blob: ff6c0c95bac189f7d55e738455d8ff3bac4afedd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analysis.server;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'dart:math' show max;
import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/protocol/protocol.dart'
hide AnalysisOptions, Element;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_logger.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/channel/channel.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/computer/computer_highlights.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/computer/computer_highlights2.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/computer/computer_outline.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/computer/new_notifications.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/context_manager.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/domains/analysis/navigation.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/domains/analysis/navigation_dart.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/domains/analysis/occurrences.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/domains/analysis/occurrences_dart.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/operation/operation.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/operation/operation_analysis.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/operation/operation_queue.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/plugin/notification_manager.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/plugin/server_plugin.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart' as server;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/server/diagnostic_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/namespace.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/index/index.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine_internal.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine_internal2.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/single_context_manager.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/null_string_sink.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_resolution_map.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/exception/exception.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/plugin/resolver_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/pub_package_map_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/ast_provider_context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/ast_provider_driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart' as nd;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart' as nd;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/status.dart' as nd;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/ast_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_general.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/glob.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/dart.dart';
import 'package:plugin/plugin.dart';
typedef void OptionUpdater(AnalysisOptionsImpl options);
* Enum representing reasons why analysis might be done for a given file.
class AnalysisDoneReason {
* Analysis of the file completed successfully.
static const AnalysisDoneReason COMPLETE =
const AnalysisDoneReason._('COMPLETE');
* Analysis of the file was aborted because the context was removed.
static const AnalysisDoneReason CONTEXT_REMOVED =
const AnalysisDoneReason._('CONTEXT_REMOVED');
* Textual description of this [AnalysisDoneReason].
final String text;
const AnalysisDoneReason._(this.text);
* Instances of the class [AnalysisServer] implement a server that listens on a
* [CommunicationChannel] for analysis requests and process them.
class AnalysisServer {
* The version of the analysis server. The value should be replaced
* automatically during the build.
static final String VERSION = '1.18.0';
* The number of milliseconds to perform operations before inserting
* a 1 millisecond delay so that the VM and dart:io can deliver content
* to stdin. This should be removed once the underlying problem is fixed.
static int performOperationDelayFrequency = 25;
* The options of this server instance.
AnalysisServerOptions options;
* The channel from which requests are received and to which responses should
* be sent.
final ServerCommunicationChannel channel;
* The object used to manage sending a subset of notifications to the client.
* The subset of notifications are those to which plugins may contribute.
* This field is `null` when the new plugin support is disabled.
final NotificationManager notificationManager;
* The [ResourceProvider] using which paths are converted into [Resource]s.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
* The [Index] for this server, may be `null` if indexing is disabled.
final Index index;
* The [SearchEngine] for this server, may be `null` if indexing is disabled.
SearchEngine searchEngine;
* The plugin associated with this analysis server.
final ServerPlugin serverPlugin;
* A list of the globs used to determine which files should be analyzed. The
* list is lazily created and should be accessed using [analyzedFilesGlobs].
List<Glob> _analyzedFilesGlobs = null;
* The [ContextManager] that handles the mapping from analysis roots to
* context directories.
ContextManager contextManager;
* A flag indicating whether the server is running. When false, contexts
* will no longer be added to [contextWorkQueue], and [performOperation] will
* discard any tasks it finds on [contextWorkQueue].
bool running;
* A flag indicating the value of the 'analyzing' parameter sent in the last
* status message to the client.
bool statusAnalyzing = false;
* A list of the request handlers used to handle the requests sent to this
* server.
List<RequestHandler> handlers;
* The object used to manage the SDK's known to this server.
DartSdkManager sdkManager;
* The instrumentation service that is to be used by this analysis server.
final InstrumentationService instrumentationService;
* A queue of the operations to perform in this server.
ServerOperationQueue operationQueue;
* True if there is a pending future which will execute [performOperation].
bool performOperationPending = false;
* A set of the [ServerService]s to send notifications for.
Set<ServerService> serverServices = new HashSet<ServerService>();
* A set of the [GeneralAnalysisService]s to send notifications for.
Set<GeneralAnalysisService> generalAnalysisServices =
new HashSet<GeneralAnalysisService>();
* A table mapping [AnalysisService]s to the file paths for which these
* notifications should be sent.
Map<AnalysisService, Set<String>> analysisServices =
new HashMap<AnalysisService, Set<String>>();
* A table mapping [AnalysisContext]s to the completers that should be
* completed when analysis of this context is finished.
Map<AnalysisContext, Completer<AnalysisDoneReason>>
contextAnalysisDoneCompleters =
new HashMap<AnalysisContext, Completer<AnalysisDoneReason>>();
* Performance information before initial analysis is complete.
ServerPerformance performanceDuringStartup = new ServerPerformance();
* Performance information after initial analysis is complete
* or `null` if the initial analysis is not yet complete
ServerPerformance performanceAfterStartup;
* The class into which performance information is currently being recorded.
* During startup, this will be the same as [performanceDuringStartup]
* and after startup is complete, this switches to [performanceAfterStartup].
ServerPerformance _performance;
* The [Completer] that completes when analysis is complete.
Completer _onAnalysisCompleteCompleter;
* The [Completer] that completes when the next operation is performed.
Completer _test_onOperationPerformedCompleter;
* The controller that is notified when analysis is started.
StreamController<bool> _onAnalysisStartedController;
* The controller that is notified when a single file has been analyzed.
StreamController<ChangeNotice> _onFileAnalyzedController;
* The controller used to notify others when priority sources change.
StreamController<PriorityChangeEvent> _onPriorityChangeController;
* True if any exceptions thrown by analysis should be propagated up the call
* stack.
bool rethrowExceptions;
* The next time (milliseconds since epoch) after which the analysis server
* should pause so that pending requests can be fetched by the system.
// Add 1 sec to prevent delay from impacting short running tests
int _nextPerformOperationDelayTime =
new + 1000;
* The content overlay for all analysis drivers.
final nd.FileContentOverlay fileContentOverlay = new nd.FileContentOverlay();
* The current state of overlays from the client. This is used as the
* content cache for all contexts.
final ContentCache overlayState = new ContentCache();
* The plugins that are defined outside the analysis_server package.
List<Plugin> userDefinedPlugins;
* If the "analysis.analyzedFiles" notification is currently being subscribed
* to (see [generalAnalysisServices]), and at least one such notification has
* been sent since the subscription was enabled, the set of analyzed files
* that was delivered in the most recently sent notification. Otherwise
* `null`.
Set<String> prevAnalyzedFiles;
* The default options used to create new analysis contexts. This object is
* also referenced by the ContextManager.
final AnalysisOptionsImpl defaultContextOptions = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
* The controller for sending [ContextsChangedEvent]s.
StreamController<ContextsChangedEvent> _onContextsChangedController =
new StreamController<ContextsChangedEvent>.broadcast();
* The file resolver provider used to override the way file URI's are
* resolved in some contexts.
ResolverProvider fileResolverProvider;
* The package resolver provider used to override the way package URI's are
* resolved in some contexts.
