blob: 139251c7b717c66fc4c748e47437b4668dc7e88c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.parser.parser;
import '../fasta_codes.dart' show Message, Template;
import '../fasta_codes.dart' as fasta;
import '../scanner.dart' show ErrorToken, Token;
import '../scanner/recover.dart' show closeBraceFor, skipToEof;
import '../../scanner/token.dart'
import '../scanner/token_constants.dart'
import '../scanner/characters.dart' show $CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET;
import '../util/link.dart' show Link;
import 'assert.dart' show Assert;
import 'async_modifier.dart' show AsyncModifier;
import 'directive_context.dart';
import 'formal_parameter_kind.dart'
import 'identifier_context.dart' show IdentifierContext;
import 'listener.dart' show Listener;
import 'member_kind.dart' show MemberKind;
import 'modifier_context.dart'
import 'recovery_listeners.dart'
show ClassHeaderRecoveryListener, ImportRecoveryListener;
import 'token_stream_rewriter.dart' show TokenStreamRewriter;
import 'type_continuation.dart'
show TypeContinuation, typeContiunationFromFormalParameterKind;
import 'util.dart' show closeBraceTokenFor, optional;
/// An event generating parser of Dart programs. This parser expects all tokens
/// in a linked list (aka a token stream).
/// The class [Scanner] is used to generate a token stream. See the file
/// [scanner.dart](../scanner.dart).
/// Subclasses of the class [Listener] are used to listen to events.
/// Most methods of this class belong in one of four major categories: parse
/// methods, peek methods, ensure methods, and skip methods.
/// Parse methods all have the prefix `parse`, generate events
/// (by calling methods on [listener]), and return the next token to parse.
/// Some exceptions to this last point are methods such as [parseFunctionBody]
/// and [parseClassBody] which return the last token parsed
/// rather than the next token to be parsed.
/// Parse methods are generally named `parseGrammarProductionSuffix`.
/// The suffix can be one of `opt`, or `star`.
/// `opt` means zero or one matches, `star` means zero or more matches.
/// For example, [parseMetadataStar] corresponds to this grammar snippet:
/// `metadata*`, and [parseArgumentsOpt] corresponds to: `arguments?`.
/// Peek methods all have the prefix `peek`, do not generate events
/// (except for errors) and may return null.
/// Ensure methods all have the prefix `ensure` and may generate events.
/// They return the current token, or insert and return a synthetic token
/// if the current token does not match. For example,
/// [ensureSemicolon] returns the current token if the current token is a
/// semicolon, otherwise inserts a synthetic semicolon in the token stream
/// before the current token and then returns that new synthetic token.
/// Skip methods are like parse methods, but all have the prefix `skip`
/// and skip over some parts of the file being parsed.
/// Typically, skip methods generate an event for the structure being skipped,
/// but not for its substructures.
/// ## Current Token
/// The current token is always to be found in a formal parameter named
/// `token`. This parameter should be the first as this increases the chance
/// that a compiler will place it in a register.
/// ## Implementation Notes
/// The parser assumes that keywords, built-in identifiers, and other special
/// words (pseudo-keywords) are all canonicalized. To extend the parser to
/// recognize a new identifier, one should modify
/// [keyword.dart](../scanner/keyword.dart) and ensure the identifier is added
/// to the keyword table.
/// As a consequence of this, one should not use `==` to compare strings in the
/// parser. One should favor the methods [optional] and [expect] to recognize
/// keywords or identifiers. In some cases, it's possible to compare a token's
/// `stringValue` using [identical], but normally [optional] will suffice.
/// Historically, we over-used identical, and when identical is used on objects
/// other than strings, it can often be replaced by `==`.
/// ## Flexibility, Extensibility, and Specification
/// The parser is designed to be flexible and extensible. Its methods are
/// designed to be overridden in subclasses, so it can be extended to handle
/// unspecified language extension or experiments while everything in this file
/// attempts to follow the specification (unless when it interferes with error
/// recovery).
/// We achieve flexibility, extensible, and specification compliance by
/// following a few rules-of-thumb:
/// 1. All methods in the parser should be public.
/// 2. The methods follow the specified grammar, and do not implement custom
/// extensions, for example, `native`.
/// 3. The parser doesn't rewrite the token stream (when dealing with `>>`).
/// ### Implementing Extensions
/// For various reasons, some Dart language implementations have used
/// custom/unspecified extensions to the Dart grammar. Examples of this
/// includes diet parsing, patch files, `native` keyword, and generic
/// comments. This class isn't supposed to implement any of these
/// features. Instead it provides hooks for those extensions to be implemented
/// in subclasses or listeners. Let's examine how diet parsing and `native`
/// keyword is currently supported by Fasta.
/// #### Legacy Implementation of `native` Keyword
/// TODO(ahe,danrubel): Remove this section.
/// Both dart2js and the Dart VM have used the `native` keyword to mark methods
/// that couldn't be implemented in the Dart language and needed to be
/// implemented in JavaScript or C++, respectively. An example of the syntax
/// extension used by the Dart VM is:
/// nativeFunction() native "NativeFunction";
/// When attempting to parse this function, the parser eventually calls
/// [parseFunctionBody]. This method will report an unrecoverable error to the
/// listener with the code [fasta.messageExpectedFunctionBody]. The listener can
/// then look at the error code and the token and use the methods in
/// [native_support.dart](native_support.dart) to parse the native syntax.
/// #### Implementation of Diet Parsing
/// We call it _diet_ _parsing_ when the parser skips parts of a file. Both
/// dart2js and the Dart VM have been relying on this from early on as it allows
/// them to more quickly compile small programs that use small parts of big
/// libraries. It's also become an integrated part of how Fasta builds up
/// outlines before starting to parse method bodies.
/// When looking through this parser, you'll find a number of unused methods
/// starting with `skip`. These methods are only used by subclasses, such as
/// [ClassMemberParser](class_member_parser.dart) and
/// [TopLevelParser](top_level_parser.dart). These methods violate the
/// principle above about following the specified grammar, and originally lived
/// in subclasses. However, we realized that these methods were so widely used
/// and hard to maintain in subclasses, that it made sense to move them here.
/// ### Specification and Error Recovery
/// To improve error recovery, the parser will inform the listener of
/// recoverable errors and continue to parse. An example of a recoverable
/// error is:
/// Error: Asynchronous for-loop can only be used in 'async' or 'async*'...
/// main() { await for (var x in []) {} }
/// ^^^^^
/// ### Legacy Error Recovery
/// What's described below will be phased out in preference of the parser
/// reporting and recovering from syntax errors. The motivation for this is
/// that we have multiple listeners that use the parser, and this will ensure
/// consistency.
/// For unrecoverable errors, the parser will ask the listener for help to
/// recover from the error. We haven't made much progress on these kinds of
/// errors, so in most cases, the parser aborts by skipping to the end of file.
/// Historically, this parser has been rather lax in what it allows, and
/// deferred the enforcement of some syntactical rules to subsequent phases. It
/// doesn't matter how we got there, only that we've identified that it's
/// easier if the parser reports as many errors it can, but informs the
/// listener if the error is recoverable or not.
/// Currently, the parser is particularly lax when it comes to the order of
/// modifiers such as `abstract`, `final`, `static`, etc. Historically, dart2js
/// would handle such errors in later phases. We hope that these cases will go
/// away as Fasta matures.
class Parser {
Listener listener;
Uri get uri => listener.uri;
bool mayParseFunctionExpressions = true;
/// Represents parser state: what asynchronous syntax is allowed in the
/// function being currently parsed. In rare situations, this can be set by
/// external clients, for example, to parse an expression outside a function.
AsyncModifier asyncState = AsyncModifier.Sync;
/// A rewriter for inserting synthetic tokens.
/// Access using [rewriter] for lazy initialization.
TokenStreamRewriter cachedRewriter;
TokenStreamRewriter get rewriter {
cachedRewriter ??= new TokenStreamRewriter();
return cachedRewriter;
bool get inGenerator {
return asyncState == AsyncModifier.AsyncStar ||
asyncState == AsyncModifier.SyncStar;
bool get inAsync {
return asyncState == AsyncModifier.Async ||
asyncState == AsyncModifier.AsyncStar;
bool get inPlainSync => asyncState == AsyncModifier.Sync;
/// ```
/// libraryDefinition:
/// scriptTag?
/// libraryName?
/// importOrExport*
/// partDirective*
/// topLevelDefinition*
/// ;
/// partDeclaration:
/// partHeader topLevelDefinition*
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseUnit(Token token) {
int count = 0;
DirectiveContext directiveState = new DirectiveContext();
token = syntheticPreviousToken(token);
while (! {
Token start =;
token = parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(token, directiveState);
if (start == {
// If progress has not been made reaching the end of the token stream,
// then report an error and skip the current token.
token =;
token, fasta.templateExpectedDeclaration);
token =;
listener.endCompilationUnit(count, token);
// Clear fields that could lead to memory leak.
cachedRewriter = null;
return token;
Token parseTopLevelDeclaration(Token token) {
token =
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(syntheticPreviousToken(token), null).next;
return token;
/// ```
/// topLevelDefinition:
/// classDefinition |
/// enumType |
/// typeAlias |
/// 'external'? functionSignature ';' |
/// 'external'? getterSignature ';' |
/// 'external''? setterSignature ';' |
/// functionSignature functionBody |
/// returnType? 'get' identifier functionBody |
/// returnType? 'set' identifier formalParameterList functionBody |
/// ('final' | 'const') type? staticFinalDeclarationList ';' |
/// variableDeclaration ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(
Token token, DirectiveContext directiveState) {
if (identical(, TokenType.SCRIPT_TAG)) {
return parseScript(token);
token = parseMetadataStar(;
if (token.isTopLevelKeyword) {
return parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(null, token, directiveState);
Token start = token;
// Skip modifiers to find a top level keyword or identifier
while (token.isModifier) {
token =;
if (token.isTopLevelKeyword) {
Token abstractToken;
Token modifier = start;
while (modifier != token) {
if (optional('abstract', modifier) &&
optional('class', token) &&
abstractToken == null) {
abstractToken = modifier;
} else {
// Recovery
reportTopLevelModifierError(modifier, token);
modifier =;
return parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(
abstractToken, token, directiveState);
} else if (token.isIdentifier || token.keyword != null) {
// TODO(danrubel): improve parseTopLevelMember
// so that we don't parse modifiers twice.
return parseTopLevelMember(start);
} else if (start != token) {
// Handle the edge case where a modifier is being used as an identifier
return parseTopLevelMember(start);
// Ignore any preceding modifiers and just report the unexpected token
reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(token, fasta.templateExpectedDeclaration);
return token;
// Report an error for the given modifier preceding a top level keyword
// such as `import` or `class`.
void reportTopLevelModifierError(Token modifier, Token afterModifiers) {
if (optional('const', modifier) && optional('class', afterModifiers)) {
reportRecoverableError(modifier, fasta.messageConstClass);
} else if (optional('external', modifier)) {
if (optional('class', afterModifiers)) {
reportRecoverableError(modifier, fasta.messageExternalClass);
} else if (optional('enum', afterModifiers)) {
reportRecoverableError(modifier, fasta.messageExternalEnum);
} else if (optional('typedef', afterModifiers)) {
reportRecoverableError(modifier, fasta.messageExternalTypedef);
} else {
modifier, fasta.templateExtraneousModifier);
} else {
modifier, fasta.templateExtraneousModifier);
/// Parse any top-level declaration that begins with a keyword.
Token parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(
Token abstractToken, Token token, DirectiveContext directiveState) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
final String value = token.stringValue;
if (identical(value, 'class')) {
return parseClassOrNamedMixinApplication(abstractToken, token);
} else if (identical(value, 'enum')) {
return parseEnum(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'typedef')) {
Token next =;
if (next.isIdentifier || optional("void", next)) {
return parseTypedef(token);
} else {
return parseTopLevelMember(token);
} else {
// The remaining top level keywords are built-in keywords
// and can be used as an identifier in a top level declaration
// such as "abstract<T>() => 0;".
String nextValue =;
if (identical(nextValue, '(') || identical(nextValue, '<')) {
return parseTopLevelMember(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'library')) {
directiveState?.checkLibrary(this, token);
return parseLibraryName(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'import')) {
directiveState?.checkImport(this, token);
return parseImport(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'export')) {
directiveState?.checkExport(this, token);
return parseExport(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'part')) {
return parsePartOrPartOf(token, directiveState);
throw "Internal error: Unhandled top level keyword '$value'.";
/// ```
/// libraryDirective:
/// 'library' qualified ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseLibraryName(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('library', token));
Token libraryKeyword = token;
token = parseQualified(, IdentifierContext.libraryName,
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.endLibraryName(libraryKeyword, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// importPrefix:
/// 'deferred'? 'as' identifier
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseImportPrefixOpt(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
if (optional('deferred', token) && optional('as', {
Token deferredToken = token;
Token asKeyword =;
token = ensureIdentifier(, IdentifierContext.importPrefixDeclaration)
listener.handleImportPrefix(deferredToken, asKeyword);
} else if (optional('as', token)) {
Token asKeyword = token;
token = ensureIdentifier(, IdentifierContext.importPrefixDeclaration)
listener.handleImportPrefix(null, asKeyword);
} else {
listener.handleImportPrefix(null, null);
return token;
/// ```
/// importDirective:
/// 'import' uri ('if' '(' test ')' uri)* importPrefix? combinator* ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseImport(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('import', token));
Token importKeyword = token;
token = parseLiteralStringOrRecoverExpression(token);
Token afterUri = token;
token = parseConditionalUris(token);
token = parseImportPrefixOpt(token);
token = parseCombinators(token);
if (optional(';', token)) {
listener.endImport(importKeyword, token);
return token;
} else {
// Recovery
listener.endImport(importKeyword, null);
return parseImportRecovery(afterUri, token);
/// Recover given out-of-order clauses in an import directive where [token] is
/// the import keyword and [recoveryStart] is the token on which main parsing
/// stopped.
Token parseImportRecovery(Token token, Token recoveryStart) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
final primaryListener = listener;
final recoveryListener = new ImportRecoveryListener(primaryListener);
// Reparse to determine which clauses have already been parsed
// but intercept the events so they are not sent to the primary listener
listener = recoveryListener;
token = parseConditionalUris(token);
token = parseImportPrefixOpt(token);
token = parseCombinators(token);
Token firstDeferredKeyword = recoveryListener.deferredKeyword;
bool hasPrefix = recoveryListener.asKeyword != null;
bool hasCombinator = recoveryListener.hasCombinator;
// Update the recovery listener to forward subsequent events
// to the primary listener
recoveryListener.listener = primaryListener;
// Parse additional out-of-order clauses.
