blob: 90559de9ceb64a8ff9bbae0ddf53528f4c03b151 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../environment.dart';
/// A parsed Boolean expression AST.
abstract class Expression {
/// Parses Boolean expressions in a .status file for Dart.
/// The grammar is:
/// expression := or
/// or := and ( "||" and )*
/// and := primary ( "&&" primary )*
/// primary := "$" identifier ( "==" | "!=" ) identifier |
/// "!"? "$" identifier |
/// "(" expression ")"
/// identifier := regex "\w+"
/// Expressions evaluate as expected, with values of variables found in an
/// environment passed to the evaluator.
static Expression parse(String expression) =>
new _ExpressionParser(expression).parse();
/// Validates that this expression does not contain any invalid uses of
/// variables.
/// Ensures that any variable names are known and that any literal values are
/// allowed for their corresponding variable. If an invalid variable or value
/// is found, adds appropriate error messages to [errors].
void validate(Environment environment, List<String> errors);
/// Evaluates the expression where all variables are defined by the given
/// [environment].
bool evaluate(Environment environment);
/// Keyword token strings.
class _Token {
static const leftParen = "(";
static const rightParen = ")";
static const dollar = r"$";
static const equals = "==";
static const notEqual = "!=";
static const and = "&&";
static const or = "||";
static const not = "!";
/// A reference to a variable.
class _Variable {
final String name;
String lookup(Environment environment) {
var value = environment.lookUp(name);
if (value == null) {
throw new Exception("Could not find '$name' in environment "
"while evaluating status file expression.");
// Explicitly stringify all values so that things like:
// $strong == true
// work correctly even though "true" is treated as a string here.
// TODO(rnystrom): Is there a cleaner/safer way to do this?
return value.toString();
/// Tests whether a given variable is or is not equal some literal value, as in:
/// ```
/// $variable == someValue
/// ```
/// Negate the result if [negate] is true.
class _ComparisonExpression implements Expression {
final _Variable left;
final String right;
final bool negate;
_ComparisonExpression(this.left, this.right, this.negate);
void validate(Environment environment, List<String> errors) {
environment.validate(, right, errors);
bool evaluate(Environment environment) {
return negate != (left.lookup(environment) == right);
String toString() => "\$${} ${negate ? '!=' : '=='} $right";
/// A reference to a variable defined in the environment. The expression
/// evaluates to true if the variable's stringified value is "true".
/// ```
/// $variable
/// ```
/// is equivalent to
/// ```
/// $variable == true
/// ```
/// Negates result if [negate] is true, so
/// ```
/// !$variable
/// ```
/// is equivalent to
/// ```
/// $variable != true
/// ```
class _VariableExpression implements Expression {
final _Variable variable;
final bool negate;
_VariableExpression(this.variable, {this.negate = false});
void validate(Environment environment, List<String> errors) {
// It must be a Boolean, so it should allow either Boolean value.
environment.validate(, "true", errors);
bool evaluate(Environment environment) =>
negate != (variable.lookup(environment) == "true");
String toString() => "${negate ? "!" : ""}\$${}";
/// A logical `||` or `&&` expression.
class _LogicExpression implements Expression {
/// The operator, `||` or `&&`.
final String op;
final Expression left;
final Expression right;
_LogicExpression(this.op, this.left, this.right);
void validate(Environment environment, List<String> errors) {
left.validate(environment, errors);
right.validate(environment, errors);
bool evaluate(Environment environment) => (op == _Token.and)
? left.evaluate(environment) && right.evaluate(environment)
: left.evaluate(environment) || right.evaluate(environment);
String toString() {
String parenthesize(Expression operand) {
var result = operand.toString();
if (op == "&&" && operand is _LogicExpression && operand.op == "||") {
result = "($result)";
return result;
return "${parenthesize(left)} $op ${parenthesize(right)}";
/// Parser for Boolean expressions in a .status file for Dart.
class _ExpressionParser {
final _Scanner _scanner;
_ExpressionParser(String expression) : _scanner = new _Scanner(expression);
Expression parse() {
var expression = _parseOr();
// Should consume entire string.
if (_scanner.hasMore) {
throw new FormatException("Unexpected input after expression");
return expression;
Expression _parseOr() {
var left = _parseAnd();
while (_scanner.match(_Token.or)) {
var right = _parseAnd();
left = new _LogicExpression(_Token.or, left, right);
return left;
Expression _parseAnd() {
var left = _parsePrimary();
while (_scanner.match(_Token.and)) {
var right = _parsePrimary();
left = new _LogicExpression(_Token.and, left, right);
return left;
Expression _parsePrimary() {
if (_scanner.match(_Token.leftParen)) {
var value = _parseOr();
if (!_scanner.match(_Token.rightParen)) {
throw new FormatException("Missing right parenthesis in expression");
return value;
var negate = false;
if (_scanner.match(_Token.not)) {
negate = true;
// The only atomic booleans are of the form $variable == value or
// of the form $variable.
if (!_scanner.match(_Token.dollar)) {
throw new FormatException(
"Expected \$ in expression, got ${_scanner.current}");
if (!_scanner.isIdentifier) {
throw new FormatException(
"Expected identifier in expression, got ${_scanner.current}");
var left = new _Variable(_scanner.current);
if (!negate &&
(_scanner.current == _Token.equals ||
_scanner.current == _Token.notEqual)) {
var isNotEquals = _scanner.advance() == _Token.notEqual;
if (!_scanner.isIdentifier) {
throw new FormatException(
"Expected value in expression, got ${_scanner.current}");
var right = _scanner.advance();
return new _ComparisonExpression(left, right, isNotEquals);
} else {
return new _VariableExpression(left, negate: negate);
/// An iterator that allows peeking at the current token.
class _Scanner {
/// Tokens are "(", ")", "$", "&&", "||", "!", ==", "!=", and (maximal) \w+.
static final _testPattern = new RegExp(r"^(?:[()$\w\s]|&&|\|\||==|!=?)+$");
static final _tokenPattern = new RegExp(r"[()$]|&&|\|\||==|!=?|\w+");
/// Pattern that recognizes identifier tokens.
/// Only checks the first character, since no non-identifier token can start
/// with a word character.
static final _identifierPattern = new RegExp(r"^\w");
/// The token strings being iterated.
final Iterator<String> tokenIterator;
String current;
_Scanner(String expression) : tokenIterator = tokenize(expression).iterator {
static List<String> tokenize(String expression) {
if (!_testPattern.hasMatch(expression)) {
throw new FormatException("Syntax error in '$expression'");
return _tokenPattern
.map((match) => match[0])
bool get hasMore => current != null;
/// Returns `true` if the current token is an identifier.
// All non-identifier tokens are one or two characters,
// so a longer token must be an identifier.
bool get isIdentifier =>
current.length > 2 || _identifierPattern.hasMatch(current);
/// If the current token is [token], consumes it and returns `true`.
bool match(String token) {
if (!hasMore || current != token) return false;
return true;
/// Consumes the current token and returns it.
String advance() {
var previous = current;
current = tokenIterator.moveNext() ? tokenIterator.current : null;
return previous;