ResolverProvider packageResolverProvider;
nd.PerformanceLog _analysisPerformanceLogger;
ByteStore byteStore;
nd.AnalysisDriverScheduler analysisDriverScheduler;
* This exists as a temporary stopgap for plugins, until the official plugin
* API is complete.
StreamController<String> _onFileAddedController;
* This exists as a temporary stopgap for plugins, until the official plugin
* API is complete.
StreamController<String> _onFileChangedController;
* The set of the files that are currently priority.
final Set<String> priorityFiles = new Set<String>();
* The DiagnosticServer for this AnalysisServer. If available, it can be used
* to start an http diagnostics server or return the port for an existing
* server.
DiagnosticServer diagnosticServer;
* Initialize a newly created server to receive requests from and send
* responses to the given [channel].
* If [rethrowExceptions] is true, then any exceptions thrown by analysis are
* propagated up the call stack. The default is true to allow analysis
* exceptions to show up in unit tests, but it should be set to false when
* running a full analysis server.
PubPackageMapProvider packageMapProvider,
ResolverProvider fileResolverProvider: null,
ResolverProvider packageResolverProvider: null,
bool useSingleContextManager: false,
this.rethrowExceptions: true})
: notificationManager =
new NotificationManager(channel, resourceProvider) {
_performance = performanceDuringStartup;
defaultContextOptions.incremental = true;
defaultContextOptions.incrementalApi =
defaultContextOptions.incrementalValidation =
defaultContextOptions.finerGrainedInvalidation =
defaultContextOptions.generateImplicitErrors = false;
operationQueue = new ServerOperationQueue();
String name = options.newAnalysisDriverLog;
StringSink sink = new NullStringSink();
if (name != null) {
if (name == 'stdout') {
sink = io.stdout;
} else if (name.startsWith('file:')) {
String path = name.substring('file:'.length);
sink = new io.File(path).openWrite(mode: io.FileMode.APPEND);
_analysisPerformanceLogger = new nd.PerformanceLog(sink);
byteStore = _createByteStore();
analysisDriverScheduler =
new nd.AnalysisDriverScheduler(_analysisPerformanceLogger);
if (useSingleContextManager) {
contextManager = new SingleContextManager(resourceProvider, sdkManager,
packageResolverProvider, analyzedFilesGlobs, defaultContextOptions);
} else {
contextManager = new ContextManagerImpl(
this.fileResolverProvider = fileResolverProvider;
this.packageResolverProvider = packageResolverProvider;
ServerContextManagerCallbacks contextManagerCallbacks =
new ServerContextManagerCallbacks(this, resourceProvider);
contextManager.callbacks = contextManagerCallbacks;
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger = new AnalysisLogger(this);
_onAnalysisStartedController = new StreamController.broadcast();
_onFileAnalyzedController = new StreamController.broadcast();
// temporary plugin support:
_onFileAddedController = new StreamController.broadcast();
// temporary plugin support:
_onFileChangedController = new StreamController.broadcast();
_onPriorityChangeController =
new StreamController<PriorityChangeEvent>.broadcast();
running = true;
onAnalysisStarted.first.then((_) {
onAnalysisComplete.then((_) {
performanceAfterStartup = new ServerPerformance();
_performance = performanceAfterStartup;
if (options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
searchEngine = new SearchEngineImpl2(driverMap.values);
} else if (index != null) {
searchEngine = new SearchEngineImpl(index, getAstProvider);
Notification notification = new ServerConnectedParams(VERSION,,
sessionId: instrumentationService.sessionId)
channel.listen(handleRequest, onDone: done, onError: error);
handlers = serverPlugin.createDomains(this);
* Return the [AnalysisContext]s that are being used to analyze the analysis
* roots.
Iterable<AnalysisContext> get analysisContexts =>
* Return a list of the globs used to determine which files should be analyzed.
List<Glob> get analyzedFilesGlobs {
if (_analyzedFilesGlobs == null) {
_analyzedFilesGlobs = <Glob>[];
List<String> patterns = serverPlugin.analyzedFilePatterns;
for (String pattern in patterns) {
try {
.add(new Glob(resourceProvider.pathContext.separator, pattern));
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
'Invalid glob pattern: "$pattern"',
new CaughtException(exception, stackTrace));
return _analyzedFilesGlobs;
* A table mapping [Folder]s to the [AnalysisDriver]s associated with them.
Map<Folder, nd.AnalysisDriver> get driverMap => contextManager.driverMap;
* Return a table mapping [Folder]s to the [AnalysisContext]s associated with
* them.
Map<Folder, AnalysisContext> get folderMap => contextManager.folderMap;
* The [Future] that completes when analysis is complete.
Future get onAnalysisComplete {
if (isAnalysisComplete()) {
return new Future.value();
if (_onAnalysisCompleteCompleter == null) {
_onAnalysisCompleteCompleter = new Completer();
return _onAnalysisCompleteCompleter.future;
* The stream that is notified with `true` when analysis is started.
Stream<bool> get onAnalysisStarted {
* The stream that is notified when contexts are added or removed.
Stream<ContextsChangedEvent> get onContextsChanged =>;
* The stream that is notified when a single file has been analyzed.
Stream get onFileAnalyzed =>;
* The stream that is notified when a single file has been added. This exists
* as a temporary stopgap for plugins, until the official plugin API is
* complete.
Stream get onFileAdded =>;
* The stream that is notified when a single file has been changed. This
* exists as a temporary stopgap for plugins, until the official plugin API is
* complete.
Stream get onFileChanged =>;
* The stream that is notified when priority sources change.
Stream<PriorityChangeEvent> get onPriorityChange =>;
* The [Future] that completes when the next operation is performed.
Future get test_onOperationPerformed {
if (_test_onOperationPerformedCompleter == null) {
_test_onOperationPerformedCompleter = new Completer();
return _test_onOperationPerformedCompleter.future;
* Adds the given [ServerOperation] to the queue, but does not schedule
* operations execution.
void addOperation(ServerOperation operation) {
* The socket from which requests are being read has been closed.
void done() {
running = false;
* There was an error related to the socket from which requests are being
* read.
void error(argument) {
running = false;
* If the given notice applies to a file contained within an analysis root,
* notify interested parties that the file has been (at least partially)
* analyzed.
void fileAnalyzed(ChangeNotice notice) {
if (contextManager.isInAnalysisRoot(notice.source.fullName)) {
* Return one of the SDKs that has been created, or `null` if no SDKs have
* been created yet.
DartSdk findSdk() {
DartSdk sdk = sdkManager.anySdk;
if (sdk != null) {
return sdk;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Should we create an SDK using the default options?
return null;
* Return the preferred [AnalysisContext] for analyzing the given [path].
* This will be the context that explicitly contains the path, if any such
* context exists, otherwise it will be the first analysis context that
* implicitly analyzes it. Return `null` if no context is analyzing the
* path.