Token semicolon;
do {
Token start = token;
// Check for extraneous token in the middle of an import statement.
token = skipUnexpectedTokenOpt(
token, const <String>['if', 'deferred', 'as', 'hide', 'show', ';']);
// During recovery, clauses are parsed in the same order
// and generate the same events as in the parseImport method above.
token = parseConditionalUris(token);
if (recoveryListener.ifKeyword != null) {
if (firstDeferredKeyword != null) {
// TODO(danrubel): report error indicating conditional should
// be moved before deferred keyword
} else if (hasPrefix) {
// TODO(danrubel): report error indicating conditional should
// be moved before prefix clause
} else if (hasCombinator) {
// TODO(danrubel): report error indicating conditional should
// be moved before combinators
if (optional('deferred', token) && !optional('as', {
listener.handleImportPrefix(token, null);
token =;
} else {
token = parseImportPrefixOpt(token);
if (recoveryListener.deferredKeyword != null) {
if (firstDeferredKeyword != null) {
recoveryListener.deferredKeyword, fasta.messageDuplicateDeferred);
} else {
if (hasPrefix) {
firstDeferredKeyword = recoveryListener.deferredKeyword;
if (recoveryListener.asKeyword != null) {
if (hasPrefix) {
recoveryListener.asKeyword, fasta.messageDuplicatePrefix);
} else {
if (hasCombinator) {
recoveryListener.asKeyword, fasta.messagePrefixAfterCombinator);
hasPrefix = true;
token = parseCombinators(token);
hasCombinator = hasCombinator || recoveryListener.hasCombinator;
if (optional(';', token)) {
semicolon = token;
} else if (identical(start, token)) {
// If no forward progress was made, insert ';' so that we exit loop.
semicolon = ensureSemicolon(token);
} while (semicolon == null);
if (firstDeferredKeyword != null && !hasPrefix) {
firstDeferredKeyword, fasta.messageMissingPrefixInDeferredImport);
return semicolon;
/// ```
/// conditionalUris:
/// conditionalUri*
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseConditionalUris(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Rename to `parseConditionalUrisStar`?
int count = 0;
while (optional('if', token)) {
token = parseConditionalUri(token);
return token;
/// ```
/// conditionalUri:
/// 'if' '(' dottedName ('==' literalString)? ')' uri
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseConditionalUri(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
Token ifKeyword = token;
token = expect('if', token);
Token leftParen = token;
token = expect('(', token);
token = parseDottedName(token).next;
Token equalitySign;
if (optional('==', token)) {
equalitySign = token;
token = parseLiteralStringOrRecoverExpression(token);
expect(')', token);
token = parseLiteralStringOrRecoverExpression(token);
listener.endConditionalUri(ifKeyword, leftParen, equalitySign);
return token;
/// ```
/// dottedName:
/// identifier ('.' identifier)*
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseDottedName(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
token = ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.dottedName);
Token firstIdentifier = token;
int count = 1;
while (optional('.', {
token = ensureIdentifier(, IdentifierContext.dottedNameContinuation);
listener.handleDottedName(count, firstIdentifier);
return token;
/// ```
/// exportDirective:
/// 'export' uri conditional-uris* combinator* ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseExport(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('export', token));
Token exportKeyword = token;
token = ensureParseLiteralString(;
token = parseConditionalUris(token);
token = parseCombinators(token);
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.endExport(exportKeyword, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// combinators:
/// (hideCombinator | showCombinator)*
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseCombinators(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Rename to `parseCombinatorsStar`?
int count = 0;
while (true) {
String value = token.stringValue;
if (identical('hide', value)) {
token = parseHide(token).next;
} else if (identical('show', value)) {
token = parseShow(token).next;
} else {
return token;
/// ```
/// hideCombinator:
/// 'hide' identifierList
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseHide(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('hide', token));
Token hideKeyword = token;
token = parseIdentifierList(;
return token;
/// ```
/// showCombinator:
/// 'show' identifierList
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseShow(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('show', token));
Token showKeyword = token;
token = parseIdentifierList(;
return token;
/// ```
/// identifierList:
/// identifier (',' identifier)*
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseIdentifierList(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
token = ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.combinator);
int count = 1;
while (optional(',', {
token = ensureIdentifier(, IdentifierContext.combinator);
return token;
/// ```
/// typeList:
/// type (',' type)*
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseTypeList(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
token = parseType(token);
int count = 1;
while (optional(',', token)) {
token = parseType(;
return token;
Token parsePartOrPartOf(Token token, DirectiveContext directiveState) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('part', token));
if (optional('of', {
directiveState?.checkPartOf(this, token);
return parsePartOf(token);
} else {
directiveState?.checkPart(this, token);
return parsePart(token);
/// ```
/// partDirective:
/// 'part' uri ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parsePart(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('part', token));
Token partKeyword = token;
token = parseLiteralStringOrRecoverExpression(token);
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.endPart(partKeyword, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// partOfDirective:
/// 'part' 'of' (qualified | uri) ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parsePartOf(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('part', token));
Token partKeyword = token;
Token ofKeyword =;
bool hasName =;
if (hasName) {
token = parseQualified(, IdentifierContext.partName,
} else {
token = parseLiteralStringOrRecoverExpression(ofKeyword);
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.endPartOf(partKeyword, ofKeyword, token, hasName);
return token;
/// ```
/// metadata:
/// annotation*
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseMetadataStar(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
token = listener.injectGenericCommentTypeAssign(token);
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Remove the `token` because we cannot make any
// guarantee about which token it will be.
int count = 0;
while (optional('@', token)) {
token = parseMetadata(token);
return token;
/// ```
/// annotation:
/// '@' qualified ('.' identifier)? arguments?
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseMetadata(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(optional('@', token));
Token atToken = token;
token = ensureIdentifier(, IdentifierContext.metadataReference);
token = parseQualifiedRestOpt(token, IdentifierContext.metadataContinuation)
if (optional("<", token)) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageMetadataTypeArguments);
token = parseTypeArgumentsOpt(token);
Token period = null;
if (optional('.', token)) {
period = token;
token = ensureIdentifier(,
token = parseArgumentsOpt(token);
listener.endMetadata(atToken, period, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// scriptTag:
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseScript(Token token) {
token =;
assert(identical(token.type, TokenType.SCRIPT_TAG));
return token;
/// ```
/// typeAlias:
/// metadata 'typedef' typeAliasBody
/// ;
/// typeAliasBody:
/// functionTypeAlias
/// ;
/// functionTypeAlias:
/// functionPrefix typeParameters? formalParameterList ‘;’
/// ;
/// functionPrefix:
/// returnType? identifier
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseTypedef(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('typedef', token));
Token typedefKeyword = token;
Token equals;
Token afterType = parseType(, TypeContinuation.Typedef);
if (afterType == null) {
token = ensureIdentifier(, IdentifierContext.typedefDeclaration)
token = parseTypeVariablesOpt(token);
equals = token;
token = expect('=', token);
token = parseType(token);
} else {
token = ensureIdentifier(afterType, IdentifierContext.typedefDeclaration)
token = parseTypeVariablesOpt(token);
token =
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(token, MemberKind.FunctionTypeAlias)
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.endFunctionTypeAlias(typedefKeyword, equals, token);
return token;
/// Parse a mixin application starting from `with`. Assumes that the first
/// type has already been parsed.
Token parseMixinApplicationRest(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
Token withKeyword = token;
token = expect('with', token);
token = parseTypeList(token);
return token;
Token parseFormalParametersOpt(Token token, MemberKind kind) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
if (optional('(', token)) {
return parseFormalParameters(token, kind).next;
} else {
listener.handleNoFormalParameters(token, kind);
return token;
Token skipFormalParameters(Token token, MemberKind kind) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(ahe): Shouldn't this be `beginFormalParameters`?
assert(optional('(', token));
Token closeBrace = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
listener.endFormalParameters(0, token, closeBrace, kind);
return closeBrace;
/// Parses the formal parameter list of a function.
/// If `kind == MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType`, then names may be
/// omitted (except for named arguments). Otherwise, types may be omitted.
Token parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Token token, MemberKind kind) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
if (!optional('(', token)) {
reportRecoverableError(token, missingParameterMessage(kind));
Token replacement = link(
new SyntheticBeginToken(TokenType.OPEN_PAREN, token.charOffset),
new SyntheticToken(TokenType.CLOSE_PAREN, token.charOffset));
token = rewriter.insertToken(replacement, token);
return parseFormalParameters(token, kind);
/// Parses the formal parameter list of a function given that the left
/// parenthesis is known to exist.
/// If `kind == MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType`, then names may be
/// omitted (except for named arguments). Otherwise, types may be omitted.
Token parseFormalParameters(Token token, MemberKind kind) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('(', token));
Token begin = token;
listener.beginFormalParameters(begin, kind);
int parameterCount = 0;
do {
Token next =;
if (optional(')', next)) {
token = next;
String value = next.stringValue;
if (identical(value, '[')) {
token = parseOptionalFormalParameters(, false, kind).next;
} else if (identical(value, '{')) {
token = parseOptionalFormalParameters(, true, kind).next;
} else if (identical(value, '[]')) {
reportRecoverableError(next, fasta.messageEmptyOptionalParameterList);
token =;
token = parseFormalParameter(token, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, kind);
} while (optional(',', token));
listener.endFormalParameters(parameterCount, begin, token, kind);
expect(')', token);
return token;
/// Return the message that should be produced when the formal parameters are
/// missing.
Message missingParameterMessage(MemberKind kind) {
if (kind == MemberKind.FunctionTypeAlias) {
return fasta.messageMissingTypedefParameters;
} else if (kind == MemberKind.NonStaticMethod ||
kind == MemberKind.StaticMethod ||
kind == MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) {
return fasta.messageMissingMethodParameters;
return fasta.messageMissingFunctionParameters;
/// ```
/// normalFormalParameter:
/// functionFormalParameter |
/// fieldFormalParameter |
/// simpleFormalParameter
/// ;
/// functionFormalParameter:
/// metadata 'covariant'? returnType? identifier formalParameterList
/// ;
/// simpleFormalParameter:
/// metadata 'covariant'? finalConstVarOrType? identifier |
/// ;
/// fieldFormalParameter:
/// metadata finalConstVarOrType? 'this' '.' identifier formalParameterList?
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseFormalParameter(
Token token, FormalParameterKind parameterKind, MemberKind memberKind) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
token = parseMetadataStar(;
listener.beginFormalParameter(token, memberKind);
token = parseModifiers(token, memberKind, parameterKind: parameterKind);
return token;
/// ```
/// defaultFormalParameter:
/// normalFormalParameter ('=' expression)?
/// ;
/// defaultNamedParameter:
/// normalFormalParameter ('=' expression)? |
/// normalFormalParameter (':' expression)?
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseOptionalFormalParameters(
Token token, bool isNamed, MemberKind kind) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(isNamed ? optional('{', token) : optional('[', token));
Token begin = token;
int parameterCount = 0;
do {
Token next =;
if (isNamed && optional('}', next)) {
token = next;
} else if (!isNamed && optional(']', next)) {
token = next;
var type = isNamed
? FormalParameterKind.optionalNamed
: FormalParameterKind.optionalPositional;
token = parseFormalParameter(token, type, kind);
} while (optional(',', token));
if (parameterCount == 0) {
? fasta.messageEmptyNamedParameterList
: fasta.messageEmptyOptionalParameterList);
listener.endOptionalFormalParameters(parameterCount, begin, token);
if (isNamed) {
expect('}', token);
} else {
expect(']', token);
return token;
bool isValidTypeReference(Token token) {
int kind = token.kind;
if (IDENTIFIER_TOKEN == kind) return true;
if (KEYWORD_TOKEN == kind) {
String value = token.type.lexeme;
return token.type.isPseudo ||
(identical(value, 'dynamic')) ||
(identical(value, 'void'));
return false;
/// Returns `true` if [token] matches '<' type (',' type)* '>' '(', and
/// otherwise returns `false`. The final '(' is not part of the grammar
/// construct `typeArguments`, but it is required here such that type
/// arguments in generic method invocations can be recognized, and as few as
/// possible other constructs will pass (e.g., 'a < C, D > 3').
bool isValidMethodTypeArguments(Token token) {
Token Function(Token token) tryParseType;
/// Returns token after match if [token] matches '<' type (',' type)* '>'
/// '(', and otherwise returns null. Does not produce listener events. With
/// respect to the final '(', please see the description of
/// [isValidMethodTypeArguments].
Token tryParseMethodTypeArguments(Token token) {
if (!identical(token.kind, LT_TOKEN)) return null;
Token endToken = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
if (endToken == null ||
!identical(, OPEN_PAREN_TOKEN)) {
return null;
token = tryParseType(;
while (token != null && identical(token.kind, COMMA_TOKEN)) {
token = tryParseType(;
if (token == null || !identical(token.kind, GT_TOKEN)) return null;
/// Returns token after match if [token] matches identifier ('.'
/// identifier)?, and otherwise returns null. Does not produce listener
/// events.
Token tryParseQualified(Token token) {
if (!isValidTypeReference(token)) return null;
token =;
if (!identical(token.kind, PERIOD_TOKEN)) return token;
token =;
if (!identical(token.kind, IDENTIFIER_TOKEN)) return null;
/// Returns token after match if [token] matches '<' type (',' type)* '>',
/// and otherwise returns null. Does not produce listener events. The final
/// '>' may be the first character in a '>>' token, in which case a
/// synthetic '>' token is created and returned, representing the second
/// '>' in the '>>' token.
Token tryParseNestedTypeArguments(Token token) {
if (!identical(token.kind, LT_TOKEN)) return null;
// If the initial '<' matches the first '>' in a '>>' token, we will have
// `token.endGroup == null`, so we cannot rely on `token.endGroup == null`
// to imply that the match must fail. Hence no `token.endGroup == null`
// test here.
token = tryParseType(;
while (token != null && identical(token.kind, COMMA_TOKEN)) {
token = tryParseType(;
if (token == null) return null;
if (identical(token.kind, GT_TOKEN)) return;
if (!identical(token.kind, GT_GT_TOKEN)) return null;
// [token] is '>>' of which the final '>' that we are parsing is the first
// character. In order to keep the parsing process on track we must return
// a synthetic '>' corresponding to the second character of that '>>'.
Token syntheticToken = new Token(TokenType.GT, token.charOffset + 1); =;
return syntheticToken;
/// Returns token after match if [token] matches typeName typeArguments?,
/// and otherwise returns null. Does not produce listener events.
tryParseType = (Token token) {
token = tryParseQualified(token);
if (token == null) return null;
Token tokenAfterQualified = token;
token = tryParseNestedTypeArguments(token);
return token == null ? tokenAfterQualified : token;
return tryParseMethodTypeArguments(token) != null;
/// ```
/// qualified:
/// identifier qualifiedRest*
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseQualified(Token token, IdentifierContext context,
IdentifierContext continuationContext) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
token = ensureIdentifier(token, context);
while (optional('.', {
token = parseQualifiedRest(token, continuationContext);
return token;
/// ```
/// qualifiedRestOpt:
/// qualifiedRest?
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseQualifiedRestOpt(
Token token, IdentifierContext continuationContext) {
if (optional('.', {
return parseQualifiedRest(token, continuationContext);
} else {
return token;
/// ```
/// qualifiedRest:
/// '.' identifier
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseQualifiedRest(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
token =;
assert(optional('.', token));
Token period = token;
token = ensureIdentifier(, context);
return token;
Token skipBlock(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
if (!optional('{', token)) {
return reportUnrecoverableError(token, fasta.messageExpectedBlockToSkip)
Token closeBrace = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
if (closeBrace == null ||
!identical(closeBrace.kind, $CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET)) {
return reportUnmatchedToken(token).next;
return closeBrace;
/// ```
/// enumType:
/// metadata 'enum' id '{' id [',' id]* [','] '}'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseEnum(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('enum', token));
Token enumKeyword = token;
token =
ensureIdentifier(, IdentifierContext.enumDeclaration).next;
Token leftBrace = token;
token = expect('{', token);
int count = 0;
if (!optional('}', token)) {
Token before = token;
token = parseMetadataStar(token);
if (!identical(token, before)) {
reportRecoverableError(before, fasta.messageAnnotationOnEnumConstant);
token =
ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.enumValueDeclaration).next;
while (optional(',', token)) {
token =;
if (optional('}', token)) break;
Token before = token;
token = parseMetadataStar(token);
if (!identical(token, before)) {
reportRecoverableError(before, fasta.messageAnnotationOnEnumConstant);
token = ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.enumValueDeclaration)
} else {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageEnumDeclarationEmpty);
expect('}', token);
listener.endEnum(enumKeyword, leftBrace, count);
return token;
Token parseClassOrNamedMixinApplication(Token abstractToken, Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token begin = abstractToken ?? token;
if (abstractToken != null) {
token = parseModifier(abstractToken).next;
} else {
Token classKeyword = token;
token = expect("class", token);
Token name =
ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.classOrNamedMixinDeclaration);
token = parseTypeVariablesOpt(;
if (optional('=', token)) {
listener.beginNamedMixinApplication(begin, name);
return parseNamedMixinApplication(token, begin, classKeyword);
} else {
listener.beginClassDeclaration(begin, name);
return parseClass(token, begin, classKeyword);
Token parseNamedMixinApplication(
Token token, Token begin, Token classKeyword) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('=', token));
Token equals = token;
token = parseType(;
token = parseMixinApplicationRest(token);
Token implementsKeyword = null;
if (optional('implements', token)) {
implementsKeyword = token;
token = parseTypeList(;
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
begin, classKeyword, equals, implementsKeyword, token);
return token;
/// Parse the portion of a class declaration (not a mixin application) that
/// follows the end of the type parameters.
/// ```
/// classDefinition:
/// metadata abstract? 'class' identifier typeParameters?
/// (superclass mixins?)? interfaces?
