blob: e57e0e9482a6e76ebf3cda9d9fe2dbe17624a214 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/status.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/extract_method.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/refactoring.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'abstract_refactoring.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ExtractMethodTest extends RefactoringTest {
ExtractMethodRefactoringImpl refactoring;
test_bad_assignmentLeftHandSide() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int aaa;
aaa = 0;
_createRefactoringForString('aaa ');
return _assertConditionsFatal(
'Cannot extract the left-hand side of an assignment.');
test_bad_comment_selectionEndsInside() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal('Selection ends inside a comment.');
test_bad_comment_selectionStartsInside() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal('Selection begins inside a comment.');
test_bad_conflict_method_alreadyDeclaresMethod() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
void res() {}
main() {
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsError(
"Class 'A' already declares method with name 'res'.");
test_bad_conflict_method_shadowsSuperDeclaration() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
void res() {} // marker
class B extends A {
main() {
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsError("Created method will shadow method 'A.res'.");
test_bad_conflict_topLevel_alreadyDeclaresFunction() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
library my.lib;
void res() {}
main() {
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsError(
"Library already declares function with name 'res'.");
test_bad_conflict_topLevel_willHideInheritedMemberUsage() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
void res() {}
class B extends A {
foo() {
res(); // marker
main() {
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsError(
"Created function will shadow method 'A.res'.");
test_bad_constructor_initializer() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
int f;
A() : f = 0 {}
_createRefactoringForString('f = 0');
return _assertConditionsFatal(
'Cannot extract a constructor initializer. Select expression part of initializer.');
test_bad_constructor_redirectingConstructor() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
A() : this.named();
A.named() {}
return _assertConditionsFatal(
'Cannot extract a constructor initializer. Select expression part of initializer.');
test_bad_constructor_superConstructor() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
class B extends A {
B() : super();
return _assertConditionsFatal(
'Cannot extract a constructor initializer. Select expression part of initializer.');
test_bad_doWhile_body() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
// end
while (true);
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Operation not applicable to a 'do' statement's body and expression.");
test_bad_emptySelection() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Can only extract a single expression or a set of statements.");
test_bad_forLoop_conditionAndUpdaters() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
for (
int i = 0;
// start
i < 10;
// end
) {}
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Operation not applicable to a 'for' statement's condition and updaters.");
test_bad_forLoop_init() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
for (
// start
int i = 0
// end
; i < 10;
) {}
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Cannot extract initialization part of a 'for' statement.");
test_bad_forLoop_initAndCondition() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
for (
// start
int i = 0;
i < 10;
// end
) {}
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Operation not applicable to a 'for' statement's initializer and condition.");
test_bad_forLoop_updaters() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
for (
int i = 0;
i < 10;
// start
// end
) {}
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Cannot extract increment part of a 'for' statement.");
test_bad_forLoop_updatersAndBody() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
for (
int i = 0;
i < 10;
// start
) {}
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Operation not applicable to a 'for' statement's updaters and body.");
test_bad_methodName_reference() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('main', '();');
return _assertConditionsFatal("Cannot extract a single method name.");
test_bad_namePartOfDeclaration_function() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Cannot extract the name part of a declaration.");
test_bad_namePartOfDeclaration_variable() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int vvv = 0;
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Cannot extract the name part of a declaration.");
test_bad_namePartOfQualified() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
var fff;
main() {
A a;
a.fff = 1;
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('fff', ' = 1');
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Can not extract name part of a property access.");
test_bad_newMethodName_notIdentifier() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
// end
_createRefactoringForStartEndComments(); = 'bad-name';
// check conditions
