blob: 5413fb9e070704dddad5dc95ccfcf970f566c65d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/constant/value.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/scope.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/experiments.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/extensions.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/constant/compute.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/constant/evaluation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/constant/value.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/display_string_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/nullability_eliminator.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/scope.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_algebra.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/scope.dart'
show Namespace, NamespaceBuilder;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/variance.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element_type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart'
show AnalysisContext, AnalysisOptionsImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart' show DartSdk;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_general.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/linked_unit_context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/reference.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/inference_error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/comment.dart';
/// A concrete implementation of a [ClassElement].
abstract class AbstractClassElementImpl extends _ExistingElementImpl
implements ClassElement {
/// The type defined by the class.
InterfaceType? _thisType;
/// A list containing all of the accessors (getters and setters) contained in
/// this class.
List<PropertyAccessorElement> _accessors = _Sentinel.propertyAccessorElement;
/// A list containing all of the fields contained in this class.
List<FieldElement> _fields = _Sentinel.fieldElement;
/// A list containing all of the methods contained in this class.
List<MethodElement> _methods = _Sentinel.methodElement;
/// Initialize a newly created class element to have the given [name] at the
/// given [offset] in the file that contains the declaration of this element.
AbstractClassElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
/// Initialize using the given serialized information.
CompilationUnitElementImpl enclosingUnit)
: super.forSerialized(enclosingUnit);
/// Set the accessors contained in this class to the given [accessors].
set accessors(List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
(accessor as PropertyAccessorElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_accessors = accessors;
String get displayName => name;
CompilationUnitElementImpl get enclosingElement {
return _enclosingElement as CompilationUnitElementImpl;
/// Set the fields contained in this class to the given [fields].
set fields(List<FieldElement> fields) {
for (FieldElement field in fields) {
(field as FieldElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_fields = fields;
bool get isDartCoreObject => false;
bool get isEnum => false;
bool get isMixin => false;
List<InterfaceType> get superclassConstraints => const <InterfaceType>[];
InterfaceType get thisType {
if (_thisType == null) {
List<DartType> typeArguments;
if (typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
typeArguments =<DartType>((t) {
return t.instantiate(nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix);
} else {
typeArguments = const <DartType>[];
return _thisType = instantiate(
typeArguments: typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
return _thisType!;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitClassElement(this);
FieldElement? getField(String name) {
for (FieldElement fieldElement in fields) {
if (name == {
return fieldElement;
return null;
PropertyAccessorElement? getGetter(String getterName) {
int length = accessors.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = accessors[i];
if (accessor.isGetter && == getterName) {
return accessor;
return null;
MethodElement? getMethod(String methodName) {
int length = methods.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MethodElement method = methods[i];
if ( == methodName) {
return method;
return null;
PropertyAccessorElement? getSetter(String setterName) {
return getSetterFromAccessors(setterName, accessors);
InterfaceType instantiate({
required List<DartType> typeArguments,
required NullabilitySuffix nullabilitySuffix,
}) {
if (typeArguments.length != typeParameters.length) {
var ta = 'typeArguments.length (${typeArguments.length})';
var tp = 'typeParameters.length (${typeParameters.length})';
throw ArgumentError('$ta != $tp');
return InterfaceTypeImpl(
element: this,
typeArguments: typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix,
MethodElement? lookUpConcreteMethod(
String methodName, LibraryElement library) =>
(MethodElement method) =>
!method.isAbstract && method.isAccessibleIn(library)));
PropertyAccessorElement? lookUpGetter(
String getterName, LibraryElement library) =>
(PropertyAccessorElement getter) => getter.isAccessibleIn(library)));
PropertyAccessorElement? lookUpInheritedConcreteGetter(
String getterName, LibraryElement library) =>
(PropertyAccessorElement getter) =>
!getter.isAbstract &&
getter.isAccessibleIn(library) &&
getter.enclosingElement != this));
ExecutableElement? lookUpInheritedConcreteMember(
String name, LibraryElement library) {
if (name.endsWith('=')) {
return lookUpInheritedConcreteSetter(name, library);
} else {
return lookUpInheritedConcreteMethod(name, library) ??
lookUpInheritedConcreteGetter(name, library);
MethodElement? lookUpInheritedConcreteMethod(
String methodName, LibraryElement library) =>
(MethodElement method) =>
!method.isAbstract &&
method.isAccessibleIn(library) &&
method.enclosingElement != this));
PropertyAccessorElement? lookUpInheritedConcreteSetter(
String setterName, LibraryElement library) =>
(PropertyAccessorElement setter) =>
!setter.isAbstract &&
setter.isAccessibleIn(library) &&
setter.enclosingElement != this));
MethodElement? lookUpInheritedMethod(
String methodName, LibraryElement library) =>
(MethodElement method) =>
method.isAccessibleIn(library) &&
method.enclosingElement != this));
MethodElement? lookUpMethod(String methodName, LibraryElement library) =>
.where((MethodElement method) => method.isAccessibleIn(library)));
PropertyAccessorElement? lookUpSetter(
String setterName, LibraryElement library) =>
(PropertyAccessorElement setter) => setter.isAccessibleIn(library)));
/// Return the static getter with the [name], accessible to the [library].
/// This method should be used only for error recovery during analysis,
/// when instance access to a static class member, defined in this class,
/// or a superclass.
PropertyAccessorElement? lookupStaticGetter(
String name, LibraryElement library) {
return _first(_implementationsOfGetter(name).where((element) {
return element.isStatic && element.isAccessibleIn(library);
/// Return the static method with the [name], accessible to the [library].
/// This method should be used only for error recovery during analysis,
/// when instance access to a static class member, defined in this class,
/// or a superclass.
MethodElement? lookupStaticMethod(String name, LibraryElement library) {
return _first(_implementationsOfMethod(name).where((element) {
return element.isStatic && element.isAccessibleIn(library);
/// Return the static setter with the [name], accessible to the [library].
/// This method should be used only for error recovery during analysis,
/// when instance access to a static class member, defined in this class,
/// or a superclass.
PropertyAccessorElement? lookupStaticSetter(
String name, LibraryElement library) {
return _first(_implementationsOfSetter(name).where((element) {
return element.isStatic && element.isAccessibleIn(library);
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
safelyVisitChildren(accessors, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(fields, visitor);
/// Return an iterable containing all of the implementations of a getter with
/// the given [getterName] that are defined in this class any any superclass
/// of this class (but not in interfaces).
/// The getters that are returned are not filtered in any way. In particular,
/// they can include getters that are not visible in some context. Clients
/// must perform any necessary filtering.
/// The getters are returned based on the depth of their defining class; if
/// this class contains a definition of the getter it will occur first, if
/// Object contains a definition of the getter it will occur last.
Iterable<PropertyAccessorElement> _implementationsOfGetter(
String getterName) sync* {
ClassElement? classElement = this;
HashSet<ClassElement> visitedClasses = HashSet<ClassElement>();
while (classElement != null && visitedClasses.add(classElement)) {
var getter = classElement.getGetter(getterName);
if (getter != null) {
yield getter;
for (InterfaceType mixin in classElement.mixins.reversed) {
getter = mixin.element.getGetter(getterName);
if (getter != null) {
yield getter;
classElement = classElement.supertype?.element;
/// Return an iterable containing all of the implementations of a method with
/// the given [methodName] that are defined in this class any any superclass
/// of this class (but not in interfaces).
/// The methods that are returned are not filtered in any way. In particular,
/// they can include methods that are not visible in some context. Clients
/// must perform any necessary filtering.
/// The methods are returned based on the depth of their defining class; if
/// this class contains a definition of the method it will occur first, if
/// Object contains a definition of the method it will occur last.
Iterable<MethodElement> _implementationsOfMethod(String methodName) sync* {
ClassElement? classElement = this;
HashSet<ClassElement> visitedClasses = HashSet<ClassElement>();
while (classElement != null && visitedClasses.add(classElement)) {
var method = classElement.getMethod(methodName);
if (method != null) {
yield method;
for (InterfaceType mixin in classElement.mixins.reversed) {
method = mixin.element.getMethod(methodName);
if (method != null) {
yield method;
classElement = classElement.supertype?.element;
/// Return an iterable containing all of the implementations of a setter with
/// the given [setterName] that are defined in this class any any superclass
/// of this class (but not in interfaces).
/// The setters that are returned are not filtered in any way. In particular,
/// they can include setters that are not visible in some context. Clients
/// must perform any necessary filtering.
/// The setters are returned based on the depth of their defining class; if
/// this class contains a definition of the setter it will occur first, if
/// Object contains a definition of the setter it will occur last.
Iterable<PropertyAccessorElement> _implementationsOfSetter(
String setterName) sync* {
ClassElement? classElement = this;
HashSet<ClassElement> visitedClasses = HashSet<ClassElement>();
while (classElement != null && visitedClasses.add(classElement)) {
var setter = classElement.getSetter(setterName);
if (setter != null) {
yield setter;
for (InterfaceType mixin in classElement.mixins.reversed) {
setter = mixin.element.getSetter(setterName);
if (setter != null) {
yield setter;
classElement = classElement.supertype?.element;
static PropertyAccessorElement? getSetterFromAccessors(
String setterName, List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors) {
// TODO (jwren) revisit- should we append '=' here or require clients to
// include it?
// Do we need the check for isSetter below?
if (!StringUtilities.endsWithChar(setterName, 0x3D)) {
setterName += '=';
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
if (accessor.isSetter && == setterName) {
return accessor;
return null;
/// Return the first element from the given [iterable], or `null` if the
/// iterable is empty.
static E? _first<E>(Iterable<E> iterable) {
if (iterable.isEmpty) {
return null;
return iterable.first;
/// An [AbstractClassElementImpl] which is a class.
class ClassElementImpl extends AbstractClassElementImpl
with TypeParameterizedElementMixin {
/// The superclass of the class, or `null` for [Object].
InterfaceType? _supertype;
/// A list containing all of the mixins that are applied to the class being
/// extended in order to derive the superclass of this class.
List<InterfaceType> _mixins = _Sentinel.interfaceType;
/// A list containing all of the interfaces that are implemented by this
/// class.
List<InterfaceType> _interfaces = _Sentinel.interfaceType;
/// For classes which are not mixin applications, a list containing all of the
/// constructors contained in this class, or `null` if the list of
/// constructors has not yet been built.
/// For classes which are mixin applications, the list of constructors is
/// computed on the fly by the [constructors] getter, and this field is
/// `null`.
List<ConstructorElement> _constructors = _Sentinel.constructorElement;
/// A flag indicating whether the types associated with the instance members
/// of this class have been inferred.
bool hasBeenInferred = false;
/// This callback is set during mixins inference to handle reentrant calls.
List<InterfaceType>? Function(ClassElementImpl)? linkedMixinInferenceCallback;
/// TODO(scheglov) implement as modifier
bool _isSimplyBounded = true;
/// Initialize a newly created class element to have the given [name] at the
/// given [offset] in the file that contains the declaration of this element.
ClassElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
ClassElementImpl.forLinkedNode(CompilationUnitElementImpl enclosing,
Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode) {
if (linkedNode is ClassDeclarationImpl) { = this;
} else if (linkedNode is ClassTypeAliasImpl) { = this;
hasBeenInferred = !linkedContext!.isLinking;
List<PropertyAccessorElement> get accessors {
if (!identical(_accessors, _Sentinel.propertyAccessorElement)) {
return _accessors;
if (linkedNode != null) {
if (linkedNode is ClassOrMixinDeclaration) {
return _accessors;
} else {
return _accessors = const [];
return _accessors;
List<InterfaceType> get allSupertypes {
var sessionImpl = library.session as AnalysisSessionImpl;
return sessionImpl.classHierarchy.implementedInterfaces(this);
int? get codeLength {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeLength(linkedNode!);
return super.codeLength;
int? get codeOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.codeOffset;
List<ConstructorElement> get constructors {
if (!identical(_constructors, _Sentinel.constructorElement)) {
return _constructors;
if (isMixinApplication) {
return _constructors = _computeMixinAppConstructors();
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var containerRef = reference!.getChild('@constructor');
_constructors = context.getConstructors(linkedNode!).map((node) {
var name = ?? '';
var reference = containerRef.getChild(name);
var element = node.declaredElement;
element ??= ConstructorElementImpl.forLinkedNode(this, reference, node);
return element;
if (_constructors.isEmpty) {
return _constructors = [
..isSynthetic = true = ''
..nameOffset = -1
.._constantInitializers = const [],
if (_constructors.isEmpty) {
var constructor = ConstructorElementImpl('', -1);
constructor.isSynthetic = true;
constructor.enclosingElement = this;
_constructors = <ConstructorElement>[constructor];
return _constructors;
/// Set the constructors contained in this class to the given [constructors].