/// '{' (metadata classMemberDefinition)* '}' |
/// metadata abstract? 'class' mixinApplicationClass
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseClass(Token token, Token begin, Token classKeyword) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token start = token;
token = parseClassHeader(token, begin, classKeyword);
if (!optional('{', token)) {
// Recovery
token = parseClassHeaderRecovery(start, begin, classKeyword);
token = parseClassBody(token, start);
listener.endClassDeclaration(begin, token);
return token;
Token parseClassHeader(Token token, Token begin, Token classKeyword) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Rename to `parseClassHeaderOpt`?
token = parseClassExtendsOpt(token);
token = parseClassImplementsOpt(token);
Token nativeToken;
if (optional('native', token)) {
nativeToken = token;
token = parseNativeClause(nativeToken).next;
listener.handleClassHeader(begin, classKeyword, nativeToken);
return token;
/// Recover given out-of-order clauses in a class header.
Token parseClassHeaderRecovery(Token token, Token begin, Token classKeyword) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
final primaryListener = listener;
final recoveryListener = new ClassHeaderRecoveryListener(primaryListener);
// Reparse to determine which clauses have already been parsed
// but intercept the events so they are not sent to the primary listener.
listener = recoveryListener;
token = parseClassHeader(token, begin, classKeyword);
bool hasExtends = recoveryListener.extendsKeyword != null;
bool hasImplements = recoveryListener.implementsKeyword != null;
Token withKeyword = recoveryListener.withKeyword;
// Update the recovery listener to forward subsequent events
// to the primary listener.
recoveryListener.listener = primaryListener;
// Parse additional out-of-order clauses
Token start;
do {
start = token;
// Check for extraneous token in the middle of a class header.
token = skipUnexpectedTokenOpt(
token, const <String>['extends', 'with', 'implements', '{']);
// During recovery, clauses are parsed in the same order
// and generate the same events as in the parseClassHeader method above.
if (optional('with', token)) {
// If there is a `with` clause without a preceding `extends` clause
// then insert a synthetic `extends` clause and parse both clauses.
Token extendsKeyword =
new SyntheticKeywordToken(Keyword.EXTENDS, token.offset);
Token superclassToken = new SyntheticStringToken(
TokenType.IDENTIFIER, 'Object', token.offset);
rewriter.insertToken(extendsKeyword, token);
rewriter.insertToken(superclassToken, token);
token = parseType(superclassToken);
token = parseMixinApplicationRest(token);
} else {
token = parseClassExtendsOpt(token);
if (recoveryListener.extendsKeyword != null) {
if (hasExtends) {
recoveryListener.extendsKeyword, fasta.messageMultipleExtends);
} else {
if (withKeyword != null) {
} else if (hasImplements) {
hasExtends = true;
if (recoveryListener.withKeyword != null) {
if (withKeyword != null) {
recoveryListener.withKeyword, fasta.messageMultipleWith);
} else {
if (hasImplements) {
withKeyword = recoveryListener.withKeyword;
token = parseClassImplementsOpt(token);
if (recoveryListener.implementsKeyword != null) {
if (hasImplements) {
} else {
hasImplements = true;
// Exit if a class body is detected, or if no progress has been made
} while (!optional('{', token) && start != token);
if (withKeyword != null && !hasExtends) {
reportRecoverableError(withKeyword, fasta.messageWithWithoutExtends);
listener = primaryListener;
return token;
Token parseClassExtendsOpt(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
if (optional('extends', token)) {
Token extendsKeyword = token;
token = parseType(;
if (optional('with', token)) {
token = parseMixinApplicationRest(token);
} else {
return token;
/// ```
/// implementsClause:
/// 'implements' typeName (',' typeName)*
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseClassImplementsOpt(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
Token implementsKeyword;
int interfacesCount = 0;
if (optional('implements', token)) {
implementsKeyword = token;
do {
token = parseType(;
} while (optional(',', token));
listener.handleClassImplements(implementsKeyword, interfacesCount);
return token;
Token parseStringPart(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
if (token.kind != STRING_TOKEN) {
token =
reportUnrecoverableErrorWithToken(token, fasta.templateExpectedString)
return token;
/// Insert a synthetic identifier before the given [token] and create an error
/// message based on the given [context]. Return the synthetic identifier that
/// was inserted.
Token insertSyntheticIdentifier(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
Message message = context.recoveryTemplate.withArguments(token);
Token identifier =
new SyntheticStringToken(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, '', token.charOffset, 0);
return rewriteAndRecover(token, message, identifier);
/// Parse a simple identifier at the given [token], and return the identifier
/// that was parsed.
/// If the token is not an identifier, or is not appropriate for use as an
/// identifier in the given [context], create a synthetic identifier, report
/// an error, and return the synthetic identifier.
Token ensureIdentifier(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
if (!token.isIdentifier) {
if (optional("void", token)) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageInvalidVoid);
} else if (token is ErrorToken) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): This preserves the current semantics, but the
// listener should not be recovering from this case, so this needs to be
// reworked to recover in this method (probably inside the outermost
// if statement).
token =
reportUnrecoverableErrorWithToken(token, context.recoveryTemplate)
} else if (isIdentifierForRecovery(token, context)) {
reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(token, context.recoveryTemplate);
} else if (isPostIdentifierForRecovery(token, context) ||
isStartOfNextSibling(token, context)) {
token = insertSyntheticIdentifier(token, context);
} else {
reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(token, context.recoveryTemplate);
} else if (token.type.isBuiltIn && !context.isBuiltInIdentifierAllowed) {
if (context.inDeclaration) {
token, fasta.templateBuiltInIdentifierInDeclaration);
} else if (!optional("dynamic", token)) {
token, fasta.templateBuiltInIdentifierAsType);
} else if (!inPlainSync && token.type.isPseudo) {
if (optional('await', token)) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageAwaitAsIdentifier);
} else if (optional('yield', token)) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageYieldAsIdentifier);
} else if (optional('async', token)) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageAsyncAsIdentifier);
listener.handleIdentifier(token, context);
return token;
/// Return `true` if the given [token] should be treated like an identifier in
/// the given [context] for the purposes of recovery.
bool isIdentifierForRecovery(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
if (!token.type.isKeyword) {
return false;
return isPostIdentifierForRecovery(, context);
/// Return `true` if the given [token] appears to be a token that would be
/// expected after an identifier in the given [context].
bool isPostIdentifierForRecovery(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
if (token.isEof) {
return true;
List<String> followingValues;
if (context == IdentifierContext.classOrNamedMixinDeclaration) {
followingValues = ['<', 'extends', 'with', 'implements', '{'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.fieldDeclaration) {
followingValues = [';', '=', ','];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.enumDeclaration) {
followingValues = ['{'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.enumValueDeclaration) {
followingValues = [',', '}'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.expression ||
context == IdentifierContext.expressionContinuation) {
if (token.isOperator) {
return true;
followingValues = [
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.formalParameterDeclaration) {
followingValues = [':', '=', ',', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.importPrefixDeclaration) {
followingValues = [';', 'hide', 'show', 'deferred', 'as'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.labelDeclaration) {
followingValues = [':'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.libraryName ||
context == IdentifierContext.libraryNameContinuation) {
followingValues = ['.', ';'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.literalSymbol ||
context == IdentifierContext.literalSymbolContinuation) {
followingValues = ['.', ';'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.localAccessorDeclaration) {
followingValues = ['(', '{', '=>'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.localFunctionDeclaration ||
context == IdentifierContext.localFunctionDeclarationContinuation) {
followingValues = ['.', '(', '{', '=>'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.localVariableDeclaration) {
followingValues = [';', '=', ','];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.methodDeclaration ||
context == IdentifierContext.methodDeclarationContinuation) {
followingValues = ['.', '(', '{', '=>'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.topLevelFunctionDeclaration) {
followingValues = ['(', '{', '=>'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.topLevelVariableDeclaration) {
followingValues = [';', '=', ','];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.typedefDeclaration) {
followingValues = ['(', '<', ';'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.typeReference ||
context == IdentifierContext.typeReferenceContinuation) {
followingValues = ['>', ')', ']', '}', ';'];
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.typeVariableDeclaration) {
followingValues = ['<', '>'];
} else {
return false;
for (String tokenValue in followingValues) {
if (optional(tokenValue, token)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Return `true` if the given [token] appears to be the start of a (virtual)
/// node that would be a sibling of the current node or one of its parents.
/// The type of the current node is suggested by the given [context].
bool isStartOfNextSibling(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
if (!token.type.isKeyword) {
return false;
List<String> classMemberKeywords() =>
<String>['const', 'final', 'var', 'void'];
List<String> statementKeywords() => <String>[
List<String> topLevelKeywords() => <String>[
// TODO(brianwilkerson): At the moment, this test is entirely based on data
// that can be represented declaratively. If that proves to be sufficient,
// then this data can be moved into a field in IdentifierContext and we
// could create a method to test whether a given token matches one of the
// patterns.
List<String> initialKeywords;
if (context == IdentifierContext.classOrNamedMixinDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = topLevelKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.fieldDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = classMemberKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.enumDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = topLevelKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.formalParameterDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = topLevelKeywords()
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.importPrefixDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = topLevelKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.labelDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = statementKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.localAccessorDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = statementKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.localFunctionDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = statementKeywords();
} else if (context ==
IdentifierContext.localFunctionDeclarationContinuation) {
initialKeywords = statementKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.localVariableDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = statementKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.methodDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = classMemberKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.methodDeclarationContinuation) {
initialKeywords = classMemberKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.topLevelFunctionDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = topLevelKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.topLevelVariableDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = topLevelKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.typedefDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = topLevelKeywords();
} else if (context == IdentifierContext.typeVariableDeclaration) {
initialKeywords = topLevelKeywords()
} else {
return false;
for (String tokenValue in initialKeywords) {
if (optional(tokenValue, token)) {
return true;
return false;
Token expect(String string, Token token) {
// TODO(danrubel): update all uses of expect(';'...) to ensureSemicolon
// then add assert(!identical(';', string));
if (!identical(string, token.stringValue)) {
return reportUnrecoverableError(
token, fasta.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments(string))
/// ```
/// typeVariable:
/// metadata? identifier (('extends' | 'super') typeName)?
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseTypeVariable(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
token = parseMetadataStar(;
token =
ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.typeVariableDeclaration).next;
Token extendsOrSuper = null;
if (optional('extends', token) || optional('super', token)) {
extendsOrSuper = token;
token = parseType(;
} else {
listener.endTypeVariable(token, extendsOrSuper);
return token;
/// Returns `true` if the stringValue of the [token] is either [value1],
/// [value2], or [value3].
bool isOneOf3(Token token, String value1, String value2, String value3) {
String stringValue = token.stringValue;
return identical(value1, stringValue) ||
identical(value2, stringValue) ||
identical(value3, stringValue);
/// Returns `true` if the stringValue of the [token] is either [value1],
/// [value2], [value3], or [value4].
bool isOneOf4(
Token token, String value1, String value2, String value3, String value4) {
String stringValue = token.stringValue;
return identical(value1, stringValue) ||
identical(value2, stringValue) ||
identical(value3, stringValue) ||
identical(value4, stringValue);
bool notEofOrValue(String value, Token token) {
return !identical(token.kind, EOF_TOKEN) &&
!identical(value, token.stringValue);
bool isGeneralizedFunctionType(Token token) {
return optional('Function', token) &&
(optional('<', || optional('(',;
/// Parse a type, if it is appropriate to do so.
/// If this method can parse a type, it will return the next (non-null) token
/// after the type. Otherwise, it returns null.
Token parseType(Token token,
[TypeContinuation continuation = TypeContinuation.Required,
IdentifierContext continuationContext,
MemberKind memberKind]) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
/// True if we've seen the `var` keyword.
bool hasVar = false;
/// Where the type begins.
Token begin;
/// Non-null if 'void' is the first token.
Token voidToken;
/// True if the tokens at [begin] looks like a type.
bool looksLikeType = false;
/// True if a type that could be a return type for a generalized function
/// type was seen during analysis.
bool hasReturnType = false;
/// The identifier context to use for parsing the type.
IdentifierContext context = IdentifierContext.typeReference;
/// Non-null if type arguments were seen during analysis.
Token typeArguments;
/// The number of function types seen during analysis.
int functionTypes = 0;
/// The start of type variables of function types seen during
/// analysis. Notice that the tokens in this list might be either `'<'` or
/// `'('` as not all function types have type parameters. Also, it is safe
/// to assume that [closeBraceTokenFor] will return non-null for all these tokens.
Link<Token> typeVariableStarters = const Link<Token>();
// Analyse the next tokens to see if they could be a type.
if (continuation ==
TypeContinuation.ExpressionStatementOrConstDeclaration) {
// This is a special case. The first token is `const` and we need to
// analyze the tokens following the const keyword.
assert(optional("const", token));
begin = token;
token =;
token = listener.injectGenericCommentTypeAssign(token);
assert( == token);
} else {
// Modify [begin] in case generic type are injected from a comment.
begin = token = listener.injectGenericCommentTypeAssign(token);
if (optional("void", token)) {
// `void` is a type.
looksLikeType = true;
voidToken = token;
token =;
} else if (isValidTypeReference(token) &&
!isGeneralizedFunctionType(token)) {
// We're looking at an identifier that could be a type (or `dynamic`).
looksLikeType = true;
token =;
if (optional(".", token) && isValidTypeReference( {
// We're looking at `prefix '.' identifier`.
context = IdentifierContext.prefixedTypeReference;
token =;
if (optional("<", token)) {
Token close = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
if (close != null &&
(optional(">", close) || optional(">>", close))) {
// We found some type arguments.
typeArguments = token;
token =;
// If what we have seen so far looks like a type, that could be a return
// type for a generalized function type.
hasReturnType = looksLikeType;
while (optional("Function", token)) {
Token typeVariableStart =;
if (optional("<", {
Token close = closeBraceTokenFor(;
if (close != null && optional(">", close)) {
token = close;
} else {
break; // Not a function type.
if (optional("(", {
// This is a function type.
Token close = closeBraceTokenFor(;
assert(optional(")", close));
looksLikeType = true;
typeVariableStarters =
token =;
} else {
break; // Not a function type.
/// Call this function when it's known that [begin] is a type. This
/// function will call the appropriate event methods on [listener] to
/// handle the type.
Token commitType() {
int count = 0;
for (Token typeVariableStart in typeVariableStarters) {
assert(count == functionTypes);
if (functionTypes > 0 && !hasReturnType) {
// A function type without return type.
// Push the non-existing return type first. The loop below will
// generate the full type.
token = begin;
} else if (functionTypes > 0 && voidToken != null) {
token =;
} else {
token = ensureIdentifier(begin, context);
token = parseQualifiedRestOpt(
token, IdentifierContext.typeReferenceContinuation)
assert(typeArguments == null || typeArguments == token);
token = parseTypeArgumentsOpt(token);
listener.handleType(begin, token);
Token newBegin =
listener.replaceTokenWithGenericCommentTypeAssign(begin, token);
if (!identical(newBegin, begin)) {
return parseType(newBegin);
for (int i = 0; i < functionTypes; i++) {
assert(optional('Function', token));
Token functionToken = token;
token =;
if (optional("<", token)) {
// Skip type parameters, they were parsed above.
token = closeBraceTokenFor(token).next;
token = parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(
token, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType)
listener.endFunctionType(functionToken, token);
if (hasVar) {
reportRecoverableError(begin, fasta.messageTypeAfterVar);
return token;
/// Returns true if [kind] is '=', ';', or ',', that is, if [kind] could be
/// the end of a variable declaration.
bool looksLikeVariableDeclarationEnd(int kind) {
return EQ_TOKEN == kind || SEMICOLON_TOKEN == kind || COMMA_TOKEN == kind;
/// Returns true if [token] could be the start of a function body.
bool looksLikeFunctionBody(Token token) {
return optional('{', token) ||
optional('=>', token) ||
optional('async', token) ||
optional('sync', token);
/// Returns true if [token] could be the start of a function declaration
/// without a return type.
bool looksLikeFunctionDeclaration(Token token) {
if (!token.isIdentifier) {
return false;
token =;
if (optional('<', token)) {
Token closeBrace = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
if (closeBrace == null) return false;
token =;
if (optional('(', token)) {
return looksLikeFunctionBody(closeBraceTokenFor(token).next);
return false;
FormalParameterKind parameterKind;
switch (continuation) {
case TypeContinuation.Required:
// If the token after the type is not an identifier,
// the report a missing type
if (!token.isIdentifier) {
if (memberKind == MemberKind.TopLevelField ||
memberKind == MemberKind.NonStaticField ||
memberKind == MemberKind.StaticField) {
begin, fasta.messageMissingConstFinalVarOrType);
return begin;
return commitType();
case TypeContinuation.Optional:
if (looksLikeType) {
if (functionTypes > 0) {
return commitType(); // Parse function type.
if (voidToken != null) {
if (token.isIdentifier || optional('this', token)) {
return commitType(); // Parse type.
return begin;
case TypeContinuation.OptionalAfterVar:
hasVar = true;
continue optional;
case TypeContinuation.Typedef:
if (optional('=', token)) {
return null; // This isn't a type, it's a new-style typedef.
continue optional;
case TypeContinuation.ExpressionStatementOrDeclaration:
assert(begin.isIdentifier || identical(begin.stringValue, 'void'));
if (!inPlainSync && optional("await", begin)) {
return parseExpressionStatement(begin).next;
if (looksLikeType && token.isIdentifier) {
Token afterId =;
int afterIdKind = afterId.kind;
if (looksLikeVariableDeclarationEnd(afterIdKind)) {
// We are looking at `type identifier` followed by
// `(',' | '=' | ';')`.
