blob: 0a0fc8ea856666fe4453a3026e10cde194657a14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This test was adapted from language_2/await_test
import 'dart:async';
int globalVariable = 1;
int topLevelFoo(int param) => 1;
int get topLevelGetter => globalVariable;
void set topLevelSetter(val) {
globalVariable = val;
class C {
static int staticField = 1;
static int get staticGetter => staticField;
static void set staticSetter(val) {
staticField = val;
static int staticFoo(int param) => param;
int field = 1;
int get getter => field;
void set setter(val) {
field = val;
int foo(int param) => param;
dummy() => 1;
staticMembers() async {
var a = C.staticField + await dummy();
expect(2, a);
var f = (C.staticField = 1) + await dummy();
expect(2, f);
var b = C.staticGetter + await dummy();
expect(2, b);
var c = (C.staticSetter = 1) + await dummy();
expect(2, c);
var d = C.staticFoo(2) + await dummy();
expect(3, d);
var e = C.staticField +
C.staticGetter +
(C.staticSetter = 1) +
C.staticFoo(1) +
await dummy();
expect(5, e);
topLevelMembers() async {
var a = globalVariable + await dummy();
expect(2, a);
var b = topLevelGetter + await dummy();
expect(2, b);
var c = (topLevelSetter = 1) + await dummy();
expect(2, c);
var d = topLevelFoo(1) + await dummy();
expect(2, d);
var e = globalVariable +
topLevelGetter +
(topLevelSetter = 1) +
topLevelFoo(1) +
await dummy();
expect(5, e);
instanceMembers() async {
var inst = new C();
var a = inst.field + await dummy();
expect(2, a);
var b = inst.getter + await dummy();
expect(2, b);
var c = (inst.setter = 1) + await dummy();
expect(2, c);
var d = + await dummy();
expect(2, d);
var e = inst.field +
inst.getter +
(inst.setter = 1) + +
await dummy();
expect(5, e);
others() async {
var a = "${globalVariable} ${await dummy()} " + await "someString";
expect("1 1 someString", a);
var c = new C();
var d = c.field + await dummy();
var cnt = 2;
var b = [1, 2, 3];
b[cnt] = await dummy();
expect(1, b[cnt]);
var e = b[0] + await dummy();
expect(2, e);
conditionals() async {
var a = false;
var b = true;
var c = (a || b) || await dummy();
expect(true, c);
var d = (a || b) ? a : await dummy();
expect(false, d);
var e = (a is int) ? await dummy() : 2;
expect(2, e);
try {
var f = (a is int) ? await dummy() : 2;
} catch (e) {}
asserts() async {
for (final FutureOr<T> Function<T>(T) func in [id, future]) {
assert(await func(true));
assert(id(true), await func("message"));
assert(await func(true), await (func("message")));
try {
assert(await func(false), await (func("message")));
if (assertStatementsEnabled) throw "Didn't throw";
} on AssertionError catch (e) {
expect("message", e.message);
controlFlow() async {
for (final FutureOr<T> Function<T>(T) func in [id, future]) {
// For.
var c = 0;
for (var i = await (func(0)); await func(i < 5); await func(i++)) {
expect(5, c);
// While.
c = 0;
while (await func(c < 5)) c++;
expect(5, c);
// Do-while.
c = 0;
do {
} while (await func(c < 5));
expect(5, c);
// If.
if (await func(c == 5)) {
expect(5, c);
} else {
throw "unreachable";
// Throw.
try {
throw await func("string");
} on String {
// OK.
try {
await (throw "string");
} on String {
// OK.
// Try/catch/finally
try {
try {
throw "string";
} catch (e) {
expect("string", e);
expect(0, await func(0));
} finally {
expect(0, await func(0));
} catch (e) {
expect(0, await func(0));
expect("string", e);
} finally {
expect(0, await func(0));
// Switch
switch (await func(2)) {
case 2:
throw "unreachable";
// Return.
await () async {
return await func(42);
await () async {
return func(42);
// Yield.
Stream<int> testStream1() async* {
yield await func(42);
expectList([42], await testStream1().toList());
// Yield*
Stream<int> testStream2() async* {
yield* await func(intStream());
expectList([42], await testStream2().toList());
FutureOr<T> future<T>(T value) async => value;
FutureOr<T> id<T>(T value) => value;
Stream<int> intStream() async* {
yield 42;
final bool assertStatementsEnabled = () {
try {
return false;
} catch (_) {
return true;
main() async {
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
await staticMembers();
await topLevelMembers();
await instanceMembers();
await conditionals();
await others();
await asserts();
await controlFlow();
expect(expected, actual) {
if (expected != actual) throw 'Expected $expected, actual $actual';
expectList(List expected, List actual) {
if (expected.length != actual.length) {
throw 'Expected $expected, actual $actual';
for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
expect(expected[i], actual[i]);