AnalysisContext getAnalysisContext(String path) {
return getContextSourcePair(path).context;
* Return any [AnalysisContext] that is analyzing the given [source], either
* explicitly or implicitly. Return `null` if there is no such context.
AnalysisContext getAnalysisContextForSource(Source source) {
for (AnalysisContext context in analysisContexts) {
SourceKind kind = context.getKindOf(source);
if (kind != SourceKind.UNKNOWN) {
return context;
return null;
* Return an analysis driver to which the file with the given [path] is
* added if one exists, otherwise a driver in which the file was analyzed if
* one exists, otherwise the first driver, otherwise `null`.
nd.AnalysisDriver getAnalysisDriver(String path) {
Iterable<nd.AnalysisDriver> drivers = driverMap.values;
if (drivers.isNotEmpty) {
nd.AnalysisDriver driver = drivers.firstWhere(
(driver) => driver.addedFiles.contains(path),
orElse: () => null);
driver ??= drivers.firstWhere(
(driver) => driver.knownFiles.contains(path),
orElse: () => null);
driver ??= drivers.first;
return driver;
return null;
* Return the analysis result for the file with the given [path]. The file is
* analyzed in one of the analysis drivers to which the file was added,
* otherwise in the first driver, otherwise `null` is returned.
Future<nd.AnalysisResult> getAnalysisResult(String path) async {
try {
nd.AnalysisDriver driver = getAnalysisDriver(path);
return await driver?.getResult(path);
} catch (e) {
// Ignore the exception.
// We don't want to log the same exception again and again.
return null;
* Return the [AstProvider] for the given [path].
AstProvider getAstProvider(String path) {
if (options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
var analysisDriver = getAnalysisDriver(path);
return new AstProviderForDriver(analysisDriver);
} else {
var analysisContext = getAnalysisContext(path);
return new AstProviderForContext(analysisContext);
CompilationUnitElement getCompilationUnitElement(String file) {
ContextSourcePair pair = getContextSourcePair(file);
if (pair == null) {
return null;
// prepare AnalysisContext and Source
AnalysisContext context = pair.context;
Source unitSource = pair.source;
if (context == null || unitSource == null) {
return null;
// get element in the first library
List<Source> librarySources = context.getLibrariesContaining(unitSource);
if (!librarySources.isNotEmpty) {
return null;
Source librarySource = librarySources.first;
return context.getCompilationUnitElement(unitSource, librarySource);
* Return the [AnalysisContext] for the "innermost" context whose associated
* folder is or contains the given path. ("innermost" refers to the nesting
* of contexts, so if there is a context for path /foo and a context for
* path /foo/bar, then the innermost context containing /foo/bar/baz.dart is
* the context for /foo/bar.)
* If no context contains the given path, `null` is returned.
AnalysisContext getContainingContext(String path) {
return contextManager.getContextFor(path);
* Return the [nd.AnalysisDriver] for the "innermost" context whose associated
* folder is or contains the given path. ("innermost" refers to the nesting
* of contexts, so if there is a context for path /foo and a context for
* path /foo/bar, then the innermost context containing /foo/bar/baz.dart is
* the context for /foo/bar.)
* If no context contains the given path, `null` is returned.
nd.AnalysisDriver getContainingDriver(String path) {
return contextManager.getDriverFor(path);
* Return the primary [ContextSourcePair] representing the given [path].
* The [AnalysisContext] of this pair will be the context that explicitly
* contains the path, if any such context exists, otherwise it will be the
* first context that implicitly analyzes it.
* If the [path] is not analyzed by any context, a [ContextSourcePair] with
* a `null` context and a `file` [Source] is returned.
* If the [path] doesn't represent a file, a [ContextSourcePair] with a `null`
* context and `null` [Source] is returned.
* Does not return `null`.
ContextSourcePair getContextSourcePair(String path) {
// try SDK
DartSdk sdk = findSdk();
if (sdk != null) {
Uri uri = resourceProvider.pathContext.toUri(path);
Source sdkSource = sdk.fromFileUri(uri);
if (sdkSource != null) {
return new ContextSourcePair(sdk.context, sdkSource);
// try to find the deep-most containing context
Resource resource = resourceProvider.getResource(path);
if (resource is! File) {
return new ContextSourcePair(null, null);
File file = resource;
AnalysisContext containingContext = getContainingContext(path);
if (containingContext != null) {
Source source =
ContextManagerImpl.createSourceInContext(containingContext, file);
return new ContextSourcePair(containingContext, source);
// try to find a context that analysed the file
for (AnalysisContext context in analysisContexts) {
Source source = ContextManagerImpl.createSourceInContext(context, file);
SourceKind kind = context.getKindOf(source);
if (kind != SourceKind.UNKNOWN) {
return new ContextSourcePair(context, source);
// try to find a context for which the file is a priority source
for (InternalAnalysisContext context in analysisContexts) {
List<Source> sources = context.getSourcesWithFullName(path);
if (sources.isNotEmpty) {
Source source = sources.first;
return new ContextSourcePair(context, source);
// file-based source
Source fileSource = file.createSource();
return new ContextSourcePair(null, fileSource);
* Return a [Future] that completes with the [Element] at the given
* [offset] of the given [file], or with `null` if there is no node at the
* [offset] or the node does not have an element.
Future<Element> getElementAtOffset(String file, int offset) async {
AstNode node = await getNodeAtOffset(file, offset);
return getElementOfNode(node);
* Return the [Element] of the given [node], or `null` if [node] is `null` or
* does not have an element.
Element getElementOfNode(AstNode node) {
if (node == null) {
return null;
if (node is SimpleIdentifier && node.parent is LibraryIdentifier) {
node = node.parent;
if (node is LibraryIdentifier) {
node = node.parent;
if (node is StringLiteral && node.parent is UriBasedDirective) {
return null;
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(node);
if (node is SimpleIdentifier && element is PrefixElement) {
element = getImportElement(node);
return element;
* Return an analysis error info containing the array of all of the errors and
* the line info associated with [file].
* Returns `null` if [file] does not belong to any [AnalysisContext], or the
* file does not exist.
* The array of errors will be empty if there are no errors in [file]. The
* errors contained in the array can be incomplete.
* This method does not wait for all errors to be computed, and returns just
* the current state.
AnalysisErrorInfo getErrors(String file) {
ContextSourcePair contextSource = getContextSourcePair(file);
AnalysisContext context = contextSource.context;
Source source = contextSource.source;
if (context == null) {
return null;
if (!context.exists(source)) {
return null;
return context.getErrors(source);
* Return a [Future] that completes with the resolved [AstNode] at the
* given [offset] of the given [file], or with `null` if there is no node as
* the [offset].
Future<AstNode> getNodeAtOffset(String file, int offset) async {
CompilationUnit unit;
if (options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
nd.AnalysisResult result = await getAnalysisResult(file);
unit = result?.unit;
} else {
unit = await getResolvedCompilationUnit(file);
if (unit != null) {
return new NodeLocator(offset).searchWithin(unit);
return null;
* Return a [Future] that completes with the resolved [CompilationUnit] for
* the Dart file with the given [path], or with `null` if the file is not a
* Dart file or cannot be resolved.