// TODO(ahe): Generate type events and call
// parseVariablesDeclarationRest instead.
return parseVariablesDeclaration(begin).next;
} else if (OPEN_PAREN_TOKEN == afterIdKind) {
// We are looking at `type identifier '('`.
if (looksLikeFunctionBody(closeBraceTokenFor(afterId).next)) {
// We are looking at `type identifier '(' ... ')'` followed
// `( '{' | '=>' | 'async' | 'sync' )`.
// Although it looks like there are no type variables here, they
// may get injected from a comment.
Token formals = parseTypeVariablesOpt(afterId);
if (voidToken != null) {
} else {
return parseNamedFunctionRest(begin, token, formals, false);
} else if (identical(afterIdKind, LT_TOKEN)) {
// We are looking at `type identifier '<'`.
Token formals = closeBraceTokenFor(afterId)?.next;
if (formals != null && optional("(", formals)) {
if (looksLikeFunctionBody(closeBraceTokenFor(formals).next)) {
// We are looking at "type identifier '<' ... '>' '(' ... ')'"
// followed by '{', '=>', 'async', or 'sync'.
if (voidToken != null) {
} else {
return parseNamedFunctionRest(begin, token, formals, false);
// Fall-through to expression statement.
} else {
token = begin;
if (optional(':', {
return parseLabeledStatement(token).next;
} else if (optional('(', {
if (looksLikeFunctionBody(closeBraceTokenFor( {
// We are looking at `identifier '(' ... ')'` followed by `'{'`,
// `'=>'`, `'async'`, or `'sync'`.
// Although it looks like there are no type variables here, they
// may get injected from a comment.
Token formals = parseTypeVariablesOpt(;
return parseNamedFunctionRest(begin, token, formals, false);
} else if (optional('<', {
Token afterTypeVariables = closeBraceTokenFor(;
if (afterTypeVariables != null &&
optional("(", afterTypeVariables)) {
if (looksLikeFunctionBody(
closeBraceTokenFor(afterTypeVariables).next)) {
// We are looking at `identifier '<' ... '>' '(' ... ')'`
// followed by `'{'`, `'=>'`, `'async'`, or `'sync'`.
return parseNamedFunctionRest(
begin, token, afterTypeVariables, false);
// Fall through to expression statement.
return parseExpressionStatement(begin).next;
case TypeContinuation.ExpressionStatementOrConstDeclaration:
Token identifier;
if (looksLikeType && token.isIdentifier) {
identifier = token;
} else if ( {
identifier =;
if (identifier != null) {
if (looksLikeVariableDeclarationEnd( {
// We are looking at "const type identifier" followed by '=', ';',
// or ','.
// TODO(ahe): Generate type events and call
// parseVariablesDeclarationRest instead.
return parseVariablesDeclaration(begin).next;
// Fall-through to expression statement.
return parseExpressionStatement(begin).next;
case TypeContinuation.SendOrFunctionLiteral:
Token name;
bool hasReturnType;
if (looksLikeType && looksLikeFunctionDeclaration(token)) {
name = token;
hasReturnType = true;
// Fall-through to parseNamedFunctionRest below.
} else if (looksLikeFunctionDeclaration(begin)) {
name = begin;
hasReturnType = false;
// Fall-through to parseNamedFunctionRest below.
} else {
return parseSend(begin, continuationContext);
Token formals = parseTypeVariablesOpt(;
if (hasReturnType) {
if (voidToken != null) {
} else {
begin, fasta.messageReturnTypeFunctionExpression);
} else {
return parseNamedFunctionRest(begin, name, formals, true);
case TypeContinuation.VariablesDeclarationOrExpression:
if (looksLikeType &&
token.isIdentifier &&
isOneOf4(, '=', ';', ',', 'in')) {
// TODO(ahe): Generate type events and call
// parseVariablesDeclarationNoSemicolonRest instead.
return parseVariablesDeclarationNoSemicolon(begin).next;
return parseExpression(begin);
case TypeContinuation.NormalFormalParameter:
case TypeContinuation.NormalFormalParameterAfterVar:
parameterKind = FormalParameterKind.mandatory;
hasVar = continuation == TypeContinuation.NormalFormalParameterAfterVar;
continue handleParameters;
case TypeContinuation.OptionalPositionalFormalParameter:
case TypeContinuation.OptionalPositionalFormalParameterAfterVar:
parameterKind = FormalParameterKind.optionalPositional;
hasVar = continuation ==
continue handleParameters;
case TypeContinuation.NamedFormalParameterAfterVar:
hasVar = true;
continue handleParameters;
case TypeContinuation.NamedFormalParameter:
parameterKind ??= FormalParameterKind.optionalNamed;
bool inFunctionType = memberKind == MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType;
bool isNamedParameter =
parameterKind == FormalParameterKind.optionalNamed;
bool untyped = false;
if (!looksLikeType || optional("this", begin)) {
untyped = true;
token = begin;
Token thisKeyword;
Token periodAfterThis;
Token nameToken = token;
IdentifierContext nameContext =
token =;
if (inFunctionType) {
if (isNamedParameter || nameToken.isIdentifier) {
nameContext = IdentifierContext.formalParameterDeclaration;
} else {
// No name required in a function type.
nameContext = null;
token = nameToken;
} else if (optional('this', nameToken)) {
thisKeyword = nameToken;
if (!optional('.', token)) {
// Recover from a missing period by inserting one.
Message message = fasta.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments('.');
Token newToken =
new SyntheticToken(TokenType.PERIOD, token.charOffset);
periodAfterThis = rewriteAndRecover(token, message, newToken);
} else {
periodAfterThis = token;
token =;
nameContext = IdentifierContext.fieldInitializer;
if (!token.isIdentifier) {
// Recover from a missing identifier by inserting one.
token = insertSyntheticIdentifier(token, nameContext);
nameToken = token;
token =;
} else if (!nameToken.isIdentifier) {
untyped = true;
nameToken = begin;
token =;
if (isNamedParameter && nameToken.lexeme.startsWith("_")) {
// TODO(ahe): Move this to after committing the type.
reportRecoverableError(nameToken, fasta.messagePrivateNamedParameter);
token = listener.injectGenericCommentTypeList(token);
Token inlineFunctionTypeStart;
if (optional("<", token)) {
Token closer = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
if (closer != null) {
if (optional("(", {
inlineFunctionTypeStart = token;
token =;
} else if (optional("(", token)) {
inlineFunctionTypeStart = token;
token = closeBraceTokenFor(token).next;
if (inlineFunctionTypeStart != null) {
token = parseTypeVariablesOpt(inlineFunctionTypeStart);
if (!untyped) {
if (voidToken != null) {
} else {
Token saved = token;
token = saved;
} else {
token = parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(
token, MemberKind.FunctionTypedParameter)
// Generalized function types don't allow inline function types.
// The following isn't allowed:
// int Function(int bar(String x)).
if (memberKind == MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) {
} else if (untyped) {
} else {
Token saved = token;
token = saved;
if (nameContext != null) {
nameToken = ensureIdentifier(nameToken, nameContext);
} else {
String value = token.stringValue;
if ((identical('=', value)) || (identical(':', value))) {
Token equal = token;
token = parseExpression(;
listener.handleValuedFormalParameter(equal, token);
if (isMandatoryFormalParameterKind(parameterKind)) {
equal, fasta.messageRequiredParameterWithDefault);
} else if (isOptionalPositionalFormalParameterKind(parameterKind) &&
identical(':', value)) {
equal, fasta.messagePositionalParameterWithEquals);
} else if (inFunctionType ||
memberKind == MemberKind.FunctionTypeAlias ||
memberKind == MemberKind.FunctionTypedParameter) {
equal, fasta.messageFunctionTypeDefaultValue);
} else {
thisKeyword, periodAfterThis, nameToken, parameterKind, memberKind);
return token;
throw "Internal error: Unhandled continuation '$continuation'.";
Token parseTypeArgumentsOpt(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
return parseStuff(
(t) => listener.beginTypeArguments(t),
(t) => parseType(,
(c, bt, et) => listener.endTypeArguments(c, bt, et),
(t) => listener.handleNoTypeArguments(t));
Token parseTypeVariablesOpt(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
return parseStuff(
(t) => listener.beginTypeVariables(t),
(t) => parseTypeVariable(t),
(c, bt, et) => listener.endTypeVariables(c, bt, et),
(t) => listener.handleNoTypeVariables(t));
/// TODO(ahe): Clean this up.
Token parseStuff(Token token, Function beginStuff, Function stuffParser,
Function endStuff, Function handleNoStuff) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Rename to `parseStuffOpt`?
token = listener.injectGenericCommentTypeList(token);
if (optional('<', token)) {
Token begin = token;
int count = 0;
do {
token = stuffParser(token);
} while (optional(',', token));
if (identical(token.stringValue, '>>')) {
Token replacement = new Token(TokenType.GT, token.charOffset) = new Token(TokenType.GT, token.charOffset + 1);
token = rewriter.replaceToken(token, replacement);
endStuff(count, begin, token);
return expect('>', token);
return token;
Token parseTopLevelMember(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token start = token;
Link<Token> identifiers = findMemberName(token);
if (identifiers.isEmpty) {
return reportUnrecoverableErrorWithToken(
start, fasta.templateExpectedDeclaration);
Token afterName = identifiers.head;
identifiers = identifiers.tail;
if (identifiers.isEmpty) {
return reportUnrecoverableErrorWithToken(
start, fasta.templateExpectedDeclaration);
Token name = identifiers.head;
identifiers = identifiers.tail;
Token getOrSet;
if (!identifiers.isEmpty) {
String value = identifiers.head.stringValue;
if ((identical(value, 'get')) || (identical(value, 'set'))) {
getOrSet = identifiers.head;
identifiers = identifiers.tail;
Token type;
if (!identifiers.isEmpty) {
if (isValidTypeReference(identifiers.head)) {
type = identifiers.head;
identifiers = identifiers.tail;
token = afterName;
bool isField;
while (true) {
// Loop to allow the listener to rewrite the token stream for
// error handling.
final String value = token.stringValue;
if ((identical(value, '(')) ||
(identical(value, '{')) ||
(identical(value, '=>'))) {
isField = false;
} else if ((identical(value, '=')) || (identical(value, ','))) {
isField = true;
} else if (identical(value, ';')) {
if (getOrSet != null) {
// If we found a "get" keyword, this must be an abstract
// getter.
isField = (!identical(getOrSet.stringValue, 'get'));
// TODO(ahe): This feels like a hack.
} else {
isField = true;
} else {
token = reportUnexpectedToken(token);
if (identical(, EOF_TOKEN)) return token;
Token afterModifiers =
identifiers.isNotEmpty ? : start;
return isField
? parseFields(start, identifiers.reverse(), type, name, true)
: parseTopLevelMethod(start, afterModifiers, type, getOrSet, name);
Token parseFields(Token start, Link<Token> modifiers, Token type, Token name,
bool isTopLevel) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token varFinalOrConst = null;
for (Token modifier in modifiers) {
if (optional("var", modifier) ||
optional("final", modifier) ||
optional("const", modifier)) {
varFinalOrConst = modifier;
Token token = parseModifiers(start,
isTopLevel ? MemberKind.TopLevelField : MemberKind.NonStaticField,
isVarAllowed: true);
if (token != name) {
reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(token, fasta.templateExtraneousModifier);
token = name;
IdentifierContext context = isTopLevel
? IdentifierContext.topLevelVariableDeclaration
: IdentifierContext.fieldDeclaration;
token = ensureIdentifier(token, context).next;
int fieldCount = 1;
token = parseFieldInitializerOpt(token, name, varFinalOrConst, isTopLevel);
while (optional(',', token)) {
name = ensureIdentifier(, context);
token = parseFieldInitializerOpt(, name, varFinalOrConst, isTopLevel);
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
if (isTopLevel) {
listener.endTopLevelFields(fieldCount, start, token);
} else {
listener.endFields(fieldCount, start, token);
return token;
Token parseTopLevelMethod(Token start, Token afterModifiers, Token type,
Token getOrSet, Token name) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token token = start;
// Parse modifiers
Token externalToken;
if (token == afterModifiers) {
listener.beginTopLevelMethod(start, name);
} else if (optional('external', token) && == afterModifiers) {
listener.beginTopLevelMethod(start, name);
externalToken = token;
token =;
} else {
// If there are modifiers other than or in addition to `external`
// then we need to recover.
final context = new TopLevelMethodModifierContext(this);
// TODO(brianwilkerson): This use of `syntheticPreviousToken` should be
// removed when `parseTopLevelMethod` accepts the last consumed token.
token =
context.parseRecovery(syntheticPreviousToken(token), afterModifiers);
// If the modifiers form a partial top level directive or declaration
// and we have found the start of a new top level declaration
// then return to parse that new declaration.
if (context.endInvalidTopLevelDeclarationToken != null) {
return token;
listener.beginTopLevelMethod(start, name);
externalToken = context.externalToken;
if (externalToken == null) {
} else {
// Fall through to continue parsing the top level method.
if (type == null) {
} else {
parseType(type, TypeContinuation.Optional);
name =
ensureIdentifier(name, IdentifierContext.topLevelFunctionDeclaration);
token =;
bool isGetter = false;
if (getOrSet == null) {
token = parseTypeVariablesOpt(token);
} else {
isGetter = optional("get", getOrSet);
checkFormals(isGetter, name, token);
token = parseFormalParametersOpt(token, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod);
AsyncModifier savedAsyncModifier = asyncState;
Token asyncToken = token;
token = parseAsyncModifier(token);
if (getOrSet != null && !inPlainSync && optional("set", getOrSet)) {
reportRecoverableError(asyncToken, fasta.messageSetterNotSync);
token = parseFunctionBody(token, false, externalToken != null);
asyncState = savedAsyncModifier;
listener.endTopLevelMethod(start, getOrSet, token);
return token;
void checkFormals(bool isGetter, Token name, Token token) {
if (optional("(", token)) {
if (isGetter) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageGetterWithFormals);
} else if (!isGetter) {
reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(name, fasta.templateNoFormals);
/// Looks ahead to find the name of a member. Returns a link of the modifiers,
/// set/get, (operator) name, and either the start of the method body or the
/// end of the declaration.
/// Examples:
/// int get foo;
/// results in
/// [';', 'foo', 'get', 'int']
/// static const List<int> foo = null;
/// results in
/// ['=', 'foo', 'List', 'const', 'static']
/// get foo async* { return null }
/// results in
/// ['{', 'foo', 'get']
/// operator *(arg) => null;
/// results in
/// ['(', '*', 'operator']
Link<Token> findMemberName(Token token) {
// TODO(ahe): This method is rather broken for examples like this:
// get<T>(){}
// In addition, the loop below will include things that can't be
// identifiers. This may be desirable (for error recovery), or
// not. Regardless, this method probably needs an overhaul.