/// Should only be used for class elements that are not mixin applications.
set constructors(List<ConstructorElement> constructors) {
for (ConstructorElement constructor in constructors) {
(constructor as ConstructorElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_constructors = constructors;
String? get documentationComment {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var comment = context.getDocumentationComment(linkedNode!);
return getCommentNodeRawText(comment);
return super.documentationComment;
List<FieldElement> get fields {
if (!identical(_fields, _Sentinel.fieldElement)) {
return _fields;
if (linkedNode != null) {
if (linkedNode is ClassOrMixinDeclaration) {
return _fields;
} else {
_fields = const [];
return _fields;
bool get hasNonFinalField {
List<ClassElement> classesToVisit = <ClassElement>[];
HashSet<ClassElement> visitedClasses = HashSet<ClassElement>();
while (classesToVisit.isNotEmpty) {
ClassElement currentElement = classesToVisit.removeAt(0);
if (visitedClasses.add(currentElement)) {
// check fields
for (FieldElement field in currentElement.fields) {
if (!field.isFinal &&
!field.isConst &&
!field.isStatic &&
!field.isSynthetic) {
return true;
// check mixins
for (InterfaceType mixinType in currentElement.mixins) {
ClassElement mixinElement = mixinType.element;
// check super
InterfaceType? supertype = currentElement.supertype;
if (supertype != null) {
// not found
return false;
/// Return `true` if the class has a concrete `noSuchMethod()` method distinct
/// from the one declared in class `Object`, as per the Dart Language
/// Specification (section 10.4).
bool get hasNoSuchMethod {
MethodElement? method = lookUpConcreteMethod(
FunctionElement.NO_SUCH_METHOD_METHOD_NAME, library);
var definingClass = method?.enclosingElement as ClassElement?;
return definingClass != null && !definingClass.isDartCoreObject;
bool get hasStaticMember {
for (MethodElement method in methods) {
if (method.isStatic) {
return true;
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
if (accessor.isStatic) {
return true;
return false;
List<InterfaceType> get interfaces =>
set interfaces(List<InterfaceType> interfaces) {
_interfaces = interfaces;
List<InterfaceType> get interfacesInternal {
if (!identical(_interfaces, _Sentinel.interfaceType)) {
return _interfaces;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var implementsClause = context.getImplementsClause(linkedNode!);
if (implementsClause != null) {
return _interfaces = implementsClause.interfaces
.map((node) => node.type)
} else {
return _interfaces = const [];
return _interfaces;
bool get isAbstract {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isAbstract(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.ABSTRACT);
/// Set whether this class is abstract.
set isAbstract(bool isAbstract) {
setModifier(Modifier.ABSTRACT, isAbstract);
bool get isDartCoreObject => !isMixin && supertype == null;
bool get isMixinApplication {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedNode is ClassTypeAlias;
return hasModifier(Modifier.MIXIN_APPLICATION);
/// Set whether this class is a mixin application.
set isMixinApplication(bool isMixinApplication) {
setModifier(Modifier.MIXIN_APPLICATION, isMixinApplication);
/// TODO(scheglov) implement as modifier
bool get isSimplyBounded {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _isSimplyBounded;
/// TODO(scheglov) implement as modifier
set isSimplyBounded(bool isSimplyBounded) {
_isSimplyBounded = isSimplyBounded;
bool get isValidMixin {
var supertype = this.supertype;
if (supertype != null && !supertype.isDartCoreObject) {
return false;
for (ConstructorElement constructor in constructors) {
if (!constructor.isSynthetic && !constructor.isFactory) {
return false;
return true;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.CLASS;
List<MethodElement> get methods {
if (!identical(_methods, _Sentinel.methodElement)) {
return _methods;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var containerRef = reference!.getChild('@method');
return _methods = context
.getMethods(linkedNode as CompilationUnitMember)
.where((node) => node.propertyKeyword == null)
.map((node) {
var name =;
var reference = containerRef.getChild(name);
var element = node.declaredElement as MethodElement?;
element ??= MethodElementImpl.forLinkedNode(this, reference, node);
return element;
return _methods;
/// Set the methods contained in this class to the given [methods].
set methods(List<MethodElement> methods) {
for (MethodElement method in methods) {
(method as MethodElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_methods = methods;
List<InterfaceType> get mixins {
if (linkedMixinInferenceCallback != null) {
var mixins = linkedMixinInferenceCallback!(this);
if (mixins != null) {
return _mixins = mixins;
if (!identical(_mixins, _Sentinel.interfaceType)) {
return _mixins;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var withClause = context.getWithClause(linkedNode!);
if (withClause != null) {
return _mixins = withClause.mixinTypes
.map((node) => node.type)
} else {
return _mixins = const [];
return _mixins;
set mixins(List<InterfaceType> mixins) {
_mixins = mixins;
String get name {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return reference!.name;
int get nameOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.getNameOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.nameOffset;
/// Names of methods, getters, setters, and operators that this mixin
/// declaration super-invokes. For setters this includes the trailing "=".
/// The list will be empty if this class is not a mixin declaration.
List<String> get superInvokedNames => const <String>[];
InterfaceType? get supertype {
if (_supertype != null) return _supertype!;
if (hasModifier(Modifier.DART_CORE_OBJECT)) {
return null;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var type = linkedContext!.getSuperclass(linkedNode!)?.type;
if (_isInterfaceTypeClass(type)) {
return _supertype = type as InterfaceType;
if (library.isDartCore && name == 'Object') {
setModifier(Modifier.DART_CORE_OBJECT, true);
return null;
return _supertype = library.typeProvider.objectType;
return _supertype;
set supertype(InterfaceType? supertype) {
_supertype = supertype;
/// Set the type parameters defined for this class to the given
/// [typeParameters].
set typeParameters(List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters) {
for (TypeParameterElement typeParameter in typeParameters) {
(typeParameter as TypeParameterElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_typeParameterElements = typeParameters;
ConstructorElement? get unnamedConstructor {
for (ConstructorElement element in constructors) {
if ( {
return element;
return null;
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
ConstructorElement? getNamedConstructor(String name) =>
getNamedConstructorFromList(name, constructors);
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
safelyVisitChildren(constructors, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(methods, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(typeParameters, visitor);
/// Compute a list of constructors for this class, which is a mixin
/// application. If specified, [visitedClasses] is a list of the other mixin
/// application classes which have been visited on the way to reaching this
/// one (this is used to detect cycles).
List<ConstructorElement> _computeMixinAppConstructors(
[List<ClassElementImpl>? visitedClasses]) {
if (supertype == null) {
// Shouldn't ever happen, since the only classes with no supertype are
// Object and mixins, and they aren't a mixin application. But for
// safety's sake just assume an empty list.
return <ConstructorElement>[];
var superElement = supertype!.element as ClassElementImpl;
// First get the list of constructors of the superclass which need to be
// forwarded to this class.
Iterable<ConstructorElement> constructorsToForward;
if (!superElement.isMixinApplication) {
var library = this.library;
constructorsToForward = superElement.constructors
.where((constructor) => constructor.isAccessibleIn(library))
.where((constructor) => !constructor.isFactory);
} else {
if (visitedClasses == null) {
visitedClasses = <ClassElementImpl>[this];
} else {
if (visitedClasses.contains(this)) {
// Loop in the class hierarchy. Don't try to forward any
// constructors.
return <ConstructorElement>[];
try {
constructorsToForward =
} finally {
// Figure out the type parameter substitution we need to perform in order
// to produce constructors for this class. We want to be robust in the
// face of errors, so drop any extra type arguments and fill in any missing
// ones with `dynamic`.
var superClassParameters = superElement.typeParameters;
List<DartType> argumentTypes = List<DartType>.filled(
superClassParameters.length, DynamicTypeImpl.instance);
for (int i = 0; i < supertype!.typeArguments.length; i++) {
if (i >= argumentTypes.length) {
argumentTypes[i] = supertype!.typeArguments[i];
var substitution =
Substitution.fromPairs(superClassParameters, argumentTypes);
bool typeHasInstanceVariables(InterfaceType type) =>
type.element.fields.any((e) => !e.isSynthetic);
// Now create an implicit constructor for every constructor found above,
// substituting type parameters as appropriate.
return constructorsToForward
.map((ConstructorElement superclassConstructor) {
var containerRef = reference!.getChild('@constructor');
var name =;
var implicitConstructor = ConstructorElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
this, containerRef.getChild(name), null);
implicitConstructor.isSynthetic = true; = name;
implicitConstructor.nameOffset = -1;
implicitConstructor._constantInitializers = const [];
implicitConstructor.redirectedConstructor = superclassConstructor;
var hasMixinWithInstanceVariables = mixins.any(typeHasInstanceVariables);
implicitConstructor.isConst =
superclassConstructor.isConst && !hasMixinWithInstanceVariables;
List<ParameterElement> superParameters = superclassConstructor.parameters;
int count = superParameters.length;
if (count > 0) {
var implicitParameters = <ParameterElement>[];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ParameterElement superParameter = superParameters[i];
ParameterElementImpl implicitParameter;
if (superParameter is DefaultParameterElementImpl) {
implicitParameter =
DefaultParameterElementImpl(, -1)
..constantInitializer = superParameter.constantInitializer;
} else {
implicitParameter = ParameterElementImpl(, -1);
implicitParameter.isConst = superParameter.isConst;
implicitParameter.isFinal = superParameter.isFinal;
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
implicitParameter.parameterKind = superParameter.parameterKind;
implicitParameter.isSynthetic = true;
implicitParameter.type =
implicitConstructor.parameters = implicitParameters;
implicitConstructor.enclosingElement = this;
return implicitConstructor;
}).toList(growable: false);
void _createPropertiesAndAccessors() {
assert(identical(_accessors, _Sentinel.propertyAccessorElement));
assert(identical(_fields, _Sentinel.fieldElement));
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext;
var accessorList = <PropertyAccessorElement>[];
var fieldList = <FieldElement>[];
var fields = context!.getFields(linkedNode as CompilationUnitMember);
for (var field in fields) {
var name =;
var fieldElement = field.declaredElement as FieldElementImpl?;
fieldElement ??= FieldElementImpl.forLinkedNodeFactory(
this, reference!.getChild('@field').getChild(name), field);
if (fieldElement.setter != null) {
var methods = context.getMethods(linkedNode as CompilationUnitMember);
for (var method in methods) {
var isGetter = method.isGetter;
var isSetter = method.isSetter;
if (!isGetter && !isSetter) continue;
var name =;
var containerRef = isGetter
? reference!.getChild('@getter')
: reference!.getChild('@setter');
var accessorElement =
method.declaredElement as PropertyAccessorElementImpl?;
accessorElement ??= PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
this, containerRef.getChild(name), method);
var fieldRef = reference!.getChild('@field').getChild(name);
var field = fieldRef.element as FieldElementImpl?;
if (field == null) {
field = FieldElementImpl(name, -1);
fieldRef.element = field;
field.enclosingElement = this;
field.isSynthetic = true;
field.isFinal = isGetter;
field.isStatic = accessorElement.isStatic;
} else {
field.isFinal = false;
accessorElement.variable = field;
if (isGetter) {
field.getter ??= accessorElement;
} else {
field.setter ??= accessorElement;
_accessors = accessorList;
_fields = fieldList;
/// Return `true` if the given [type] is an [InterfaceType] that can be used
/// as a class.
bool _isInterfaceTypeClass(DartType? type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
var element = type.element;
if (element.isEnum || element.isMixin) {
return false;
if (type.isDartCoreFunction || type.isDartCoreNull) {
return false;
if (type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
/// Return `true` if the given [type] is an [InterfaceType] that can be used
/// as an interface or a mixin.
bool _isInterfaceTypeInterface(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
if (type.element.isEnum) {
return false;
if (type.isDartCoreFunction || type.isDartCoreNull) {
return false;
if (type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
static ConstructorElement? getNamedConstructorFromList(
String name, List<ConstructorElement> constructors) {
for (ConstructorElement element in constructors) {
if ( == name) {
return element;
return null;
/// A concrete implementation of a [CompilationUnitElement].
class CompilationUnitElementImpl extends UriReferencedElementImpl
implements CompilationUnitElement {
final LinkedUnitContext? linkedContext;
/// The source that corresponds to this compilation unit.
late Source source;
LineInfo? lineInfo;
/// The source of the library containing this compilation unit.
/// This is the same as the source of the containing [LibraryElement],
/// except that it does not require the containing [LibraryElement] to be
/// computed.
late Source librarySource;
/// A list containing all of the top-level accessors (getters and setters)
/// contained in this compilation unit.
List<PropertyAccessorElement> _accessors = _Sentinel.propertyAccessorElement;
/// A list containing all of the enums contained in this compilation unit.
List<ClassElement> _enums = _Sentinel.classElement;
/// A list containing all of the extensions contained in this compilation
/// unit.
List<ExtensionElement> _extensions = _Sentinel.extensionElement;
/// A list containing all of the top-level functions contained in this
/// compilation unit.
List<FunctionElement> _functions = _Sentinel.functionElement;
/// A list containing all of the mixins contained in this compilation unit.
List<ClassElement> _mixins = _Sentinel.classElement;
/// A list containing all of the function type aliases contained in this
/// compilation unit.
@Deprecated('Use typeAliases instead')
List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> _functionTypeAliases =
/// A list containing all of the type aliases contained in this compilation
/// unit.
List<TypeAliasElement> _typeAliases = _Sentinel.typeAliasElement;
/// A list containing all of the classes contained in this compilation unit.
List<ClassElement> _types = _Sentinel.classElement;
/// A list containing all of the variables contained in this compilation unit.
List<TopLevelVariableElement> _variables = _Sentinel.topLevelVariables;
/// Initialize a newly created compilation unit element to have the given
/// [name].