Future<CompilationUnit> getResolvedCompilationUnit(String path) async {
if (options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
nd.AnalysisResult result = await getAnalysisResult(path);
return result?.unit;
ContextSourcePair contextSource = getContextSourcePair(path);
AnalysisContext context = contextSource.context;
if (context == null) {
return null;
return runWithActiveContext(context, () {
Source unitSource = contextSource.source;
List<Source> librarySources = context.getLibrariesContaining(unitSource);
for (Source librarySource in librarySources) {
return context.resolveCompilationUnit2(unitSource, librarySource);
return null;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Add the following method after 'prioritySources' has
// been added to InternalAnalysisContext.
// /**
// * Return a list containing the full names of all of the sources that are
// * priority sources.
// */
// List<String> getPriorityFiles() {
// List<String> priorityFiles = new List<String>();
// folderMap.values.forEach((ContextDirectory directory) {
// InternalAnalysisContext context = directory.context;
// context.prioritySources.forEach((Source source) {
// priorityFiles.add(source.fullName);
// });
// });
// return priorityFiles;
// }
* Handle a [request] that was read from the communication channel.
void handleRequest(Request request) {
runZoned(() {
ServerPerformanceStatistics.serverRequests.makeCurrentWhile(() {
int count = handlers.length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
try {
Response response = handlers[i].handleRequest(request);
if (response == Response.DELAYED_RESPONSE) {
if (response != null) {
} on RequestFailure catch (exception) {
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
RequestError error = new RequestError(
RequestErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, exception.toString());
if (stackTrace != null) {
error.stackTrace = stackTrace.toString();
Response response = new Response(, error: error);
channel.sendResponse(new Response.unknownRequest(request));
}, onError: (exception, stackTrace) {
'Failed to handle request: ${request.toJson()}',
fatal: true);
* Returns `true` if there is a subscription for the given [service] and
* [file].
bool hasAnalysisSubscription(AnalysisService service, String file) {
Set<String> files = analysisServices[service];
return files != null && files.contains(file);
* Return `true` if analysis is complete.
bool isAnalysisComplete() {
return operationQueue.isEmpty && !analysisDriverScheduler.isAnalyzing;
* Return `true` if the given path is a valid `FilePath`.
* This means that it is absolute and normalized.
bool isValidFilePath(String path) {
return resourceProvider.absolutePathContext.isValid(path);
* Returns a [Future] completing when [file] has been completely analyzed, in
* particular, all its errors have been computed. The future is completed
* with an [AnalysisDoneReason] indicating what caused the file's analysis to
* be considered complete.
* If the given file doesn't belong to any context, null is returned.
* TODO(scheglov) this method should be improved.
* 1. The analysis context should be told to analyze this particular file ASAP.
* 2. We should complete the future as soon as the file is analyzed (not wait
* until the context is completely finished)
Future<AnalysisDoneReason> onFileAnalysisComplete(String file) {
// prepare AnalysisContext
AnalysisContext context = getAnalysisContext(file);
if (context == null) {
return null;
// done if everything is already analyzed
if (isAnalysisComplete()) {
return new Future.value(AnalysisDoneReason.COMPLETE);
// schedule context analysis
// associate with the context completer
Completer<AnalysisDoneReason> completer =
if (completer == null) {
completer = new Completer<AnalysisDoneReason>();
contextAnalysisDoneCompleters[context] = completer;
return completer.future;
* Perform the next available [ServerOperation].
void performOperation() {
performOperationPending = false;
if (!running) {
// An error has occurred, or the connection to the client has been
// closed, since this method was scheduled on the event queue. So
// don't do anything. Instead clear the operation queue.
// prepare next operation
ServerOperation operation = operationQueue.take();
if (operation == null) {
// This can happen if the operation queue is cleared while the operation
// loop is in progress. No problem; we just need to exit the operation
// loop and wait for the next operation to be added.
// perform the operation
try {
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
'Failed to perform operation: $operation', exception, stackTrace,
fatal: true);
if (rethrowExceptions) {
throw new AnalysisException('Unexpected exception during analysis',
new CaughtException(exception, stackTrace));
} finally {
if (_test_onOperationPerformedCompleter != null) {
_test_onOperationPerformedCompleter = null;
if (!operationQueue.isEmpty) {
} else {
if (generalAnalysisServices
.contains(GeneralAnalysisService.ANALYZED_FILES)) {
if (_onAnalysisCompleteCompleter != null) {
_onAnalysisCompleteCompleter = null;
* Trigger reanalysis of all files in the given list of analysis [roots], or
* everything if the analysis roots is `null`.
void reanalyze(List<Resource> roots) {
// Clear any operations that are pending.
if (roots == null) {
} else {
for (AnalysisContext context in _getContexts(roots)) {
// Instruct the contextDirectoryManager to rebuild all contexts from
// scratch.
* Schedule cache consistency validation in [context].
* The most of the validation must be done asynchronously.
void scheduleCacheConsistencyValidation(AnalysisContext context) {
if (context is InternalAnalysisContext) {
CacheConsistencyValidator validator = context.cacheConsistencyValidator;
List<Source> sources = validator.getSourcesToComputeModificationTimes();
// Compute modification times and notify the validator asynchronously.
new Future(() async {
try {
List<int> modificationTimes =
await resourceProvider.getModificationTimes(sources);
bool cacheInconsistencyFixed = validator
.sourceModificationTimesComputed(sources, modificationTimes);
if (cacheInconsistencyFixed) {
scheduleOperation(new PerformAnalysisOperation(context, false));
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
'Failed to check cache consistency', exception, stackTrace);
* Schedules execution of the given [ServerOperation].
void scheduleOperation(ServerOperation operation) {
* Schedules analysis of the given context.
void schedulePerformAnalysisOperation(AnalysisContext context) {
scheduleOperation(new PerformAnalysisOperation(context, false));
* This method is called when analysis of the given [AnalysisContext] is
* done.
void sendContextAnalysisDoneNotifications(
AnalysisContext context, AnalysisDoneReason reason) {
Completer<AnalysisDoneReason> completer =
if (completer != null) {
* Send the given [notification] to the client.
void sendNotification(Notification notification) {
* Send the given [response] to the client.
void sendResponse(Response response) {
* Sends a `server.error` notification.
void sendServerErrorNotification(String message, exception, stackTrace,
{bool fatal: false}) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (exception != null) {
} else {
buffer.write('null exception');
if (stackTrace != null) {
} else if (exception is! CaughtException) {
try {
throw 'ignored';
} catch (ignored, stackTrace) {
// send the notification
new ServerErrorParams(fatal, message, buffer.toString())
* Send status notification to the client. The `operation` is the operation
* being performed or `null` if analysis is complete.
void sendStatusNotification(ServerOperation operation) {
// Only send status when subscribed.
