blob: c1972f3dc539314ddbcd16fe87909fe07601d450 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library deferred_load;
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
import 'common/tasks.dart' show CompilerTask;
import 'common.dart';
import 'compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import 'constants/expressions.dart' show ConstantExpression;
import 'constants/values.dart'
import 'elements/resolution_types.dart';
import 'elements/elements.dart'
import 'elements/entities.dart';
import 'js_backend/js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend;
import 'resolution/resolution.dart' show AnalyzableElementX;
import 'resolution/tree_elements.dart' show TreeElements;
import 'tree/tree.dart' as ast;
import 'universe/use.dart' show StaticUse, StaticUseKind, TypeUse, TypeUseKind;
import 'universe/world_impact.dart'
show ImpactUseCase, WorldImpact, WorldImpactVisitorImpl;
import 'util/setlet.dart' show Setlet;
import 'util/uri_extras.dart' as uri_extras;
import 'util/util.dart' show makeUnique;
import 'world.dart' show ClosedWorld;
/// A "hunk" of the program that will be loaded whenever one of its [imports]
/// are loaded.
/// Elements that are only used in one deferred import, is in an OutputUnit with
/// the deferred import as single element in the [imports] set.
/// Whenever a deferred Element is shared between several deferred imports it is
/// in an output unit with those imports in the [imports] Set.
/// We never create two OutputUnits sharing the same set of [imports].
class OutputUnit implements Comparable<OutputUnit> {
/// `true` if this output unit is for the main output file.
final bool isMainOutput;
/// A unique name representing this [OutputUnit].
final String name;
/// The deferred imports that use the elements in this output unit.
final Set<ImportElement> _imports;
OutputUnit(this.isMainOutput,, this._imports);
int compareTo(OutputUnit other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return 0;
if (isMainOutput && !other.isMainOutput) return -1;
if (!isMainOutput && other.isMainOutput) return 1;
var size = _imports.length;
var otherSize = other._imports.length;
if (size != otherSize) return size.compareTo(otherSize);
var imports = _imports.toList();
var otherImports = other._imports.toList();
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (imports[i] == otherImports[i]) continue;
var a = imports[i].uri.path;
var b = otherImports[i].uri.path;
var cmp = a.compareTo(b);
if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
// TODO(sigmund): make compare stable. If we hit this point, all imported
// libraries are the same, however [this] and [other] use different deferred
// imports in the program. We can make this stable if we sort based on the
// deferred imports themselves (e.g. their declaration location).
return name.compareTo(;
String toString() => "OutputUnit($name, $_imports)";
/// For each deferred import, find elements and constants to be loaded when that
/// import is loaded. Elements that are used by several deferred imports are in
/// shared OutputUnits.
class DeferredLoadTask extends CompilerTask {
/// The name of this task.
String get name => 'Deferred Loading';
/// DeferredLibrary from dart:async
ClassElement get deferredLibraryClass =>
/// The OutputUnit that will be loaded when the program starts.
OutputUnit mainOutputUnit;
/// A set containing (eventually) all output units that will result from the
/// program.
final List<OutputUnit> allOutputUnits = new List<OutputUnit>();
/// Will be `true` if the program contains deferred libraries.
bool isProgramSplit = false;
static const ImpactUseCase IMPACT_USE = const ImpactUseCase('Deferred load');
/// A mapping from the name of a defer import to all the output units it
/// depends on in a list of lists to be loaded in the order they appear.
/// For example {"lib1": [[lib1_lib2_lib3], [lib1_lib2, lib1_lib3],
/// [lib1]]} would mean that in order to load "lib1" first the hunk
/// lib1_lib2_lib2 should be loaded, then the hunks lib1_lib2 and lib1_lib3
/// can be loaded in parallel. And finally lib1 can be loaded.
final Map<String, List<OutputUnit>> hunksToLoad =
new Map<String, List<OutputUnit>>();
/// A cache of the result of calling `computeImportDeferName` on the keys of
/// this map.
final Map<ImportElement, String> _importDeferName = <ImportElement, String>{};
/// A mapping from elements and constants to their output unit. Query this via
/// [outputUnitForEntity]
final Map<Entity, ImportSet> _elementToSet = new Map<Entity, ImportSet>();
/// A mapping from constants to their output unit. Query this via
/// [outputUnitForConstant]
final Map<ConstantValue, ImportSet> _constantToSet =
new Map<ConstantValue, ImportSet>();
Iterable<ImportElement> get _allDeferredImports =>
/// Because the token-stream is forgotten later in the program, we cache a
/// description of each deferred import.
final Map<ImportElement, ImportDescription> _deferredImportDescriptions =
<ImportElement, ImportDescription>{};
/// A lattice to compactly represent multiple subsets of imports.
final ImportSetLattice importSets = new ImportSetLattice();
final Compiler compiler;
DeferredLoadTask(Compiler compiler)
: compiler = compiler,
super(compiler.measurer) {
mainOutputUnit = new OutputUnit(true, 'main', new Set<ImportElement>());
importSets.mainSet.unit = mainOutputUnit;
JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend;
DiagnosticReporter get reporter => compiler.reporter;
/// Returns the [OutputUnit] where [element] belongs.