return _assertConditionsFatal("Method name must not contain '-'.");
test_bad_notSameParent() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
while (false)
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal(
'Not all selected statements are enclosed by the same parent statement.');
test_bad_parameterName_duplicate() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
// start
int a = v1 + v2; // marker
// end
// update parameters
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> parameters = _getParametersCopy();
expect(parameters, hasLength(2));
parameters[0].name = 'dup';
parameters[1].name = 'dup';
refactoring.parameters = parameters;
return _assertFinalConditionsError("Parameter 'dup' already exists");
test_bad_parameterName_inUse_function() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
// start
f(v1, v2);
// end
f(a, b) {}
// update parameters
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> parameters = _getParametersCopy();
expect(parameters, hasLength(2));
parameters[0].name = 'f';
refactoring.parameters = parameters;
return _assertFinalConditionsError(
"'f' is already used as a name in the selected code");
test_bad_parameterName_inUse_localVariable() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
// start
int a = v1 + v2; // marker
// end
// update parameters
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> parameters = _getParametersCopy();
expect(parameters, hasLength(2));
parameters[0].name = 'a';
refactoring.parameters = parameters;
return _assertFinalConditionsError(
"'a' is already used as a name in the selected code");
test_bad_parameterName_inUse_method() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
// start
m(v1, v2);
// end
m(a, b) {}
// update parameters
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> parameters = _getParametersCopy();
expect(parameters, hasLength(2));
parameters[0].name = 'm';
refactoring.parameters = parameters;
return _assertFinalConditionsError(
"'m' is already used as a name in the selected code");
test_bad_selectionEndsInSomeNode() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
// end
_createRefactoringForStartEndString('print(0', 'rint(1)');
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"The selection does not cover a set of statements or an expression. "
"Extend selection to a valid range.");
test_bad_statements_exit_notAllExecutionFlows() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main(int p) {
// start
if (p == 0) {
// end
return _assertConditionsError(ExtractMethodRefactoringImpl.ERROR_EXITS);
test_bad_statements_return_andAssignsVariable() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
var v = 0;
return 42;
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Ambiguous return value: Selected block contains assignment(s) to "
"local variables and return statement.");
test_bad_switchCase() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
switch (1) {
// start
case 0: break;
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Selection must either cover whole switch statement "
"or parts of a single case block.");
test_bad_tokensBetweenLastNodeAndSelectionEnd() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"The end of the selection contains characters that do not belong to a statement.");
test_bad_tokensBetweenSelectionStartAndFirstNode() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
print(0); // marker
// end
_createRefactoringForStartEndString('); // marker', '// end');
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"The beginning of the selection contains characters that do not belong to a statement.");
test_bad_try_catchBlock_block() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
catch (e)
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Selection must either cover whole try statement or "
"parts of try, catch, or finally block.");
test_bad_try_catchBlock_complete() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
catch (e)
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Selection must either cover whole try statement or "
"parts of try, catch, or finally block.");
test_bad_try_catchBlock_exception() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
try {
} catch (
// start
// end
) {
return _assertConditionsFatal(
'Cannot extract the name part of a declaration.');
test_bad_try_finallyBlock() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Selection must either cover whole try statement or "
"parts of try, catch, or finally block.");
test_bad_try_tryBlock() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Selection must either cover whole try statement or "
"parts of try, catch, or finally block.");
test_bad_typeReference() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int a = 0;
return _assertConditionsFatal("Cannot extract a single type reference.");
test_bad_variableDeclarationFragment() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
a = 1
// end
,b = 2;
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Cannot extract a variable declaration fragment. Select whole declaration statement.");
test_bad_while_conditionAndBody() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
// end
return _assertConditionsFatal(
"Operation not applicable to a while statement's expression and body.");
test_canExtractGetter_false_closure() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
