blob: 4d9ec19a196de318b672cdd215dbfe53b6bbe6a4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Controls the kind of core snapshot linked into the standalone VM. Using a
# core-jit snapshot breaks the ability to change various flags that affect
# code generation.
dart_core_snapshot_kind = "core"
# Generate a file for the service isolate without Observatory.
action("gen_resources_cc") {
visibility = [ ":*" ] # Only targets in this file can see this.
script = "../tools/"
inputs = [
# The path below is hard coded for the Mojo and Flutter trees. When moving
# the Dart runtime to gn, this path might need to be updated.
sources = rebase_path(resources_sources_gypi, "", "../bin/vmservice/")
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(".", root_build_dir) + "/",
] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
template("gen_library_src_path") {
assert(defined(invoker.sources), "Need sources in $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.output), "Need output in $target_name")
action(target_name) {
visibility = [ ":*" ] # Only targets in this file can see this.
script = "../tools/"
inputs = [
] + invoker.sources
outputs = [
name =
kind = invoker.kind
library_name = "dart:${name}"
if (defined(invoker.library_name)) {
library_name = invoker.library_name
args = [
rebase_path(invoker.output, root_build_dir),
rebase_path("", root_build_dir),
] + rebase_path(invoker.sources, root_build_dir)
gen_library_src_path("generate_builtin_cc_file") {
name = "_builtin"
kind = "source"
sources = builtin_sources_gypi
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
sdk_io_sources_gypi =
[ rebase_path("../../sdk/lib/io/io_sources.gypi") ],
[ "../../sdk/lib/io/io_sources.gypi" ])
sdk_io_sources =
rebase_path(sdk_io_sources_gypi.sources, ".", "../../sdk/lib/io")
gen_library_src_path("generate_io_cc_file") {
name = "io"
kind = "source"
sources = [ "../../sdk/lib/io/io.dart" ] + sdk_io_sources
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_io_patch_cc_file") {
name = "io"
kind = "patch"
sources = io_sources_gypi
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_html_cc_file") {
name = "html"
kind = "source"
sources = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_html_common_cc_file") {
name = "html_common"
kind = "source"
sources = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_js_cc_file") {
name = "js"
kind = "source"
sources = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_js_util_cc_file") {
name = "js_util"
kind = "source"
sources = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_blink_cc_file") {
name = "_blink"
kind = "source"
sources = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_indexed_db_cc_file") {
name = "indexed_db"
kind = "source"
sources = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_cached_patches_cc_file") {
name = "cached_patches"
library_name = "cached_patches.dart"
kind = "source"
sources = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_web_gl_cc_file") {
name = "web_gl"
kind = "source"
sources = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_metadata_cc_file") {
name = "metadata"
library_name = "metadata.dart"
kind = "source"
sources = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_web_sql_cc_file") {
name = "web_sql"
kind = "source"
sources = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_svg_cc_file") {
name = "svg"
kind = "source"
sources = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
gen_library_src_path("generate_web_audio_cc_file") {
name = "web_audio"
kind = "source"
sources = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/"
config("libdart_builtin_config") {
if (!is_win) {
libs = [ "dl" ]
if (is_android) {
libs += [
static_library("libdart_builtin") {
configs += [
if (is_fuchsia) {
configs -= [ "//build/config:symbol_visibility_hidden" ]
public_configs = [ ":libdart_builtin_config" ]
deps = [
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
sources = [
] + builtin_impl_sources_gypi
executable("gen_snapshot") {
configs += [
if (is_fuchsia) {
configs -= [ "//build/config:symbol_visibility_hidden" ]
deps = [
sources = [
# Include generated source files.
# Very limited native resolver provided.
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
if (dart_use_tcmalloc) {
deps += [ "//third_party/tcmalloc" ]
if (is_mac) {
libs = [
if (is_win) {
libs = [
if (is_fuchsia) {
libs = [ "launchpad" ]
# A source set for the implementation of 'dart:io' library
# (without secure sockets) suitable for linking with gen_snapshot.
source_set("gen_snapshot_dart_io") {
configs += [
if (is_fuchsia) {
configs -= [ "//build/config:symbol_visibility_hidden" ]
