blob: cd3116d19b20f6f002c2eadfe98565126e5ce584 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
/// The error codes used for warnings in analysis options files. The convention
/// for this class is for the name of the error code to indicate the problem
/// that caused the error to be generated and for the error message to explain
/// what is wrong and, when appropriate, how the problem can be corrected.
class ManifestWarningCode extends ErrorCode {
/// A code indicating that a specified hardware feature is not supported on
/// Chrome OS.
static const ManifestWarningCode UNSUPPORTED_CHROME_OS_HARDWARE =
'The feature {0} is not supported on Chrome OS, consider making it '
'Try adding `android:required="false"` for this feature.');
/// A code indicating that a specified feature is not supported on Chrome OS.
static const ManifestWarningCode UNSUPPORTED_CHROME_OS_FEATURE =
'The feature {0} is not supported on Chrome OS, consider making it '
correction: "Try changing to `android:required=\"false\"` for this "
/// A code indicating that the touchscreen feature is not specified in the
/// manifest.
static const ManifestWarningCode NO_TOUCHSCREEN_FEATURE = ManifestWarningCode(
'The default "android.hardware.touchscreen" needs to be optional for '
'Chrome OS. ',
correction: "Consider adding "
"<uses-feature android:name=\"android.hardware.touchscreen\" android:required=\"false\" />"
" to the manifest.");
/// A code indicating that a specified permission is not supported on Chrome
/// OS.
'Permission makes app incompatible for Chrome OS, consider adding '
'optional {0} feature tag, ',
correction: " Try adding `<uses-feature "
"android:name=\"{0}\" android:required=\"false\">`.");
/// A code indicating that the camera permissions is not supported on Chrome
/// OS.
static const ManifestWarningCode CAMERA_PERMISSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE = ManifestWarningCode(
"Camera permissions make app incompatible for Chrome OS, consider adding "
"optional features \"\" and \"\".",
correction: "Try adding `<uses-feature "
"android:name=\"\" android:required=\"false\">` "
"`<uses-feature "
"android:name=\"\" android:required=\"false\">`.");
/// A code indicating that the activity is set to be non resizable.
static const ManifestWarningCode NON_RESIZABLE_ACTIVITY = ManifestWarningCode(
"The `<activity>` element should be allowed to be resized to allow "
"users to take advantage of the multi-window environment on Chrome OS",
correction: "Consider declaring the corresponding "
"activity element with `resizableActivity=\"true\"` attribute.");
/// A code indicating that the activity is locked to an orientation.
static const ManifestWarningCode SETTING_ORIENTATION_ON_ACTIVITY =
"The `<activity>` element should not be locked to any orientation so "
"that users can take advantage of the multi-window environments "
"and larger screens on Chrome OS",
"Consider declaring the corresponding activity element with"
" `screenOrientation=\"unspecified\"` or `\"fullSensor\"` attribute.");
/// Initialize a newly created warning code to have the given [name],
/// [message] and [correction].
const ManifestWarningCode(String name, String message, {String? correction})
: super(
correction: correction,
message: message,
name: name,
uniqueName: 'ManifestWarningCode.$name',
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorSeverity.WARNING;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.STATIC_WARNING;