useFunction((_) => true);
useFunction(filter(String p)) {}
_createRefactoringForString('(_) => true');
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.canCreateGetter, false);
expect(refactoring.createGetter, false);
test_canExtractGetter_false_fieldAssignment() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
var f;
main() {
// start
f = 1;
// end
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.canCreateGetter, false);
expect(refactoring.createGetter, false);
test_canExtractGetter_false_hasParameters() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main(int p) {
int a = p + 1;
_createRefactoringForString('p + 1');
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.canCreateGetter, false);
expect(refactoring.createGetter, false);
test_canExtractGetter_false_returnNotUsed_assignment() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
var topVar = 0;
f(int p) {
topVar = 5;
_createRefactoringForString('topVar = 5');
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.canCreateGetter, false);
expect(refactoring.createGetter, false);
test_canExtractGetter_false_returnNotUsed_noReturn() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
var topVar = 0;
main() {
// start
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
topVar = a + b;
// end
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.canCreateGetter, false);
expect(refactoring.createGetter, false);
test_canExtractGetter_true() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int a = 1 + 2;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.canCreateGetter, true);
expect(refactoring.createGetter, true);
test_checkName() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int a = 1 + 2;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// null = null;
refactoring.checkName(), RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL,
expectedMessage: "Method name must not be null.");
// empty = '';
refactoring.checkName(), RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL,
expectedMessage: "Method name must not be empty.");
// OK = 'res';
test_closure_asFunction_singleExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
process(f(x)) {}
main() {
process((x) => x * 2);
_createRefactoringForString('(x) => x * 2');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
process(f(x)) {}
main() {
res(x) => x * 2;
test_closure_asFunction_statements() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
process(f(x)) {}
main() {
process((x) {
return x * 2;
}); // marker
_createRefactoringForStartEndString('(x) {', '); // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
process(f(x)) {}
main() {
process(res); // marker
res(x) {
return x * 2;
test_closure_asMethod_statements() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
process(f(x)) {}
class A {
int k = 2;
main() {
process((x) {
return x * k;
}); // marker
_createRefactoringForStartEndString('(x) {', '); // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
process(f(x)) {}
class A {
int k = 2;
main() {
process(res); // marker
res(x) {
return x * k;
test_closure_atArgumentName() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void process({int fff(int x)}) {}
class C {
main() {
process(fff: (int x) => x * 2);
_createRefactoring(findOffset('ff: (int x)'), 0);
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void process({int fff(int x)}) {}
class C {
main() {
process(fff: res);
int res(int x) => x * 2;
test_closure_atParameters() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void process(num f(int x)) {}
class C {
main() {
process((int x) => x * 2);
_createRefactoring(findOffset('x) =>'), 0);
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void process(num f(int x)) {}
class C {
main() {
num res(int x) => x * 2;
test_closure_bad_referencesLocalVariable() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
process(f(x)) {}
main() {
int k = 2;
process((x) => x * k);
_createRefactoringForString('(x) => x * k');
// check
RefactoringStatus status = await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL,
'Cannot extract closure as method, it references 1 external variable(s).');
test_closure_bad_referencesParameter() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
process(f(x)) {}
main(int k) {
process((x) => x * k);
_createRefactoringForString('(x) => x * k');
// check
RefactoringStatus status = await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL,
'Cannot extract closure as method, it references 1 external variable(s).');
test_fromTopLevelVariableInitializerClosure() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
var X = 1;
dynamic Y = () {
return 1 + X;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + X');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
var X = 1;
dynamic Y = () {
return res();
int res() => 1 + X;
test_getExtractGetter_expression_true_binaryExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
print(1 + 2);
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.createGetter, true);
test_getExtractGetter_expression_true_literal() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.createGetter, true);
test_getExtractGetter_expression_true_prefixedExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.createGetter, true);
test_getExtractGetter_expression_true_prefixedIdentifier() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int get myValue => 42;