Link<Token> identifiers = const Link<Token>();
// `true` if 'get' has been seen.
bool isGetter = false;
// `true` if an identifier has been seen after 'get'.
bool hasName = false;
while (token.kind != EOF_TOKEN) {
if (optional('get', token)) {
isGetter = true;
} else if (hasName &&
(optional("sync", token) || optional("async", token))) {
// Skip.
token =;
if (optional("*", token)) {
// Skip.
token =;
} else if (optional("(", token) ||
optional("{", token) ||
optional("=>", token)) {
// A method.
identifiers = identifiers.prepend(token);
return identifiers;
} else if (optional("=", token) ||
optional(";", token) ||
optional(",", token)) {
// A field or abstract getter.
identifiers = identifiers.prepend(token);
return identifiers;
} else if (optional('native', token) &&
( == STRING_TOKEN || optional(';', {
// Skip.
token =;
if (token.kind == STRING_TOKEN) {
token =;
} else if (isGetter) {
hasName = true;
token = listener.injectGenericCommentTypeAssign(token);
identifiers = identifiers.prepend(token);
if (!isGeneralizedFunctionType(token)) {
// Read a potential return type.
if (isValidTypeReference(token)) {
Token type = token;
// type ...
if (optional('.', {
// type '.' ...
if ( {
// type '.' identifier
token =;
if (optional('<', {
if ( is BeginToken) {
token =;
Token closeBrace = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
if (closeBrace == null) {
token = reportUnmatchedToken(token).next;
} else {
token = closeBrace;
// If the next token after a type has a type substitution comment
// /*=T*/, then the previous type tokens and the reference to them
// from the link should be replaced.
Token newType = listener.replaceTokenWithGenericCommentTypeAssign(
if (!identical(newType, type)) {
identifiers = identifiers.tail;
token = newType;
} else if (token.type.isBuiltIn) {
// Handle the edge case where a built-in keyword is being used
// as the identifier, as in "abstract<T>() => 0;"
if (optional('<', {
Token identifier = token;
if ( is BeginToken) {
token =;
Token closeBrace = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
if (closeBrace == null) {
// Handle the edge case where the user is defining the less
// than operator, as in "bool operator <(other) => false;"
if (optional('operator', identifier)) {
token = identifier;
} else {
token = reportUnmatchedToken(token).next;
} else {
token = closeBrace;
token =;
while (isGeneralizedFunctionType(token)) {
token =;
if (optional('<', token)) {
if (token is BeginToken) {
Token closeBrace = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
if (closeBrace == null) {
token = reportUnmatchedToken(token).next;
} else {
token =;
if (!optional('(', token)) {
if (optional(';', token)) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageExpectedOpenParens);
token = expect("(", token);
if (token is BeginToken) {
Token closeBrace = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
if (closeBrace == null) {
token = reportUnmatchedToken(token).next;
} else {
token =;
return const Link<Token>();
Token parseFieldInitializerOpt(
Token token, Token name, Token varFinalOrConst, bool isTopLevel) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
if (optional('=', token)) {
Token assignment = token;
token = parseExpression(;
listener.endFieldInitializer(assignment, token);
} else {
if (varFinalOrConst != null) {
if (optional("const", varFinalOrConst)) {
} else if (isTopLevel && optional("final", varFinalOrConst)) {
return token;
Token parseVariableInitializerOpt(Token token) {
if (optional('=', {
Token assignment =;
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Remove the invocation of `previous` after
// converting `parseExpression` to return the last consumed token.
token = parseExpression(;
} else {
return token;
Token parseInitializersOpt(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
if (optional(':', token)) {
return parseInitializers(token);
} else {
return token;
/// ```
/// initializers:
/// ':' initializerListEntry (',' initializerListEntry)*
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseInitializers(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(optional(':', token));
Token begin = token;
int count = 0;
bool old = mayParseFunctionExpressions;
mayParseFunctionExpressions = false;
do {
token = parseInitializer(;
} while (optional(',', token));
mayParseFunctionExpressions = old;
listener.endInitializers(count, begin, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// initializerListEntry:
/// 'super' ('.' identifier)? arguments |
/// fieldInitializer |
/// assertion
/// ;
/// fieldInitializer:
/// ('this' '.')? identifier '=' conditionalExpression cascadeSection*
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseInitializer(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
if (optional('assert', token)) {
token = parseAssert(token, Assert.Initializer);
} else {
token = parseExpression(token);
return token;
Token ensureParseLiteralString(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
if (!identical(token.kind, STRING_TOKEN)) {
Message message = fasta.templateExpectedString.withArguments(token);
Token newToken =
new SyntheticStringToken(TokenType.STRING, '""', token.charOffset, 0);
token = rewriteAndRecover(token, message, newToken);
return parseLiteralString(token);
/// If the given [token] is a semi-colon, return it. Otherwise, report an
/// error, insert a synthetic semi-colon, and return the inserted semi-colon.
Token ensureSemicolon(Token token) {
// TODO(danrubel): Once all expect(';'...) call sites have been converted
// to use this method, remove similar semicolon recovery code
// from the handleError method in element_listener.dart.
if (optional(';', token)) return token;
Message message = fasta.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments(';');
Token newToken = new SyntheticToken(TokenType.SEMICOLON, token.charOffset);
return rewriteAndRecover(token, message, newToken);
Token rewriteAndRecover(Token token, Message message, Token newToken) {
reportRecoverableError(token, message);
return rewriter.insertToken(newToken, token);
/// Report the given token as unexpected and return the next token
/// if the next token is one of the [expectedNext],
/// otherwise just return the given token.
Token skipUnexpectedTokenOpt(Token token, List<String> expectedNext) {
if (token.keyword == null) {
final String nextValue =;
for (String expectedValue in expectedNext) {
if (identical(nextValue, expectedValue)) {
reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(token, fasta.templateUnexpectedToken);
return token;
Token parseLiteralStringOrRecoverExpression(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
Token next =;
if (identical(next.kind, STRING_TOKEN)) {
return parseLiteralString(next).next;
} else if (next is ErrorToken) {
return reportErrorToken(next, false);
} else {
reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(next, fasta.templateExpectedString);
return parseRecoverExpression(
token, fasta.templateExpectedString.withArguments(next));
Token expectSemicolon(Token token) {
return expect(';', token);
/// Provides a partial order on modifiers.
/// The order is based on the order modifiers must appear in according to the
/// grammar. For example, `external` must come before `static`.
/// In addition, if two modifiers have the same order, they can't both be
/// used together, for example, `final` and `var` can't be used together.
/// If [token] isn't a modifier, 127 is returned.
int modifierOrder(Token token) {
final String value = token.stringValue;
if (identical('external', value)) return 0;
if (identical('static', value) || identical('covariant', value)) {
return 1;
if (identical('final', value) ||
identical('var', value) ||
identical('const', value)) {
return 2;
if (identical('abstract', value)) return 3;
return 127;
Token parseModifier(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
return token;
/// This method is used in most locations where modifiers can occur. However,
/// it isn't used when parsing a class or when parsing the modifiers of a
/// member function (non-local), but is used when parsing their formal
/// parameters.
/// When parsing the formal parameters of any function, [parameterKind] is
/// non-null.
Token parseModifiers(Token token, MemberKind memberKind,
{FormalParameterKind parameterKind, bool isVarAllowed: false}) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
ModifierContext context = new ModifierContext(
final firstModifier = token;
token = context.parseOpt(token);
// If the next token is a modifier,
// then it's probably out of order and we need to recover from that.
if (isModifier(token)) {
// Recovery
context = new ModifierRecoveryContext(this, memberKind, parameterKind,
isVarAllowed, typeContiunationFromFormalParameterKind(parameterKind));
token = context.parseOpt(firstModifier);
memberKind = context.memberKind;
context.typeContinuation ??=
(isVarAllowed || memberKind == MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType)
? TypeContinuation.Required
: TypeContinuation.Optional;
token = parseType(token, context.typeContinuation, null, memberKind);
return token;
Token parseNativeClause(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('native', token));
Token nativeToken = token;
bool hasName = false;
if ( == STRING_TOKEN) {
hasName = true;
token = parseLiteralString(;
listener.handleNativeClause(nativeToken, hasName);
nativeToken, fasta.messageNativeClauseShouldBeAnnotation);
return token;
Token skipClassBody(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
if (!optional('{', token)) {
return reportUnrecoverableErrorWithToken(
token, fasta.templateExpectedClassBodyToSkip)
Token closeBrace = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
if (closeBrace == null ||
!identical(closeBrace.kind, $CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET)) {
return reportUnmatchedToken(token).next;
return closeBrace;
/// ```
/// classBody:
/// '{' classMember* '}'
/// ;
/// ```
/// The [beforeBody] token is required to be a token that appears somewhere
/// before the [token] in the token stream.
Token parseClassBody(Token token, Token beforeBody) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token begin = token;
if (!optional('{', token)) {
token, fasta.templateExpectedClassBody.withArguments(token));
BeginToken replacement = link(
new SyntheticBeginToken(TokenType.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET, token.offset),
new SyntheticToken(TokenType.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET, token.offset));
rewriter.insertToken(replacement, token);
token = begin = replacement;
token =;
int count = 0;
while (notEofOrValue('}', token)) {
token = parseMember(token).next;
expect('}', token);
listener.endClassBody(count, begin, token);
return token;
bool isGetOrSet(Token token) {
final String value = token.stringValue;
return (identical(value, 'get')) || (identical(value, 'set'));
bool isFactoryDeclaration(Token token) {
while (isModifier(token)) {
token =;
return optional('factory', token);
bool isModifierOrFactory(Token next) =>
optional('factory', next) || isModifier(next);
/// ```
/// classMember:
/// fieldDeclaration |
/// constructorDeclaration |
/// methodDeclaration
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseMember(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
token = parseMetadataStar(token);
Token start = token;
// TODO(danrubel): isFactoryDeclaration scans forward over modifiers
// which findMemberName does as well. See if this can be done once
// instead of twice.
if (isFactoryDeclaration(token)) {
token = parseFactoryMethod(token);
assert( != null);
return token;
Link<Token> identifiers = findMemberName(token);
if (identifiers.isEmpty) {
return reportUnrecoverableErrorWithToken(
start, fasta.templateExpectedDeclaration);
Token afterName = identifiers.head;
identifiers = identifiers.tail;
if (identifiers.isEmpty) {
return reportUnrecoverableErrorWithToken(
start, fasta.templateExpectedDeclaration);
Token name = identifiers.head;
identifiers = identifiers.tail;
if (!identifiers.isEmpty) {
if (optional('operator', identifiers.head)) {
name = identifiers.head;
identifiers = identifiers.tail;
Token getOrSet;
if (!identifiers.isEmpty) {
if (isGetOrSet(identifiers.head)) {
getOrSet = identifiers.head;
identifiers = identifiers.tail;
Token type;
if (!identifiers.isEmpty) {
if (isValidTypeReference(identifiers.head)) {
type = identifiers.head;
identifiers = identifiers.tail;
token = afterName;
bool isField;
while (true) {
// Loop to allow the listener to rewrite the token stream for
// error handling.
final String value = token.stringValue;
if ((identical(value, '(')) ||
(identical(value, '.')) ||
(identical(value, '{')) ||
(identical(value, '=>')) ||
(identical(value, '<'))) {
isField = false;
} else if (identical(value, ';')) {
if (getOrSet != null) {
// If we found a "get" keyword, this must be an abstract
// getter.
isField = !optional("get", getOrSet);
// TODO(ahe): This feels like a hack.
} else {
isField = true;
} else if ((identical(value, '=')) || (identical(value, ','))) {
isField = true;
} else {
token = reportUnexpectedToken(token);
if (identical(, EOF_TOKEN)) {
// TODO(ahe): This is a hack, see parseTopLevelMember.
listener.endFields(1, start,;
return token;
token =;
Token afterModifiers =
identifiers.isNotEmpty ? : start;
token = isField
? parseFields(start, identifiers.reverse(), type, name, false)
: parseMethod(start, afterModifiers, type, getOrSet, name);
return token;
Token parseMethod(Token token, Token afterModifiers, Token type,
Token getOrSet, Token name) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token start = token;
Token externalModifier;
Token staticModifier;
if (token != afterModifiers) {
int modifierCount = 0;
if (optional('external', token)) {
externalModifier = token;
token =;
if (token != afterModifiers) {
if (optional('static', token)) {
staticModifier = token;
token =;
if (token != afterModifiers) {
if (getOrSet == null) {
if (optional("const", token)) {
if ( == afterModifiers) {
token =;
} else if (optional('set', getOrSet)) {
if (staticModifier == null && optional('covariant', token)) {
if ( == afterModifiers) {
token =;
// If the next token is a modifier,
// then it's probably out of order and we need to recover from that.
if (token != afterModifiers) {
final context = new ClassMethodModifierContext(this);
token = context.parseRecovery(token, externalModifier,
staticModifier, getOrSet, afterModifiers);
// If the modifiers form a partial top level directive
// or declaration and we have found the start of a new top level
// declaration then return to parse that new declaration.
if (context.endInvalidMemberToken != null) {
return context.endInvalidMemberToken;
externalModifier = context.externalToken;
staticModifier = context.staticToken;
modifierCount = context.modifierCount;
listener.beginMethod(start, name);
} else {
listener.beginMethod(start, name);
if (type == null) {
} else {
parseType(type, TypeContinuation.Optional);
if (optional('operator', name)) {
token = parseOperatorName(name);
if (staticModifier != null) {
reportRecoverableError(staticModifier, fasta.messageStaticOperator);
} else {
token = ensureIdentifier(name, IdentifierContext.methodDeclaration);
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Can the next statement be moved inside the else above?
token = parseQualifiedRestOpt(
token, IdentifierContext.methodDeclarationContinuation)
bool isGetter = false;
if (getOrSet == null) {
token = parseTypeVariablesOpt(token);
} else {
isGetter = optional("get", getOrSet);
checkFormals(isGetter, name, token);
token = parseFormalParametersOpt(
staticModifier != null
? MemberKind.StaticMethod
: MemberKind.NonStaticMethod);
token = parseInitializersOpt(token);
bool allowAbstract = staticModifier == null;
AsyncModifier savedAsyncModifier = asyncState;
Token asyncToken = token;
token = parseAsyncModifier(token);
if (getOrSet != null && !inPlainSync && optional("set", getOrSet)) {
reportRecoverableError(asyncToken, fasta.messageSetterNotSync);
if (externalModifier != null) {
if (!optional(';', token)) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageExternalMethodWithBody);
allowAbstract = true;
if (optional('=', token)) {
token = parseRedirectingFactoryBody(token);
} else {
token = parseFunctionBody(token, false, allowAbstract);
asyncState = savedAsyncModifier;
listener.endMethod(getOrSet, start, token);
return token;
Token parseFactoryMethod(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token start = token;
Token constToken;
Token externalToken;
Token factoryKeyword;
if (optional('factory', token) && !isModifierOrFactory( {
factoryKeyword = token;
token =;
} else {
int modifierCount = 0;
if (optional('external', token)) {
externalToken = token;
token =;
if (optional('const', token)) {
constToken = token;
token =;
if (optional('factory', token) && !isModifierOrFactory( {
factoryKeyword = token;
token =;
} else {
// Recovery
FactoryModifierContext context = new FactoryModifierContext(
this, modifierCount, externalToken, constToken);
token = context.parseRecovery(token);
externalToken = context.externalToken;
constToken = context.constToken;
factoryKeyword = context.factoryKeyword;
modifierCount = context.modifierCount;
token = parseConstructorReference(token);
token = parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(token, MemberKind.Factory).next;
Token asyncToken = token;
token = parseAsyncModifier(token);
if (!inPlainSync) {
reportRecoverableError(asyncToken, fasta.messageFactoryNotSync);
if (optional('=', token)) {
// TODO(danrubel): There is a duplicate check at the semantic level
// that needs to be removed now that the check is performed here.
if (externalToken != null) {
// TODO(danrubel): The more correct error message here would be
// that a redirecting factory cannot be external.
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageExternalConstructorWithBody);
token = parseRedirectingFactoryBody(token);
} else if (externalToken != null) {
if (!optional(';', token)) {
// TODO(danrubel): The more correct error message here would be
// that an external *factory* cannot have a body.
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageExternalConstructorWithBody);
token = parseFunctionBody(token, false, true);
} else {
if (constToken != null && !optional('native', token)) {
// TODO(danrubel): report error to fix
// test_constFactory in parser_fasta_test.dart
//reportRecoverableError(constToken, fasta.messageConstFactory);
token = parseFunctionBody(token, false, false);
listener.endFactoryMethod(start, factoryKeyword, token);
return token;
Token parseOperatorName(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('operator', token));
if ( {
Token operator = token;
token =;
listener.handleOperatorName(operator, token);
return token;
} else {
return ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.operatorName);
Token parseFunctionExpression(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
Token beginToken = token;
token = parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(token, MemberKind.Local).next;
token = parseAsyncOptBody(token, true, false);
listener.endFunctionExpression(beginToken, token);
return token;
/// Parses the rest of a named function declaration starting from its [name]
/// but then skips any type parameters and continue parsing from [formals]
/// (the formal parameters).