OutputUnit outputUnitForEntity(Entity entity) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support use of entities by splitting maps by
// entity kind.
if (!isProgramSplit) return mainOutputUnit;
Element element = entity;
element = element.implementation;
while (!_elementToSet.containsKey(element)) {
// TODO(21051): workaround: it looks like we output annotation constants
// for classes that we don't include in the output. This seems to happen
// when we have reflection but can see that some classes are not needed.
// We still add the annotation but don't run through it below (where we
// assign every element to its output unit).
if (element.enclosingElement == null) {
_elementToSet[element] = importSets.mainSet;
element = element.enclosingElement.implementation;
return _elementToSet[element].unit;
/// Returns the [OutputUnit] where [element] belongs.
OutputUnit outputUnitForClass(ClassEntity element) {
return outputUnitForEntity(element);
/// Returns the [OutputUnit] where [element] belongs.
OutputUnit outputUnitForMember(MemberEntity element) {
return outputUnitForEntity(element);
/// Direct access to the output-unit to element relation used for testing.
OutputUnit getOutputUnitForElementForTesting(Entity element) {
return _elementToSet[element]?.unit;
/// Returns the [OutputUnit] where [constant] belongs.
OutputUnit outputUnitForConstant(ConstantValue constant) {
if (!isProgramSplit) return mainOutputUnit;
return _constantToSet[constant]?.unit;
/// Direct access to the output-unit to constants map used for testing.
Iterable<ConstantValue> get constantsForTesting => _constantToSet.keys;
bool isDeferred(Entity element) {
return outputUnitForEntity(element) != mainOutputUnit;
bool isDeferredClass(ClassEntity element) {
return outputUnitForEntity(element) != mainOutputUnit;
/// Returns the unique name for the deferred import of [prefix].
String getImportDeferName(Spannable node, PrefixElement prefix) {
String name = _importDeferName[prefix.deferredImport];
if (name == null) {
reporter.internalError(node, "No deferred name for $prefix.");
return name;
/// Returns the names associated with each deferred import in [unit].
Iterable<String> getImportNames(OutputUnit unit) {
return => _importDeferName[i]);
/// Returns `true` if element [to] is reachable from element [from] without
/// crossing a deferred import.
/// For example, if we have two deferred libraries `A` and `B` that both
/// import a library `C`, then even though elements from `A` and `C` end up in
/// different output units, there is a non-deferred path between `A` and `C`.
bool hasOnlyNonDeferredImportPaths(Entity from, Entity to) {
OutputUnit outputUnitFrom = outputUnitForEntity(from);
OutputUnit outputUnitTo = outputUnitForEntity(to);
if (outputUnitTo == mainOutputUnit) return true;
if (outputUnitFrom == mainOutputUnit) return false;
return outputUnitTo._imports.containsAll(outputUnitFrom._imports);
void registerConstantDeferredUse(
DeferredConstantValue constant, PrefixElement prefix) {
var newSet = importSets.singleton(prefix.deferredImport);
_constantToSet[constant] == null || _constantToSet[constant] == newSet);
_constantToSet[constant] = newSet;
/// Given [imports] that refer to an element from a library, determine whether
/// the element is explicitly deferred.
static bool _isExplicitlyDeferred(Iterable<ImportElement> imports) {
// If the element is not imported explicitly, it is implicitly imported
// not deferred.
if (imports.isEmpty) return false;
// An element could potentially be loaded by several imports. If all of them
// is explicitly deferred, we say the element is explicitly deferred.
// TODO(sigurdm): We might want to give a warning if the imports do not
// agree.
return imports.every((ImportElement import) => import.isDeferred);
/// Returns every [ImportElement] that imports [element] into [library].
Iterable<ImportElement> _getImports(Element element, LibraryElement library) {
if (element.isClassMember) {
element = element.enclosingClass;
if (element.isAccessor) {
element = (element as AccessorElement).abstractField;
return library.getImportsFor(element);
/// Finds all elements and constants that [element] depends directly on.
/// (not the transitive closure.)
/// Adds the results to [elements] and [constants].
void _collectAllElementsAndConstantsResolvedFrom(Element element,
Set<Element> elements, Set<ConstantValue> constants, isMirrorUsage) {
if (element.isMalformed) {
// Malformed elements are ignored.
/// Recursively collects all the dependencies of [type].
void collectTypeDependencies(ResolutionDartType type) {
// TODO(het): we would like to separate out types that are only needed for
// rti from types that are needed for their members.
if (type is GenericType) {
if (type is ResolutionFunctionType) {
for (ResolutionDartType argumentType in type.parameterTypes) {
for (ResolutionDartType argumentType in type.optionalParameterTypes) {
for (ResolutionDartType argumentType in type.namedParameterTypes) {
} else if (type is ResolutionTypedefType) {
} else if (type is ResolutionInterfaceType) {
/// Collects all direct dependencies of [element].