if (!serverServices.contains(ServerService.STATUS)) {
// Only send status when it changes
bool isAnalyzing = operation != null;
if (statusAnalyzing == isAnalyzing) {
statusAnalyzing = isAnalyzing;
AnalysisStatus analysis = new AnalysisStatus(isAnalyzing);
new ServerStatusParams(analysis: analysis).toNotification());
* Send status notification to the client. The state of analysis is given by
* the [status] information.
void sendStatusNotificationNew(nd.AnalysisStatus status) {
if (status.isAnalyzing) {
if (_onAnalysisCompleteCompleter != null && !status.isAnalyzing) {
_onAnalysisCompleteCompleter = null;
// Perform on-idle actions.
if (!status.isAnalyzing) {
if (generalAnalysisServices
.contains(GeneralAnalysisService.ANALYZED_FILES)) {
// Only send status when subscribed.
if (!serverServices.contains(ServerService.STATUS)) {
// Only send status when it changes
if (statusAnalyzing == status.isAnalyzing) {
statusAnalyzing = status.isAnalyzing;
AnalysisStatus analysis = new AnalysisStatus(status.isAnalyzing);
new ServerStatusParams(analysis: analysis).toNotification());
* Implementation for `analysis.setAnalysisRoots`.
* TODO(scheglov) implement complete projects/contexts semantics.
* The current implementation is intentionally simplified and expected
* that only folders are given each given folder corresponds to the exactly
* one context.
* So, we can start working in parallel on adding services and improving
* projects/contexts support.
void setAnalysisRoots(String requestId, List<String> includedPaths,
List<String> excludedPaths, Map<String, String> packageRoots) {
if (notificationManager != null) {
notificationManager.setAnalysisRoots(includedPaths, excludedPaths);
try {
contextManager.setRoots(includedPaths, excludedPaths, packageRoots);
} on UnimplementedError catch (e) {
throw new RequestFailure(
new Response.unsupportedFeature(requestId, e.message));
* Implementation for `analysis.setSubscriptions`.
void setAnalysisSubscriptions(
Map<AnalysisService, Set<String>> subscriptions) {
if (notificationManager != null) {
if (options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
this.analysisServices = subscriptions;
Set<String> allNewFiles =
subscriptions.values.expand((files) => files).toSet();
for (String file in allNewFiles) {
// The result will be produced by the "results" stream with
// the fully resolved unit, and processed with sending analysis
// notifications as it happens after content changes.
if (AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(file)) {
// send notifications for already analyzed sources
subscriptions.forEach((service, Set<String> newFiles) {
Set<String> oldFiles = analysisServices[service];
Set<String> todoFiles =
oldFiles != null ? newFiles.difference(oldFiles) : newFiles;
for (String file in todoFiles) {
if (contextManager.isIgnored(file)) {
// prepare context
ContextSourcePair contextSource = getContextSourcePair(file);
AnalysisContext context = contextSource.context;
if (context == null) {
Source source = contextSource.source;
// Ensure that if the AST is flushed / not ready, it will be
// computed eventually.
if (AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(file)) {
(context as InternalAnalysisContext).ensureResolvedDartUnits(source);
// Send notifications that don't directly take an AST.
switch (service) {
case AnalysisService.NAVIGATION:
sendAnalysisNotificationNavigation(this, context, source);
case AnalysisService.OCCURRENCES:
sendAnalysisNotificationOccurrences(this, context, source);
// Dart unit notifications.
if (AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(file)) {
// TODO(scheglov) This way to get resolved information is very Dart
// specific. OTOH as it is planned now Angular results are not
// flushable.
CompilationUnit dartUnit =
_getResolvedCompilationUnitToResendNotification(context, source);
if (dartUnit != null) {
switch (service) {
case AnalysisService.HIGHLIGHTS:
sendAnalysisNotificationHighlights(this, file, dartUnit);
case AnalysisService.OUTLINE:
AnalysisContext context = resolutionMap
LineInfo lineInfo = context.getLineInfo(source);
SourceKind kind = context.getKindOf(source);
this, file, lineInfo, kind, dartUnit);
case AnalysisService.OVERRIDES:
sendAnalysisNotificationOverrides(this, file, dartUnit);
// remember new subscriptions
this.analysisServices = subscriptions;
// special case for implemented elements
if (analysisServices.containsKey(AnalysisService.IMPLEMENTED) &&
isAnalysisComplete()) {
* Implementation for `analysis.setGeneralSubscriptions`.
void setGeneralAnalysisSubscriptions(
List<GeneralAnalysisService> subscriptions) {
Set<GeneralAnalysisService> newServices = subscriptions.toSet();
if (newServices.contains(GeneralAnalysisService.ANALYZED_FILES) &&
.contains(GeneralAnalysisService.ANALYZED_FILES) &&
isAnalysisComplete()) {
} else if (!newServices.contains(GeneralAnalysisService.ANALYZED_FILES) &&
.contains(GeneralAnalysisService.ANALYZED_FILES)) {
prevAnalyzedFiles = null;
generalAnalysisServices = newServices;
* Set the priority files to the given [files].
void setPriorityFiles(String requestId, List<String> files) {
if (options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
// Set priority files in drivers.
driverMap.values.forEach((driver) {
driver.priorityFiles = files;
// Note: when a file is a priority file, that information needs to be
// propagated to all contexts that analyze the file, so that all contexts
// will be able to do incremental resolution of the file. See
Map<AnalysisContext, List<Source>> sourceMap =
new HashMap<AnalysisContext, List<Source>>();
List<String> unanalyzed = new List<String>();
Source firstSource = null;
files.forEach((String file) {
if (contextManager.isIgnored(file)) {
// Prepare the context/source pair.
ContextSourcePair contextSource = getContextSourcePair(file);
AnalysisContext preferredContext = contextSource.context;
Source source = contextSource.source;
// Try to make the file analyzable.
// If it is not in any context yet, add it to the first one which
// could use it, e.g. imports its package, even if not the library.
if (preferredContext == null) {
Resource resource = resourceProvider.getResource(file);
if (resource is File && resource.exists) {
for (AnalysisContext context in analysisContexts) {
Uri uri = context.sourceFactory.restoreUri(source);
if (uri.scheme != 'file') {
preferredContext = context;
source =
ContextManagerImpl.createSourceInContext(context, resource);
// Fill the source map.
bool contextFound = false;
if (preferredContext != null) {
sourceMap.putIfAbsent(preferredContext, () => <Source>[]).add(source);
contextFound = true;
for (AnalysisContext context in analysisContexts) {
if (context != preferredContext &&
context.getKindOf(source) != SourceKind.UNKNOWN) {
sourceMap.putIfAbsent(context, () => <Source>[]).add(source);
contextFound = true;
if (firstSource == null) {
firstSource = source;
if (!contextFound) {
if (unanalyzed.isNotEmpty) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.writeAll(unanalyzed, ', ');
throw new RequestFailure(
new Response.unanalyzedPriorityFiles(requestId, buffer.toString()));
sourceMap.forEach((context, List<Source> sourceList) {
context.analysisPriorityOrder = sourceList;
// Schedule the context for analysis so that it has the opportunity to
// cache the AST's for the priority sources as soon as possible.