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.createGetter, true);
test_getExtractGetter_expression_true_propertyAccess() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.createGetter, true);
test_getExtractGetter_statements() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
int v = 0;
// end
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.createGetter, false);
test_getRefactoringName_function() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
print(1 + 2);
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
expect(refactoring.refactoringName, 'Extract Function');
test_getRefactoringName_method() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
print(1 + 2);
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
expect(refactoring.refactoringName, 'Extract Method');
test_names_singleExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class TreeItem {}
TreeItem getSelectedItem() => null;
process(my) {}
main() {
process(getSelectedItem()); // marker
int treeItem = 0;
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('getSelectedItem()', '); // marker');
// check names
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
unorderedEquals(['selectedItem', 'item', 'my', 'treeItem2']));
test_offsets_lengths() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int a = 1 + 2;
int b = 1 + 2;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// apply refactoring
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
unorderedEquals([findOffset('1 + 2'), findOffset('1 + 2')]));
expect(refactoring.lengths, unorderedEquals([5, 6]));
test_returnType_closure() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
process(f(x)) {}
main() {
process((x) => x * 2);
_createRefactoringForString('(x) => x * 2');
// do check
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
expect(refactoring.returnType, '');
test_returnType_expression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int a = 1 + 2;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// do check
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
expect(refactoring.returnType, 'int');
test_returnType_mixInterfaceFunction() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
if (true) {
return 1;
} else {
return () {};
// end
// do check
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
expect(refactoring.returnType, 'Object');
test_returnType_statements() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
double v = 5.0;
// end
// do check
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
expect(refactoring.returnType, 'double');
test_returnType_statements_nullMix() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main(bool p) {
// start
if (p) {
return 42;
return null;
// end
// do check
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
expect(refactoring.returnType, 'int');
test_returnType_statements_void() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
// end
// do check
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
expect(refactoring.returnType, 'void');
test_setExtractGetter() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int a = 1 + 2;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// apply refactoring
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
expect(refactoring.canCreateGetter, true);
expect(refactoring.createGetter, true);
refactoringChange = await refactoring.createChange();
main() {
int a = res;
int get res => 1 + 2;
test_singleExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int a = 1 + 2;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
int a = res();
int res() => 1 + 2;
test_singleExpression_cascade() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
String s = '';
var v = s..length;
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
String s = '';
var v = res(s);
String res(String s) => s..length;
test_singleExpression_dynamic() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
dynaFunction() {}
main() {
var v = dynaFunction(); // marker
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('dynaFunction()', '; // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
dynaFunction() {}
main() {
var v = res(); // marker
res() => dynaFunction();
test_singleExpression_hasAwait() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> getValue() async => 42;
main() async {
int v = await getValue();
_createRefactoringForString('await getValue()');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> getValue() async => 42;
main() async {
int v = await res();
Future<int> res() async => await getValue();
test_singleExpression_ignore_assignmentLeftHandSize() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
getButton().text = 'txt';
print(getButton().text); // marker
getButton() {}
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('getButton().text', '); // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
getButton().text = 'txt';
print(res()); // marker
res() => getButton().text;
getButton() {}
test_singleExpression_occurrences() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int v3 = 3;
int positiveA = v1 + v2; // marker
int positiveB = v2 + v3;
int positiveC = v1 + v2;
int positiveD = v1/*abc*/ + v2;
int negA = 1 + 2;
int negB = 1 + v2;
int negC = v1 + 2;
int negD = v1 * v2;
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('v1 + v2', '; // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int v3 = 3;