/// If [isFunctionExpression] is true, this method parses the rest of named
/// function expression which isn't legal syntax in Dart. Useful for
/// recovering from Javascript code being pasted into a Dart program, as it
/// will interpret `function foo() {}` as a named function expression with
/// return type `function` and name `foo`.
/// Precondition: the parser has previously generated these events:
/// - Type variables.
/// - `beginLocalFunctionDeclaration` if [isFunctionExpression] is false,
/// otherwise `beginNamedFunctionExpression`.
/// - Modifiers.
/// - Return type.
Token parseNamedFunctionRest(
Token begin, Token name, Token formals, bool isFunctionExpression) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
Token token = name;
token = ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.localFunctionDeclaration)
if (isFunctionExpression) {
reportRecoverableError(name, fasta.messageNamedFunctionExpression);
listener.endFunctionName(begin, token);
token = parseFormalParametersOpt(formals, MemberKind.Local);
token = parseInitializersOpt(token);
token = parseAsyncOptBody(token, isFunctionExpression, false);
if (isFunctionExpression) {
return token;
} else {
/// Parses a function body optionally preceded by an async modifier (see
/// [parseAsyncModifier]). This method is used in both expression context
/// (when [ofFunctionExpression] is true) and statement context. In statement
/// context (when [ofFunctionExpression] is false), and if the function body
/// is on the form `=> expression`, a trailing semicolon is required.
/// It's an error if there's no function body unless [allowAbstract] is true.
Token parseAsyncOptBody(
Token token, bool ofFunctionExpression, bool allowAbstract) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
AsyncModifier savedAsyncModifier = asyncState;
token = parseAsyncModifier(token);
token = parseFunctionBody(token, ofFunctionExpression, allowAbstract);
asyncState = savedAsyncModifier;
return token;
Token parseConstructorReference(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
Token start =
ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.constructorReference);
token = parseQualifiedRestOpt(
start, IdentifierContext.constructorReferenceContinuation)
token = parseTypeArgumentsOpt(token);
Token period = null;
if (optional('.', token)) {
period = token;
token = ensureIdentifier(,
} else {
listener.endConstructorReference(start, period, token);
return token;
Token parseRedirectingFactoryBody(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('=', token));
Token equals = token;
token = parseConstructorReference(;
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.endRedirectingFactoryBody(equals, token);
return token;
Token skipFunctionBody(Token token, bool isExpression, bool allowAbstract) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
token = skipAsyncModifier(token);
if (optional('native', token)) {
Token nativeToken = token;
// TODO(danrubel): skip the native clause rather than parsing it
// or remove this code completely when we remove support
// for the `native` clause.
token = parseNativeClause(token).next;
if (optional(';', token)) {
listener.handleNativeFunctionBodySkipped(nativeToken, token);
return token;
listener.handleNativeFunctionBodyIgnored(nativeToken, token);
// Fall through to recover and skip function body
String value = token.stringValue;
if (identical(value, ';')) {
if (!allowAbstract) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageExpectedBody);
} else {
if (identical(value, '=>')) {
token = parseExpression(;
listener.handleFunctionBodySkipped(token, true);
} else if (identical(value, '=')) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageExpectedBody);
token = parseExpression(;
listener.handleFunctionBodySkipped(token, true);
} else {
token = skipBlock(token);
listener.handleFunctionBodySkipped(token, false);
return token;
/// Parses a function body. This method is used in both expression context
/// (when [ofFunctionExpression] is true) and statement context. In statement
/// context (when [ofFunctionExpression] is false), and if the function body
/// is on the form `=> expression`, a trailing semicolon is required.
/// It's an error if there's no function body unless [allowAbstract] is true.
Token parseFunctionBody(
Token token, bool ofFunctionExpression, bool allowAbstract) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
if (optional('native', token)) {
Token nativeToken = token;
token = parseNativeClause(nativeToken).next;
if (optional(';', token)) {
listener.handleNativeFunctionBody(nativeToken, token);
return token;
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageExternalMethodWithBody);
listener.handleNativeFunctionBodyIgnored(nativeToken, token);
// Ignore the native keyword and fall through to parse the body
if (optional(';', token)) {
if (!allowAbstract) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageExpectedBody);
return token;
} else if (optional('=>', token)) {
Token begin = token;
token = parseExpression(;
if (!ofFunctionExpression) {
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.handleExpressionFunctionBody(begin, token);
} else {
listener.handleExpressionFunctionBody(begin, null);
if (inGenerator) {
token, fasta.messageGeneratorReturnsValue);
return token;
} else if (optional('=', token)) {
Token begin = token;
// Recover from a bad factory method.
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageExpectedBody);
token = parseExpression(;
if (!ofFunctionExpression) {
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.handleExpressionFunctionBody(begin, token);
} else {
listener.handleExpressionFunctionBody(begin, null);
return token;
Token begin = token;
int statementCount = 0;
if (!optional('{', token)) {
token = reportUnrecoverableErrorWithToken(
token, fasta.templateExpectedFunctionBody)
return token;
token =;
while (notEofOrValue('}', token)) {
Token startToken = token;
token = parseStatementOpt(token).next;
if (identical(token, startToken)) {
// No progress was made, so we report the current token as being invalid
// and move forward.
token, fasta.templateUnexpectedToken.withArguments(token));
token =;
listener.endBlockFunctionBody(statementCount, begin, token);
expect('}', token);
return ofFunctionExpression ? : token;
Token skipAsyncModifier(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
String value = token.stringValue;
if (identical(value, 'async')) {
token =;
value = token.stringValue;
if (identical(value, '*')) {
token =;
} else if (identical(value, 'sync')) {
token =;
value = token.stringValue;
if (identical(value, '*')) {
token =;
return token;
Token parseAsyncModifier(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Rename to `parseAsyncModifierOpt`?
Token async;
Token star;
asyncState = AsyncModifier.Sync;
if (optional('async', token)) {
async = token;
token =;
if (optional('*', token)) {
asyncState = AsyncModifier.AsyncStar;
star = token;
token =;
} else {
asyncState = AsyncModifier.Async;
} else if (optional('sync', token)) {
async = token;
token =;
if (optional('*', token)) {
asyncState = AsyncModifier.SyncStar;
star = token;
token =;
} else {
reportRecoverableError(async, fasta.messageInvalidSyncModifier);
listener.handleAsyncModifier(async, star);
if (!inPlainSync && optional(';', token)) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageAbstractNotSync);
return token;
int statementDepth = 0;
Token parseStatementOpt(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Rename this to `parseStatement`?
if (statementDepth++ > 500) {
// This happens for degenerate programs, for example, a lot of nested
// if-statements. The language test deep_nesting2_negative_test, for
// example, provokes this.
return reportUnrecoverableError(token, fasta.messageStackOverflow);
Token result = parseStatementX(token);
return result;
Token parseStatementX(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
final value = token.stringValue;
if (identical(token.kind, IDENTIFIER_TOKEN)) {
return parseExpressionStatementOrDeclaration(token);
} else if (identical(value, '{')) {
return parseBlock(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'return')) {
return parseReturnStatement(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'var') || identical(value, 'final')) {
return parseVariablesDeclaration(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'if')) {
return parseIfStatement(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'await') && optional('for', {
return parseForStatement(token,;
} else if (identical(value, 'for')) {
return parseForStatement(null, token);
} else if (identical(value, 'rethrow')) {
return parseRethrowStatement(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'throw') && optional(';', {
// TODO(kasperl): Stop dealing with throw here.
return parseRethrowStatement(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'void')) {
return parseExpressionStatementOrDeclaration(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'while')) {
return parseWhileStatement(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'do')) {
return parseDoWhileStatement(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'try')) {
return parseTryStatement(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'switch')) {
return parseSwitchStatement(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'break')) {
return parseBreakStatement(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'continue')) {
return parseContinueStatement(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'assert')) {
return parseAssertStatement(token);
} else if (identical(value, ';')) {
return parseEmptyStatement(token);
} else if (identical(value, 'yield')) {
switch (asyncState) {
case AsyncModifier.Sync:
return parseExpressionStatementOrDeclaration(token);
case AsyncModifier.SyncStar:
case AsyncModifier.AsyncStar:
return parseYieldStatement(token);
case AsyncModifier.Async:
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageYieldNotGenerator);
return parseYieldStatement(token);
throw "Internal error: Unknown asyncState: '$asyncState'.";
} else if (identical(value, 'const')) {
return parseExpressionStatementOrConstDeclaration(token);
} else if (token.isIdentifier) {
return parseExpressionStatementOrDeclaration(token);
} else if (identical(value, '@')) {
return parseVariablesDeclaration(token);
} else {
return parseExpressionStatement(token);
/// ```
/// yieldStatement:
/// 'yield' expression? ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseYieldStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('yield', token));
Token begin = token;
Token starToken;
if (optional('*', {
starToken = token =;
token = parseExpression(;
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.endYieldStatement(begin, starToken, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// returnStatement:
/// 'return' expression? ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseReturnStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('return', token));
Token begin = token;
assert(optional('return', token));
Token next =;
if (optional(';', next)) {
listener.endReturnStatement(false, begin, next);
return next;
token = parseExpression(;
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.endReturnStatement(true, begin, token);
if (inGenerator) {
begin, fasta.messageGeneratorReturnsValue);
return token;
Token parseExpressionStatementOrDeclaration(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Remove the invocation of `previous` after
// converting `parseType` to return the last consumed token.
return parseType(token, TypeContinuation.ExpressionStatementOrDeclaration)
Token parseExpressionStatementOrConstDeclaration(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('const', token));
if ( {
return parseVariablesDeclaration(token);
} else {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Remove the invocation of `previous` after
// converting `parseType` to return the last consumed token.
return parseType(
token, TypeContinuation.ExpressionStatementOrConstDeclaration)
/// ```
/// label:
/// identifier ':'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseLabel(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Enable this assert.
// `parseType` is allowing `void` to be a label.
// assert(token.isIdentifier);
token = ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.labelDeclaration).next;
expect(':', token);
return token;
/// ```
/// statement:
/// label* nonLabelledStatement
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseLabeledStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Enable this assert.
// `parseType` is allowing `void` to be a label.
// assert(token.isIdentifier);
int labelCount = 0;
do {
token = parseLabel(token).next;
} while (token.isIdentifier && optional(':',;
listener.beginLabeledStatement(token, labelCount);
token = parseStatementOpt(token);
return token;
/// ```
/// expressionStatement:
/// expression? ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseExpressionStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): If the next token is not the start of a valid
// expression, then this method shouldn't report that we have an expression
// statement.
token = parseExpression(token);
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
return token;
Token skipExpression(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
while (true) {
final kind = token.kind;
final value = token.stringValue;
if ((identical(kind, EOF_TOKEN)) ||
(identical(value, ';')) ||
(identical(value, ',')) ||
(identical(value, '}')) ||
(identical(value, ')')) ||
(identical(value, ']'))) {
if (identical(value, '=') ||
identical(value, '?') ||
identical(value, ':') ||
identical(value, '??')) {
var nextValue =;
if (identical(nextValue, 'const')) {
token =;
nextValue =;
if (identical(nextValue, '{')) {
// Handle cases like this:
// class Foo {
// var map;
// Foo() : map = {};
// Foo.x() : map = true ? {} : {};
// }
token = closeBraceTokenFor( ?? token;
token =;
if (identical(nextValue, '<')) {
// Handle cases like this:
// class Foo {
// var map;
// Foo() : map = <String, Foo>{};
// Foo.x() : map = true ? <String, Foo>{} : <String, Foo>{};
// }
token = closeBraceTokenFor( ?? token;
token =;
if (identical(token.stringValue, '{')) {
token = closeBraceTokenFor(token) ?? token;
token =;
if (!mayParseFunctionExpressions && identical(value, '{')) {
if (token is BeginToken) {
token = closeBraceTokenFor(token) ?? token;
} else if (token is ErrorToken) {
reportErrorToken(token, false).next;
token =;
return token;
Token parseRecoverExpression(Token token, Message message) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
return parseExpression(;
int expressionDepth = 0;
Token parseExpression(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
if (expressionDepth++ > 500) {
// This happens in degenerate programs, for example, with a lot of nested
// list literals. This is provoked by, for example, the language test
// deep_nesting1_negative_test.
return reportUnrecoverableError(token, fasta.messageStackOverflow).next;
Token result = optional('throw', token)
? parseThrowExpression(token, true)
: parsePrecedenceExpression(token, ASSIGNMENT_PRECEDENCE, true);
return result;
Token parseExpressionWithoutCascade(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
return optional('throw', token)
? parseThrowExpression(token, false)
: parsePrecedenceExpression(token, ASSIGNMENT_PRECEDENCE, false);
Token parseConditionalExpressionRest(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(optional('?', token));
Token question = token;
token = parseExpressionWithoutCascade(;
Token colon = token;
token = expect(':', token);
token = parseExpressionWithoutCascade(token);
listener.endConditionalExpression(question, colon);
return token;
Token parsePrecedenceExpression(
Token token, int precedence, bool allowCascades) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(precedence >= 1);
assert(precedence <= POSTFIX_PRECEDENCE);
token = parseUnaryExpression(token, allowCascades);
TokenType type = token.type;
int tokenLevel = type.precedence;
for (int level = tokenLevel; level >= precedence; --level) {
while (identical(tokenLevel, level)) {
Token operator = token;
if (identical(tokenLevel, CASCADE_PRECEDENCE)) {
if (!allowCascades) {
return token;
token = parseCascadeExpression(token);
} else if (identical(tokenLevel, ASSIGNMENT_PRECEDENCE)) {
// Right associative, so we recurse at the same precedence
// level.
token = parsePrecedenceExpression(, level, allowCascades);
} else if (identical(tokenLevel, POSTFIX_PRECEDENCE)) {
if (identical(type, TokenType.PERIOD) ||
identical(type, TokenType.QUESTION_PERIOD)) {
// Left associative, so we recurse at the next higher precedence
// level. However, POSTFIX_PRECEDENCE is the highest level, so we
// should just call [parseUnaryExpression] directly. However, a
// unary expression isn't legal after a period, so we call
// [parsePrimary] instead.
token = parsePrimary(, IdentifierContext.expressionContinuation);
} else if ((identical(type, TokenType.OPEN_PAREN)) ||
(identical(type, TokenType.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET))) {
token = parseArgumentOrIndexStar(token);
} else if ((identical(type, TokenType.PLUS_PLUS)) ||
(identical(type, TokenType.MINUS_MINUS))) {
token =;
} else if (identical(type, TokenType.INDEX)) {
BeginToken replacement = link(
new BeginToken(TokenType.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET, token.charOffset,
new Token(
TokenType.CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET, token.charOffset + 1));
token = rewriter.replaceToken(token, replacement);
token = parseArgumentOrIndexStar(token);
} else {
token = reportUnexpectedToken(token).next;
} else if (identical(type, TokenType.IS)) {
token = parseIsOperatorRest(token);
} else if (identical(type, TokenType.AS)) {
token = parseAsOperatorRest(token);
} else if (identical(type, TokenType.QUESTION)) {
token = parseConditionalExpressionRest(token);
} else {
// Left associative, so we recurse at the next higher
// precedence level.
token =
parsePrecedenceExpression(, level + 1, allowCascades);
type = token.type;
tokenLevel = type.precedence;
// We don't allow (a == b == c) or (a < b < c).
// Continue the outer loop if we have matched one equality or
// relational operator.
return token;
Token parseCascadeExpression(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(optional('..', token));
Token cascadeOperator = token;
if (optional('[', {
token = parseArgumentOrIndexStar(;
} else if ( {
token = parseSend(, IdentifierContext.expressionContinuation);
} else {
return reportUnexpectedToken(;
Token mark;
do {
mark = token;
if (optional('.', token)) {
Token period = token;
token = parseSend(, IdentifierContext.expressionContinuation);
token = parseArgumentOrIndexStar(token);
} while (!identical(mark, token));
if (identical(token.type.precedence, ASSIGNMENT_PRECEDENCE)) {
Token assignment = token;
token = parseExpressionWithoutCascade(;
return token;
Token parseUnaryExpression(Token token, bool allowCascades) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
String value = token.stringValue;
// Prefix:
if (optional('await', token)) {
if (inPlainSync) {
return parsePrimary(token, IdentifierContext.expression);
} else {
return parseAwaitExpression(token, allowCascades);
} else if (identical(value, '+')) {
// Dart no longer allows prefix-plus.