_onPriorityChangeController.add(new PriorityChangeEvent(firstSource));
* Returns `true` if errors should be reported for [file] with the given
* absolute path.
bool shouldSendErrorsNotificationFor(String file) {
return contextManager.isInAnalysisRoot(file);
void shutdown() {
running = false;
if (index != null) {
// Defer closing the channel and shutting down the instrumentation server so
// that the shutdown response can be sent and logged.
new Future(() {
void test_flushAstStructures(String file) {
if (AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(file)) {
ContextSourcePair contextSource = getContextSourcePair(file);
InternalAnalysisContext context = contextSource.context;
Source source = contextSource.source;
* Performs all scheduled analysis operations.
void test_performAllAnalysisOperations() {
while (true) {
ServerOperation operation = operationQueue.takeIf((operation) {
return operation is PerformAnalysisOperation;
if (operation == null) {
* Implementation for `analysis.updateContent`.
void updateContent(String id, Map<String, dynamic> changes) {
if (options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
changes.forEach((file, change) {
// Prepare the new contents.
String oldContents = fileContentOverlay[file];
String newContents;
if (change is AddContentOverlay) {
newContents = change.content;
} else if (change is ChangeContentOverlay) {
if (oldContents == null) {
// The client may only send a ChangeContentOverlay if there is
// already an existing overlay for the source.
throw new RequestFailure(new Response(id,
error: new RequestError(RequestErrorCode.INVALID_OVERLAY_CHANGE,
'Invalid overlay change')));
try {
newContents = SourceEdit.applySequence(oldContents, change.edits);
} on RangeError {
throw new RequestFailure(new Response(id,
error: new RequestError(RequestErrorCode.INVALID_OVERLAY_CHANGE,
'Invalid overlay change')));
} else if (change is RemoveContentOverlay) {
newContents = null;
} else {
// Protocol parsing should have ensured that we never get here.
throw new AnalysisException('Illegal change type');
fileContentOverlay[file] = newContents;
driverMap.values.forEach((driver) {
// temporary plugin support:
// If the file did not exist, and is "overlay only", it still should be
// analyzed. Add it to driver to which it should have been added.
// TODO(scheglov) implement other cases
changes.forEach((file, change) {
ContextSourcePair contextSource = getContextSourcePair(file);
Source source = contextSource.source;
// Prepare the new contents.
String oldContents = overlayState.getContents(source);
String newContents;
if (change is AddContentOverlay) {
newContents = change.content;
} else if (change is ChangeContentOverlay) {
if (oldContents == null) {
// The client may only send a ChangeContentOverlay if there is
// already an existing overlay for the source.
throw new RequestFailure(new Response(id,
error: new RequestError(RequestErrorCode.INVALID_OVERLAY_CHANGE,
'Invalid overlay change')));
try {
newContents = SourceEdit.applySequence(oldContents, change.edits);
} on RangeError {
throw new RequestFailure(new Response(id,
error: new RequestError(RequestErrorCode.INVALID_OVERLAY_CHANGE,
'Invalid overlay change')));
} else if (change is RemoveContentOverlay) {
newContents = null;
} else {
// Protocol parsing should have ensured that we never get here.
throw new AnalysisException('Illegal change type');
AnalysisContext containingContext = getContainingContext(file);
// Check for an implicitly added but missing source.
// (For example, the target of an import might not exist yet.)
// We need to do this before setContents, which changes the stamp.
bool wasMissing = containingContext?.getModificationStamp(source) == -1;
overlayState.setContents(source, newContents);
// If the source does not exist, then it was an overlay-only one.
// Remove it from contexts.
if (newContents == null && !source.exists()) {
for (InternalAnalysisContext context in analysisContexts) {
List<Source> sources = context.getSourcesWithFullName(file);
ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet();
// Update all contexts.
bool anyContextUpdated = false;
for (InternalAnalysisContext context in analysisContexts) {
List<Source> sources = context.getSourcesWithFullName(file);
sources.forEach((Source source) {
anyContextUpdated = true;
if (context == containingContext && wasMissing) {
// Promote missing source to an explicitly added Source.
context.applyChanges(new ChangeSet()..addedSource(source));
if (context.handleContentsChanged(
source, oldContents, newContents, true)) {
} else {
// When the client sends any change for a source, we should resend
// subscribed notifications, even if there were no changes in the
// source contents.
// TODO(scheglov) consider checking if there are subscriptions.
if (AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(file)) {
List<CompilationUnit> dartUnits =
if (dartUnits != null) {
AnalysisErrorInfo errorInfo = context.getErrors(source);
for (var dartUnit in dartUnits) {
scheduleIndexOperation(this, file, dartUnit);
} else {
// The source is not analyzed by any context, add to the containing one.
if (!anyContextUpdated) {
AnalysisContext context = contextSource.context;
if (context != null && source != null) {
ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet();
* Use the given updaters to update the values of the options in every
* existing analysis context.
void updateOptions(List<OptionUpdater> optionUpdaters) {
if (options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
// TODO(scheglov) implement for the new analysis driver
// Update existing contexts.
for (AnalysisContext context in analysisContexts) {
AnalysisOptionsImpl options =
new AnalysisOptionsImpl.from(context.analysisOptions);
optionUpdaters.forEach((OptionUpdater optionUpdater) {
context.analysisOptions = options;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) As far as I can tell, this doesn't cause analysis
// to be scheduled for this context.
// Update the defaults used to create new contexts.
optionUpdaters.forEach((OptionUpdater optionUpdater) {
void _computingPackageMap(bool computing) {
if (serverServices.contains(ServerService.STATUS)) {
PubStatus pubStatus = new PubStatus(computing);
ServerStatusParams params = new ServerStatusParams(pub: pubStatus);
* If the state location can be accessed, return the file byte store,
* otherwise return the memory byte store.
ByteStore _createByteStore() {
const int M = 1024 * 1024 /*1 MiB*/;
const int G = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 /*1 GiB*/;
if (resourceProvider is PhysicalResourceProvider) {
Folder stateLocation =
if (stateLocation != null) {
return new MemoryCachingByteStore(
new EvictingFileByteStore(stateLocation.path, G), 64 * M);
return new MemoryCachingByteStore(new NullByteStore(), 64 * M);
* Return a set of all contexts whose associated folder is contained within,
* or equal to, one of the resources in the given list of [resources].
Set<AnalysisContext> _getContexts(List<Resource> resources) {
Set<AnalysisContext> contexts = new HashSet<AnalysisContext>();
resources.forEach((Resource resource) {
if (resource is Folder) {
return contexts;
* Returns the [CompilationUnit] of the Dart file with the given [source] that
* should be used to resend notifications for already resolved unit.
* Returns `null` if the file is not a part of any context, library has not
* been yet resolved, or any problem happened.