/// The collected dependent elements and constants are are added to
/// [elements] and [constants] respectively.
void collectDependencies(Element element) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when [AbstractFieldElement] has been
// removed.
if (element is! AstElement) return;
if (element.isTypedef) {
TypedefElement typdef = element;
} else {
// TODO(sigurdm): We want to be more specific about this - need a better
// way to query "liveness".
MemberElement analyzableElement = element.analyzableElement.declaration;
if (!compiler.resolutionWorldBuilder.isMemberUsed(analyzableElement)) {
WorldImpact worldImpact =
new WorldImpactVisitorImpl(visitStaticUse: (StaticUse staticUse) {
switch (staticUse.kind) {
}, visitTypeUse: (TypeUse typeUse) {
ResolutionDartType type = typeUse.type;
switch (typeUse.kind) {
case TypeUseKind.TYPE_LITERAL:
if (type.isTypedef || type.isInterfaceType) {
case TypeUseKind.IS_CHECK:
case TypeUseKind.AS_CAST:
case TypeUseKind.CATCH_TYPE:
if (compiler.options.enableTypeAssertions) {
if (analyzableElement.resolvedAst.kind != ResolvedAstKind.PARSED) {
TreeElements treeElements = analyzableElement.resolvedAst.elements;
assert(treeElements != null);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add only expressions that are actually needed.
// Currently we have some noise here: Some potential expressions are
// seen that should never be added (for instance field initializers
// in constant constructors, like `this.field = parameter`). And some
// implicit constant expression are seen that we should be able to add
// (like primitive constant literals like `true`, `"foo"` and `0`).
// See for context.
(ast.Node node, ConstantExpression expression) {
if (compiler.serialization.isDeserialized(analyzableElement)) {
if (!expression.isPotential) {
// Enforce evaluation of [expression].
// Explicitly depend on the backend constants.
if (backend.constants.hasConstantValue(expression)) {
ConstantValue value =
value != null,
"Constant expression without value: "
} else {
expression.isImplicit || expression.isPotential,
"Unexpected unevaluated constant expression: "
// TODO(sigurdm): How is metadata on a patch-class handled?
for (MetadataAnnotation metadata in element.metadata) {
ConstantValue constant =
if (constant != null) {
if (element is FunctionElement) {
if (element.isClass) {
// If we see a class, add everything its live instance members refer
// to. Static members are not relevant, unless we are processing
// extra dependencies due to mirrors.
void addLiveInstanceMember(_, _element) {
MemberElement element = _element;
if (!compiler.resolutionWorldBuilder.isMemberUsed(element)) return;
if (!isMirrorUsage && !element.isInstanceMember) return;
ClassElement cls = element.declaration;
for (ResolutionInterfaceType type in cls.implementation.allSupertypes) {
} else if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element) || element.isConstructor) {
if (element.isGenerativeConstructor) {
// When instantiating a class, we record a reference to the
// constructor, not the class itself. We must add all the
// instance members of the constructor's class.
ClassElement implementation = element.enclosingClass.implementation;
implementation, elements, constants, isMirrorUsage);
// Other elements, in particular instance members, are ignored as
// they are processed as part of the class.
/// Returns the transitive closure of all libraries that are imported
/// from root without DeferredLibrary annotations.
Set<LibraryElement> _nonDeferredReachableLibraries(LibraryElement root) {
Set<LibraryElement> result = new Set<LibraryElement>();
void traverseLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
if (result.contains(library)) return;
iterateTags(LibraryElement library) {
// TODO(sigurdm): Make helper getLibraryDependencyTags when tags is
// changed to be a List instead of a Link.
for (ImportElement import in library.imports) {
if (!import.isDeferred) {
LibraryElement importedLibrary = import.importedLibrary;
for (ExportElement export in library.exports) {
LibraryElement exportedLibrary = export.exportedLibrary;
if (library.isPatched) {
return result;
/// Update the import set of all constants reachable from [constant], as long
/// as they had the [oldSet]. As soon as we see a constant with a different
/// import set, we stop and enqueue a new recursive update in [queue].
/// Invariants: oldSet is either null or a subset of newSet.
void _updateConstantRecursive(ConstantValue constant, ImportSet oldSet,
ImportSet newSet, WorkQueue queue) {
if (constant == null) return;
var currentSet = _constantToSet[constant];
// Already visited.
if (currentSet == newSet) return;
// Elements in the main output unit always remain there.
if (currentSet == importSets.mainSet) return;
if (currentSet == oldSet) {
_constantToSet[constant] = newSet;
if (constant is ConstructedConstantValue) {
ClassElement cls = constant.type.element;
_updateElementRecursive(cls, oldSet, newSet, queue);
constant.getDependencies().forEach((ConstantValue dependency) {
if (dependency is DeferredConstantValue) {
/// New deferred-imports are only discovered when we are visiting the
/// main output unit (size == 0) or code reachable from a deferred
/// import (size == 1). After that, we are rediscovering the
/// same nodes we have already seen.