int positiveA = res(v1, v2); // marker
int positiveB = res(v2, v3);
int positiveC = res(v1, v2);
int positiveD = res(v1, v2);
int negA = 1 + 2;
int negB = 1 + v2;
int negC = v1 + 2;
int negD = v1 * v2;
int res(int v1, int v2) => v1 + v2;
test_singleExpression_occurrences_disabled() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int v3 = 3;
int a = v1 + v2; // marker
int b = v2 + v3;
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('v1 + v2', '; // marker');
refactoring.extractAll = false;
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int v3 = 3;
int a = res(v1, v2); // marker
int b = v2 + v3;
int res(int v1, int v2) => v1 + v2;
test_singleExpression_occurrences_inClassOnly() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
myMethod() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveA = v1 + v2; // marker
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int negA = v1 + v2;
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('v1 + v2', '; // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
class A {
myMethod() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveA = res(v1, v2); // marker
int res(int v1, int v2) => v1 + v2;
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int negA = v1 + v2;
test_singleExpression_occurrences_incompatibleTypes() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int x = 1;
String y = 'foo';
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
int x = 1;
String y = 'foo';
String res(int x) => x.toString();
test_singleExpression_occurrences_inWholeUnit() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveA = v1 + v2; // marker
class A {
myMethod() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveB = v1 + v2;
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('v1 + v2', '; // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveA = res(v1, v2); // marker
int res(int v1, int v2) => v1 + v2;
class A {
myMethod() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveB = res(v1, v2);
test_singleExpression_parameter_functionTypeAlias() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
typedef R Foo<S, R>(S s);
void main(Foo<String, int> foo, String s) {
int a = foo(s);
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
typedef R Foo<S, R>(S s);
void main(Foo<String, int> foo, String s) {
int a = res(foo, s);
int res(Foo<String, int> foo, String s) => foo(s);
test_singleExpression_returnType_importLibrary() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
import 'asyncLib.dart';
main() {
var a = newFuture();
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
import 'asyncLib.dart';
import 'dart:async';
main() {
var a = res();
Future<int> res() => newFuture();
test_singleExpression_returnTypeGeneric() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
var v = new List<String>();
_createRefactoringForString('new List<String>()');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
var v = res();
List<String> res() => new List<String>();
test_singleExpression_returnTypePrefix() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
import 'dart:math' as pref;
main() {
var v = new pref.Random();
_createRefactoringForString('new pref.Random()');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
import 'dart:math' as pref;
main() {
var v = res();
pref.Random res() => new pref.Random();
test_singleExpression_staticContext_extractFromInitializer() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
A(int v) {}
class B extends A {
B() : super(1 + 2) {}
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
class A {
A(int v) {}
class B extends A {
B() : super(res()) {}
static int res() => 1 + 2;
test_singleExpression_staticContext_extractFromInstance() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
instanceMethodA() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveA = v1 + v2; // marker
instanceMethodB() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveB = v1 + v2;
static staticMethodA() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveA = v1 + v2;
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('v1 + v2', '; // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
class A {
instanceMethodA() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveA = res(v1, v2); // marker
static int res(int v1, int v2) => v1 + v2;
instanceMethodB() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveB = res(v1, v2);
static staticMethodA() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveA = res(v1, v2);
test_singleExpression_staticContext_extractFromStatic() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
static staticMethodA() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveA = v1 + v2; // marker
static staticMethodB() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveB = v1 + v2;
instanceMethodA() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveA = v1 + v2;
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('v1 + v2', '; // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
class A {
static staticMethodA() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveA = res(v1, v2); // marker
static int res(int v1, int v2) => v1 + v2;
static staticMethodB() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveB = res(v1, v2);
instanceMethodA() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int positiveA = res(v1, v2);