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageUnsupportedPrefixPlus);
return parseUnaryExpression(, allowCascades);
} else if ((identical(value, '!')) ||
(identical(value, '-')) ||
(identical(value, '~'))) {
Token operator = token;
// Right associative, so we recurse at the same precedence
// level.
token = parsePrecedenceExpression(, POSTFIX_PRECEDENCE, allowCascades);
return token;
} else if ((identical(value, '++')) || identical(value, '--')) {
// TODO(ahe): Validate this is used correctly.
Token operator = token;
// Right associative, so we recurse at the same precedence
// level.
token = parsePrecedenceExpression(, POSTFIX_PRECEDENCE, allowCascades);
return token;
} else {
return parsePrimary(token, IdentifierContext.expression);
Token parseArgumentOrIndexStar(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
Token beginToken = token;
while (true) {
if (optional('[', token)) {
Token openSquareBracket = token;
bool old = mayParseFunctionExpressions;
mayParseFunctionExpressions = true;
token = parseExpression(;
mayParseFunctionExpressions = old;
if (!optional(']', token)) {
Message message = fasta.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments(']');
Token newToken = new SyntheticToken(
TokenType.CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET, token.charOffset);
token = rewriteAndRecover(token, message, newToken);
listener.handleIndexedExpression(openSquareBracket, token);
token =;
} else if (optional('(', token)) {
token = parseArguments(token).next;
listener.handleSend(beginToken, token);
} else {
return token;
Token parsePrimary(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
token = listener.injectGenericCommentTypeList(token);
final kind = token.kind;
if (kind == IDENTIFIER_TOKEN) {
return parseSendOrFunctionLiteral(token, context);
} else if (kind == INT_TOKEN || kind == HEXADECIMAL_TOKEN) {
return parseLiteralInt(token).next;
} else if (kind == DOUBLE_TOKEN) {
return parseLiteralDouble(token).next;
} else if (kind == STRING_TOKEN) {
return parseLiteralString(token).next;
} else if (kind == HASH_TOKEN) {
return parseLiteralSymbol(token).next;
} else if (kind == KEYWORD_TOKEN) {
final String value = token.stringValue;
if (identical(value, "true") || identical(value, "false")) {
return parseLiteralBool(token).next;
} else if (identical(value, "null")) {
return parseLiteralNull(token).next;
} else if (identical(value, "this")) {
return parseThisExpression(token, context).next;
} else if (identical(value, "super")) {
return parseSuperExpression(token, context).next;
} else if (identical(value, "new")) {
return parseNewExpression(token).next;
} else if (identical(value, "const")) {
return parseConstExpression(token);
} else if (identical(value, "void")) {
return parseSendOrFunctionLiteral(token, context);
} else if (!inPlainSync &&
(identical(value, "yield") || identical(value, "async"))) {
// Fall through to the recovery code.
} else if (identical(value, "assert")) {
return parseAssert(token, Assert.Expression);
} else if (token.isIdentifier) {
return parseSendOrFunctionLiteral(token, context);
} else {
// Fall through to the recovery code.
} else if (kind == OPEN_PAREN_TOKEN) {
return parseParenthesizedExpressionOrFunctionLiteral(token);
} else if (kind == OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN || optional('[]', token)) {
return parseLiteralListSuffix(token, null).next;
} else if (kind == OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN) {
return parseLiteralMapSuffix(token, null).next;
} else if (kind == LT_TOKEN) {
return parseLiteralListOrMapOrFunction(token, null);
} else {
// Fall through to the recovery code.
// Recovery code.
if (token is ErrorToken) {
do {
// Report the error in the error token, skip the error token, and try
// again.
token = reportErrorTokenAndAdvance(token);
} while (token is ErrorToken);
return parsePrimary(token, context);
} else {
return parseSend(token, context);
Token parseParenthesizedExpressionOrFunctionLiteral(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(optional('(', token));
Token nextToken = closeBraceTokenFor(token).next;
int kind = nextToken.kind;
if (mayParseFunctionExpressions &&
(identical(kind, FUNCTION_TOKEN) ||
identical(kind, OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN) ||
(identical(kind, KEYWORD_TOKEN) &&
(optional('async', nextToken) ||
optional('sync', nextToken))))) {
return parseFunctionExpression(token);
} else {
bool old = mayParseFunctionExpressions;
mayParseFunctionExpressions = true;
token = parseParenthesizedExpression(token).next;
mayParseFunctionExpressions = old;
return token;
Token parseParenthesizedExpression(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
if (!optional('(', token)) {
// Recover
token, fasta.templateExpectedToken.withArguments('('));
token, fasta.templateExpectedToken.withArguments(')'));
BeginToken replacement = link(
new SyntheticBeginToken(TokenType.OPEN_PAREN, token.charOffset),
new SyntheticToken(TokenType.CLOSE_PAREN, token.charOffset));
token = rewriter.insertToken(replacement, token);
BeginToken begin = token;
token = parseExpression(;
if (!identical(begin.endGroup, token)) {
token = begin.endGroup;
expect(')', token);
return token;
Token parseThisExpression(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('this', token));
Token thisToken = token;
listener.handleThisExpression(thisToken, context);
Token next =;
if (optional('(', next)) {
// Constructor forwarding.
token = parseArguments(next);
return token;
Token parseSuperExpression(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('super', token));
Token superToken = token;
listener.handleSuperExpression(superToken, context);
Token next =;
if (optional('(', next)) {
// Super constructor.
token = parseArguments(next);
} else if (optional("?.", next)) {
reportRecoverableError(next, fasta.messageSuperNullAware);
return token;
/// This method parses the portion of a list literal starting with the left
/// square bracket.
/// ```
/// listLiteral:
/// 'const'? typeArguments? '[' (expressionList ','?)? ']'
/// ;
/// ```
/// Provide a [constKeyword] if the literal is preceded by 'const', or `null`
/// if not. This is a suffix parser because it is assumed that type arguments
/// have been parsed, or `listener.handleNoTypeArguments` has been executed.
Token parseLiteralListSuffix(Token token, Token constKeyword) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('[', token) || optional('[]', token));
Token beginToken = token;
int count = 0;
if (optional('[', token)) {
bool old = mayParseFunctionExpressions;
mayParseFunctionExpressions = true;
do {
if (optional(']', {
token =;
token = parseExpression(;
} while (optional(',', token));
mayParseFunctionExpressions = old;
listener.handleLiteralList(count, beginToken, constKeyword, token);
expect(']', token);
return token;
BeginToken replacement = link(
new BeginToken(TokenType.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET, token.offset),
new Token(TokenType.CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET, token.offset + 1));
rewriter.replaceToken(token, replacement);
token =;
listener.handleLiteralList(0, replacement, constKeyword, token);
return token;
/// This method parses the portion of a map literal that starts with the left
/// curly brace.
/// ```
/// mapLiteral:
/// 'const'? typeArguments? '{' (mapLiteralEntry (',' mapLiteralEntry)* ','?)? '}'
/// ;
/// ```
/// Provide a [constKeyword] if the literal is preceded by 'const', or `null`
/// if not. This is a suffix parser because it is assumed that type arguments
/// have been parsed, or `listener.handleNoTypeArguments` has been executed.
Token parseLiteralMapSuffix(Token token, Token constKeyword) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('{', token));
Token beginToken = token;
int count = 0;
bool old = mayParseFunctionExpressions;
mayParseFunctionExpressions = true;
do {
if (optional('}', {
token =;
token = parseMapLiteralEntry(token);
} while (optional(',', token));
mayParseFunctionExpressions = old;
listener.handleLiteralMap(count, beginToken, constKeyword, token);
expect('}', token);
return token;
/// formalParameterList functionBody.
/// This is a suffix parser because it is assumed that type arguments have
/// been parsed, or `listener.handleNoTypeArguments(..)` has been executed.
Token parseLiteralFunctionSuffix(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(optional('(', token));
Token closeBrace = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
if (closeBrace != null) {
Token nextToken =;
int kind = nextToken.kind;
if (identical(kind, FUNCTION_TOKEN) ||
identical(kind, OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN) ||
(identical(kind, KEYWORD_TOKEN) &&
(optional('async', nextToken) || optional('sync', nextToken)))) {
return parseFunctionExpression(token);
// Fall through.
return reportUnexpectedToken(token).next;
/// genericListLiteral | genericMapLiteral | genericFunctionLiteral.
/// Where
/// genericListLiteral ::= typeArguments '[' (expressionList ','?)? ']'
/// genericMapLiteral ::=
/// typeArguments '{' (mapLiteralEntry (',' mapLiteralEntry)* ','?)? '}'
/// genericFunctionLiteral ::=
/// typeParameters formalParameterList functionBody
/// Provide token for [constKeyword] if preceded by 'const', null if not.
Token parseLiteralListOrMapOrFunction(Token token, Token constKeyword) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(optional('<', token));
Token closeBrace = closeBraceTokenFor(token);
if (constKeyword == null &&
closeBrace != null &&
identical(, OPEN_PAREN_TOKEN)) {
token = parseTypeVariablesOpt(token);
return parseLiteralFunctionSuffix(token);
} else {
token = parseTypeArgumentsOpt(token);
if (optional('{', token)) {
return parseLiteralMapSuffix(token, constKeyword).next;
} else if ((optional('[', token)) || (optional('[]', token))) {
return parseLiteralListSuffix(token, constKeyword).next;
return reportUnexpectedToken(token).next;
/// ```
/// mapLiteralEntry:
/// expression ':' expression
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseMapLiteralEntry(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
// Assume the listener rejects non-string keys.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Change the assumption above by moving error
// checking into the parser, making it possible to recover.
token = parseExpression(;
Token colon = token;
expect(':', token);
token = parseExpression(;
listener.endLiteralMapEntry(colon, token);
return token;
Token parseSendOrFunctionLiteral(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
if (!mayParseFunctionExpressions) {
return parseSend(token, context);
} else {
return parseType(token, TypeContinuation.SendOrFunctionLiteral, context);
Token parseRequiredArguments(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
if (optional('(', token)) {
token = parseArguments(token);
} else {
token = reportUnexpectedToken(token);
return token;
/// ```
/// newExpression:
/// 'new' type ('.' identifier)? arguments
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseNewExpression(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('new', token));
Token newKeyword = token;
token = parseConstructorReference(;
token = parseRequiredArguments(token);
return token;
/// This method parses a list or map literal that is known to start with the
/// keyword 'const'.
/// ```
/// listLiteral:
/// 'const'? typeArguments? '[' (expressionList ','?)? ']'
/// ;
/// mapLiteral:
/// 'const'? typeArguments? '{' (mapLiteralEntry (',' mapLiteralEntry)* ','?)? '}'
/// ;
/// mapLiteralEntry:
/// expression ':' expression
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseConstExpression(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(optional('const', token));
Token constKeyword = token;
token = listener.injectGenericCommentTypeList(;
final String value = token.stringValue;
if ((identical(value, '[')) || (identical(value, '[]'))) {
token = parseLiteralListSuffix(token, constKeyword).next;
return token;
if (identical(value, '{')) {
token = parseLiteralMapSuffix(token, constKeyword).next;
return token;
if (identical(value, '<')) {
token = parseLiteralListOrMapOrFunction(token, constKeyword);
return token;
token = parseConstructorReference(token);
token = parseRequiredArguments(token).next;
return token;
/// ```
/// intLiteral:
/// integer
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseLiteralInt(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(identical(token.kind, INT_TOKEN) ||
identical(token.kind, HEXADECIMAL_TOKEN));
return token;
/// ```
/// doubleLiteral:
/// double
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseLiteralDouble(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(identical(token.kind, DOUBLE_TOKEN));
return token;
/// ```
/// stringLiteral:
/// (multilineString | singleLineString)+
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseLiteralString(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(identical(token.kind, STRING_TOKEN));
bool old = mayParseFunctionExpressions;
mayParseFunctionExpressions = true;
token = parseSingleLiteralString(token);
int count = 1;
while (identical(, STRING_TOKEN)) {
token = parseSingleLiteralString(;
if (count > 1) {
mayParseFunctionExpressions = old;
return token;
/// ```
/// symbolLiteral:
/// '#' (operator | (identifier ('.' identifier)*))
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseLiteralSymbol(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('#', token));
Token hashToken = token;
token =;
if (token.isUserDefinableOperator) {
listener.endLiteralSymbol(hashToken, 1);
return token;
} else if (identical(token.stringValue, 'void')) {
listener.endLiteralSymbol(hashToken, 1);
return token;
} else {
int count = 1;
token = ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.literalSymbol);
while (optional('.', {
token = ensureIdentifier(, IdentifierContext.literalSymbolContinuation);
listener.endLiteralSymbol(hashToken, count);
return token;
Token parseSingleLiteralString(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(identical(token.kind, STRING_TOKEN));
// Parsing the prefix, for instance 'x of 'x${id}y${id}z'
int interpolationCount = 0;
var kind =;
while (kind != EOF_TOKEN) {
if (identical(kind, STRING_INTERPOLATION_TOKEN)) {
// Parsing ${expression}.
token = parseExpression(;
token = expect('}', token);
} else if (identical(kind, STRING_INTERPOLATION_IDENTIFIER_TOKEN)) {
// Parsing $identifier.
token = parseExpression(;
} else {
// Parsing the infix/suffix, for instance y and z' of 'x${id}y${id}z'
token = parseStringPart(token);
kind =;
return token;
/// ```
/// booleanLiteral:
/// 'true' |
/// 'false'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseLiteralBool(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('false', token) || optional('true', token));
return token;
/// ```
/// nullLiteral:
/// 'null'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseLiteralNull(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('null', token));
return token;
Token parseSend(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
Token beginToken = ensureIdentifier(token, context);
token = listener.injectGenericCommentTypeList(;
if (isValidMethodTypeArguments(token)) {
token = parseTypeArgumentsOpt(token);
} else {
token = parseArgumentsOpt(token);
listener.handleSend(beginToken, token);
return token;
Token skipArgumentsOpt(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
if (optional('(', token)) {
return closeBraceTokenFor(token).next;
} else {
return token;
Token parseArgumentsOpt(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
if (!optional('(', token)) {
return token;
} else {
return parseArguments(token).next;
/// ```
/// arguments:
/// '(' (argumentList ','?)? ')'
/// ;
/// argumentList:
/// namedArgument (',' namedArgument)* |
/// expressionList (',' namedArgument)*
/// ;
/// namedArgument:
/// label expression
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseArguments(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('(', token));
Token begin = token;
int argumentCount = 0;
bool hasSeenNamedArgument = false;
bool old = mayParseFunctionExpressions;
mayParseFunctionExpressions = true;
do {
Token next =;
if (optional(')', next)) {
token = next;
Token colon = null;
if (optional(':', {
token = ensureIdentifier(next, IdentifierContext.namedArgumentReference)
colon = token;
hasSeenNamedArgument = true;
} else if (hasSeenNamedArgument) {
// Positional argument after named argument.
reportRecoverableError(next, fasta.messagePositionalAfterNamedArgument);
token = parseExpression(;
if (colon != null) listener.handleNamedArgument(colon);
} while (optional(',', token));
mayParseFunctionExpressions = old;
listener.endArguments(argumentCount, begin, token);
expect(')', token);
return token;
/// ```
/// typeTest::
/// 'is' '!'? type
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseIsOperatorRest(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(optional('is', token));
Token operator = token;
Token not = null;
if (optional('!', {
not = token =;
token = parseType(;
listener.handleIsOperator(operator, not, token);
String value = token.stringValue;
if (identical(value, 'is') || identical(value, 'as')) {
// The is- and as-operators cannot be chained, but they can take part of
// expressions like: foo is Foo || foo is Bar.
return token;
/// ```
/// typeCast:
/// 'as' type
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseAsOperatorRest(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(optional('as', token));
Token operator = token;
token = parseType(;
listener.handleAsOperator(operator, token);
String value = token.stringValue;
if (identical(value, 'is') || identical(value, 'as')) {
// The is- and as-operators cannot be chained.
return token;
Token parseVariablesDeclaration(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
return parseVariablesDeclarationMaybeSemicolon(token, true);
Token parseVariablesDeclarationRest(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
return parseVariablesDeclarationMaybeSemicolonRest(token, true);
Token parseVariablesDeclarationNoSemicolon(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// Only called when parsing a for loop, so this is for parsing locals.
return parseVariablesDeclarationMaybeSemicolon(token, false);
Token parseVariablesDeclarationNoSemicolonRest(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// Only called when parsing a for loop, so this is for parsing locals.
return parseVariablesDeclarationMaybeSemicolonRest(token, false);
Token parseVariablesDeclarationMaybeSemicolon(
Token token, bool endWithSemicolon) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
token = parseMetadataStar(token);
// If the next token has a type substitution comment /*=T*/, then
// the current 'var' token should be repealed and replaced.
if (optional('var', token)) {
token =
token = parseModifiers(token, MemberKind.Local, isVarAllowed: true);
return parseVariablesDeclarationMaybeSemicolonRest(token, endWithSemicolon);
Token parseVariablesDeclarationMaybeSemicolonRest(
Token token, bool endWithSemicolon) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
int count = 1;
token = parseOptionallyInitializedIdentifier(token);
while (optional(',', {
token = parseOptionallyInitializedIdentifier(;
if (endWithSemicolon) {
Token semicolon = ensureSemicolon(;
listener.endVariablesDeclaration(count, semicolon);
return semicolon;
} else {
listener.endVariablesDeclaration(count, null);
return token;
Token parseOptionallyInitializedIdentifier(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token nameToken =
ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.localVariableDeclaration);
token = parseVariableInitializerOpt(nameToken);
return token;
/// ```
/// ifStatement:
/// 'if' '(' expression ')' statement ('else' statement)?