if (newSet.length <= 1) {
PrefixElement prefix = dependency.prefix;
dependency, importSets.singleton(prefix.deferredImport));
} else {
_updateConstantRecursive(dependency, oldSet, newSet, queue);
} else {
// Invariant: we must mark main before we mark any deferred import.
newSet != importSets.mainSet || oldSet != null,
"Tried to assign ${constant.toDartText()} to the main output "
"unit, but it was assigned to $currentSet."));
queue.addConstant(constant, newSet);
/// Update the import set of all elements reachable from [element], as long as
/// they had the [oldSet]. As soon as we see an element with a different
/// import set, we stop and enqueue a new recursive update in [queue].
void _updateElementRecursive(
Element element, ImportSet oldSet, ImportSet newSet, WorkQueue queue,
{bool isMirrorUsage: false}) {
if (element == null) return;
var currentSet = _elementToSet[element];
// Already visited. We may visit some root nodes a second time with
// [isMirrorUsage] in order to mark static members used reflectively.
if (currentSet == newSet && !isMirrorUsage) return;
// Elements in the main output unit always remain there.
if (currentSet == importSets.mainSet) return;
if (currentSet == oldSet) {
// Continue recursively updating from [oldSet] to [newSet].
_elementToSet[element] = newSet;
Set<Element> dependentElements = new Set<Element>();
Set<ConstantValue> dependentConstants = new Set<ConstantValue>();
element, dependentElements, dependentConstants, isMirrorUsage);
LibraryElement library = element.library;
for (Element dependency in dependentElements) {
Iterable<ImportElement> imports = _getImports(dependency, library);
if (_isExplicitlyDeferred(imports)) {
/// New deferred-imports are only discovered when we are visiting the
/// main output unit (size == 0) or code reachable from a deferred
/// import (size == 1). After that, we are rediscovering the
/// same nodes we have already seen.
if (newSet.length <= 1) {
for (ImportElement deferredImport in imports) {
dependency, importSets.singleton(deferredImport));
} else {
_updateElementRecursive(dependency, oldSet, newSet, queue);
for (ConstantValue dependency in dependentConstants) {
if (dependency is DeferredConstantValue) {
if (newSet.length <= 1) {
PrefixElement prefix = dependency.prefix;
dependency, importSets.singleton(prefix.deferredImport));
} else {
_updateConstantRecursive(dependency, oldSet, newSet, queue);
} else {
queue.addElement(element, newSet);
/// Adds extra dependencies coming from mirror usage.
void _addDeferredMirrorElements(WorkQueue queue) {
for (ImportElement deferredImport in _allDeferredImports) {
_addMirrorElementsForLibrary(queue, deferredImport.importedLibrary,
void _addMirrorElementsForLibrary(
WorkQueue queue, LibraryElement root, ImportSet newSet) {
void handleElementIfResolved(Element element) {
// If an element is the target of a MirrorsUsed annotation but never used
// It will not be resolved, and we should not call isNeededForReflection.
// TODO(sigurdm): Unresolved elements should just answer false when
// asked isNeededForReflection. Instead an internal error is triggered.
// So we have to filter them out here.
if (element is AnalyzableElementX && !element.hasTreeElements) return;
bool isAccessibleByReflection(Element element) {
if (element.isLibrary) {
return false;
} else if (element.isClass) {
ClassElement cls = element;
return compiler.backend.mirrorsData
} else if (element.isTypedef) {
TypedefElement typedef = element;
return compiler.backend.mirrorsData
} else {
MemberElement member = element;
return compiler.backend.mirrorsData
if (isAccessibleByReflection(element)) {
queue.addElement(element, newSet, isMirrorUsage: true);
// For each deferred import we analyze all elements reachable from the
// imported library through non-deferred imports.
void handleLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
library.implementation.forEachLocalMember((Element element) {
void processMetadata(Element element) {
for (MetadataAnnotation metadata in element.metadata) {
ConstantValue constant =
if (constant != null) {
queue.addConstant(constant, newSet);
/// Computes a unique string for the name field for each outputUnit.
void _createOutputUnits() {
int counter = 1;
void addUnit(ImportSet importSet) {
if (importSet.unit != null) return;
var unit = new OutputUnit(false, '$counter', => i.declaration).toSet());
importSet.unit = unit;
// Generate an output unit for all import sets that are associated with an
// element or constant.
// Sort output units to make the output of the compiler more stable.
void _setupHunksToLoad() {
Set<String> usedImportNames = new Set<String>();
void computeImportDeferName(ImportElement import) {
String result = _computeImportDeferName(import, compiler);
assert(result != null);
_importDeferName[import] = makeUnique(result, usedImportNames);
for (ImportElement import in _allDeferredImports) {
// Sort the output units in descending order of the number of imports they
// include.
// The loading of the output units must be ordered because a superclass
// needs to be initialized before its subclass.
// But a class can only depend on another class in an output unit shared by
// a strict superset of the imports:
// By contradiction: Assume a class C in output unit shared by imports in
// the set S1 = (lib1,.., lib_n) depends on a class D in an output unit
// shared by S2 such that S2 not a superset of S1. Let lib_s be a library in
// S1 not in S2. lib_s must depend on C, and then in turn on D. Therefore D
// is not in the right output unit.