CompilationUnit _getResolvedCompilationUnitToResendNotification(
AnalysisContext context, Source source) {
List<Source> librarySources = context.getLibrariesContaining(source);
if (librarySources.isEmpty) {
return null;
// if library has not been resolved yet, the unit will be resolved later
Source librarySource = librarySources[0];
if (context.getResult(librarySource, LIBRARY_ELEMENT6) == null) {
return null;
// if library has been already resolved, resolve unit
return runWithActiveContext(context, () {
return context.resolveCompilationUnit2(source, librarySource);
bool _hasAnalysisServiceSubscription(AnalysisService service, String file) {
return analysisServices[service]?.contains(file) ?? false;
_scheduleAnalysisImplementedNotification() async {
Set<String> files = analysisServices[AnalysisService.IMPLEMENTED];
if (files != null) {
scheduleImplementedNotification(this, files);
* Schedules [performOperation] execution.
void _schedulePerformOperation() {
if (performOperationPending) {
* TODO (danrubel) Rip out this workaround once the underlying problem
* is fixed. Currently, the VM and dart:io do not deliver content
* on stdin in a timely manner if the event loop is busy.
* To work around this problem, we delay for 1 millisecond
* every 25 milliseconds.
* To disable this workaround and see the underlying problem,
* set performOperationDelayFrequency to zero
int now = new;
if (now > _nextPerformOperationDelayTime &&
performOperationDelayFrequency > 0) {
_nextPerformOperationDelayTime = now + performOperationDelayFrequency;
new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 1), performOperation);
} else {
new Future(performOperation);
performOperationPending = true;
* Listen for context events and invalidate index.
* It is possible that this method will do more in the future, e.g. listening
* for summary information and linking pre-indexed packages into the index,
* but for now we only invalidate project specific index information.
void _setupIndexInvalidation() {
if (index == null) {
onContextsChanged.listen((ContextsChangedEvent event) {
for (AnalysisContext context in event.added) {
.listen((ResultChangedEvent event) {
if (event.wasComputed) {
Object value = event.value;
if (value is CompilationUnit) {
.listen((ResultChangedEvent event) {
if (event.wasInvalidated) {
LibrarySpecificUnit target =;
index.removeUnit(event.context, target.library, target.unit);
for (AnalysisContext context in event.removed) {
class AnalysisServerOptions {
bool enableIncrementalResolutionApi = false;
bool enableIncrementalResolutionValidation = false;
bool enableNewAnalysisDriver = false;
bool finerGrainedInvalidation = false;
bool noIndex = false;
bool useAnalysisHighlight2 = false;
String fileReadMode = 'as-is';
String newAnalysisDriverLog;
* Information about a file - an [AnalysisContext] that analyses the file,
* and the [Source] representing the file in this context.
class ContextSourcePair {
* A context that analysis the file.
* May be `null` if the file is not analyzed by any context.
final AnalysisContext context;
* The source that corresponds to the file.
* May be `null` if the file is not a regular file.
* If the file cannot be found in the [context], then it has a `file` uri.
final Source source;
ContextSourcePair(this.context, this.source);
* A [PriorityChangeEvent] indicates the set the priority files has changed.
class PriorityChangeEvent {
final Source firstSource;
class ServerContextManagerCallbacks extends ContextManagerCallbacks {
final AnalysisServer analysisServer;
* The [ResourceProvider] by which paths are converted into [Resource]s.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
ServerContextManagerCallbacks(this.analysisServer, this.resourceProvider);
nd.AnalysisDriver addAnalysisDriver(Folder folder, AnalysisOptions options) {
ContextBuilder builder = createContextBuilder(folder, options);
nd.AnalysisDriver analysisDriver = builder.buildDriver(folder.path);
analysisDriver.results.listen((result) {
NotificationManager notificationManager =
String path = result.path;
if (analysisServer.shouldSendErrorsNotificationFor(path)) {
if (notificationManager != null) {
} else {
new_sendErrorNotification(analysisServer, result);
CompilationUnit unit = result.unit;
if (unit != null) {
if (notificationManager != null) {
if (analysisServer._hasAnalysisServiceSubscription(
AnalysisService.HIGHLIGHTS, path)) {
_runDelayed(() {
if (analysisServer._hasAnalysisServiceSubscription(
AnalysisService.NAVIGATION, path)) {
_runDelayed(() {
_computeNavigationParams(path, unit));
if (analysisServer._hasAnalysisServiceSubscription(
AnalysisService.OCCURRENCES, path)) {
_runDelayed(() {
// if (analysisServer._hasAnalysisServiceSubscription(
// AnalysisService.OUTLINE, path)) {
// _runDelayed(() {
// // TODO(brianwilkerson) Change NotificationManager to store params
// // so that fileKind and libraryName can be recorded / passed along.
// notificationManager.recordOutlines(NotificationManager.serverId,
// path, _computeOutlineParams(path, unit, result.lineInfo));
// });
// }
} else {
if (analysisServer._hasAnalysisServiceSubscription(
AnalysisService.HIGHLIGHTS, path)) {
_runDelayed(() {
sendAnalysisNotificationHighlights(analysisServer, path, unit);
if (analysisServer._hasAnalysisServiceSubscription(
AnalysisService.NAVIGATION, path)) {
_runDelayed(() {
new_sendDartNotificationNavigation(analysisServer, result);
if (analysisServer._hasAnalysisServiceSubscription(
AnalysisService.OCCURRENCES, path)) {
_runDelayed(() {
new_sendDartNotificationOccurrences(analysisServer, result);
if (analysisServer._hasAnalysisServiceSubscription(
AnalysisService.OUTLINE, path)) {
_runDelayed(() {
SourceKind sourceKind =
unit.directives.any((d) => d is PartOfDirective)
? SourceKind.PART
: SourceKind.LIBRARY;
analysisServer, path, result.lineInfo, sourceKind, unit);
if (analysisServer._hasAnalysisServiceSubscription(
AnalysisService.OVERRIDES, path)) {
_runDelayed(() {
sendAnalysisNotificationOverrides(analysisServer, path, unit);
// TODO(scheglov) Implement notifications for AnalysisService.IMPLEMENTED.