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseIfStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('if', token));
Token ifToken = token;
token = parseParenthesizedExpression(;
token = parseStatementOpt(token);
Token elseToken = null;
if (optional('else', {
elseToken =;
token = parseStatementOpt(;
listener.endIfStatement(ifToken, elseToken);
return token;
/// ```
/// forStatement:
/// 'await'? 'for' '(' forLoopParts ')' statement
/// ;
/// forLoopParts:
/// forInitializerStatement expression? ';' expressionList? |
/// declaredIdentifier 'in' expression |
/// identifier 'in' expression
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseForStatement(Token awaitToken, Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token forKeyword = token;
token = expect('for', token);
Token leftParenthesis = token;
token = expect('(', token);
token = parseVariablesDeclarationOrExpressionOpt(token);
if (optional('in', token)) {
if (awaitToken != null && !inAsync) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageAwaitForNotAsync);
return parseForInRest(awaitToken, forKeyword, leftParenthesis, token);
} else if (optional(':', token)) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageColonInPlaceOfIn);
if (awaitToken != null && !inAsync) {
reportRecoverableError(token, fasta.messageAwaitForNotAsync);
return parseForInRest(awaitToken, forKeyword, leftParenthesis, token);
} else {
if (awaitToken != null) {
reportRecoverableError(awaitToken, fasta.messageInvalidAwaitFor);
return parseForRest(forKeyword, leftParenthesis, token);
/// ```
/// forInitializerStatement:
/// localVariableDeclaration |
/// expression? ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseVariablesDeclarationOrExpressionOpt(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
final String value = token.stringValue;
if (identical(value, ';')) {
return token;
} else if (isOneOf4(token, '@', 'var', 'final', 'const')) {
return parseVariablesDeclarationNoSemicolon(token).next;
return parseType(token, TypeContinuation.VariablesDeclarationOrExpression);
/// This method parses the portion of the forLoopParts that starts with the
/// first semicolon (the one that terminates the forInitializerStatement).
/// ```
/// forLoopParts:
/// forInitializerStatement expression? ';' expressionList? |
/// declaredIdentifier 'in' expression |
/// identifier 'in' expression
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseForRest(Token forToken, Token leftParenthesis, Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token leftSeparator = ensureSemicolon(token);
token =;
if (optional(';', token)) {
token = parseEmptyStatement(token).next;
} else {
token = parseExpressionStatement(token).next;
int expressionCount = 0;
while (true) {
if (optional(')', token)) break;
token = parseExpression(token);
if (optional(',', token)) {
token =;
} else {
token = expect(')', token);
token = parseStatementOpt(token);
forToken, leftParenthesis, leftSeparator, expressionCount,;
return token;
/// This method parses the portion of the forLoopParts that starts with the
/// keyword 'in'. For the sake of recovery, we accept a colon in place of the
/// keyword.
/// ```
/// forLoopParts:
/// forInitializerStatement expression? ';' expressionList? |
/// declaredIdentifier 'in' expression |
/// identifier 'in' expression
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseForInRest(
Token awaitToken, Token forKeyword, Token leftParenthesis, Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('in', token) || optional(':', token));
Token inKeyword = token;
token = parseExpression(;
token = expect(')', token);
token = parseStatementOpt(token);
awaitToken, forKeyword, leftParenthesis, inKeyword,;
return token;
/// ```
/// whileStatement:
/// 'while' '(' expression ')' statement
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseWhileStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('while', token));
Token whileToken = token;
token = parseParenthesizedExpression(;
token = parseStatementOpt(token);
return token;
/// ```
/// doStatement:
/// 'do' statement 'while' '(' expression ')' ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseDoWhileStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('do', token));
Token doToken = token;
token = parseStatementOpt(;
Token whileToken = token;
token = expect('while', token);
token = parseParenthesizedExpression(token).next;
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.endDoWhileStatement(doToken, whileToken, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// block:
/// '{' statement* '}'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseBlock(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token begin = token;
int statementCount = 0;
token = expect('{', token);
while (notEofOrValue('}', token)) {
Token startToken = token;
token = parseStatementOpt(token).next;
if (identical(token, startToken)) {
// No progress was made, so we report the current token as being invalid
// and move forward.
token, fasta.templateUnexpectedToken.withArguments(token));
token =;
listener.endBlock(statementCount, begin, token);
expect('}', token);
return token;
/// ```
/// awaitExpression:
/// 'await' unaryExpression
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseAwaitExpression(Token token, bool allowCascades) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(optional('await', token));
Token awaitToken = token;
if (!inAsync) {
reportRecoverableError(awaitToken, fasta.messageAwaitNotAsync);
token = parsePrecedenceExpression(, POSTFIX_PRECEDENCE, allowCascades);
listener.endAwaitExpression(awaitToken, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// throwExpression:
/// 'throw' expression
/// ;
/// throwExpressionWithoutCascade:
/// 'throw' expressionWithoutCascade
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseThrowExpression(Token token, bool allowCascades) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
assert(optional('throw', token));
Token throwToken = token;
token = allowCascades
? parseExpression(
: parseExpressionWithoutCascade(;
listener.handleThrowExpression(throwToken, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// rethrowStatement:
/// 'rethrow' ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseRethrowStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('rethrow', token) || optional('throw', token));
Token throwToken = token;
// TODO(kasperl): Disallow throw here.
if (optional('throw', throwToken)) {
token = expect('throw', token);
} else {
token = expect('rethrow', token);
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.endRethrowStatement(throwToken, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// tryStatement:
/// 'try' block (onPart+ finallyPart? | finallyPart)
/// ;
/// onPart:
/// catchPart block |
/// 'on' type catchPart? block
/// ;
/// catchPart:
/// 'catch' '(' identifier (',' identifier)? ')'
/// ;
/// finallyPart:
/// 'finally' block
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseTryStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('try', token));
Token tryKeyword = token;
Token lastConsumed = parseBlock(;
token =;
int catchCount = 0;
String value = token.stringValue;
while (identical(value, 'catch') || identical(value, 'on')) {
Token onKeyword = null;
if (identical(value, 'on')) {
// 'on' type catchPart?
onKeyword = token;
token = parseType(;
value = token.stringValue;
Token catchKeyword = null;
Token comma = null;
if (identical(value, 'catch')) {
catchKeyword = token;
Token openParens =;
Token exceptionName =;
Token commaOrCloseParens =;
Token traceName =;
Token closeParens =;
if (!optional("(", openParens)) {
// Handled below by parseFormalParameters.
} else if (!exceptionName.isIdentifier) {
reportRecoverableError(exceptionName, fasta.messageCatchSyntax);
} else if (optional(")", commaOrCloseParens)) {
// OK: `catch (identifier)`.
} else if (!optional(",", commaOrCloseParens)) {
reportRecoverableError(exceptionName, fasta.messageCatchSyntax);
} else {
comma = commaOrCloseParens;
if (!traceName.isIdentifier) {
reportRecoverableError(exceptionName, fasta.messageCatchSyntax);
} else if (!optional(")", closeParens)) {
reportRecoverableError(exceptionName, fasta.messageCatchSyntax);
token =
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(, MemberKind.Catch).next;
lastConsumed = parseBlock(token);
token =;
listener.handleCatchBlock(onKeyword, catchKeyword, comma);
value = token.stringValue; // while condition
Token finallyKeyword = null;
if (optional('finally', token)) {
finallyKeyword = token;
lastConsumed = parseBlock(;
token =;
} else {
if (catchCount == 0) {
reportRecoverableError(tryKeyword, fasta.messageOnlyTry);
listener.endTryStatement(catchCount, tryKeyword, finallyKeyword);
return lastConsumed;
/// ```
/// switchStatement:
/// 'switch' parenthesizedExpression switchBlock
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseSwitchStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('switch', token));
Token switchKeyword = token;
token = parseParenthesizedExpression(;
token = parseSwitchBlock(token);
listener.endSwitchStatement(switchKeyword, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// switchBlock:
/// '{' switchCase* defaultCase? '}'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseSwitchBlock(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
Token begin = token;
token = expect('{', token);
int caseCount = 0;
while (!identical(token.kind, EOF_TOKEN)) {
if (optional('}', token)) {
token = parseSwitchCase(token);
listener.endSwitchBlock(caseCount, begin, token);
expect('}', token);
return token;
/// Peek after the following labels (if any). The following token
/// is used to determine if the labels belong to a statement or a
/// switch case.
Token peekPastLabels(Token token) {
while (token.isIdentifier && optional(':', {
token =;
return token;
/// Parse a group of labels, cases and possibly a default keyword and the
/// statements that they select.
/// ```
/// switchCase:
/// label* 'case' expression ‘:’ statements
/// ;
/// defaultCase:
/// label* 'default' ‘:’ statements
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseSwitchCase(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
Token begin = token;
Token defaultKeyword = null;
Token colonAfterDefault = null;
int expressionCount = 0;
int labelCount = 0;
Token peek = peekPastLabels(token);
while (true) {
// Loop until we find something that can't be part of a switch case.
String value = peek.stringValue;
if (identical(value, 'default')) {
while (!identical(token, peek)) {
token = parseLabel(token).next;
defaultKeyword = token;
colonAfterDefault =;
token = expect(':', colonAfterDefault);
peek = token;
} else if (identical(value, 'case')) {
while (!identical(token, peek)) {
token = parseLabel(token).next;
Token caseKeyword = token;
token = parseExpression(;
Token colonToken = token;
token = expect(':', token);
listener.handleCaseMatch(caseKeyword, colonToken);
peek = peekPastLabels(token);
} else {
if (expressionCount == 0) {
// TODO(ahe): This is probably easy to recover from.
token, fasta.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments("case"));
listener.beginSwitchCase(labelCount, expressionCount, begin);
// Finally zero or more statements.
int statementCount = 0;
while (!identical(token.kind, EOF_TOKEN)) {
String value = peek.stringValue;
if ((identical(value, 'case')) ||
(identical(value, 'default')) ||
((identical(value, '}')) && (identical(token, peek)))) {
// A label just before "}" will be handled as a statement error.
} else {
Token startToken = token;
token = parseStatementOpt(token).next;
if (identical(token, startToken)) {
// No progress was made, so we report the current token as being
// invalid and move forward.
token, fasta.templateUnexpectedToken.withArguments(token));
token =;
peek = peekPastLabels(token);
listener.endSwitchCase(labelCount, expressionCount, defaultKeyword,
colonAfterDefault, statementCount, begin, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// breakStatement:
/// 'break' identifier? ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseBreakStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('break', token));
Token breakKeyword = token;
token =;
bool hasTarget = false;
if (token.isIdentifier) {
token = ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.labelReference).next;
hasTarget = true;
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.handleBreakStatement(hasTarget, breakKeyword, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// assertion:
/// 'assert' '(' expression (',' expression)? ','? ')'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseAssert(Token token, Assert kind) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return the last consumed token.
// Also implemented by ClassMemberParser, which uses `skipExpression`, so
// this can't return the last consumed token until `skipExpression` does.
assert(optional('assert', token));
listener.beginAssert(token, kind);
Token assertKeyword = token;
Token commaToken = null;
token = expect('assert', token);
Token leftParenthesis = token;
expect('(', token);
bool old = mayParseFunctionExpressions;
mayParseFunctionExpressions = true;
token = parseExpression(;
if (optional(',', token)) {
if (optional(')', {
token =;
} else {
commaToken = token;
token = parseExpression(;
if (optional(',', token)) {
Token firstExtra =;
if (optional(')', firstExtra)) {
token = firstExtra;
} else {
while (optional(',', token)) {
Token begin =;
token = parseExpression(;
begin, fasta.messageAssertExtraneousArgument);
firstExtra, fasta.messageAssertExtraneousArgument);
token = expect(')', token);
mayParseFunctionExpressions = old;
listener.endAssert(assertKeyword, kind, leftParenthesis, commaToken, token);
if (kind == Assert.Expression) {
reportRecoverableError(assertKeyword, fasta.messageAssertAsExpression);
return token;
/// ```
/// assertStatement:
/// assertion ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseAssertStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('assert', token));
token = parseAssert(token, Assert.Statement);
return ensureSemicolon(token);
/// ```
/// continueStatement:
/// 'continue' identifier? ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseContinueStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional('continue', token));
Token continueKeyword = token;
token =;
bool hasTarget = false;
if (token.isIdentifier) {
token = ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.labelReference).next;
hasTarget = true;
token = ensureSemicolon(token);
listener.handleContinueStatement(hasTarget, continueKeyword, token);
return token;
/// ```
/// emptyStatement:
/// ';'
/// ;
/// ```
Token parseEmptyStatement(Token token) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Accept the last consumed token.
assert(optional(';', token));
return token;
/// Don't call this method. Should only be used as a last resort when there
/// is no feasible way to recover from a parser error.
Token reportUnrecoverableError(Token token, Message message) {
Token next;
if (token is ErrorToken) {
next = reportErrorToken(token, false);
} else {
next = listener.handleUnrecoverableError(token, message);
return next ?? skipToEof(token);
void reportRecoverableError(Token token, Message message) {
if (token is ErrorToken) {
reportErrorToken(token, true);
} else {
listener.handleRecoverableError(message, token, token);
Token reportUnrecoverableErrorWithToken(
Token token, Template<_MessageWithArgument<Token>> template) {
Token next;
if (token is ErrorToken) {
next = reportErrorToken(token, false);
} else {
next = listener.handleUnrecoverableError(
token, template.withArguments(token));
return next ?? skipToEof(token);
void reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(
Token token, Template<_MessageWithArgument<Token>> template) {
if (token is ErrorToken) {
reportErrorToken(token, true);
} else {
template.withArguments(token), token, token);
Token reportErrorToken(ErrorToken token, bool isRecoverable) {
Message message = token.assertionMessage;
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Error recovery belongs in the parser, not the
// listeners. As a result, the following code needs to be re-worked. While
// listeners still need to handle errors, there should not be a distinction
// between recoverable and non-recoverable errors.
if (isRecoverable) {
listener.handleRecoverableError(message, token, token);
return null;
} else {
Token next = listener.handleUnrecoverableError(token, message);
return next ?? skipToEof(token);
/// Report the given error [token] as an unrecoverable error and return the
/// next token to be processed.
Token reportErrorTokenAndAdvance(ErrorToken token) {
Token nextToken = reportErrorToken(token, false);
if (nextToken == token) {
return nextToken;
Token reportUnmatchedToken(BeginToken token) {
return reportUnrecoverableError(
.withArguments(closeBraceFor(token.lexeme), token));
Token reportUnexpectedToken(Token token) {
return reportUnrecoverableErrorWithToken(
token, fasta.templateUnexpectedToken);
/// Create a short token chain from the [beginToken] and [endToken] and return
/// the [beginToken].
Token link(BeginToken beginToken, Token endToken) { = endToken;
beginToken.endGroup = endToken;
return beginToken;
/// Create and return a token whose next token is the given [token].
Token syntheticPreviousToken(Token token) {
Token before = new Token.eof(0); = token;
return before;
// TODO(ahe): Remove when analyzer supports generalized function syntax.
typedef _MessageWithArgument<T> = Message Function(T);