: linkedContext = null,
super(null, -1);
CompilationUnitElementImpl.forLinkedNode(LibraryElementImpl enclosingLibrary,
this.linkedContext, Reference reference, CompilationUnitImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosingLibrary, reference, linkedNode) {
_nameOffset = -1;
linkedNode.declaredElement = this;
List<PropertyAccessorElement> get accessors {
if (!identical(_accessors, _Sentinel.propertyAccessorElement)) {
return _accessors;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _accessors;
return _accessors;
/// Set the top-level accessors (getters and setters) contained in this
/// compilation unit to the given [accessors].
set accessors(List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
(accessor as PropertyAccessorElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_accessors = accessors;
int get codeLength {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeLength(linkedNode!);
return super.codeLength!;
int get codeOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.codeOffset!;
LibraryElement get enclosingElement =>
super.enclosingElement as LibraryElement;
CompilationUnitElementImpl get enclosingUnit {
return this;
List<ClassElement> get enums {
if (!identical(_enums, _Sentinel.classElement)) {
return _enums;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var containerRef = reference!.getChild('@enum');
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode as CompilationUnit;
_enums =
linkedNode.declarations.whereType<EnumDeclarationImpl>().map((node) {
var name =;
var reference = containerRef.getChild(name);
var element = node.declaredElement;
element ??= EnumElementImpl.forLinkedNode(this, reference, node);
return element;
return _enums;
/// Set the enums contained in this compilation unit to the given [enums].
set enums(List<ClassElement> enums) {
for (ClassElement enumDeclaration in enums) {
(enumDeclaration as EnumElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_enums = enums;
List<ExtensionElement> get extensions {
if (!identical(_extensions, _Sentinel.extensionElement)) {
return _extensions;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode as CompilationUnit;
var containerRef = reference!.getChild('@extension');
_extensions = <ExtensionElement>[];
var nextUnnamedExtensionId = 0;
for (var node in linkedNode.declarations) {
if (node is ExtensionDeclarationImpl) {
var nameIdentifier =;
var refName = nameIdentifier != null
: 'extension-${nextUnnamedExtensionId++}';
var reference = containerRef.getChild(refName);
var element = node.declaredElement;
element ??= ExtensionElementImpl.forLinkedNode(this, reference, node);
return _extensions;
return _extensions;
/// Set the extensions contained in this compilation unit to the given
/// [extensions].
set extensions(List<ExtensionElement> extensions) {
for (ExtensionElement extension in extensions) {
(extension as ExtensionElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_extensions = extensions;
List<FunctionElement> get functions {
if (!identical(_functions, _Sentinel.functionElement)) {
return _functions;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var containerRef = reference!.getChild('@function');
return _functions = linkedContext!.unit_withDeclarations.declarations
.where((node) => !node.isGetter && !node.isSetter)
.map((node) {
var name =;
var reference = containerRef.getChild(name);
var element = node.declaredElement as FunctionElement?;
element ??= FunctionElementImpl.forLinkedNode(this, reference, node);
return element;
return _functions;
/// Set the top-level functions contained in this compilation unit to the
/// given[functions].
set functions(List<FunctionElement> functions) {
for (FunctionElement function in functions) {
(function as FunctionElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_functions = functions;
@Deprecated('Use typeAliases instead')
List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> get functionTypeAliases {
if (!identical(_functionTypeAliases, _Sentinel.functionTypeAliasElement)) {
return _functionTypeAliases;
return _functionTypeAliases =
int get hashCode => source.hashCode;
@Deprecated('Not useful for clients')
bool get hasLoadLibraryFunction {
List<FunctionElement> functions = this.functions;
for (int i = 0; i < functions.length; i++) {
if (functions[i].name == FunctionElement.LOAD_LIBRARY_NAME) {
return true;
return false;
String get identifier => '${source.uri}';
bool get isSynthetic {
if (linkedContext != null) {
return linkedContext!.isSynthetic;
return super.isSynthetic;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.COMPILATION_UNIT;
List<ClassElement> get mixins {
if (!identical(_mixins, _Sentinel.classElement)) {
return _mixins;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode as CompilationUnit;
var containerRef = reference!.getChild('@mixin');
var declarations = linkedNode.declarations;
return _mixins =
declarations.whereType<MixinDeclarationImpl>().map((node) {
var name =;
var reference = containerRef.getChild(name);
var element = node.declaredElement as MixinElementImpl?;
element ??= MixinElementImpl.forLinkedNode(this, reference, node);
return element;
return _mixins;
/// Set the mixins contained in this compilation unit to the given [mixins].
set mixins(List<ClassElement> mixins) {
for (var type in mixins) {
(type as MixinElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_mixins = mixins;
AnalysisSession get session => enclosingElement.session;
List<TopLevelVariableElement> get topLevelVariables {
if (!identical(_variables, _Sentinel.topLevelVariables)) {
return _variables;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _variables;
return _variables;
/// Set the top-level variables contained in this compilation unit to the
/// given[variables].
set topLevelVariables(List<TopLevelVariableElement> variables) {
for (TopLevelVariableElement field in variables) {
(field as TopLevelVariableElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_variables = variables;
List<TypeAliasElement> get typeAliases {
if (!identical(_typeAliases, _Sentinel.typeAliasElement)) {
return _typeAliases;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var containerRef = reference!.getChild('@typeAlias');
_typeAliases = <TypeAliasElement>[];
for (var node in linkedContext!.unit_withDeclarations.declarations) {
String name;
if (node is FunctionTypeAlias) {
name =;
} else if (node is GenericTypeAlias) {
name =;
} else {
var reference = containerRef.getChild(name);
var element = node.declaredElement as TypeAliasElement?;
element ??= TypeAliasElementImpl.forLinkedNodeFactory(
this, reference, node as TypeAlias);
return _typeAliases;
/// Set the type aliases contained in this compilation unit to [typeAliases].
set typeAliases(List<TypeAliasElement> typeAliases) {
for (var typeAlias in typeAliases) {
(typeAlias as ElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_typeAliases = typeAliases;
TypeParameterizedElementMixin? get typeParameterContext => null;
List<ClassElement> get types {
if (!identical(_types, _Sentinel.classElement)) {
return _types;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var containerRef = reference!.getChild('@class');
_types = <ClassElement>[];
for (var node in linkedContext!.unit_withDeclarations.declarations) {
if (node is ClassDeclaration) {
var name =;
var reference = containerRef.getChild(name);
var element = node.declaredElement;
element ??= ClassElementImpl.forLinkedNode(this, reference, node);
} else if (node is ClassTypeAlias) {
var name =;
var reference = containerRef.getChild(name);
var element = node.declaredElement;
element ??= ClassElementImpl.forLinkedNode(this, reference, node);
return _types;
return _types;
/// Set the types contained in this compilation unit to the given [types].
set types(List<ClassElement> types) {
for (ClassElement type in types) {
// Another implementation of ClassElement is _DeferredClassElement,
// which is used to resynthesize classes lazily. We cannot cast it
// to ClassElementImpl, and it already can provide correct values of the
// 'enclosingElement' property.
if (type is ClassElementImpl) {
type.enclosingElement = this;
_types = types;
bool operator ==(Object object) =>
object is CompilationUnitElementImpl && source == object.source;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) =>
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
ClassElement? getEnum(String enumName) {
for (ClassElement enumDeclaration in enums) {
if ( == enumName) {
return enumDeclaration;
return null;
ClassElement? getType(String className) {
for (ClassElement type in types) {
if ( == className) {
return type;
return null;
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
safelyVisitChildren(accessors, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(enums, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(extensions, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(functions, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(mixins, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(typeAliases, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(types, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(topLevelVariables, visitor);
static void _createPropertiesAndAccessors(CompilationUnitElementImpl unit) {
if (!identical(unit._variables, _Sentinel.topLevelVariables)) {
assert(identical(unit._accessors, _Sentinel.propertyAccessorElement));
var accessorMap =
<CompilationUnitElementImpl, List<PropertyAccessorElement>>{};
var variableMap =
<CompilationUnitElementImpl, List<TopLevelVariableElement>>{};
var units = unit.library.units;
for (var unit in units) {
var unitImpl = unit as CompilationUnitElementImpl;
var context = unitImpl.linkedContext!;
var accessorList = <PropertyAccessorElement>[];
accessorMap[unitImpl] = accessorList;
var variableList = <TopLevelVariableElement>[];
variableMap[unitImpl] = variableList;
// TODO(scheglov) Bad, we want to read only functions / variables.
var unitNode = context.unit_withDeclarations;
var unitDeclarations = unitNode.declarations;
var variables = context.topLevelVariables(unitNode);
for (var variable in variables) {
var variableElement =
variable.declaredElement as TopLevelVariableElementImpl?;
if (variableElement == null) {
var name =;
var reference =
variableElement = TopLevelVariableElementImpl.forLinkedNodeFactory(
unitImpl, reference, variable);
if (variableElement.setter != null) {
for (var node in unitDeclarations) {
if (node is FunctionDeclaration) {
var isGetter = node.isGetter;
var isSetter = node.isSetter;
if (!isGetter && !isSetter) continue;
var name =;
var containerRef = isGetter
? unitImpl.reference!.getChild('@getter')
: unitImpl.reference!.getChild('@setter');
var accessorElement =
node.declaredElement as PropertyAccessorElementImpl?;
accessorElement ??= PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
unitImpl, containerRef.getChild(name), node);
var fieldRef =
var field = fieldRef.element as TopLevelVariableElementImpl?;
if (field == null) {
field = TopLevelVariableElementImpl(name, -1);
fieldRef.element = field;
field.enclosingElement = unitImpl;
field.isSynthetic = true;
field.isFinal = isGetter;
} else {
field.isFinal = false;
accessorElement.variable = field;
if (isGetter) {
field.getter = accessorElement;
} else {
field.setter = accessorElement;
for (var unit in units) {
var unitImpl = unit as CompilationUnitElementImpl;
unitImpl._accessors = accessorMap[unit]!;
unitImpl._variables = variableMap[unit]!;
/// A [FieldElement] for a 'const' or 'final' field that has an initializer.
/// TODO(paulberry): we should rename this class to reflect the fact that it's
/// used for both const and final fields. However, we shouldn't do so until
/// we've created an API for reading the values of constants; until that API is
/// available, clients are likely to read constant values by casting to
/// ConstFieldElementImpl, so it would be a breaking change to rename this
/// class.
class ConstFieldElementImpl extends FieldElementImpl with ConstVariableElement {
/// Initialize a newly created synthetic field element to have the given
/// [name] and [offset].
ConstFieldElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
/// A field element representing an enum constant.
class ConstFieldElementImpl_EnumValue extends ConstFieldElementImpl_ofEnum {
final int _index;
EnumElementImpl enumElement, String name, this._index)
: super(enumElement, name);
ConstFieldElementImpl_EnumValue.forLinkedNode(EnumElementImpl enumElement,
Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode, this._index)
: super.forLinkedNode(enumElement, reference, linkedNode);
Expression? get constantInitializer => null;
String? get documentationComment {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var comment = context.getDocumentationComment(linkedNode!);
return getCommentNodeRawText(comment);
return super.documentationComment;
EvaluationResultImpl? get evaluationResult {
if (_evaluationResult == null) {
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldMap = <String, DartObjectImpl>{
'index': DartObjectImpl(
// TODO(brianwilkerson) There shouldn't be a field with the same name as
// the constant, but we can't remove it until a version of dartdoc that
// doesn't depend on it has been published and pulled into the SDK. The
// map entry below should be removed when
// has been resolved.
name: DartObjectImpl(
DartObjectImpl value = DartObjectImpl(
_evaluationResult = EvaluationResultImpl(value);
return _evaluationResult;
bool get hasInitializer => false;
String get name {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return reference!.name;
int get nameOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.getNameOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.nameOffset;
InterfaceType get type =>
ElementTypeProvider.current.getFieldType(this) as InterfaceType;
InterfaceType get typeInternal => _enum.thisType;
/// The synthetic `values` field of an enum.
class ConstFieldElementImpl_EnumValues extends ConstFieldElementImpl_ofEnum {
ConstFieldElementImpl_EnumValues(EnumElementImpl enumElement)
: super(enumElement, 'values') {
isSynthetic = true;
EvaluationResultImpl get evaluationResult {
if (_evaluationResult == null) {
var constantValues = <DartObjectImpl>[];
for (FieldElement field in _enum.fields) {
if (field is ConstFieldElementImpl_EnumValue) {
_evaluationResult = EvaluationResultImpl(
return _evaluationResult!;
String get name => 'values';
InterfaceType get type =>
ElementTypeProvider.current.getFieldType(this) as InterfaceType;
InterfaceType get typeInternal {
if (_type == null) {
return _type = library.typeProvider.listType(_enum.thisType);
return _type as InterfaceType;
/// An abstract constant field of an enum.
abstract class ConstFieldElementImpl_ofEnum extends ConstFieldElementImpl {
final EnumElementImpl _enum;
ConstFieldElementImpl_ofEnum(this._enum, String name) : super(name, -1) {
enclosingElement = _enum;
this._enum, Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(_enum, reference, linkedNode);
set evaluationResult(_) {
bool get isConst => true;
set isConst(bool isConst) {
bool get isConstantEvaluated => true;
set isFinal(bool isFinal) {
bool get isStatic => true;
set isStatic(bool isStatic) {
set type(DartType type) {
/// A [LocalVariableElement] for a local 'const' variable that has an
/// initializer.
class ConstLocalVariableElementImpl extends LocalVariableElementImpl
with ConstVariableElement {
/// Initialize a newly created local variable element to have the given [name]
/// and [offset].
ConstLocalVariableElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
/// A concrete implementation of a [ConstructorElement].
class ConstructorElementImpl extends ExecutableElementImpl
with ConstructorElementMixin
implements ConstructorElement {
/// The constructor to which this constructor is redirecting.
ConstructorElement? _redirectedConstructor;
/// The initializers for this constructor (used for evaluating constant
/// instance creation expressions).
