blob: f46d1c90f06371b3ec76d16063384ed370d02437 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
* [AnalysisManager] is used to launch and manage an analysis server
* running in a separate process using the static [start] method.
class AnalysisManager {
// TODO dynamically allocate port and/or allow client to specify port
static const int PORT = 3333;
* The analysis server process being managed
* or `null` if managing an analysis server that was already running.
final Process process;
* The websocket used to communicate with the analysis server.
final WebSocket socket;
* Launch analysis server in a separate process and return a
* [Future<AnalysisManager>] for managing that analysis server.
static Future<AnalysisManager> start(String pathToServer) {
// TODO dynamically allocate port and/or allow client to specify port
return Process.start(Platform.executable, [pathToServer, "--port",
PORT.toString()]).then(_attach).catchError((error) {
print("Failed to launch analysis server: $error");
exitCode = 1;
throw error;
* Open a connection to a running analysis server
static Future<AnalysisManager> connect(String url) {
return WebSocket.connect(url)
.then((WebSocket socket) => new AnalysisManager(null, socket));
* Attach this process to the newly launched analysis server process,
* and open a connection to the analysis server.
static Future<AnalysisManager> _attach(Process process) {
var url = 'ws://${InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4.address}:$PORT/';
Stream out = process.stdout.transform(UTF8.decoder).asBroadcastStream();
out.listen((line) {
return out
.any((String line) => line.startsWith("Listening on port"))
.then((bool listening) {
if (!listening) {
throw "Expected analysis server to listen on a port";
.then((_) => WebSocket.connect(url))
.then((WebSocket socket) => new AnalysisManager(process, socket))
.catchError((error) {
print("Failed to connect to analysis server: $error");
exitCode = 1;
throw error;
* Create a new instance that manages the specified analysis server process.
AnalysisManager(this.process, this.socket);
* Stop the analysis server.
* Returns `true` if the signal is successfully sent and process is killed.
* Otherwise there was no attached process or the signal could not be sent,
* usually meaning that the process is already dead.
// TODO request analysis server stop
bool stop() => process != null ? process.kill() : false;