List sortedOutputUnits = allOutputUnits.reversed.toList();
// For each deferred import we find out which outputUnits to load.
for (ImportElement import in _allDeferredImports) {
// We expect to find an entry for any call to `loadLibrary`, even if
// there is no code to load. In that case, the entry will be an empty
// list.
hunksToLoad[_importDeferName[import]] = new List<OutputUnit>();
for (OutputUnit outputUnit in sortedOutputUnits) {
if (outputUnit == mainOutputUnit) continue;
if (outputUnit._imports.contains(import)) {
/// Performs the deferred loading algorithm.
/// The deferred loading algorithm maps elements and constants to an output
/// unit. Each output unit is identified by a subset of deferred imports (an
/// [ImportSet]), and they will contain the elements that are inheretly used
/// by all those deferred imports. An element is used by a deferred import if
/// it is either loaded by that import or transitively accessed by an element
/// that the import loads. An empty set represents the main output unit,
/// which contains any elements that are accessed directly and are not
/// deferred.
/// The algorithm traverses the element model recursively looking for
/// dependencies between elements. These dependencies may be deferred or
/// non-deferred. Deferred dependencies are mainly used to discover the root
/// elements that are loaded from deferred imports, while non-deferred
/// dependencies are used to recursively associate more elements to output
/// units.
/// Naively, the algorithm traverses each root of a deferred import and marks
/// everything it can reach as being used by that import. To reduce how many
/// times we visit an element, we use an algorithm that works in segments: it
/// marks elements with a subset of deferred imports at a time, until it
/// detects a merge point where more deferred imports could be considered at
/// once.
/// For example, consider this dependency graph (ignoring elements in the main
/// output unit):
/// deferred import A: a1 ---> s1 ---> s2 -> s3
/// ^ ^
/// | |
/// deferred import B: b1 -----+ |
/// |
/// deferred import C: c1 ---> c2 ---> c3
/// The algorithm will compute a result with 5 deferred output units:
/// * unit {A}: contains a1
/// * unit {B}: contains b1
/// * unit {C}: contains c1, c2, and c3
/// * unit {A, B}: contains s1
/// * unit {A, B, C}: contains s2, and s3
/// After marking everything reachable from main as part of the main output
/// unit, our algorithm will work as follows:
/// * Initially all deferred elements have no mapping.
/// * We make note of work to do, initially to mark the root of each
/// deferred import:
/// * a1 with A, and recurse from there.
/// * b1 with B, and recurse from there.
/// * c1 with C, and recurse from there.
/// * we update a1, s1, s2, s3 from no mapping to {A}
/// * we update b1 from no mapping to {B}, and when we find s1 we notice
/// that s1 is already associated with another import set {A}, so we make
/// note of additional work for later to mark s1 with {A, B}
/// * we update c1, c2, c3 to {C}, and make a note to update s2 with {A, C}
/// * we update s1 to {A, B}, and update the existing note to update s2, now
/// with {A, B, C}
/// * finally we update s2 and s3 with {A, B, C} in one go, without ever
/// updating them to the intermediate state {A, C}.
/// The implementation below does atomic updates from one import-set to
/// another. At first we add one deferred import at a time, but as the
/// algorithm progesses it may update a small import-set with a larger
/// import-set in one go. The key of this algorithm is to detect when sharing
/// begins, so we can update those elements more efficently.
/// To detect these merge points where sharing begins, the implementation
/// below uses `a swap operation`: we first compare what the old import-set
/// is, and if it matches our expectation, the swap is done and we recurse,
/// otherwise a merge root was detected and we enqueue a new segment of
/// updates for later.
/// TODO(sigmund): investigate different heuristics for how to select the next
/// work item (e.g. we might converge faster if we pick first the update that
/// contains a bigger delta.)
void onResolutionComplete(FunctionEntity main, ClosedWorld closedWorld) {
if (!isProgramSplit) return;
if (main == null) return;
work() {
var queue = new WorkQueue(this.importSets);
// Add `main` and their recursive dependencies to the main output unit.
// We do this upfront to avoid wasting time visiting these elements when
// analyzing deferred imports.
queue.addElement(main, importSets.mainSet);
// Also add "global" dependencies to the main output unit. These are
// things that the backend needs but cannot associate with a particular
// element, for example, startRootIsolate. This set also contains
// elements for which we lack precise information.
for (MethodElement element
in closedWorld.backendUsage.globalFunctionDependencies) {
queue.addElement(element.implementation, importSets.mainSet);
for (ClassElement element
in closedWorld.backendUsage.globalClassDependencies) {
queue.addElement(element.implementation, importSets.mainSet);
if (closedWorld.backendUsage.isMirrorsUsed) {
_addMirrorElementsForLibrary(queue, main.library, importSets.mainSet);
void emptyQueue() {
while (queue.isNotEmpty) {
var item = queue.nextItem();
if (item.element != null) {
var oldSet = _elementToSet[item.element];
var newSet = importSets.union(oldSet, item.newSet);
_updateElementRecursive(item.element, oldSet, newSet, queue,
isMirrorUsage: item.isMirrorUsage);
} else if (item.value != null) {
var oldSet = _constantToSet[item.value];
var newSet = importSets.union(oldSet, item.newSet);
_updateConstantRecursive(item.value, oldSet, newSet, queue);
if (closedWorld.backendUsage.isMirrorsUsed) {
reporter.withCurrentElement(main.library, () => measure(work));
// Notify that we no longer need impacts for deferred load, so they can be
// discarded at this time.