test_singleExpression_staticContext_hasInInitializer() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
A(int v) {}
class B extends A {
B() : super(1 + 2) {}
foo() {
print(1 + 2); // marker
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('1 + 2', '); // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
class A {
A(int v) {}
class B extends A {
B() : super(res()) {}
foo() {
print(res()); // marker
static int res() => 1 + 2;
test_singleExpression_usesParameter() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
fooA(int a1) {
int a2 = 2;
int a = a1 + a2;
fooB(int b1) {
int b2 = 2;
int b = b1 + b2;
_createRefactoringForString('a1 + a2');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
fooA(int a1) {
int a2 = 2;
int a = res(a1, a2);
int res(int a1, int a2) => a1 + a2;
fooB(int b1) {
int b2 = 2;
int b = res(b1, b2);
test_singleExpression_withVariables() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int a = v1 + v2 + v1;
_createRefactoringForString('v1 + v2 + v1');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int a = res(v1, v2);
int res(int v1, int v2) => v1 + v2 + v1;
test_singleExpression_withVariables_doRename() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int v3 = 3;
int a = v1 + v2 + v1; // marker
int b = v2 + v3 + v2;
_createRefactoringForString('v1 + v2 + v1');
// apply refactoring
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> parameters = _getParametersCopy();
expect(parameters, hasLength(2));
expect(parameters[0].name, 'v1');
expect(parameters[1].name, 'v2');
parameters[0].name = 'par1';
parameters[1].name = 'param2';
refactoring.parameters = parameters;
await assertRefactoringFinalConditionsOK();
refactoring.createGetter = false;
return _assertRefactoringChange('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int v3 = 3;
int a = res(v1, v2); // marker
int b = res(v2, v3);
int res(int par1, int param2) => par1 + param2 + par1;
test_singleExpression_withVariables_doReorder() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int v3 = 3;
int a = v1 + v2; // marker
int b = v2 + v3;
_createRefactoringForString('v1 + v2');
// apply refactoring
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> parameters = _getParametersCopy();
expect(parameters, hasLength(2));
expect(parameters[0].name, 'v1');
expect(parameters[1].name, 'v2');
var parameter = parameters.removeAt(1);
parameters.insert(0, parameter);
refactoring.parameters = parameters;
await assertRefactoringFinalConditionsOK();
refactoring.createGetter = false;
return _assertRefactoringChange('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int v3 = 3;
int a = res(v2, v1); // marker
int b = res(v3, v2);
int res(int v2, int v1) => v1 + v2;
test_singleExpression_withVariables_namedExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int a = process(arg: v1 + v2);
process({arg}) {}
_createRefactoringForString('process(arg: v1 + v2)');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int a = res(v1, v2);
res(int v1, int v2) => process(arg: v1 + v2);
process({arg}) {}
test_singleExpression_withVariables_newType() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int v3 = 3;
int a = v1 + v2 + v3;
_createRefactoringForString('v1 + v2 + v3');
// apply refactoring
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> parameters = _getParametersCopy();
expect(parameters, hasLength(3));
expect(parameters[0].name, 'v1');
expect(parameters[1].name, 'v2');
expect(parameters[2].name, 'v3');
parameters[0].type = 'num';
parameters[1].type = 'dynamic';
parameters[2].type = '';
refactoring.parameters = parameters;
await assertRefactoringFinalConditionsOK();
refactoring.createGetter = false;
return _assertRefactoringChange('''
main() {
int v1 = 1;
int v2 = 2;
int v3 = 3;
int a = res(v1, v2, v3);
int res(num v1, v2, v3) => v1 + v2 + v3;
test_singleExpression_withVariables_useBestType() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
var v1 = 1;
var v2 = 2;
var a = v1 + v2 + v1; // marker
_createRefactoringForString('v1 + v2 + v1');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
var v1 = 1;
var v2 = 2;
var a = res(v1, v2); // marker
int res(int v1, int v2) => v1 + v2 + v1;
test_statements_assignment() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int v;
// start
v = 5;
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
int v;
// start
v = res(v);
// end
int res(int v) {
v = 5;
return v;
test_statements_changeIndentation() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
if (true) {
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
// start
// end
void res() {
if (true) {
test_statements_changeIndentation_multilineString() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
first line
second line
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
// start
// end
void res() {
first line
second line
test_statements_definesVariable_notUsedOutside() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
// start
int v = a + b;
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
// start
res(a, b);
// end
void res(int a, int b) {
int v = a + b;
test_statements_definesVariable_oneUsedOutside_assignment() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
myFunctionA() {
int a = 1;
// start
a += 10;
// end
myFunctionB() {
int b = 2;
b += 10;
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
myFunctionA() {
int a = 1;
// start
a = res(a);
// end