List<ConstructorInitializer> _constantInitializers =
/// The offset of the `.` before this constructor name or `null` if not named.
int? _periodOffset;
/// Return the offset of the character immediately following the last
/// character of this constructor's name, or `null` if not named.
int? _nameEnd;
/// For every constructor we initially set this flag to `true`, and then
/// set it to `false` during computing constant values if we detect that it
/// is a part of a cycle.
bool _isCycleFree = true;
bool isConstantEvaluated = false;
/// Initialize a newly created constructor element to have the given [name]
/// and [offset].
ConstructorElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
ConstructorElementImpl.forLinkedNode(ClassElementImpl enclosingClass,
Reference reference, ConstructorDeclarationImpl? linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosingClass, reference, linkedNode) {
linkedNode?.declaredElement = this;
/// Return the constant initializers for this element, which will be empty if
/// there are no initializers, or `null` if there was an error in the source.
List<ConstructorInitializer> get constantInitializers {
if (!identical(_constantInitializers, _Sentinel.constructorInitializer)) {
return _constantInitializers;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _constantInitializers = linkedContext!.getConstructorInitializers(
linkedNode as ConstructorDeclaration,
return _constantInitializers;
set constantInitializers(List<ConstructorInitializer> constantInitializers) {
_constantInitializers = constantInitializers;
ConstructorElement get declaration => this;
String get displayName {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return reference!.name;
return super.displayName;
ClassElementImpl get enclosingElement =>
super.enclosingElement as ClassElementImpl;
bool get isConst {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode as ConstructorDeclaration;
return linkedNode.constKeyword != null;
return hasModifier(Modifier.CONST);
/// Set whether this constructor represents a 'const' constructor.
set isConst(bool isConst) {
setModifier(Modifier.CONST, isConst);
bool get isCycleFree {
return _isCycleFree;
set isCycleFree(bool isCycleFree) {
// This property is updated in ConstantEvaluationEngine even for
// resynthesized constructors, so we don't have the usual assert here.
_isCycleFree = isCycleFree;
bool get isFactory {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode as ConstructorDeclaration;
return linkedNode.factoryKeyword != null;
return hasModifier(Modifier.FACTORY);
/// Set whether this constructor represents a factory method.
set isFactory(bool isFactory) {
setModifier(Modifier.FACTORY, isFactory);
bool get isStatic => false;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR;
int? get nameEnd {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var node = linkedNode as ConstructorDeclaration;
if ( != null) {
} else {
return node.returnType.end;
return _nameEnd;
set nameEnd(int? nameEnd) {
_nameEnd = nameEnd;
int? get periodOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var node = linkedNode as ConstructorDeclaration;
return node.period?.offset;
return _periodOffset;
set periodOffset(int? periodOffset) {
_periodOffset = periodOffset;
ConstructorElement? get redirectedConstructor {
if (_redirectedConstructor != null) return _redirectedConstructor;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
if (isFactory) {
var node = context
.getConstructorRedirected(linkedNode as ConstructorDeclaration);
return _redirectedConstructor = node?.staticElement;
} else {
var initializers = context
.getConstructorInitializers(linkedNode as ConstructorDeclaration);
for (var initializer in initializers) {
if (initializer is RedirectingConstructorInvocation) {
return _redirectedConstructor = initializer.staticElement;
return null;
return _redirectedConstructor;
set redirectedConstructor(ConstructorElement? redirectedConstructor) {
_redirectedConstructor = redirectedConstructor;
InterfaceType get returnType =>
as InterfaceType;
set returnType(DartType returnType) {
InterfaceType get returnTypeInternal {
return (_returnType ??= enclosingElement.thisType) as InterfaceType;
FunctionType get type => ElementTypeProvider.current.getExecutableType(this);
set type(FunctionType type) {
FunctionType get typeInternal {
// TODO(scheglov) Remove "element" in the breaking changes branch.
return _type ??= FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: typeParameters,
parameters: parameters,
returnType: returnType,
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) =>
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
/// Ensures that dependencies of this constructor, such as default values
/// of formal parameters, are evaluated.
void computeConstantDependencies() {
if (!isConstantEvaluated) {
var analysisOptions = context.analysisOptions as AnalysisOptionsImpl;
computeConstants(library.typeProvider, library.typeSystem,
context.declaredVariables, [this], analysisOptions.experimentStatus);
/// Common implementation for methods defined in [ConstructorElement].
mixin ConstructorElementMixin implements ConstructorElement {
bool get isDefaultConstructor {
// unnamed
if (name.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
// no required parameters
for (ParameterElement parameter in parameters) {
if (parameter.isNotOptional) {
return false;
// OK, can be used as default constructor
return true;
/// A [TopLevelVariableElement] for a top-level 'const' variable that has an
/// initializer.
class ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl extends TopLevelVariableElementImpl
with ConstVariableElement {
/// Initialize a newly created synthetic top-level variable element to have
/// the given [name] and [offset].
ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl(String name, int offset)
: super(name, offset);
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
/// Mixin used by elements that represent constant variables and have
/// initializers.
/// Note that in correct Dart code, all constant variables must have
/// initializers. However, analyzer also needs to handle incorrect Dart code,
/// in which case there might be some constant variables that lack initializers.
/// This interface is only used for constant variables that have initializers.
/// This class is not intended to be part of the public API for analyzer.
mixin ConstVariableElement implements ElementImpl, ConstantEvaluationTarget {
/// If this element represents a constant variable, and it has an initializer,
/// a copy of the initializer for the constant. Otherwise `null`.
/// Note that in correct Dart code, all constant variables must have
/// initializers. However, analyzer also needs to handle incorrect Dart code,
/// in which case there might be some constant variables that lack
/// initializers.
Expression? _constantInitializer;
EvaluationResultImpl? _evaluationResult;
Expression? get constantInitializer {
if (_constantInitializer != null) return _constantInitializer!;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _constantInitializer = linkedContext!.getInitializer(linkedNode!);
return _constantInitializer;
set constantInitializer(Expression? constantInitializer) {
_constantInitializer = constantInitializer;
EvaluationResultImpl? get evaluationResult => _evaluationResult;
set evaluationResult(EvaluationResultImpl? evaluationResult) {
_evaluationResult = evaluationResult;
bool get isConstantEvaluated => _evaluationResult != null;
/// Return a representation of the value of this variable, forcing the value
/// to be computed if it had not previously been computed, or `null` if either
/// this variable was not declared with the 'const' modifier or if the value
/// of this variable could not be computed because of errors.
DartObject? computeConstantValue() {
if (evaluationResult == null) {
var analysisOptions = context.analysisOptions as AnalysisOptionsImpl;
computeConstants(library!.typeProvider, library!.typeSystem,
context.declaredVariables, [this], analysisOptions.experimentStatus);
return evaluationResult?.value;
/// A [FieldFormalParameterElementImpl] for parameters that have an initializer.
class DefaultFieldFormalParameterElementImpl
extends FieldFormalParameterElementImpl with ConstVariableElement {
/// Initialize a newly created parameter element to have the given [name] and
/// [nameOffset].
DefaultFieldFormalParameterElementImpl(String name, int nameOffset)
: super(name, nameOffset);
DefaultFieldFormalParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNode(ElementImpl enclosing,
Reference? reference, FormalParameterImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
/// A [ParameterElement] for parameters that have an initializer.
class DefaultParameterElementImpl extends ParameterElementImpl
with ConstVariableElement {
/// Initialize a newly created parameter element to have the given [name] and
/// [nameOffset].
DefaultParameterElementImpl(String? name, int nameOffset)
: super(name, nameOffset);
DefaultParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNode(ElementImpl enclosing,
Reference? reference, FormalParameterImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
/// The synthetic element representing the declaration of the type `dynamic`.
class DynamicElementImpl extends ElementImpl implements TypeDefiningElement {
/// Return the unique instance of this class.
static DynamicElementImpl get instance =>
DynamicTypeImpl.instance.element as DynamicElementImpl;
/// Initialize a newly created instance of this class. Instances of this class
/// should <b>not</b> be created except as part of creating the type
/// associated with this element. The single instance of this class should be
/// accessed through the method [instance].
DynamicElementImpl() : super(Keyword.DYNAMIC.lexeme, -1) {
setModifier(Modifier.SYNTHETIC, true);
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.DYNAMIC;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => null;
/// A concrete implementation of an [ElementAnnotation].
class ElementAnnotationImpl implements ElementAnnotation {
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark that a function always
/// throws, for dead code purposes.
static const String _ALWAYS_THROWS_VARIABLE_NAME = "alwaysThrows";
/// The name of the class used to mark an element as being deprecated.
static const String _DEPRECATED_CLASS_NAME = "Deprecated";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark an element as being
/// deprecated.
static const String _DEPRECATED_VARIABLE_NAME = "deprecated";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark an element as not to be
/// stored.
static const String _DO_NOT_STORE_VARIABLE_NAME = "doNotStore";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a method as being a
/// factory.
static const String _FACTORY_VARIABLE_NAME = "factory";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a class and its subclasses
/// as being immutable.
static const String _IMMUTABLE_VARIABLE_NAME = "immutable";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark an element as being
/// internal to its package.
static const String _INTERNAL_VARIABLE_NAME = "internal";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a constructor as being
/// literal.
static const String _LITERAL_VARIABLE_NAME = "literal";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a type as having
/// "optional" type arguments.
static const String _OPTIONAL_TYPE_ARGS_VARIABLE_NAME = "optionalTypeArgs";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a function as running
/// a single test.
static const String _IS_TEST_VARIABLE_NAME = "isTest";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a function as running
/// a test group.
static const String _IS_TEST_GROUP_VARIABLE_NAME = "isTestGroup";
/// The name of the class used to JS annotate an element.
static const String _JS_CLASS_NAME = "JS";
/// The name of `js` library, used to define JS annotations.
static const String _JS_LIB_NAME = "js";
/// The name of `meta` library, used to define analysis annotations.
static const String _META_LIB_NAME = "meta";
/// The name of `meta_meta` library, used to define annotations for other
/// annotations.
static const String _META_META_LIB_NAME = "meta_meta";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a method as requiring
/// overriders to call super.
static const String _MUST_CALL_SUPER_VARIABLE_NAME = "mustCallSuper";
/// The name of `angular.meta` library, used to define angular analysis
/// annotations.
static const String _NG_META_LIB_NAME = "angular.meta";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a member as being nonVirtual.
static const String _NON_VIRTUAL_VARIABLE_NAME = "nonVirtual";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a method as being expected
/// to override an inherited method.
static const String _OVERRIDE_VARIABLE_NAME = "override";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a method as being
/// protected.
static const String _PROTECTED_VARIABLE_NAME = "protected";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a class as implementing a
/// proxy object.
static const String PROXY_VARIABLE_NAME = "proxy";
/// The name of the class used to mark a parameter as being required.
static const String _REQUIRED_CLASS_NAME = "Required";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a parameter as being
/// required.
static const String _REQUIRED_VARIABLE_NAME = "required";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a class as being sealed.
static const String _SEALED_VARIABLE_NAME = "sealed";
/// The name of the class used to annotate a class as an annotation with a
/// specific set of target element kinds.
static const String _TARGET_CLASS_NAME = 'Target';
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a method as being
/// visible for templates.
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a method as being
/// visible for testing.
static const String _VISIBLE_FOR_TESTING_VARIABLE_NAME = "visibleForTesting";
Element? element;
/// The compilation unit in which this annotation appears.
CompilationUnitElementImpl compilationUnit;
/// The AST of the annotation itself, cloned from the resolved AST for the
/// source code.
late Annotation annotationAst;
/// The result of evaluating this annotation as a compile-time constant
/// expression, or `null` if the compilation unit containing the variable has
/// not been resolved.
EvaluationResultImpl? evaluationResult;
/// Initialize a newly created annotation. The given [compilationUnit] is the
/// compilation unit in which the annotation appears.
List<AnalysisError> get constantEvaluationErrors =>
evaluationResult?.errors ?? const <AnalysisError>[];
AnalysisContext get context => compilationUnit.library.context;
bool get isAlwaysThrows => _isPackageMetaGetter(_ALWAYS_THROWS_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isConstantEvaluated => evaluationResult != null;
bool get isDeprecated {
var element = this.element;
if (element is ConstructorElement) {
return element.library.isDartCore && == _DEPRECATED_CLASS_NAME;
} else if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
return element.library.isDartCore && == _DEPRECATED_VARIABLE_NAME;
return false;
bool get isDoNotStore => _isPackageMetaGetter(_DO_NOT_STORE_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isFactory => _isPackageMetaGetter(_FACTORY_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isImmutable => _isPackageMetaGetter(_IMMUTABLE_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isInternal => _isPackageMetaGetter(_INTERNAL_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isIsTest => _isPackageMetaGetter(_IS_TEST_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isIsTestGroup => _isPackageMetaGetter(_IS_TEST_GROUP_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isJS =>
_isConstructor(libraryName: _JS_LIB_NAME, className: _JS_CLASS_NAME);
bool get isLiteral => _isPackageMetaGetter(_LITERAL_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isMustCallSuper =>
bool get isNonVirtual => _isPackageMetaGetter(_NON_VIRTUAL_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isOptionalTypeArgs =>
bool get isOverride => _isDartCoreGetter(_OVERRIDE_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isProtected => _isPackageMetaGetter(_PROTECTED_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isProxy => _isDartCoreGetter(PROXY_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isRequired =>
libraryName: _META_LIB_NAME, className: _REQUIRED_CLASS_NAME) ||
bool get isSealed => _isPackageMetaGetter(_SEALED_VARIABLE_NAME);
bool get isTarget => _isConstructor(
libraryName: _META_META_LIB_NAME, className: _TARGET_CLASS_NAME);
bool get isVisibleForTemplate => _isTopGetter(
libraryName: _NG_META_LIB_NAME,
bool get isVisibleForTesting =>
LibraryElement get library => compilationUnit.library;
/// Get the library containing this annotation.