void beforeResolution(LibraryEntity mainLibrary) {
if (mainLibrary == null) return;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support deferred load for kernel based elements.
if (compiler.options.useKernel) return;
var lastDeferred;
// When detecting duplicate prefixes of deferred libraries there are 4
// cases of duplicate prefixes:
// 1.
// import "lib.dart" deferred as a;
// import "lib2.dart" deferred as a;
// 2.
// import "lib.dart" deferred as a;
// import "lib2.dart" as a;
// 3.
// import "lib.dart" as a;
// import "lib2.dart" deferred as a;
// 4.
// import "lib.dart" as a;
// import "lib2.dart" as a;
// We must be able to signal error for case 1, 2, 3, but accept case 4.
// The prefixes that have been used by any imports in this library.
Setlet<String> usedPrefixes = new Setlet<String>();
// The last deferred import we saw with a given prefix (if any).
Map<String, ImportElement> prefixDeferredImport =
new Map<String, ImportElement>();
for (LibraryElement library in compiler.libraryLoader.libraries) {
reporter.withCurrentElement(library, () {
// TODO(sigurdm): Make helper getLibraryImportTags when tags is a List
// instead of a Link.
for (ImportElement import in library.imports) {
/// Give an error if the old annotation-based syntax has been used.
List<MetadataAnnotation> metadataList = import.metadata;
if (metadataList != null) {
for (MetadataAnnotation metadata in metadataList) {
ConstantValue value =
ResolutionDartType type =
Element element = type.element;
if (element == deferredLibraryClass) {
import, MessageKind.DEFERRED_OLD_SYNTAX);
String prefix = (import.prefix != null) ? : null;
// The last import we saw with the same prefix.
ImportElement previousDeferredImport = prefixDeferredImport[prefix];
if (import.isDeferred) {
if (prefix == null) {
} else {
prefixDeferredImport[prefix] = import;
Uri mainLibraryUri = compiler.mainLibraryUri;
_deferredImportDescriptions[import] =
new ImportDescription(import, library, mainLibraryUri);
isProgramSplit = true;
lastDeferred = import;
if (prefix != null) {
if (previousDeferredImport != null ||
(import.isDeferred && usedPrefixes.contains(prefix))) {
ImportElement failingImport = (previousDeferredImport != null)
? previousDeferredImport
: import;
if (isProgramSplit) {
isProgramSplit =
/// If [send] is a static send with a deferred element, returns the
/// [PrefixElement] that the first prefix of the send resolves to.
/// Otherwise returns null.
/// Precondition: send must be static.
/// Example:
/// import "a.dart" deferred as a;
/// main() {
/// print(a.loadLibrary.toString());
/// a.loadLibrary().then((_) {
/// });
/// }
/// Returns null for a.loadLibrary() (the special
/// function loadLibrary is not deferred). And returns the PrefixElement for
/// and
/// a.loadLibrary.toString() and are dynamic sends - and
/// this functions should not be called on them.
PrefixElement deferredPrefixElement(ast.Send send, TreeElements elements) {
Element element = elements[send];
// The DeferredLoaderGetter is not deferred, therefore we do not return the
// prefix.
if (element != null && element.isDeferredLoaderGetter) return null;
ast.Node firstNode(ast.Node node) {
if (node is! ast.Send) {
return node;
} else {
ast.Send send = node;
ast.Node receiver = send.receiver;
ast.Node receiverFirst = firstNode(receiver);
if (receiverFirst != null) {
return receiverFirst;
} else {
return firstNode(send.selector);
ast.Node first = firstNode(send);
ast.Node identifier = first.asIdentifier();
if (identifier == null) return null;
Element maybePrefix = elements[identifier];
if (maybePrefix != null && maybePrefix.isPrefix) {
PrefixElement prefixElement = maybePrefix;
if (prefixElement.isDeferred) {
return prefixElement;
return null;
/// Returns a json-style map for describing what files that are loaded by a
/// given deferred import.
/// The mapping is structured as:
/// library uri -> {"name": library name, "files": (prefix -> list of files)}
/// Where
/// - <library uri> is the relative uri of the library making a deferred
/// import.
/// - <library name> is the name of the library, and "<unnamed>" if it is
/// unnamed.
/// - <prefix> is the `as` prefix used for a given deferred import.
/// - <list of files> is a list of the filenames the must be loaded when that
/// import is loaded.
Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> computeDeferredMap() {
Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> mapping =
new Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>();
_deferredImportDescriptions.keys.forEach((ImportElement import) {
List<OutputUnit> outputUnits = hunksToLoad[_importDeferName[import]];
ImportDescription description = _deferredImportDescriptions[import];
Map<String, dynamic> libraryMap = mapping.putIfAbsent(
() => <String, dynamic>{
"name": description.importingLibraryName,
"imports": <String, List<String>>{}
libraryMap["imports"][_importDeferName[import]] = outputUnit) {
return deferredPartFileName(;
return mapping;
/// Returns the filename for the output-unit named [name].
/// The filename is of the form "<main output file>_<name>.part.js".
/// If [addExtension] is false, the ".part.js" suffix is left out.
String deferredPartFileName(String name, {bool addExtension: true}) {
assert(name != "");
String outPath = compiler.options.outputUri != null
? compiler.options.outputUri.path
: "out";
String outName = outPath.substring(outPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
String extension = addExtension ? ".part.js" : "";
return "${outName}_$name$extension";
/// Creates a textual representation of the output unit content.
String dump() {
Map<OutputUnit, List<String>> elementMap = <OutputUnit, List<String>>{};
Map<OutputUnit, List<String>> constantMap = <OutputUnit, List<String>>{};
_elementToSet.forEach((Entity element, ImportSet importSet) {
elementMap.putIfAbsent(importSet.unit, () => <String>[]).add('$element');
_constantToSet.forEach((ConstantValue value, ImportSet importSet) {
.putIfAbsent(importSet.unit, () => <String>[])
Map<OutputUnit, String> text = {};
for (OutputUnit outputUnit in allOutputUnits) {
StringBuffer unitText = new StringBuffer();
if (outputUnit.isMainOutput) {
unitText.write(' <MAIN UNIT>');
} else {
unitText.write(' imports:');
var imports = => '${i.uri}').toList()
for (var i in imports) {
unitText.write('\n $i:');
List<String> elements = elementMap[outputUnit];
if (elements != null) {
unitText.write('\n elements:');
for (String element in elements..sort()) {
unitText.write('\n $element');
List<String> constants = constantMap[outputUnit];
if (constants != null) {
unitText.write('\n constants:');
for (String value in constants..sort()) {
unitText.write('\n $value');
text[outputUnit] = '$unitText';
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (OutputUnit outputUnit in allOutputUnits.toList()
..sort((a, b) => text[a].compareTo(text[b]))) {
sb.write('Output unit: ${}');
sb.write('\n ${text[outputUnit]}');
return sb.toString();
class ImportDescription {
/// Relative uri to the importing library.
final String importingUri;
/// The prefix this import is imported as.
final String prefix;
final LibraryElement _importingLibrary;
ImportElement import, LibraryElement importingLibrary, Uri mainLibraryUri)
: importingUri = uri_extras.relativize(
mainLibraryUri, importingLibrary.canonicalUri, false),
prefix =,
_importingLibrary = importingLibrary;
String get importingLibraryName {
return _importingLibrary.hasLibraryName
? _importingLibrary.libraryName
: "<unnamed>";
/// Indirectly represents a deferred import in an [ImportSet].
/// We could directly store the [declaration] in [ImportSet], but adding this
/// class makes some of the import set operations more efficient.
class _DeferredImport {
final ImportElement declaration;
/// Canonical index associated with [declaration]. This is used to efficiently
/// implement [ImportSetLattice.union].
final int index;
_DeferredImport(this.declaration, this.index);
/// A compact lattice representation of import sets and subsets.
/// We use a graph of nodes to represent elements of the lattice, but only
/// create new nodes on-demand as they are needed by the deferred loading
/// algorithm.
/// The constructions of nodes is carefully done by storing imports in a
/// specific order. This ensures that we have a unique and canonical
/// representation for each subset.
class ImportSetLattice {
/// Index of deferred imports that defines the canonical order used by the
/// operations below.
Map<ImportElement, _DeferredImport> _importIndex = {};
/// The canonical instance representing the empty import set.
ImportSet _emptySet = new ImportSet();
/// The import set representing the main output unit, which happens to be
/// implemented as an empty set in our algorithm.
ImportSet get mainSet => _emptySet;
/// Get the singleton import set that only contains [import].
ImportSet singleton(ImportElement import) {
// Ensure we have import in the index.
return _emptySet._add(_wrap(import));
/// Get the import set that includes the union of [a] and [b].
ImportSet union(ImportSet a, ImportSet b) {
if (a == null || a == _emptySet) return b;
if (b == null || b == _emptySet) return a;
// We create the union by merging the imports in canonical order first, and
// then getting (or creating) the canonical sets by adding an import at a
// time.
List<_DeferredImport> aImports = a._imports;
List<_DeferredImport> bImports = b._imports;
int i = 0, j = 0, lastAIndex = 0, lastBIndex = 0;
var result = _emptySet;
while (i < aImports.length && j < bImports.length) {
var importA = aImports[i];
var importB = bImports[j];
assert(lastAIndex <= importA.index);
assert(lastBIndex <= importB.index);
if (importA.index < importB.index) {
result = result._add(importA);
} else {
result = result._add(importB);
for (; i < aImports.length; i++) {
result = result._add(aImports[i]);
for (; j < bImports.length; j++) {
result = result._add(bImports[j]);
return result;
/// Get the index for an [import] according to the canonical order.