deps = [
custom_sources_filter = [
if (!is_mac && !is_ios) {
# Dart tree uses *_macos.* instead of *_mac.*
custom_sources_filter += [
sources = io_impl_sources_gypi + builtin_impl_sources_gypi
sources += [
include_dirs = [
# A source set for the implementation of 'dart:io' library.
template("dart_io") {
extra_sources = []
if (defined(invoker.extra_sources)) {
extra_sources += invoker.extra_sources
source_set(target_name) {
configs += [
if (is_fuchsia) {
configs -= [ "//build/config:symbol_visibility_hidden" ]
custom_sources_filter = [
if (!is_mac && !is_ios) {
# Dart tree uses *_macos.* instead of *_mac.*
custom_sources_filter += [
defines = []
deps = [
if (is_mac || is_ios) {
libs = [
if (is_mac) {
libs += [ "CoreServices.framework" ]
deps += [ "//third_party/boringssl" ]
if (is_fuchsia) {
libs = [ "launchpad" ]
sources = io_impl_sources_gypi + builtin_impl_sources_gypi
sources += [
] + extra_sources
if (is_linux || is_win || is_fuchsia) {
if (dart_use_fallback_root_certificates) {
sources += [ "//third_party/root_certificates/" ]
} else {
include_dirs = [
dart_io("embedded_dart_io") {
extra_sources = [
dart_io("standalone_dart_io") {
extra_sources = []
compiled_action("generate_snapshot_bin") {
vm_snapshot_data = "$target_gen_dir/vm_snapshot_data.bin"
vm_snapshot_instructions = "$target_gen_dir/vm_snapshot_instructions.bin"
isolate_snapshot_data = "$target_gen_dir/isolate_snapshot_data.bin"
isolate_snapshot_instructions =
inputs = []
outputs = [
tool = ":gen_snapshot"
args = [
"--snapshot_kind=" + dart_core_snapshot_kind,
"--vm_snapshot_data=" + rebase_path(vm_snapshot_data, root_build_dir),
"--vm_snapshot_instructions=" +
rebase_path(vm_snapshot_instructions, root_build_dir),
"--isolate_snapshot_data=" +
rebase_path(isolate_snapshot_data, root_build_dir),
"--isolate_snapshot_instructions=" +
rebase_path(isolate_snapshot_instructions, root_build_dir),
# Generates an assembly file defining a given symbol with the bytes from a
# binary file. Places the symbol in a text section if 'executable' is true,
# otherwise places the symbol in a read-only data section.
template("bin_to_assembly") {
assert(defined(invoker.deps), "Must define deps")
assert(defined(invoker.input), "Must define input binary file")
assert(defined(invoker.output), "Must define output assembly file")
assert(defined(invoker.symbol), "Must define symbol name")
assert(defined(invoker.executable), "Must define boolean executable")
action(target_name) {
deps = invoker.deps
script = "../tools/"
args = [
if (invoker.executable) {
args += [ "--executable" ]
inputs = [
outputs = [
bin_to_assembly("vm_snapshot_data_assembly") {
deps = [
input = "$target_gen_dir/vm_snapshot_data.bin"
output = "$target_gen_dir/vm_snapshot_data.S"
symbol = "kDartVmSnapshotData"
executable = false
bin_to_assembly("vm_snapshot_instructions_assembly") {
deps = [
input = "$target_gen_dir/vm_snapshot_instructions.bin"
output = "$target_gen_dir/vm_snapshot_instructions.S"
symbol = "kDartVmSnapshotInstructions"
executable = true
bin_to_assembly("isolate_snapshot_data_assembly") {
deps = [
input = "$target_gen_dir/isolate_snapshot_data.bin"
output = "$target_gen_dir/isolate_snapshot_data.S"
symbol = "kDartCoreIsolateSnapshotData"
executable = false
bin_to_assembly("isolate_snapshot_instructions_assembly") {
deps = [
input = "$target_gen_dir/isolate_snapshot_instructions.bin"
output = "$target_gen_dir/isolate_snapshot_instructions.S"
symbol = "kDartCoreIsolateSnapshotInstructions"
executable = true
source_set("dart_snapshot_cc") {
deps = [
sources = [
template("dart_executable") {
extra_configs = []
if (defined(invoker.extra_configs)) {
extra_configs += invoker.extra_configs
extra_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.extra_deps)) {
extra_deps += invoker.extra_deps
extra_defines = []
if (defined(invoker.extra_defines)) {
extra_defines = invoker.extra_defines
extra_sources = []
if (defined(invoker.extra_sources)) {
extra_sources += invoker.extra_sources
executable(target_name) {
configs += [
] + extra_configs
if (is_fuchsia) {
configs -= [ "//build/config:symbol_visibility_hidden" ]