Source get librarySource => compilationUnit.librarySource;
Source get source => compilationUnit.source;
DartObject? computeConstantValue() {
if (evaluationResult == null) {
var analysisOptions = context.analysisOptions as AnalysisOptionsImpl;
var library = compilationUnit.library;
computeConstants(library.typeProvider, library.typeSystem,
context.declaredVariables, [this], analysisOptions.experimentStatus);
return evaluationResult?.value;
String toSource() => annotationAst.toSource();
String toString() => '@$element';
bool _isConstructor({
required String libraryName,
required String className,
}) {
var element = this.element;
return element is ConstructorElement && == className && == libraryName;
bool _isDartCoreGetter(String name) {
return _isTopGetter(
libraryName: 'dart.core',
name: name,
bool _isPackageMetaGetter(String name) {
return _isTopGetter(
libraryName: _META_LIB_NAME,
name: name,
bool _isTopGetter({
required String libraryName,
required String name,
}) {
var element = this.element;
return element is PropertyAccessorElement && == name && == libraryName;
/// A base class for concrete implementations of an [Element].
abstract class ElementImpl implements Element {
/// An Unicode right arrow.
static final String RIGHT_ARROW = " \u2192 ";
static int _NEXT_ID = 0;
final int id = _NEXT_ID++;
/// The enclosing element of this element, or `null` if this element is at the
/// root of the element structure.
ElementImpl? _enclosingElement;
Reference? reference;
final AstNode? linkedNode;
/// The name of this element.
String? _name;
/// The offset of the name of this element in the file that contains the
/// declaration of this element.
int _nameOffset = 0;
/// A bit-encoded form of the modifiers associated with this element.
int _modifiers = 0;
/// A list containing all of the metadata associated with this element.
List<ElementAnnotation> _metadata = _Sentinel.elementAnnotation;
/// A cached copy of the calculated hashCode for this element.
int? _cachedHashCode;
/// A cached copy of the calculated location for this element.
ElementLocation? _cachedLocation;
/// The documentation comment for this element.
String? _docComment;
/// The offset of the beginning of the element's code in the file that
/// contains the element, or `null` if the element is synthetic.
int? _codeOffset;
/// The length of the element's code, or `null` if the element is synthetic.
int? _codeLength;
/// The language version for the library.
LibraryLanguageVersion? _languageVersion;
/// Initialize a newly created element to have the given [name] at the given
/// [_nameOffset].
ElementImpl(String? name, this._nameOffset, {this.reference})
: linkedNode = null {
_name = name != null ? StringUtilities.intern(name) : null;
reference?.element = this;
/// Initialize from linked node.
this._enclosingElement, this.reference, this.linkedNode) {
reference?.element ??= this;
/// Initialize from serialized information.
: reference = null,
linkedNode = null;
/// The length of the element's code, or `null` if the element is synthetic.
int? get codeLength => _codeLength;
/// The offset of the beginning of the element's code in the file that
/// contains the element, or `null` if the element is synthetic.
int? get codeOffset => _codeOffset;
AnalysisContext get context {
return _enclosingElement!.context;
Element get declaration => this;
String get displayName => _name ?? '';
String? get documentationComment => _docComment;
/// The documentation comment source for this element.
set documentationComment(String? doc) {
_docComment = doc?.replaceAll('\r\n', '\n');
Element? get enclosingElement => _enclosingElement;
/// Set the enclosing element of this element to the given [element].
set enclosingElement(Element? element) {
_enclosingElement = element as ElementImpl?;
/// Return the enclosing unit element (which might be the same as `this`), or
/// `null` if this element is not contained in any compilation unit.
CompilationUnitElementImpl get enclosingUnit {
return _enclosingElement!.enclosingUnit;
bool get hasAlwaysThrows {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isAlwaysThrows) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasDeprecated {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isDeprecated) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasDoNotStore {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isDoNotStore) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasFactory {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isFactory) {
return true;
return false;
int get hashCode {
// TODO: We might want to re-visit this optimization in the future.
// We cache the hash code value as this is a very frequently called method.
return _cachedHashCode ??= location.hashCode;
bool get hasInternal {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isInternal) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasIsTest {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isIsTest) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasIsTestGroup {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isIsTestGroup) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasJS {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isJS) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasLiteral {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isLiteral) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasMustCallSuper {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isMustCallSuper) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasNonVirtual {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isNonVirtual) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasOptionalTypeArgs {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isOptionalTypeArgs) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasOverride {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isOverride) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasProtected {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isProtected) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasRequired {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isRequired) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasSealed {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isSealed) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasVisibleForTemplate {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isVisibleForTemplate) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasVisibleForTesting {
var metadata = this.metadata;
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
var annotation = metadata[i];
if (annotation.isVisibleForTesting) {
return true;
return false;
/// Return an identifier that uniquely identifies this element among the
/// children of this element's parent.
String get identifier => name!;
bool get isNonFunctionTypeAliasesEnabled {
return library!.featureSet.isEnabled(Feature.nonfunction_type_aliases);
bool get isPrivate {
var name =;
if (name == null) {
return true;
return Identifier.isPrivateName(name);
bool get isPublic => !isPrivate;
bool get isSynthetic {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedNode!.isSynthetic;
return hasModifier(Modifier.SYNTHETIC);
/// Set whether this element is synthetic.
set isSynthetic(bool isSynthetic) {
setModifier(Modifier.SYNTHETIC, isSynthetic);
LibraryElementImpl? get library => thisOrAncestorOfType();
Source? get librarySource => library?.source;
LinkedUnitContext? get linkedContext {
return (enclosingElement as ElementImpl).linkedContext;
ElementLocation get location {
return _cachedLocation ??= ElementLocationImpl.con1(this);
List<ElementAnnotation> get metadata {
if (!identical(_metadata, _Sentinel.elementAnnotation)) {
return _metadata;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var metadata = linkedContext!.getMetadata(linkedNode!);
return _metadata = _buildAnnotations2(enclosingUnit, metadata);
return _metadata;
set metadata(List<ElementAnnotation> metadata) {
_metadata = metadata;
String? get name => _name;
/// Changes the name of this element.
set name(String? name) {
_name = name;
int get nameLength => displayName.length;
int get nameOffset => _nameOffset;
/// Sets the offset of the name of this element in the file that contains the
/// declaration of this element.
set nameOffset(int offset) {
_nameOffset = offset;
AnalysisSession? get session {
return enclosingElement?.session;
Source? get source {
return enclosingElement?.source;
/// Return the context to resolve type parameters in, or `null` if neither
/// this element nor any of its ancestors is of a kind that can declare type
/// parameters.
TypeParameterizedElementMixin? get typeParameterContext {
return _enclosingElement?.typeParameterContext;
NullabilitySuffix get _noneOrStarSuffix {
return library!.isNonNullableByDefault == true
? NullabilitySuffix.none
bool operator ==(Object object) {
if (identical(this, object)) {
return true;
return object is Element &&
object.kind == kind &&
object.location == location;
/// Append a textual representation of this element to the given [builder].
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
/// Set this element as the enclosing element for given [element].
void encloseElement(ElementImpl element) {
element.enclosingElement = this;
/// Set this element as the enclosing element for given [elements].
void encloseElements(List<Element> elements) {
for (Element element in elements) {
(element as ElementImpl)._enclosingElement = this;
String getDisplayString({required bool withNullability}) {
var builder = ElementDisplayStringBuilder(
skipAllDynamicArguments: false,
withNullability: withNullability,
return builder.toString();
String getExtendedDisplayName(String? shortName) {
shortName ??= displayName;
var source = this.source;
return "$shortName (${source?.fullName})";
/// Return `true` if this element has the given [modifier] associated with it.
bool hasModifier(Modifier modifier) =>
BooleanArray.get(_modifiers, modifier.ordinal);
bool isAccessibleIn(LibraryElement? library) {
if (Identifier.isPrivateName(name!)) {
return library == this.library;
return true;
/// Use the given [visitor] to visit all of the [children] in the given array.
void safelyVisitChildren(List<Element> children, ElementVisitor visitor) {
for (Element child in children) {
/// Set the code range for this element.
void setCodeRange(int offset, int length) {
_codeOffset = offset;
_codeLength = length;
/// Set whether the given [modifier] is associated with this element to
/// correspond to the given [value].
void setModifier(Modifier modifier, bool value) {
_modifiers = BooleanArray.set(_modifiers, modifier.ordinal, value);
E thisOrAncestorMatching<E extends Element>(Predicate<Element> predicate) {
Element? element = this;
while (element != null && !predicate(element)) {
element = element.enclosingElement;
return element as E;
E? thisOrAncestorOfType<E extends Element>() {
Element? element = this;
while (element != null && element is! E) {
element = element.enclosingElement;
return element as E?;
String toString() {
return getDisplayString(withNullability: true);
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
// There are no children to visit
/// Return annotations for the given [nodeList] in the [unit].
List<ElementAnnotation> _buildAnnotations2(
CompilationUnitElementImpl unit, List<Annotation> nodeList) {
var length = nodeList.length;
if (length == 0) {
return const <ElementAnnotation>[];
var annotations = <ElementAnnotation>[];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var ast = nodeList[i];
..annotationAst = ast
..element = ast.element);
return annotations;
/// Abstract base class for elements whose type is guaranteed to be a function
/// type.
abstract class ElementImplWithFunctionType implements Element {
/// Gets the element's return type, without going through the indirection of
/// [ElementTypeProvider].
/// In most cases, the element's `returnType` getter should be used instead.
DartType get returnTypeInternal;
/// Gets the element's type, without going through the indirection of
/// [ElementTypeProvider].
/// In most cases, the element's `type` getter should be used instead.
FunctionType get typeInternal;
/// A concrete implementation of an [ElementLocation].
class ElementLocationImpl implements ElementLocation {
/// The character used to separate components in the encoded form.
static const int _SEPARATOR_CHAR = 0x3B;
/// The path to the element whose location is represented by this object.
late final List<String> _components;
/// The object managing [indexKeyId] and [indexLocationId].
Object? indexOwner;
/// A cached id of this location in index.
int? indexKeyId;
/// A cached id of this location in index.
int? indexLocationId;
/// Initialize a newly created location to represent the given [element].
ElementLocationImpl.con1(Element element) {
List<String> components = <String>[];
Element? ancestor = element;
while (ancestor != null) {
components.insert(0, (ancestor as ElementImpl).identifier);
ancestor = ancestor.enclosingElement;
_components = components;
/// Initialize a newly created location from the given [encoding].
ElementLocationImpl.con2(String encoding) {
_components = _decode(encoding);
/// Initialize a newly created location from the given [components].
ElementLocationImpl.con3(List<String> components) {
_components = components;
List<String> get components => _components;
String get encoding {
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
int length = _components.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
_encode(buffer, _components[i]);
return buffer.toString();
int get hashCode {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _components.length; i++) {
String component = _components[i];
result = JenkinsSmiHash.combine(result, component.hashCode);
return result;
bool operator ==(Object object) {
if (identical(this, object)) {
return true;
if (object is ElementLocationImpl) {
List<String> otherComponents = object._components;
int length = _components.length;
if (otherComponents.length != length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (_components[i] != otherComponents[i]) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
String toString() => encoding;
/// Decode the [encoding] of a location into a list of components and return
/// the components.
List<String> _decode(String encoding) {
List<String> components = <String>[];
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
int index = 0;
int length = encoding.length;
while (index < length) {
int currentChar = encoding.codeUnitAt(index);
if (currentChar == _SEPARATOR_CHAR) {
if (index + 1 < length &&
encoding.codeUnitAt(index + 1) == _SEPARATOR_CHAR) {
index += 2;
} else {
buffer = StringBuffer();
} else {
return components;
/// Append an encoded form of the given [component] to the given [buffer].
void _encode(StringBuffer buffer, String component) {
int length = component.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int currentChar = component.codeUnitAt(i);
if (currentChar == _SEPARATOR_CHAR) {
/// An [AbstractClassElementImpl] which is an enum.
class EnumElementImpl extends AbstractClassElementImpl {
/// Initialize a newly created class element to have the given [name] at the
/// given [offset] in the file that contains the declaration of this element.
EnumElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
EnumElementImpl.forLinkedNode(CompilationUnitElementImpl enclosing,
Reference reference, EnumDeclarationImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode) { = this;
List<PropertyAccessorElement> get accessors {
if (!identical(_accessors, _Sentinel.propertyAccessorElement)) {
return _accessors;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _accessors;
List<InterfaceType> get allSupertypes => <InterfaceType>[supertype];
int? get codeLength {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeLength(linkedNode!);
return super.codeLength;
int? get codeOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.codeOffset;
List<FieldElement> get constants {
return fields.where((field) => !field.isSynthetic).toList();
List<ConstructorElement> get constructors {
// The equivalent code for enums in the spec shows a single constructor,
// but that constructor is not callable (since it is a compile-time error
// to subclass, mix-in, implement, or explicitly instantiate an enum).