_DeferredImport _wrap(ImportElement import) {
return _importIndex.putIfAbsent(
import, () => new _DeferredImport(import, _importIndex.length));
/// A canonical set of deferred imports.
class ImportSet {
/// Imports that are part of this set.
/// Invariant: the order in which elements are added must respect the
/// canonical order of all imports in [ImportSetLattice].
final List<_DeferredImport> _imports;
/// Links to other import sets in the lattice by adding one import.
final Map<_DeferredImport, ImportSet> _transitions =
<_DeferredImport, ImportSet>{};
ImportSet([this._imports = const <_DeferredImport>[]]);
/// The output unit corresponding to this set of imports, if any.
OutputUnit unit;
int get length => _imports.length;
/// Create an import set that adds [import] to all the imports on this set.
/// This assumes that import's canonical order comes after all imports in
/// this current set. This should only be called from [ImportSetLattice],
/// since it is where we preserve this invariant.
ImportSet _add(_DeferredImport import) {
return _transitions.putIfAbsent(import, () {
var result = new ImportSet(new List.from(_imports)..add(import));
result._transitions[import] = result;
return result;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write('ImportSet(size: $length, ');
for (var import in _imports) {
sb.write('${import.declaration.prefix} ');
return '$sb';
/// The algorithm work queue.
class WorkQueue {
/// The actual queue of work that needs to be done.
final Queue<WorkItem> queue = new Queue<WorkItem>();
/// An index to find work items in the queue corresponding to an entity.
final Map<Entity, WorkItem> pendingElements = <Entity, WorkItem>{};
/// An index to find work items in the queue corresponding to a constant.
final Map<ConstantValue, WorkItem> pendingConstants =
<ConstantValue, WorkItem>{};
/// Lattice used to compute unions of [ImportSet]s.
final ImportSetLattice _importSets;
/// Whether there are no more work items in the queue.
bool get isNotEmpty => queue.isNotEmpty;
/// Pop the next element in the queue.
WorkItem nextItem() {
var item = queue.removeFirst();
if (item.element != null) pendingElements.remove(item.element);
if (item.value != null) pendingConstants.remove(item.value);
return item;
/// Add to the queue that [element] should be updated to include all imports
/// in [importSet]. If there is already a work item in the queue for
/// [element], this makes sure that the work item now includes the union of
/// [importSet] and the existing work item's import set.
void addElement(Entity element, ImportSet importSet, {isMirrorUsage: false}) {
var item = pendingElements[element];
if (item == null) {
item = new WorkItem(element, importSet);
pendingElements[element] = item;
} else {
item.newSet = _importSets.union(item.newSet, importSet);
if (isMirrorUsage) item.isMirrorUsage = true;
/// Add to the queue that [constant] should be updated to include all imports
/// in [importSet]. If there is already a work item in the queue for
/// [constant], this makes sure that the work item now includes the union of
/// [importSet] and the existing work item's import set.
void addConstant(ConstantValue constant, ImportSet importSet) {
var item = pendingConstants[constant];
if (item == null) {
item = new WorkItem.constant(constant, importSet);
pendingConstants[constant] = item;
} else {
item.newSet = _importSets.union(item.newSet, importSet);
/// Summary of the work that needs to be done on an entity or constant.
class WorkItem {
/// Entity to be recursively updated.
final Entity element;
/// Constant to be recursively updated.
final ConstantValue value;
/// Additional imports that use [element] or [value] and need to be added by
/// the algorithm.
/// This is non-final in case we add more deferred imports to the set before
/// the work item is applied (see [WorkQueue.addElement] and
/// [WorkQueue.addConstant]).
ImportSet newSet;
/// Whether [element] is used via mirrors.
/// This is non-final in case we later discover that the same [element] is
/// used via mirrors (but before the work item is applied).
bool isMirrorUsage = false;
WorkItem(this.element, this.newSet) : value = null;
WorkItem.constant(this.value, this.newSet) : element = null;
/// Returns a name for a deferred import.
// TODO(sigmund): delete support for the old annotation-style syntax.
String _computeImportDeferName(ImportElement declaration, Compiler compiler) {
String result;
if (declaration.isDeferred) {
if (declaration.prefix != null) {
result =;
} else {
// This happens when the deferred import isn't declared with a prefix.
result = '';
} else {
// Finds the first argument to the [DeferredLibrary] annotation
List<MetadataAnnotation> metadatas = declaration.metadata;
assert(metadatas != null);
for (MetadataAnnotation metadata in metadatas) {
ConstantValue value =
ResolutionDartType type =
Element element = type.element;
if (element == compiler.resolution.commonElements.deferredLibraryClass) {
ConstructedConstantValue constant = value;
StringConstantValue s = constant.fields.values.single;
result = s.primitiveValue;
assert(result != null);
return result;