int res(int a) {
a += 10;
return a;
myFunctionB() {
int b = 2;
b = res(b);
test_statements_definesVariable_oneUsedOutside_declaration() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
myFunctionA() {
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
// start
int v1 = a + b;
// end
myFunctionB() {
int a = 3;
int b = 4;
int v2 = a + b;
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
myFunctionA() {
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
// start
int v1 = res(a, b);
// end
int res(int a, int b) {
int v1 = a + b;
return v1;
myFunctionB() {
int a = 3;
int b = 4;
int v2 = res(a, b);
test_statements_definesVariable_twoUsedOutside() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
int varA = 1;
int varB = 2;
// end
int v = varA + varB;
// check conditions
RefactoringStatus status = await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL);
test_statements_duplicate_absolutelySame() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
myFunctionA() {
myFunctionB() {
// start
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
myFunctionA() {
myFunctionB() {
// start
// end
void res() {
test_statements_duplicate_declaresDifferentlyNamedVariable() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
myFunctionA() {
int varA = 1;
myFunctionB() {
// start
int varB = 1;
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
myFunctionA() {
myFunctionB() {
// start
// end
void res() {
int varB = 1;
test_statements_dynamic() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
dynaFunction(p) => 0;
main() {
// start
var a = 1;
var v = dynaFunction(a);
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
dynaFunction(p) => 0;
main() {
// start
var v = res();
// end
res() {
var a = 1;
var v = dynaFunction(a);
return v;
* We should always add ";" when invoke method with extracted statements.
test_statements_endsWithBlock() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
if (true) {
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
// start
// end
void res() {
if (true) {
test_statements_exit_throws() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main(int p) {
// start
if (p == 0) {
throw 'boo!';
// end
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
test_statements_hasAwait_dynamicReturnType() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async';
Future getValue() async => 42;
main() async {
// start
var v = await getValue();
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
import 'dart:async';
Future getValue() async => 42;
main() async {
// start
var v = await res();
// end
Future res() async {
var v = await getValue();
return v;
test_statements_hasAwait_expression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> getValue() async => 42;
main() async {
// start
int v = await getValue();
v += 2;
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> getValue() async => 42;
main() async {
// start
int v = await res();
// end
Future<int> res() async {
int v = await getValue();
v += 2;
return v;
test_statements_hasAwait_forEach() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async';
Stream<int> getValueStream() => null;
main() async {
// start
int sum = 0;
await for (int v in getValueStream()) {
sum += v;
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
import 'dart:async';
Stream<int> getValueStream() => null;
main() async {
// start
int sum = await res();
// end
Future<int> res() async {
int sum = 0;
await for (int v in getValueStream()) {
sum += v;
return sum;
test_statements_hasAwait_voidReturnType() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> getValue() async => 42;
main() async {
// start
int v = await getValue();
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> getValue() async => 42;
main() async {
// start
await res();
// end
Future res() async {
int v = await getValue();
test_statements_inSwitchMember() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
foo(int p) {
switch (p) {
case 0:
// start
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
class A {
foo(int p) {
switch (p) {
case 0:
// start
// end
void res() {
test_statements_method() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
foo() {
// start
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
class A {
foo() {
// start
// end
void res() {
test_statements_noDuplicates() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
// start
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
// start
// end
void res(int a) {
test_statements_parameters_ignoreInnerPropagatedType() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main(Object x) {
// start
if (x is int) {
if (x is bool) {
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main(Object x) {
// start
// end
void res(Object x) {
if (x is int) {
if (x is bool) {
test_statements_parameters_importType() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
import 'asyncLib.dart';
main() {
var v = newFuture();
// start
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
import 'asyncLib.dart';
import 'dart:async';
main() {
var v = newFuture();
// start
// end
void res(Future<int> v) {
test_statements_parameters_localFunction() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class C {
int f(int a) {
int callback(int x, int y) => x + a;
int b = a + 1;
// start
int c = callback(b, 2);
// end
int d = c + 1;
return d;
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