if (is_fuchsia_host) {
# We already have these in the standalone build, but Fuchsia doesn't
# have them. They are needed for running Fuchsia binaries built for the
# host.
if (is_linux) {
configs += [ "../../build/config/gcc:executable_ldconfig" ]
} else if (is_mac) {
configs += [ "../../build/config/mac:mac_dynamic_flags" ]
deps = [
] + extra_deps
defines = extra_defines
if (dart_use_tcmalloc) {
deps += [ "//third_party/tcmalloc" ]
sources = [
] + extra_sources
include_dirs = [
if (is_win) {
ldflags = [ "/EXPORT:Dart_True" ]
} else {
# Adds all symbols to the dynamic symbol table, not just used ones.
# This is needed to make native extensions work.
ldflags = [ "-rdynamic" ]
if (is_win) {
libs = [
if (is_fuchsia) {
libs = [ "launchpad" ]
dart_executable("dart") {
extra_deps = [
if (dart_runtime_mode != "release") {
extra_deps += [ "../observatory:standalone_observatory_archive" ]
extra_sources = [
if (dart_runtime_mode == "release") {
extra_sources += [ "" ]
dart_executable("dart_precompiled_runtime") {
extra_configs = [ "..:dart_precompiled_runtime_config" ]
extra_deps = [ "..:libdart_precompiled_runtime" ]
if (dart_runtime_mode != "release") {
extra_deps += [ "../observatory:standalone_observatory_archive" ]
extra_sources = [
if (dart_runtime_mode == "release") {
extra_sources += [ "" ]
dart_executable("dart_bootstrap") {
extra_configs = [
extra_deps = [
extra_defines = [ "NO_OBSERVATORY" ]
extra_sources = [
# Include generated source files.
if (is_fuchsia) {
hello_fuchsia_source = rebase_path("../tests/vm/dart/hello_fuchsia_test.dart")
copy("hello_fuchsia") {
sources = [
outputs = [
hello_fuchsia_assembly = "$target_gen_dir/hello_fuchsia.S"
compiled_action("hello_fuchsia_assembly") {
inputs = [
outputs = [
tool = ":dart_bootstrap"
args = [
"--snapshot=" + rebase_path(hello_fuchsia_assembly),
shared_library("hello_fuchsia_dylib") {
deps = [
sources = [
cflags = [
output_name = "hello_fuchsia"
executable("process_test") {
sources = [
action("generate_snapshot_test_dat_file") {
snapshot_test_dat_file = "$root_gen_dir/snapshot_test.dat"
snapshot_test_in_dat_file = "../vm/snapshot_test_in.dat"
snapshot_test_dart_file = "../vm/snapshot_test.dart"
inputs = [
outputs = [
script = "../tools/"
args = [
executable("run_vm_tests") {
if (is_fuchsia || is_fuchsia_host) {
testonly = true
configs += [
if (is_fuchsia) {
configs -= [ "//build/config:symbol_visibility_hidden" ]
deps = [
include_dirs = [
defines = [ "TESTING" ]
if (dart_use_tcmalloc) {
deps += [ "//third_party/tcmalloc" ]
defines += [ "DART_USE_TCMALLOC" ]
# The VM sources are already included in libdart, so we just want to add in
# the tests here.
vm_tests = rebase_path(vm_tests_list, ".", "../vm")
sources = [
] + builtin_impl_tests_list + vm_tests
if (!is_win) {
ldflags = [ "-rdynamic" ]
if (is_win) {
libs = [
shared_library("test_extension") {
deps = [
sources = [
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
defines = [
# The only effect of DART_SHARED_LIB is to export the Dart API.
if (is_linux || is_android) {
cflags = [ "-fPIC" ]
if (is_win) {
libs = [ "dart.lib" ]
abs_root_out_dir = rebase_path(root_out_dir)
ldflags = [ "/LIBPATH:$abs_root_out_dir" ]
shared_library("sample_extension") {
deps = [
sources = [
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
defines = [
# The only effect of DART_SHARED_LIB is to export the Dart API.
if (is_linux || is_android) {
cflags = [ "-fPIC" ]
if (is_win) {
libs = [ "dart.lib" ]
abs_root_out_dir = rebase_path(root_out_dir)
ldflags = [ "/LIBPATH:$abs_root_out_dir" ]