blob: 9b789df4f30024b1d9982e5958cb2e4e03b6a587 [file] [log] [blame]
This file was autogenerated from running the shaker test suite.
To update this file, either copy the output from a failing test or run
pkg/front_end/tool/fasta testing shaker -DupdateExpectations=true
library dart:async:
- member dart.async::_asyncThenWrapperHelper
- member dart.async::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper
- member dart.async::_awaitHelper
- typedef ControllerCallback
- typedef ControllerCancelCallback
- class _AsyncStarStreamController
- controller
- asyncStarBody
- isAdding
- onListenReceived
- isScheduled
- isSuspendedAtYield
- cancellationCompleter
- (default constructor)
- stream
- runBody
- scheduleGenerator
- add
- addStream
- addError
- close
- onListen
- onResume
- onCancel
- class FutureOr
- class Future
- microtask
- then
- catchError
- whenComplete
- asStream
- timeout
- class Completer
- sync
- future
- complete
- completeError
- isCompleted
- class Stream
- isBroadcast
- asBroadcastStream
- listen
- where
- map
- asyncMap
- asyncExpand
- handleError
- expand
- pipe
- transform
- reduce
- fold
- join
- contains
- forEach
- every
- any
- length
- isEmpty
- toList
- toSet
- drain
- take
- takeWhile
- skip
- skipWhile
- distinct
- first
- last
- single
- firstWhere
- lastWhere
- singleWhere
- elementAt
- timeout
- class StreamSubscription
- cancel
- onData
- onError
- onDone
- pause
- resume
- isPaused
- asFuture
- class EventSink
- add
- addError
- close
- class StreamConsumer
- addStream
- close
- class StreamSink
- close
- done
- class StreamTransformer
- bind
- class StreamIterator
- moveNext
- current
- cancel
- class StreamController
- stream
- onListen
- onListen
- onPause
- onPause
- onResume
- onResume
- onCancel
- onCancel
- sink
- isClosed
- isPaused
- hasListener
- add
- addError
- close
- addStream
- class _StreamIterator
- (default constructor)
- current
- moveNext
- cancel
library dart:collection:
- class IterableBase
library dart:_internal:
- class ExternalName
- name
- (default constructor)
- class EfficientLengthIterable
- length
- class Symbol
- ==
- hashCode
- toString
library dart:math:
- class Random
- nextInt
- nextDouble
- nextBool
library dart:core:
- member print
- class _SyncIterable
- (default constructor)
- iterator
- class _SyncIterator
- current
- moveNext
- class _InvocationMirror
- dart.core::_withoutType
- memberName
- typeArguments
- positionalArguments
- namedArguments
- isMethod
- isAccessor
- isGetter
- isSetter
- class bool
- hashCode
- toString
- class Comparable
- compareTo
- class double
- remainder
- +
- -
- *
- %
- /
- ~/
- unary-
- abs
- sign
- round
- floor
- ceil
- truncate
- roundToDouble
- floorToDouble
- ceilToDouble
- truncateToDouble
- toString
- class Duration
- +
- -
- *
- ~/
- <
- >
- <=
- >=
- inDays
- inHours
- inMinutes
- inSeconds
- inMilliseconds
- inMicroseconds
- ==
- hashCode
- compareTo
- toString
- isNegative
- abs
- unary-
- class Function
- hashCode
- ==
- class int
- &
- |
- ^
- ~
- <<
- >>
- modPow
- modInverse
- gcd
- isEven
- isOdd
- bitLength
- toUnsigned
- toSigned
- unary-
- abs
- sign
- round
- floor
- ceil
- truncate
- roundToDouble
- floorToDouble
- ceilToDouble
- truncateToDouble
- toString
- toRadixString
- class Invocation
- memberName
- positionalArguments
- namedArguments
- isMethod
- isGetter
- isSetter
- isAccessor
- class Iterable
- iterator
- map
- where
- expand
- contains
- forEach
- reduce
- fold
- every
- join
- any
- toList
- toSet
- length
- isEmpty
- isNotEmpty
- take
- takeWhile
- skip
- skipWhile
- first
- last
- single
- firstWhere
- lastWhere
- singleWhere
- elementAt
- toString
- class BidirectionalIterator
- movePrevious
- class Iterator
- moveNext
- current
- class List
- from
- []
- []=
- length
- length
- add
- addAll
- reversed
- sort
- shuffle
- indexOf
- lastIndexOf
- clear
- insert
- insertAll
- setAll
- remove
- removeAt
- removeLast
- removeWhere
- retainWhere
- sublist
- getRange
- setRange
- removeRange
- fillRange
- replaceRange
- asMap
- class Map
- containsValue
- containsKey
- []
- []=
- putIfAbsent
- addAll
- remove
- clear
- forEach
- keys
- values
- length
- isEmpty
- isNotEmpty
- class Null
- hashCode
- toString
- class num
- ==
- hashCode
- compareTo
- +
- -
- *
- %
- /
- ~/
- unary-
- remainder
- <
- <=
- >
- >=
- isNaN
- isNegative
- isInfinite
- isFinite
- abs
- sign
- round
- floor
- ceil
- truncate
- roundToDouble
- floorToDouble
- ceilToDouble
- truncateToDouble
- clamp
- toInt
- toDouble
- toStringAsFixed
- toStringAsExponential
- toStringAsPrecision
- toString
- class Object
- dart.core::_hashCodeRnd
- (default constructor)
- ==
- hashCode
- toString
- noSuchMethod
- runtimeType
- dart.core::_objectHashCode
- dart.core::_identityHashCode
- dart.core::_toString
- dart.core::_haveSameRuntimeType
- dart.core::_instanceOf
- dart.core::_simpleInstanceOf
- dart.core::_simpleInstanceOfTrue
- dart.core::_simpleInstanceOfFalse
- dart.core::_as
- class Pattern
- allMatches
- matchAsPrefix
- class Match
- start
- end
- group
- []
- groups
- groupCount
- input
- pattern
- class Set
- iterator
- contains
- add
- addAll
- remove
- lookup
- removeAll
- retainAll
- removeWhere
- retainWhere
- containsAll
- intersection
- union
- difference
- clear
- toSet
- class Sink
- add
- close
- class StackTrace
- toString
- class String
- []
- codeUnitAt
- length
- hashCode
- ==
- endsWith
- startsWith
- indexOf
- lastIndexOf
- isEmpty
- isNotEmpty
- +
- substring
- trim
- trimLeft
- trimRight
- *
- padLeft
- padRight
- contains
- replaceFirst
- replaceFirstMapped
- replaceAll
- replaceAllMapped
- replaceRange
- split
- splitMapJoin
- codeUnits
- runes
- toLowerCase
- toUpperCase
- class Runes
- string
- iterator
- last
- class RuneIterator
- string
- rawIndex
- rawIndex
- reset
- current
- currentSize
- currentAsString
- moveNext
- movePrevious
- class Symbol
- hashCode
- ==
- class Type