class C {
int f(int a) {
int callback(int x, int y) => x + a;
int b = a + 1;
// start
int c = res(callback, b);
// end
int d = c + 1;
return d;
int res(int callback(int x, int y), int b) {
int c = callback(b, 2);
return c;
test_statements_parameters_noLocalVariableConflict() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
int f(int x) {
int y = x + 1;
// start
if (y % 2 == 0) {
int y = x + 2;
return y;
} else {
return y;
// end
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
test_statements_return_last() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
int v = 5;
return v + 1;
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
// start
return res();
// end
int res() {
int v = 5;
return v + 1;
test_statements_return_multiple_ifElse() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
num main(bool b) {
// start
if (b) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2.0;
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
num main(bool b) {
// start
return res(b);
// end
num res(bool b) {
if (b) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2.0;
test_statements_return_multiple_ifThen() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
num main(bool b) {
// start
if (b) {
return 1;
return 2.0;
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
num main(bool b) {
// start
return res(b);
// end
num res(bool b) {
if (b) {
return 1;
return 2.0;
test_statements_return_multiple_ignoreInFunction() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
int main() {
// start
localFunction() {
return 'abc';
return 42;
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
int main() {
// start
return res();
// end
int res() {
localFunction() {
return 'abc';
return 42;
test_statements_return_multiple_interfaceFunction() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main(bool b) {
// start
if (b) {
return 1;
return () {};
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main(bool b) {
// start
return res(b);
// end
Object res(bool b) {
if (b) {
return 1;
return () {};
test_statements_return_multiple_sameElementDifferentTypeArgs() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main(bool b) {
// start
if (b) {
return <int>[];
} else {
return <String>[];
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main(bool b) {
// start
return res(b);
// end
List res(bool b) {
if (b) {
return <int>[];
} else {
return <String>[];
test_statements_return_single() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
return 42;
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
// start
return res();
// end
int res() {
return 42;
* We have 3 identical statements, but select only 2.
* This should not cause problems.
test_statements_twoOfThree() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
main() {
// start
// end
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
main() {
// start
// end
void res() {
void _addLibraryReturningAsync() {
library asyncLib;
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> newFuture() => null;
Future _assertConditionsError(String message) async {
RefactoringStatus status = await refactoring.checkAllConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.ERROR,
expectedMessage: message);
Future _assertConditionsFatal(String message) async {
RefactoringStatus status = await refactoring.checkAllConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL,
expectedMessage: message);
Future _assertFinalConditionsError(String message) async {
RefactoringStatus status = await refactoring.checkFinalConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.ERROR,
expectedMessage: message);
Future _assertRefactoringChange(String expectedCode) async {
SourceChange refactoringChange = await refactoring.createChange();
this.refactoringChange = refactoringChange;
* Checks that all conditions are OK and the result of applying the [Change]
* to [testUnit] is [expectedCode].
Future _assertSuccessfulRefactoring(String expectedCode) async {
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
refactoring.createGetter = false;
return _assertRefactoringChange(expectedCode);
void _createRefactoring(int offset, int length) {
refactoring = new ExtractMethodRefactoring(
searchEngine, astProvider, testUnit, offset, length); = 'res';
void _createRefactoringForStartEndComments() {
int offset = findEnd('// start') + '\n'.length;
int end = findOffset('// end');
_createRefactoring(offset, end - offset);
void _createRefactoringForStartEndString(
String startSearch, String endSearch) {
int offset = findOffset(startSearch);
int end = findOffset(endSearch);
_createRefactoring(offset, end - offset);
* Creates a new refactoring in [refactoring] for the selection range of the
* given [search] pattern.
void _createRefactoringForString(String search) {
int offset = findOffset(search);
int length = search.length;
_createRefactoring(offset, length);
void _createRefactoringWithSuffix(String selectionSearch, String suffix) {
int offset = findOffset(selectionSearch + suffix);
int length = selectionSearch.length;
_createRefactoring(offset, length);
* Returns a deep copy of [refactoring] parameters.
* There was a bug masked by updating parameter instances shared between the
* refactoring and the test.
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> _getParametersCopy() {
return {
return new RefactoringMethodParameter(p.kind, p.type,, id:;