analysisDriver.exceptions.listen((nd.ExceptionResult result) {
String message = 'Analysis failed: ${result.path}';
if (result.contextKey != null) {
message += ' context: ${result.contextKey}';
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logError(message, result.exception);
analysisServer.driverMap[folder] = analysisDriver;
return analysisDriver;
AnalysisContext addContext(Folder folder, AnalysisOptions options) {
ContextBuilder builder = createContextBuilder(folder, options);
AnalysisContext context = builder.buildContext(folder.path);
analysisServer.folderMap[folder] = context;
.add(new ContextsChangedEvent(added: [context]));
return context;
void applyChangesToContext(Folder contextFolder, ChangeSet changeSet) {
if (analysisServer.options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
nd.AnalysisDriver analysisDriver =
if (analysisDriver != null) {
changeSet.addedSources.forEach((source) {
// temporary plugin support:
changeSet.changedSources.forEach((source) {
// temporary plugin support:
changeSet.removedSources.forEach((source) {
} else {
AnalysisContext context = analysisServer.folderMap[contextFolder];
if (context != null) {
List<String> flushedFiles = new List<String>();
for (Source source in changeSet.removedSources) {
sendAnalysisNotificationFlushResults(analysisServer, flushedFiles);
void applyFileRemoved(nd.AnalysisDriver driver, String file) {
sendAnalysisNotificationFlushResults(analysisServer, [file]);
void computingPackageMap(bool computing) =>
ContextBuilder createContextBuilder(Folder folder, AnalysisOptions options) {
String defaultPackageFilePath = null;
String defaultPackagesDirectoryPath = null;
String path = (analysisServer.contextManager as ContextManagerImpl)
if (path != null) {
Resource resource = resourceProvider.getResource(path);
if (resource.exists) {
if (resource is File) {
defaultPackageFilePath = path;
} else {
defaultPackagesDirectoryPath = path;
ContextBuilderOptions builderOptions = new ContextBuilderOptions();
builderOptions.defaultOptions = options;
builderOptions.defaultPackageFilePath = defaultPackageFilePath;
builderOptions.defaultPackagesDirectoryPath = defaultPackagesDirectoryPath;
ContextBuilder builder = new ContextBuilder(resourceProvider,
analysisServer.sdkManager, analysisServer.overlayState,
options: builderOptions);
builder.fileResolverProvider = analysisServer.fileResolverProvider;
builder.packageResolverProvider = analysisServer.packageResolverProvider;
builder.analysisDriverScheduler = analysisServer.analysisDriverScheduler;
builder.performanceLog = analysisServer._analysisPerformanceLogger;
builder.byteStore = analysisServer.byteStore;
builder.fileContentOverlay = analysisServer.fileContentOverlay;
return builder;
void moveContext(Folder from, Folder to) {
// There is nothing to do.
// This method is mostly for tests.
// Context managers manage folders and contexts themselves.
void removeContext(Folder folder, List<String> flushedFiles) {
if (analysisServer.options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
sendAnalysisNotificationFlushResults(analysisServer, flushedFiles);
nd.AnalysisDriver driver = analysisServer.driverMap.remove(folder);
} else {
AnalysisContext context = analysisServer.folderMap.remove(folder);
sendAnalysisNotificationFlushResults(analysisServer, flushedFiles);
.add(new ContextsChangedEvent(removed: [context]));
context, AnalysisDoneReason.CONTEXT_REMOVED);
void updateContextPackageUriResolver(AnalysisContext context) {
.add(new ContextsChangedEvent(changed: [context]));
List<server.HighlightRegion> _computeHighlightRegions(CompilationUnit unit) {
if (analysisServer.options.useAnalysisHighlight2) {
return new DartUnitHighlightsComputer2(unit).compute();
} else {
return new DartUnitHighlightsComputer(unit).compute();
String _computeLibraryName(CompilationUnit unit) {
for (Directive directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is LibraryDirective && != null) {
for (Directive directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is PartOfDirective && directive.libraryName != null) {
return null;
server.AnalysisNavigationParams _computeNavigationParams(
String path, CompilationUnit unit) {
NavigationCollectorImpl collector = new NavigationCollectorImpl();
computeDartNavigation(collector, unit, null, null);
return new server.AnalysisNavigationParams(
path, collector.regions, collector.targets, collector.files);
List<Occurrences> _computeOccurrences(CompilationUnit unit) {
OccurrencesCollectorImpl collector = new OccurrencesCollectorImpl();
addDartOccurrences(collector, unit);
return collector.allOccurrences;
server.AnalysisOutlineParams _computeOutlineParams(
String path, CompilationUnit unit, LineInfo lineInfo) {
// compute FileKind
SourceKind sourceKind = unit.directives.any((d) => d is PartOfDirective)
? SourceKind.PART
: SourceKind.LIBRARY;
server.FileKind fileKind = server.FileKind.LIBRARY;
if (sourceKind == SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
fileKind = server.FileKind.LIBRARY;
} else if (sourceKind == SourceKind.PART) {
fileKind = server.FileKind.PART;
// compute library name
String libraryName = _computeLibraryName(unit);
// compute Outline
DartUnitOutlineComputer computer =
new DartUnitOutlineComputer(path, lineInfo, unit);
server.Outline outline = computer.compute();
return new server.AnalysisOutlineParams(path, fileKind, outline,
libraryName: libraryName);
* Run [f] in a new [Future].
* This method is used to delay sending notifications. If there is a more
* important consumer of an analysis results, specifically a code completion
* computer, we want it to run before spending time of sending notifications.
* TODO(scheglov) Consider replacing this with full priority based scheduler.
* TODO(scheglov) Alternatively, if code completion work in a way that does
* not produce (at first) fully resolved unit, but only part of it - a single
* method, or a top-level declaration, we would not have this problem - the
* completion computer would be the only consumer of the partial analysis
* result.
void _runDelayed(f()) {
new Future(f);
* A class used by [AnalysisServer] to record performance information
* such as request latency.
class ServerPerformance {
* The creation time and the time when performance information
* started to be recorded here.
int startTime = new;
* The number of requests.
int requestCount = 0;
* The total latency (milliseconds) for all recorded requests.
int requestLatency = 0;
* The maximum latency (milliseconds) for all recorded requests.
int maxLatency = 0;
* The number of requests with latency > 150 milliseconds.
int slowRequestCount = 0;
* Log performance information about the given request.
void logRequest(Request request) {
if (request.clientRequestTime != null) {
int latency =
new - request.clientRequestTime;
requestLatency += latency;
maxLatency = max(maxLatency, latency);
if (latency > 150) {
* Container with global [AnalysisServer] performance statistics.
class ServerPerformanceStatistics {
* The [PerformanceTag] for time spent in [ExecutionDomainHandler].
static PerformanceTag executionNotifications =
new PerformanceTag('executionNotifications');
* The [PerformanceTag] for time spent performing a _DartIndexOperation.
static PerformanceTag indexOperation = new PerformanceTag('indexOperation');
* The [PerformanceTag] for time spent between calls to
* AnalysisServer.performOperation when the server is not idle.
static PerformanceTag intertask = new PerformanceTag('intertask');
* The [PerformanceTag] for time spent between calls to
* AnalysisServer.performOperation when the server is idle.
static PerformanceTag idle = new PerformanceTag('idle');
* The [PerformanceTag] for time spent in
* PerformAnalysisOperation._sendNotices.
static PerformanceTag notices = new PerformanceTag('notices');
* The [PerformanceTag] for time spent running pub.
static PerformanceTag pub = new PerformanceTag('pub');
* The [PerformanceTag] for time spent in server communication channels.
static PerformanceTag serverChannel = new PerformanceTag('serverChannel');
* The [PerformanceTag] for time spent in server request handlers.
static PerformanceTag serverRequests = new PerformanceTag('serverRequests');
* The [PerformanceTag] for time spent in split store microtasks.
static PerformanceTag splitStore = new PerformanceTag('splitStore');