgument());
} else {
// Get the original value into getter
_GetterElements getterResult = translateGetter(node, getterSelector);
index = getterResult.index;
receiver = getterResult.receiver;
originalValue = getterResult.result;
// Do the modification of the value in getter.
ir.Primitive arg;
if (ast.Operator.INCREMENT_OPERATORS.contains(op.source)) {
arg = irBuilder.buildIntegerLiteral(1);
} else {
arg = visit(getAssignArgument());
valueToStore = new ir.Parameter(null);
ir.Continuation k = new ir.Continuation([valueToStore]);
ir.Expression invoke =
new ir.InvokeMethod(originalValue, operatorSelector, k, [arg]);
irBuilder.add(new ir.LetCont(k, invoke));
if (Elements.isLocal(element)) {
irBuilder.buildLocalSet(element, valueToStore);
} else if ((!node.isSuperCall && Elements.isErroneousElement(element)) ||
Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element)) {
element, elements.getSelector(node), valueToStore);
} else {
// Setter or index-setter invocation
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
assert(selector.kind == SelectorKind.SETTER ||
selector.kind == SelectorKind.INDEX);
if (selector.isIndexSet) {
if (isSuperCall(node)) {
irBuilder.buildSuperIndexSet(index, valueToStore);
} else {
irBuilder.buildDynamicIndexSet(receiver, index, valueToStore);
} else {
if (isSuperCall(node)) {
irBuilder.buildSuperSet(selector, valueToStore);
} else {
irBuilder.buildDynamicSet(receiver, selector, valueToStore);
if (node.isPostfix) {
assert(originalValue != null);
return originalValue;
} else {
return valueToStore;
ir.Primitive visitNewExpression(ast.NewExpression node) {
if (node.isConst) {
return translateConstant(node);
FunctionElement element = elements[node.send];
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node.send);
DartType type = elements.getType(node);
ast.Node selectorNode = node.send.selector;
List<ir.Definition> arguments =
node.send.arguments.mapToList(visit, growable:false);
return irBuilder.buildConstructorInvocation(
element, selector, type, arguments);
ir.Primitive visitStringJuxtaposition(ast.StringJuxtaposition node) {
ir.Primitive first = visit(node.first);
ir.Primitive second = visit(node.second);
return irBuilder.buildStringConcatenation([first, second]);
ir.Primitive visitStringInterpolation(ast.StringInterpolation node) {
List<ir.Primitive> arguments = [];
var it =;
while (it.moveNext()) {
ast.StringInterpolationPart part = it.current;
return irBuilder.buildStringConcatenation(arguments);
ir.Primitive translateConstant(ast.Node node, [ConstantExpression constant]) {
if (constant == null) {
constant = getConstantForNode(node);
return irBuilder.buildConstantLiteral(constant);
/// Returns the backend-specific representation of an inner function.
Object makeSubFunction(ast.FunctionExpression node) {
if (isJavaScriptBackend) {
ClosureClassMap innerMap =
ClosureClassElement closureClass = innerMap.closureClassElement;
return closureClass;
} else {
FunctionElement element = elements[node];
assert(invariant(element, element.isImplementation));
IrBuilder builder = irBuilder.makeInnerFunctionBuilder(element);
return withBuilder(builder, () => _makeFunctionBody(element, node));
ir.Primitive visitFunctionExpression(ast.FunctionExpression node) {
return irBuilder.buildFunctionExpression(makeSubFunction(node));
visitFunctionDeclaration(ast.FunctionDeclaration node) {
LocalFunctionElement element = elements[node.function];
Object inner = makeSubFunction(node.function);
irBuilder.declareLocalFunction(element, inner);
static final String ABORT_IRNODE_BUILDER = "IrNode builder aborted";
dynamic giveup(ast.Node node, [String reason]) {
ir.ExecutableDefinition nullIfGiveup(ir.ExecutableDefinition action()) {
try {
return action();
} catch(e, tr) {
return null;
void internalError(String reason, {ast.Node node}) {
/// Classifies local variables and local functions as 'closure variables'.
/// A closure variable is one that is accessed from an inner function nested
/// one or more levels inside the one that declares it.
class DetectClosureVariables extends ast.Visitor
implements ClosureVariableInfo {
final TreeElements elements;
FunctionElement currentFunction;
bool insideInitializer = false;
Set<Local> capturedVariables = new Set<Local>();
void markAsClosureVariable(Local local) {
visit(ast.Node node) => node.accept(this);
visitNode(ast.Node node) {
void handleSend(ast.Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
if (Elements.isLocal(element) &&
!element.isConst &&
element.enclosingElement != currentFunction) {
LocalElement local = element;
visitSend(ast.Send node) {
visitSendSet(ast.SendSet node) {
Element element = elements[node];
// Initializers in an initializer-list can communicate via parameters.
// If a parameter is stored in an initializer list we box it.
if (insideInitializer &&
Elements.isLocal(element) &&
element.isParameter) {
LocalElement local = element;
// TODO(sigurdm): Fix this.
// Though these variables do not outlive the activation of the function,
// they still need to be boxed. As a simplification, we treat them as if
// they are captured by a closure (i.e., they do outlive the activation of
// the function).
visitFunctionExpression(ast.FunctionExpression node) {
FunctionElement oldFunction = currentFunction;
currentFunction = elements[node];
if (node.initializers != null) {
insideInitializer = true;
insideInitializer = false;
currentFunction = oldFunction;