// So we represent this as having no constructors.
return const <ConstructorElement>[];
String? get documentationComment {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var comment = context.getDocumentationComment(linkedNode!);
return getCommentNodeRawText(comment);
return super.documentationComment;
List<FieldElement> get fields {
if (!identical(_fields, _Sentinel.fieldElement)) {
return _fields;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _fields;
bool get hasNonFinalField => false;
bool get hasStaticMember => true;
List<InterfaceType> get interfaces => const <InterfaceType>[];
bool get isAbstract => false;
bool get isEnum => true;
bool get isMixinApplication => false;
bool get isSimplyBounded => true;
bool get isValidMixin => false;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.ENUM;
List<MethodElement> get methods {
if (!identical(_methods, _Sentinel.methodElement)) {
return _methods;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _methods;
List<InterfaceType> get mixins => const <InterfaceType>[];
String get name {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return reference!.name;
int get nameOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.getNameOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.nameOffset;
InterfaceType get supertype => library.typeProvider.objectType;
List<TypeParameterElement> get typeParameters =>
const <TypeParameterElement>[];
ConstructorElement? get unnamedConstructor => null;
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
/// Create the only method enums have - `toString()`.
void createToStringMethodElement() {
var method = MethodElementImpl('toString', -1);
method.isSynthetic = true;
method.enclosingElement = this;
if (linkedNode != null) {
method.returnType = library.typeProvider.stringType;
method.reference = reference!.getChild('@method').getChild('toString');
_methods = <MethodElement>[method];
ConstructorElement? getNamedConstructor(String name) => null;
void _resynthesizeMembers2() {
var fields = <FieldElementImpl>[];
var getters = <PropertyAccessorElementImpl>[];
// Build the 'index' field.
var field = FieldElementImpl('index', -1)
..enclosingElement = this
..isSynthetic = true
..isFinal = true
..type = library.typeProvider.intType;
reference: reference!.getChild('@getter').getChild('index'))
..enclosingElement = this);
// Build the 'values' field.
var field = ConstFieldElementImpl_EnumValues(this);
reference: reference!.getChild('@getter').getChild('values'))
..enclosingElement = this);
// Build fields for all enum constants.
var containerRef = reference!.getChild('@constant');
var constants = (linkedNode as EnumDeclaration).constants;
for (var i = 0; i < constants.length; ++i) {
var constant = constants[i];
var name =;
var reference = containerRef.getChild(name);
var field = ConstFieldElementImpl_EnumValue.forLinkedNode(
this, reference, constant, i);
getters.add(field.getter as PropertyAccessorElementImpl);
_fields = fields;
_accessors = getters;
/// A base class for concrete implementations of an [ExecutableElement].
abstract class ExecutableElementImpl extends _ExistingElementImpl
with TypeParameterizedElementMixin
implements ExecutableElement, ElementImplWithFunctionType {
/// A list containing all of the parameters defined by this executable
/// element.
List<ParameterElement> _parameters = _Sentinel.parameterElement;
/// The inferred return type of this executable element.
DartType? _returnType;
/// The type of function defined by this executable element.
FunctionType? _type;
/// Initialize a newly created executable element to have the given [name] and
/// [offset].
ExecutableElementImpl(String name, int offset, {Reference? reference})
: super(name, offset, reference: reference);
/// Initialize using the given linked node.
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference, AstNode? linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode) {
if (linkedNode is MethodDeclarationImpl) { = this;
} else if (linkedNode is FunctionDeclarationImpl) { = this;
int? get codeLength {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeLength(linkedNode!);
return super.codeLength;
int? get codeOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.codeOffset;
String get displayName {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return reference!.name;
return super.displayName;
String? get documentationComment {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var comment = context.getDocumentationComment(linkedNode!);
return getCommentNodeRawText(comment);
return super.documentationComment;
Element get enclosingElement => super.enclosingElement!;
bool get hasImplicitReturnType {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.hasImplicitReturnType(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.IMPLICIT_TYPE);
/// Set whether this executable element has an implicit return type.
set hasImplicitReturnType(bool hasImplicitReturnType) {
setModifier(Modifier.IMPLICIT_TYPE, hasImplicitReturnType);
bool get isAbstract {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return !isExternal &&
return hasModifier(Modifier.ABSTRACT);
bool get isAsynchronous {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isAsynchronous(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.ASYNCHRONOUS);
/// Set whether this executable element's body is asynchronous.
set isAsynchronous(bool isAsynchronous) {
setModifier(Modifier.ASYNCHRONOUS, isAsynchronous);
bool get isExternal {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isExternal(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.EXTERNAL);
/// Set whether this executable element is external.
set isExternal(bool isExternal) {
setModifier(Modifier.EXTERNAL, isExternal);
bool get isGenerator {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isGenerator(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.GENERATOR);
/// Set whether this method's body is a generator.
set isGenerator(bool isGenerator) {
setModifier(Modifier.GENERATOR, isGenerator);
bool get isOperator => false;
bool get isSynchronous => !isAsynchronous;
String get name {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return reference!.name;
int get nameOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.getNameOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.nameOffset;
List<ParameterElement> get parameters =>
/// Set the parameters defined by this executable element to the given
/// [parameters].
set parameters(List<ParameterElement> parameters) {
for (ParameterElement parameter in parameters) {
(parameter as ParameterElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_parameters = parameters;
/// Gets the element's parameters, without going through the indirection of
/// [ElementTypeProvider].
/// In most cases, the [parameters] getter should be used instead.
List<ParameterElement> get parametersInternal {
if (!identical(_parameters, _Sentinel.parameterElement)) {
return _parameters;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var containerRef = reference!.getChild('@parameter');
var formalParameters = context.getFormalParameters(linkedNode!);
_parameters = ParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNodeList(
return _parameters;
DartType get returnType =>
set returnType(DartType returnType) {
_returnType = returnType;
// We do this because of return type inference. At the moment when we
// create a local function element we don't know yet its return type,
// because we have not done static type analysis yet.
// It somewhere it between we access the type of this element, so it gets
// cached in the element. When we are done static type analysis, we then
// should clear this cached type to make it right.
// TODO(scheglov) Remove when type analysis is done in the single pass.
_type = null;
DartType get returnTypeInternal {
if (_returnType != null) return _returnType!;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _returnType!;
return _returnType!;
FunctionType get type => ElementTypeProvider.current.getExecutableType(this);
set type(FunctionType type) {
_type = type;
FunctionType get typeInternal {
if (_type != null) return _type!;
return _type = FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: typeParameters,
parameters: parameters,
returnType: returnType,
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
element: this,
/// Set the type parameters defined by this executable element to the given
/// [typeParameters].
set typeParameters(List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters) {
for (TypeParameterElement parameter in typeParameters) {
(parameter as TypeParameterElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_typeParameterElements = typeParameters;
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
builder.writeExecutableElement(this, displayName);
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
safelyVisitChildren(typeParameters, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(parameters, visitor);
/// A concrete implementation of an [ExportElement].
class ExportElementImpl extends UriReferencedElementImpl
implements ExportElement {
/// The library that is exported from this library by this export directive.
LibraryElement? _exportedLibrary;
/// The combinators that were specified as part of the export directive in the
/// order in which they were specified.
List<NamespaceCombinator> _combinators = _Sentinel.namespaceCombinator;
/// Initialize a newly created export element at the given [offset].
ExportElementImpl(int offset) : super(null, offset);
LibraryElementImpl enclosing, ExportDirectiveImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, null, linkedNode) {
linkedNode.element = this;
List<NamespaceCombinator> get combinators {
if (!identical(_combinators, _Sentinel.namespaceCombinator)) {
return _combinators;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var node = linkedNode as ExportDirective;
return _combinators = ImportElementImpl._buildCombinators2(
return _combinators;
set combinators(List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators) {
_combinators = combinators;
CompilationUnitElementImpl get enclosingUnit {
var enclosingLibrary = enclosingElement as LibraryElementImpl;
return enclosingLibrary._definingCompilationUnit;
LibraryElement? get exportedLibrary {
if (_exportedLibrary != null) return _exportedLibrary;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _exportedLibrary;
set exportedLibrary(LibraryElement? exportedLibrary) {
_exportedLibrary = exportedLibrary;
String get identifier => exportedLibrary!.name!;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.EXPORT;
int get nameOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getDirectiveOffset(linkedNode as Directive);
return super.nameOffset;
String? get uri {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var node = linkedNode as ExportDirective;
return node.uri.stringValue;
return super.uri;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitExportElement(this);
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
/// A concrete implementation of an [ExtensionElement].
class ExtensionElementImpl extends _ExistingElementImpl
with TypeParameterizedElementMixin
implements ExtensionElement {
/// The type being extended.
DartType? _extendedType;
/// A list containing all of the accessors (getters and setters) contained in
/// this extension.
List<PropertyAccessorElement> _accessors = _Sentinel.propertyAccessorElement;
/// A list containing all of the fields contained in this extension.
List<FieldElement> _fields = _Sentinel.fieldElement;
/// A list containing all of the methods contained in this extension.
List<MethodElement> _methods = _Sentinel.methodElement;
/// Initialize a newly created extension element to have the given [name] at
/// the given [offset] in the file that contains the declaration of this
/// element.
ExtensionElementImpl(String name, int nameOffset) : super(name, nameOffset);
/// Initialize using the given linked information.
ExtensionElementImpl.forLinkedNode(CompilationUnitElementImpl enclosing,
Reference reference, ExtensionDeclarationImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode) {
linkedNode.declaredElement = this;
List<PropertyAccessorElement> get accessors {
if (!identical(_accessors, _Sentinel.propertyAccessorElement)) {
return _accessors;
if (linkedNode != null) {
if (linkedNode is ExtensionDeclaration) {
return _accessors;
return _accessors;
set accessors(List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
(accessor as PropertyAccessorElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_accessors = accessors;
int? get codeLength {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeLength(linkedNode!);
return super.codeLength;
int? get codeOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.codeOffset;
String get displayName => name ?? '';
String? get documentationComment {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var comment = context.getDocumentationComment(linkedNode!);
return getCommentNodeRawText(comment);
return super.documentationComment;
CompilationUnitElementImpl get enclosingElement {
return _enclosingElement as CompilationUnitElementImpl;
DartType get extendedType =>
set extendedType(DartType extendedType) {
_extendedType = extendedType;
DartType get extendedTypeInternal {
if (_extendedType != null) return _extendedType!;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode as ExtensionDeclaration;
return _extendedType = linkedNode.extendedType.typeOrThrow;
return _extendedType!;
List<FieldElement> get fields {
if (!identical(_fields, _Sentinel.fieldElement)) {
return _fields;
if (linkedNode != null) {
if (linkedNode is ExtensionDeclaration) {
return _fields;
} else {
return _fields;
return _fields;
set fields(List<FieldElement> fields) {
for (FieldElement field in fields) {
(field as FieldElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_fields = fields;
String get identifier {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return reference!.name;
return super.identifier;
bool get isSimplyBounded => true;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.EXTENSION;
List<MethodElement> get methods {
if (!identical(_methods, _Sentinel.methodElement)) {
return _methods;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var containerRef = reference!.getChild('@method');
return _methods = context
.getMethods(linkedNode as CompilationUnitMember)
.where((node) => node.propertyKeyword == null)
.map((node) {
var name =;
var reference = containerRef.getChild(name);
var element = node.declaredElement as MethodElement?;
element ??= MethodElementImpl.forLinkedNode(this, reference, node);
return element;
return _methods;
/// Set the methods contained in this extension to the given [methods].
set methods(List<MethodElement> methods) {
for (MethodElement method in methods) {
(method as MethodElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_methods = methods;
String? get name {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return (linkedNode as ExtensionDeclaration).name?.name;
int get nameOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.getNameOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.nameOffset;
/// Set the type parameters defined by this extension to the given
/// [typeParameters].
set typeParameters(List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters) {
for (TypeParameterElement typeParameter in typeParameters) {
(typeParameter as TypeParameterElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_typeParameterElements = typeParameters;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) {
return visitor.visitExtensionElement(this);
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
PropertyAccessorElement? getGetter(String getterName) {
int length = accessors.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = accessors[i];
if (accessor.isGetter && == getterName) {
return accessor;
return null;
MethodElement? getMethod(String methodName) {
int length = methods.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MethodElement method = methods[i];
if ( == methodName) {
return method;
return null;
PropertyAccessorElement? getSetter(String setterName) {
return AbstractClassElementImpl.getSetterFromAccessors(
setterName, accessors);
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
safelyVisitChildren(accessors, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(fields, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(methods, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(typeParameters, visitor);
/// Create the accessors and fields when [linkedNode] is not `null`.
void _createPropertiesAndAccessors() {
assert(identical(_accessors, _Sentinel.propertyAccessorElement));
assert(identical(_fields, _Sentinel.fieldElement));
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var accessorList = <PropertyAccessorElement>[];
var fieldList = <FieldElement>[];
var fields = context.getFields(linkedNode as CompilationUnitMember);
for (var field in fields) {
var name =;
var fieldElement = field.declaredElement as FieldElementImpl?;
fieldElement ??= FieldElementImpl.forLinkedNodeFactory(
this, reference!.getChild('@field').getChild(name), field);
if (fieldElement.setter != null) {
var methods = context.getMethods(linkedNode as CompilationUnitMember);
for (var method in methods) {
var isGetter = method.isGetter;
var isSetter = method.isSetter;
if (!isGetter && !isSetter) continue;
var name =;
var containerRef = isGetter
? reference!.getChild('@getter')
: reference!.getChild('@setter');
var accessorElement =
method.declaredElement as PropertyAccessorElementImpl?;
accessorElement ??= PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
this, containerRef.getChild(name), method);
var fieldRef = reference!.getChild('@field').getChild(name);
var field = fieldRef.element as FieldElementImpl?;
if (field == null) {
field = FieldElementImpl(name, -1);
fieldRef.element = field;
field.enclosingElement = this;
field.isSynthetic = true;
field.isFinal = isGetter;
field.isStatic = accessorElement.isStatic;
} else {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Shouldn't this depend on whether there is a
// setter?
field.isFinal = false;
accessorElement.variable = field;
if (isGetter) {
field.getter = accessorElement;
} else {
field.setter = accessorElement;
_accessors = accessorList;
_fields = fieldList;
/// A concrete implementation of a [FieldElement].
class FieldElementImpl extends PropertyInducingElementImpl
implements FieldElement {
/// True if this field inherits from a covariant parameter. This happens
/// when it overrides a field in a supertype that is covariant.
bool inheritsCovariant = false;
/// Initialize a newly created synthetic field element to have the given
/// [name] at the given [offset].
FieldElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode) {
if (linkedNode is VariableDeclarationImpl) { = this;
if (!linkedNode.isSynthetic) {
var enclosingRef = enclosing.reference!;
getter = PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitGetter(
reference: enclosingRef.getChild('@getter').getChild(name),
if (_hasSetter) {
setter = PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitSetter(
reference: enclosingRef.getChild('@setter').getChild(name),
factory FieldElementImpl.forLinkedNodeFactory(
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode) {
var context = enclosing.enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
if (context.shouldBeConstFieldElement(linkedNode)) {
return ConstFieldElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
return FieldElementImpl.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
FieldElement get declaration => this;
bool get isAbstract {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isAbstract(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.ABSTRACT);
bool get isCovariant {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.isExplicitlyCovariant(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.COVARIANT);
/// Set whether this field is explicitly marked as being covariant.
set isCovariant(bool isCovariant) {
setModifier(Modifier.COVARIANT, isCovariant);
bool get isEnumConstant =>
enclosingElement is ClassElement &&
(enclosingElement as ClassElement).isEnum &&
bool get isExternal {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isExternal(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.EXTERNAL);
bool get isStatic {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isStatic(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.STATIC);
/// Set whether this field is static.
set isStatic(bool isStatic) {
setModifier(Modifier.STATIC, isStatic);
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.FIELD;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitFieldElement(this);
/// A [ParameterElementImpl] that has the additional information of the
/// [FieldElement] associated with the parameter.
class FieldFormalParameterElementImpl extends ParameterElementImpl
implements FieldFormalParameterElement {
/// The field associated with this field formal parameter.
FieldElement? _field;
/// Initialize a newly created parameter element to have the given [name] and
/// [nameOffset].
FieldFormalParameterElementImpl(String name, int nameOffset)
: super(name, nameOffset);
FieldFormalParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNode(ElementImpl enclosing,
Reference? reference, FormalParameterImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
FieldElement? get field {
if (_field == null) {
String? fieldName;
if (linkedNode != null) {
fieldName = linkedContext!.getFieldFormalParameterName(linkedNode!);
if (fieldName != null) {
Element enclosingConstructor = enclosingElement!;
if (enclosingConstructor is ConstructorElement) {
Element enclosingClass = enclosingConstructor.enclosingElement;
if (enclosingClass is ClassElement) {
var field = enclosingClass.getField(fieldName);
if (field != null && !field.isSynthetic) {
_field = field;
return _field;
set field(FieldElement? field) {
_field = field;
bool get isInitializingFormal => true;
set type(DartType type) {
_type = type;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) =>
/// A concrete implementation of a [FunctionElement].
class FunctionElementImpl extends ExecutableElementImpl
implements FunctionElement, FunctionTypedElementImpl {
/// Initialize a newly created function element to have the given [name] and
/// [offset].
FunctionElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
FunctionElementImpl.forLinkedNode(ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference,
FunctionDeclarationImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode) { = this;
/// Initialize a newly created function element to have no name and the given
/// [nameOffset]. This is used for function expressions, that have no name.
FunctionElementImpl.forOffset(int nameOffset) : super("", nameOffset);
/// Synthesize an unnamed function element that takes [parameters] and returns
/// [returnType].
List<ParameterElement> parameters, DartType returnType)
: super("", -1) {
isSynthetic = true;
this.returnType = returnType;
this.parameters = parameters;
ExecutableElement get declaration => this;
String get displayName {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return reference!.name;
return super.displayName;
String get identifier {
String identifier = super.identifier;
Element? enclosing = enclosingElement;
if (enclosing is ExecutableElement || enclosing is VariableElement) {
identifier += "@$nameOffset";
return identifier;
bool get isEntryPoint {
return isStatic && displayName == FunctionElement.MAIN_FUNCTION_NAME;
bool get isStatic => enclosingElement is CompilationUnitElement;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.FUNCTION;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitFunctionElement(this);
@Deprecated('Use TypeAliasElement instead')
class FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl extends TypeAliasElementImpl
implements FunctionTypeAliasElement {
CompilationUnitElementImpl enclosingUnit,
Reference reference,
TypeAlias linkedNode,
) : super.forLinkedNode(enclosingUnit, reference, linkedNode);
@Deprecated('Use aliasedElement instead')
GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl get function {
return aliasedElement as GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) {
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
return visitor.visitTypeAliasElement(this);
@Deprecated('Use TypeAliasElement instead')
FunctionType instantiate({
required List<DartType> typeArguments,
required NullabilitySuffix nullabilitySuffix,
}) {
var type = super.instantiate(
typeArguments: typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix,
if (type is FunctionType) {
return type;
} else {
return _errorFunctionType(nullabilitySuffix);
/// Common internal interface shared by elements whose type is a function type.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class FunctionTypedElementImpl
implements _ExistingElementImpl, FunctionTypedElement {
set returnType(DartType returnType);
/// The element used for a generic function type.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl extends _ExistingElementImpl
with TypeParameterizedElementMixin
ElementImplWithFunctionType {
/// The declared return type of the function.
DartType? _returnType;
/// The elements representing the parameters of the function.
List<ParameterElement> _parameters = _Sentinel.parameterElement;
/// Is `true` if the type has the question mark, so is nullable.
bool _isNullable = false;
/// The type defined by this element.
FunctionType? _type;
ElementImpl enclosingElement, Reference? reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosingElement, reference, linkedNode) {
if (linkedNode is GenericFunctionTypeImpl) {
linkedNode.declaredElement = this;
/// Initialize a newly created function element to have no name and the given
/// [nameOffset]. This is used for function expressions, that have no name.
GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl.forOffset(int nameOffset)
: super("", nameOffset);
String get identifier => '-';
bool get isNullable {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var node = linkedNode;
if (node is GenericFunctionType) {
return _isNullable = node.question != null;
} else {
return _isNullable = false;
return _isNullable;
set isNullable(bool isNullable) {
_isNullable = isNullable;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.GENERIC_FUNCTION_TYPE;
List<ParameterElement> get parameters {
if (!identical(_parameters, _Sentinel.parameterElement)) {
return _parameters;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
return _parameters = ParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNodeList(
return _parameters;
/// Set the parameters defined by this function type element to the given
/// [parameters].
set parameters(List<ParameterElement> parameters) {
for (ParameterElement parameter in parameters) {
(parameter as ParameterElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_parameters = parameters;
DartType get returnType =>
/// Set the return type defined by this function type element to the given
/// [returnType].
set returnType(DartType returnType) {
_returnType = returnType;
DartType get returnTypeInternal {
if (_returnType == null) {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
return _returnType = context.getReturnType(linkedNode!);
return _returnType!;
FunctionType get type => ElementTypeProvider.current.getExecutableType(this);
/// Set the function type defined by this function type element to the given
/// [type].
set type(FunctionType type) {
_type = type;
FunctionType get typeInternal {
if (_type != null) return _type!;
return _type = FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: typeParameters,
parameters: parameters,
returnType: returnType,
isNullable ? NullabilitySuffix.question : _noneOrStarSuffix,
element: this,
List<TypeParameterElement> get typeParameters {
if (linkedNode != null) {
if (linkedNode is FunctionTypeAlias) {
return const <TypeParameterElement>[];
return super.typeParameters;
/// Set the type parameters defined by this function type element to the given
/// [typeParameters].
set typeParameters(List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters) {
for (TypeParameterElement parameter in typeParameters) {
(parameter as TypeParameterElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_typeParameterElements = typeParameters;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) {
return visitor.visitGenericFunctionTypeElement(this);
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
safelyVisitChildren(typeParameters, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(parameters, visitor);
/// A concrete implementation of a [HideElementCombinator].
class HideElementCombinatorImpl implements HideElementCombinator {
final LinkedUnitContext? linkedContext;
final HideCombinator? linkedNode;
/// The names that are not to be made visible in the importing library even if
/// they are defined in the imported library.
List<String> _hiddenNames = _Sentinel.string;
: linkedContext = null,
linkedNode = null;
HideElementCombinatorImpl.forLinkedNode(this.linkedContext, this.linkedNode);
List<String> get hiddenNames {
if (!identical(_hiddenNames, _Sentinel.string)) {
return _hiddenNames;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _hiddenNames = linkedNode! =>;
return _hiddenNames;
set hiddenNames(List<String> hiddenNames) {
_hiddenNames = hiddenNames;
String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.write("show ");
int count = hiddenNames.length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
buffer.write(", ");
return buffer.toString();
/// A concrete implementation of an [ImportElement].
class ImportElementImpl extends UriReferencedElementImpl
implements ImportElement {
/// The offset of the prefix of this import in the file that contains the this
/// import directive, or `-1` if this import is synthetic.
int _prefixOffset = 0;
/// The library that is imported into this library by this import directive.
LibraryElement? _importedLibrary;
/// The combinators that were specified as part of the import directive in the
/// order in which they were specified.
List<NamespaceCombinator> _combinators = _Sentinel.namespaceCombinator;
/// The prefix that was specified as part of the import directive, or `null
///` if there was no prefix specified.
PrefixElement? _prefix;
/// The cached value of [namespace].
Namespace? _namespace;
/// Initialize a newly created import element at the given [offset].
/// The offset may be `-1` if the import is synthetic.
ImportElementImpl(int offset) : super(null, offset);
LibraryElementImpl enclosing, ImportDirectiveImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, null, linkedNode) {
linkedNode.element = this;
List<NamespaceCombinator> get combinators {
if (!identical(_combinators, _Sentinel.namespaceCombinator)) {
return _combinators;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var node = linkedNode as ImportDirective;
return _combinators = ImportElementImpl._buildCombinators2(
return _combinators;
set combinators(List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators) {
_combinators = combinators;
CompilationUnitElementImpl get enclosingUnit {
var enclosingLibrary = enclosingElement as LibraryElementImpl;
return enclosingLibrary._definingCompilationUnit;
String get identifier => "${importedLibrary?.identifier}@$nameOffset";
LibraryElement? get importedLibrary {
if (_importedLibrary != null) return _importedLibrary;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _importedLibrary;
set importedLibrary(LibraryElement? importedLibrary) {
_importedLibrary = importedLibrary;
bool get isDeferred {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode as ImportDirective;
return linkedNode.deferredKeyword != null;
return hasModifier(Modifier.DEFERRED);
/// Set whether this import is for a deferred library.
set isDeferred(bool isDeferred) {
setModifier(Modifier.DEFERRED, isDeferred);
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.IMPORT;
int get nameOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getDirectiveOffset(linkedNode as Directive);
return super.nameOffset;
Namespace get namespace {
return _namespace ??=
PrefixElement? get prefix {
if (_prefix != null) return _prefix;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode as ImportDirective;
var prefix = linkedNode.prefix;
if (prefix != null) {
var name =;
var library = enclosingElement as LibraryElementImpl;
_prefix = PrefixElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
return _prefix;
set prefix(PrefixElement? prefix) {
_prefix = prefix;
int get prefixOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var node = linkedNode as ImportDirective;
return node.prefix?.offset ?? -1;
return _prefixOffset;
set prefixOffset(int prefixOffset) {
_prefixOffset = prefixOffset;
String? get uri {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var node = linkedNode as ImportDirective;
return node.uri.stringValue;
return super.uri;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitImportElement(this);
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
static List<NamespaceCombinator> _buildCombinators2(
LinkedUnitContext context, List<Combinator> combinators) {
return {
if (node is HideCombinator) {
return HideElementCombinatorImpl.forLinkedNode(context, node);
if (node is ShowCombinator) {
return ShowElementCombinatorImpl.forLinkedNode(context, node);
throw UnimplementedError('${node.runtimeType}');
/// A concrete implementation of a [LabelElement].
class LabelElementImpl extends ElementImpl implements LabelElement {
/// A flag indicating whether this label is associated with a `switch`
/// statement.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Make this a modifier.
final bool _onSwitchStatement;
/// A flag indicating whether this label is associated with a `switch` member
/// (`case` or `default`).
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Make this a modifier.
final bool _onSwitchMember;
/// Initialize a newly created label element to have the given [name].
/// [onSwitchStatement] should be `true` if this label is associated with a
/// `switch` statement and [onSwitchMember] should be `true` if this label is
/// associated with a `switch` member.
LabelElementImpl(String name, int nameOffset, this._onSwitchStatement,
: super(name, nameOffset);
String get displayName => name;
ExecutableElement get enclosingElement =>
super.enclosingElement as ExecutableElement;
/// Return `true` if this label is associated with a `switch` member (`case
/// ` or`default`).
bool get isOnSwitchMember => _onSwitchMember;
/// Return `true` if this label is associated with a `switch` statement.
bool get isOnSwitchStatement => _onSwitchStatement;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.LABEL;
String get name =>!;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitLabelElement(this);
/// A concrete implementation of a [LibraryElement].
class LibraryElementImpl extends _ExistingElementImpl
implements LibraryElement {
/// The analysis context in which this library is defined.
final AnalysisContext context;
final AnalysisSession session;
bool hasTypeProviderSystemSet = false;
late TypeProviderImpl typeProvider;
late TypeSystemImpl typeSystem;
/// The context of the defining unit.
final LinkedUnitContext? linkedContext;
final FeatureSet featureSet;
/// The compilation unit that defines this library.
late CompilationUnitElementImpl _definingCompilationUnit;
/// The entry point for this library, or `null` if this library does not have
/// an entry point.
