blob: 87a147701f8f37acdfcfef06b14d6096ed339817 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/function_ast_visitor.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../dart/resolution/context_collection_resolution.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
/// Tests for Dart2 inference rules back-ported from FrontEnd.
class Dart2InferenceTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
test_bool_assert() async {
var code = r'''
T f<T>(int _) => null;
main() {
assert(f(2), f(3));
class C {
C() : assert(f(4)),
assert(f(5), f(6));
await resolveTestCode(code);
MethodInvocation invocation(String search) {
return findNode.methodInvocation(search);
assertInvokeType(invocation('f(1));'), 'bool Function(int)');
assertInvokeType(invocation('f(2)'), 'bool Function(int)');
assertInvokeType(invocation('f(3)'), 'dynamic Function(int)');
assertInvokeType(invocation('f(4)'), 'bool Function(int)');
assertInvokeType(invocation('f(5)'), 'bool Function(int)');
assertInvokeType(invocation('f(6)'), 'dynamic Function(int)');
test_bool_logical() async {
var code = r'''
T f<T>() => null;
var v1 = f() || f(); // 1
var v2 = f() && f(); // 2
main() {
var v1 = f() || f(); // 3
var v2 = f() && f(); // 4
await resolveTestCode(code);
void assertType(String prefix) {
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation(prefix);
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'bool Function()');
assertType('f() || f(); // 1');
assertType('f(); // 1');
assertType('f() && f(); // 2');
assertType('f(); // 2');
assertType('f() || f(); // 3');
assertType('f(); // 3');
assertType('f() && f(); // 4');
assertType('f(); // 4');
test_bool_statement() async {
var code = r'''
T f<T>() => null;
main() {
while (f()) {} // 1
do {} while (f()); // 2
if (f()) {} // 3
for (; f(); ) {} // 4
await resolveTestCode(code);
void assertType(String prefix) {
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation(prefix);
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'bool Function()');
assertType('f()) {} // 1');
assertType('f()) {} // 3');
assertType('f(); ) {} // 4');
test_closure_downwardReturnType_arrow() async {
var code = r'''
void main() {
List<int> Function() g;
g = () => 42;
await resolveTestCode(code);
Expression closure = findNode.expression('() => 42');
assertType(closure, 'List<int> Function()');
test_closure_downwardReturnType_block() async {
var code = r'''
void main() {
List<int> Function() g;
g = () { // mark
return 42;
await resolveTestCode(code);
Expression closure = findNode.expression('() { // mark');
assertType(closure, 'List<int> Function()');
test_compoundAssignment_simpleIdentifier_topLevel() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {}
class B extends A {
B operator +(int i) => this;
B get topLevel => new B();
void set topLevel(A value) {}
main() {
var /*@type=B*/ v = topLevel += 1;
''', [
error(HintCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE, 152, 1),
test_forIn_identifier() async {
var code = r'''
T f<T>() => null;
class A {}
A aTopLevel;
void set aTopLevelSetter(A value) {}
class C {
A aField;
void set aSetter(A value) {}
void test() {
A aLocal;
for (aLocal in f()) {} // local
for (aField in f()) {} // field
for (aSetter in f()) {} // setter
for (aTopLevel in f()) {} // top variable
for (aTopLevelSetter in f()) {} // top setter
await resolveTestCode(code);
void assertInvocationType(String prefix) {
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation(prefix);
assertType(invocation, 'Iterable<A>');
assertInvocationType('f()) {} // local');
assertInvocationType('f()) {} // field');
assertInvocationType('f()) {} // setter');
assertInvocationType('f()) {} // top variable');
assertInvocationType('f()) {} // top setter');
test_forIn_variable_implicitlyTyped() async {
var code = r'''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
List<T> f<T extends A>(List<T> items) => items;
void test(List<A> listA, List<B> listB) {
for (var a1 in f(listA)) {} // 1
for (A a2 in f(listA)) {} // 2
for (var b1 in f(listB)) {} // 3
for (A b2 in f(listB)) {} // 4
for (B b3 in f(listB)) {} // 5
await resolveTestCode(code);
void assertTypes(
String vSearch, String vType, String fSearch, String fType) {
var node = findNode.simple(vSearch);
var element = node.staticElement as LocalVariableElement;
assertType(element.type, vType);
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation(fSearch);
assertType(invocation, fType);
assertTypes('a1 in', 'A', 'f(listA)) {} // 1', 'List<A>');
assertTypes('a2 in', 'A', 'f(listA)) {} // 2', 'List<A>');
assertTypes('b1 in', 'B', 'f(listB)) {} // 3', 'List<B>');
assertTypes('b2 in', 'A', 'f(listB)) {} // 4', 'List<A>');
assertTypes('b3 in', 'B', 'f(listB)) {} // 5', 'List<B>');
test_implicitVoidReturnType_default() async {
var code = r'''
class C {
set x(_) {}
operator []=(int index, double value) => null;
await resolveTestCode(code);
ClassElement c = findElement.class_('C');
PropertyAccessorElement x = c.accessors[0];
expect(x.returnType, VoidTypeImpl.instance);
MethodElement operator = c.methods[0];
expect(operator.displayName, '[]=');
expect(operator.returnType, VoidTypeImpl.instance);
test_implicitVoidReturnType_derived() async {
var code = r'''
class Base {
dynamic set x(_) {}
dynamic operator[]=(int x, int y) => null;
class Derived extends Base {
set x(_) {}
operator[]=(int x, int y) {}
await resolveTestCode(code);
ClassElement c = findElement.class_('Derived');
PropertyAccessorElement x = c.accessors[0];
expect(x.returnType, VoidTypeImpl.instance);
MethodElement operator = c.methods[0];
expect(operator.displayName, '[]=');
expect(operator.returnType, VoidTypeImpl.instance);
test_listMap_empty() async {
var code = r'''
var x = [];
var y = {};
await resolveTestCode(code);
var xNode = findNode.simple('x = ');
var xElement = xNode.staticElement as VariableElement;
assertType(xElement.type, 'List<dynamic>');
var yNode = findNode.simple('y = ');
var yElement = yNode.staticElement as VariableElement;
assertType(yElement.type, 'Map<dynamic, dynamic>');
test_listMap_null() async {
var code = r'''
var x = [null];
var y = {null: null};
await resolveTestCode(code);
var xNode = findNode.simple('x = ');
var xElement = xNode.staticElement as VariableElement;
assertType(xElement.type, 'List<Null>');
var yNode = findNode.simple('y = ');
var yElement = yNode.staticElement as VariableElement;
assertType(yElement.type, 'Map<Null, Null>');
test_switchExpression_asContext_forCases() async {
var code = r'''
class C<T> {
const C();
void test(C<int> x) {
switch (x) {
case const C():
await resolveTestCode(code);
var node = findNode.instanceCreation('const C():');
assertType(node, 'C<int>');
test_voidType_method() async {
var code = r'''
class C {
void m() {}
var x = new C().m();
main() {
var y = new C().m();
await resolveTestCode(code);
var xNode = findNode.simple('x = ');
var xElement = xNode.staticElement as VariableElement;
expect(xElement.type, VoidTypeImpl.instance);
var yNode = findNode.simple('y = ');
var yElement = yNode.staticElement as VariableElement;
expect(yElement.type, VoidTypeImpl.instance);
test_voidType_topLevelFunction() async {
var code = r'''
void f() {}
var x = f();
main() {
var y = f();
await resolveTestCode(code);
var xNode = findNode.simple('x = ');
var xElement = xNode.staticElement as VariableElement;
expect(xElement.type, VoidTypeImpl.instance);
var yNode = findNode.simple('y = ');
var yElement = yNode.staticElement as VariableElement;
expect(yElement.type, VoidTypeImpl.instance);
void _assertTypeAnnotations() {
var code = result.content;
var unit = result.unit;
var types = <int, String>{};
int lastIndex = 0;
while (true) {
const prefix = '/*@type=';
int openIndex = code.indexOf(prefix, lastIndex);
if (openIndex == -1) {
int closeIndex = code.indexOf('*/', openIndex + 1);
expect(closeIndex, isPositive);
types[openIndex] =
code.substring(openIndex + prefix.length, closeIndex);
lastIndex = closeIndex;
simpleIdentifier: (node) {
var comment = node.token.precedingComments;
if (comment != null) {
var expectedType = types[comment.offset];
if (expectedType != null) {
var element = node.staticElement as VariableElement;
String actualType = typeString(element.type);
expect(actualType, expectedType, reason: '@${comment.offset}');