FunctionElement? _entryPoint;
/// A list containing specifications of all of the imports defined in this
/// library.
List<ImportElement> _imports = _Sentinel.importElement;
/// A list containing specifications of all of the exports defined in this
/// library.
List<ExportElement> _exports = _Sentinel.exportElement;
/// A list containing all of the compilation units that are included in this
/// library using a `part` directive.
List<CompilationUnitElement> _parts = const <CompilationUnitElement>[];
/// The element representing the synthetic function `loadLibrary` that is
/// defined for this library, or `null` if the element has not yet been
/// created.
late FunctionElement _loadLibraryFunction;
final int nameLength;
/// The export [Namespace] of this library, `null` if it has not been
/// computed yet.
Namespace? _exportNamespace;
/// The public [Namespace] of this library, `null` if it has not been
/// computed yet.
Namespace? _publicNamespace;
/// The cached list of prefixes.
List<PrefixElement>? _prefixes;
/// The scope of this library, `null` if it has not been created yet.
LibraryScope? _scope;
/// Initialize a newly created library element in the given [context] to have
/// the given [name] and [offset].
LibraryElementImpl(this.context, this.session, String name, int offset,
this.nameLength, this.featureSet)
: linkedContext = null,
super(name, offset);
String name,
int offset,
Reference reference,
CompilationUnit linkedNode)
: featureSet = linkedNode.featureSet,
super.forLinkedNode(null, reference, linkedNode) {
_name = name;
_nameOffset = offset;
int get codeLength {
return _definingCompilationUnit.codeLength;
int get codeOffset {
return _definingCompilationUnit.codeOffset;
CompilationUnitElement get definingCompilationUnit =>
/// Set the compilation unit that defines this library to the given
/// compilation[unit].
set definingCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitElement unit) {
assert((unit as CompilationUnitElementImpl).librarySource == unit.source);
(unit as CompilationUnitElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_definingCompilationUnit = unit;
String? get documentationComment {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var comment = linkedContext!.getLibraryDocumentationComment();
return getCommentNodeRawText(comment);
return super.documentationComment;
CompilationUnitElementImpl get enclosingUnit {
return _definingCompilationUnit;
FunctionElement? get entryPoint {
if (_entryPoint != null) return _entryPoint!;
if (linkedContext != null) {
var namespace = library.exportNamespace;
var entryPoint = namespace.get(FunctionElement.MAIN_FUNCTION_NAME);
if (entryPoint is FunctionElement) {
return _entryPoint = entryPoint;
return null;
return _entryPoint;
set entryPoint(FunctionElement? entryPoint) {
_entryPoint = entryPoint;
List<LibraryElement> get exportedLibraries {
HashSet<LibraryElement> libraries = HashSet<LibraryElement>();
for (ExportElement element in exports) {
var library = element.exportedLibrary;
if (library != null) {
return libraries.toList(growable: false);
Namespace get exportNamespace {
if (_exportNamespace != null) return _exportNamespace!;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var elements = linkedContext!.elementFactory;
return _exportNamespace = elements.buildExportNamespace(source.uri);
return _exportNamespace!;
set exportNamespace(Namespace exportNamespace) {
_exportNamespace = exportNamespace;
List<ExportElement> get exports {
if (!identical(_exports, _Sentinel.exportElement)) {
return _exports;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var unit = linkedContext!.unit_withDirectives;
return _exports = unit.directives
.map((node) => node.element!)
return _exports;
/// Set the specifications of all of the exports defined in this library to
/// the given list of [exports].
set exports(List<ExportElement> exports) {
for (ExportElement exportElement in exports) {
(exportElement as ExportElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_exports = exports;
bool get hasExtUri {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var unit = linkedContext!.unit_withDirectives;
for (var import in unit.directives) {
if (import is ImportDirective) {
var uriLiteral = import.uri;
if (uriLiteral is SimpleStringLiteral) {
var uriStr = uriLiteral.value;
if (DartUriResolver.isDartExtUri(uriStr)) {
return true;
return false;
return hasModifier(Modifier.HAS_EXT_URI);
/// Set whether this library has an import of a "dart-ext" URI.
set hasExtUri(bool hasExtUri) {
setModifier(Modifier.HAS_EXT_URI, hasExtUri);
@Deprecated('Not useful for clients')
bool get hasLoadLibraryFunction {
for (int i = 0; i < units.length; i++) {
if (units[i].hasLoadLibraryFunction) {
return true;
return false;
String get identifier => '${_definingCompilationUnit.source.uri}';
List<LibraryElement> get importedLibraries {
HashSet<LibraryElement> libraries = HashSet<LibraryElement>();
for (ImportElement element in imports) {
var library = element.importedLibrary;
if (library != null) {
return libraries.toList(growable: false);
List<ImportElement> get imports {
if (!identical(_imports, _Sentinel.importElement)) {
return _imports;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var unit = linkedContext!.unit_withDirectives;
_imports = unit.directives
.map((node) => node.element!)
var hasCore = _imports.any((import) {
return import.importedLibrary?.isDartCore ?? false;
if (!hasCore) {
var elements = linkedContext!.elementFactory;
..importedLibrary = elements.libraryOfUri2('dart:core')
..isSynthetic = true
..uri = 'dart:core',
return _imports;
return _imports;
/// Set the specifications of all of the imports defined in this library to
/// the given list of [imports].
set imports(List<ImportElement> imports) {
for (ImportElement importElement in imports) {
(importElement as ImportElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
var prefix = importElement.prefix as PrefixElementImpl?;
if (prefix != null) {
prefix.enclosingElement = this;
_imports = imports;
_prefixes = null;
bool get isBrowserApplication =>
entryPoint != null && isOrImportsBrowserLibrary;
bool get isDartAsync => name == "dart.async";
bool get isDartCore => name == "dart.core";
bool get isInSdk {
var uri = definingCompilationUnit.source.uri;
return DartUriResolver.isDartUri(uri);
bool get isNonNullableByDefault =>
bool get isNonNullableByDefaultInternal {
return featureSet.isEnabled(Feature.non_nullable);
/// Return `true` if the receiver directly or indirectly imports the
/// 'dart:html' libraries.
bool get isOrImportsBrowserLibrary {
List<LibraryElement> visited = <LibraryElement>[];
var htmlLibSource = context.sourceFactory.forUri(DartSdk.DART_HTML);
for (int index = 0; index < visited.length; index++) {
LibraryElement library = visited[index];
var source = library.definingCompilationUnit.source;
if (source == htmlLibSource) {
return true;
for (LibraryElement importedLibrary in library.importedLibraries) {
if (!visited.contains(importedLibrary)) {
for (LibraryElement exportedLibrary in library.exportedLibraries) {
if (!visited.contains(exportedLibrary)) {
return false;
bool get isSynthetic {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.isSynthetic;
return super.isSynthetic;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.LIBRARY;
LibraryLanguageVersion get languageVersion {
if (_languageVersion != null) return _languageVersion!;
if (linkedNode != null) {
_languageVersion =
linkedContext!.getLanguageVersion(linkedNode as CompilationUnit);
return _languageVersion!;
_languageVersion = LibraryLanguageVersion(
package: ExperimentStatus.currentVersion,
override: null,
return _languageVersion!;
LibraryElementImpl get library => this;
FunctionElement get loadLibraryFunction {
return _loadLibraryFunction;
List<ElementAnnotation> get metadata {
if (!identical(_metadata, _Sentinel.elementAnnotation)) {
return _metadata;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var metadata = linkedContext!.getLibraryMetadata();
return _metadata = _buildAnnotations2(_definingCompilationUnit, metadata);
return super.metadata;
List<CompilationUnitElement> get parts => _parts;
/// Set the compilation units that are included in this library using a `part`
/// directive to the given list of [parts].
set parts(List<CompilationUnitElement> parts) {
for (CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit in parts) {
assert((compilationUnit as CompilationUnitElementImpl).librarySource ==
(compilationUnit as CompilationUnitElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_parts = parts;
List<PrefixElement> get prefixes =>
_prefixes ??= buildPrefixesFromImports(imports);
Namespace get publicNamespace {
if (_publicNamespace != null) return _publicNamespace!;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _publicNamespace =
return _publicNamespace!;
set publicNamespace(Namespace publicNamespace) {
_publicNamespace = publicNamespace;
Scope get scope {
return _scope ??= LibraryScope(this);
Source get source {
return _definingCompilationUnit.source;
Iterable<Element> get topLevelElements sync* {
for (var unit in units) {
yield* unit.accessors;
yield* unit.enums;
yield* unit.extensions;
yield* unit.functions;
yield* unit.mixins;
yield* unit.topLevelVariables;
yield* unit.typeAliases;
yield* unit.types;
List<CompilationUnitElement> get units {
List<CompilationUnitElement> units = <CompilationUnitElement>[];
return units;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitLibraryElement(this);
/// Create the [FunctionElement] to be returned by [loadLibraryFunction].
/// The [typeProvider] must be already set.
void createLoadLibraryFunction() {
_loadLibraryFunction =
FunctionElementImpl(FunctionElement.LOAD_LIBRARY_NAME, -1)
..enclosingElement = library
..isSynthetic = true
..returnType = typeProvider.futureDynamicType;
ClassElement? getEnum(String name) {
var element = _definingCompilationUnit.getEnum(name);
if (element != null) {
return element;
for (CompilationUnitElement part in _parts) {
element = part.getEnum(name);
if (element != null) {
return element;
return null;
List<ImportElement> getImportsWithPrefix(PrefixElement prefixElement) {
return getImportsWithPrefixFromImports(prefixElement, imports);
ClassElement? getType(String className) {
return getTypeFromParts(className, _definingCompilationUnit, _parts);
T toLegacyElementIfOptOut<T extends Element>(T element) {
if (isNonNullableByDefault) return element;
return Member.legacy(element) as T;
DartType toLegacyTypeIfOptOut(DartType type) {
if (isNonNullableByDefault) return type;
return NullabilityEliminator.perform(typeProvider, type);
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
safelyVisitChildren(exports, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(imports, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(_parts, visitor);
static List<PrefixElement> buildPrefixesFromImports(
List<ImportElement> imports) {
HashSet<PrefixElement> prefixes = HashSet<PrefixElement>();
for (ImportElement element in imports) {
var prefix = element.prefix;
if (prefix != null) {
return prefixes.toList(growable: false);
static List<ImportElement> getImportsWithPrefixFromImports(
PrefixElement prefixElement, List<ImportElement> imports) {
int count = imports.length;
List<ImportElement> importList = <ImportElement>[];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (identical(imports[i].prefix, prefixElement)) {
return importList;
static ClassElement? getTypeFromParts(
String className,
CompilationUnitElement definingCompilationUnit,
List<CompilationUnitElement> parts) {
var type = definingCompilationUnit.getType(className);
if (type != null) {
return type;
for (CompilationUnitElement part in parts) {
type = part.getType(className);
if (type != null) {
return type;
return null;
/// A concrete implementation of a [LocalVariableElement].
class LocalVariableElementImpl extends NonParameterVariableElementImpl
implements LocalVariableElement {
late bool hasInitializer;
/// Initialize a newly created method element to have the given [name] and
/// [offset].
LocalVariableElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
String get identifier {
return '$name$nameOffset';
bool get isLate {
return hasModifier(Modifier.LATE);
/// Set whether this variable is late.
set isLate(bool isLate) {
setModifier(Modifier.LATE, isLate);
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) =>
/// A concrete implementation of a [MethodElement].
class MethodElementImpl extends ExecutableElementImpl implements MethodElement {
/// Is `true` if this method is `operator==`, and there is no explicit
/// type specified for its formal parameter, in this method or in any
/// overridden methods other than the one declared in `Object`.
bool isOperatorEqualWithParameterTypeFromObject = false;
/// The error reported during type inference for this variable, or `null` if
/// this variable is not a subject of type inference, or there was no error.
TopLevelInferenceError? typeInferenceError;
/// Initialize a newly created method element to have the given [name] at the
/// given [offset].
MethodElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
MethodElementImpl.forLinkedNode(TypeParameterizedElementMixin enclosingClass,
Reference reference, MethodDeclarationImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosingClass, reference, linkedNode) { = this;
MethodElement get declaration => this;
String get displayName {
String displayName = super.displayName;
if ("unary-" == displayName) {
return "-";
return displayName;
/// Set whether this class is abstract.
set isAbstract(bool isAbstract) {
setModifier(Modifier.ABSTRACT, isAbstract);
bool get isOperator {
String name = displayName;
if (name.isEmpty) {
return false;
int first = name.codeUnitAt(0);
return !((0x61 <= first && first <= 0x7A) ||
(0x41 <= first && first <= 0x5A) ||
first == 0x5F ||
first == 0x24);
bool get isStatic {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isStatic(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.STATIC);
/// Set whether this method is static.
set isStatic(bool isStatic) {
setModifier(Modifier.STATIC, isStatic);
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.METHOD;
String get name {
String name =;
if (name == '-' && parametersInternal.isEmpty) {
return 'unary-';
return name;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitMethodElement(this);
/// A [ClassElementImpl] representing a mixin declaration.
class MixinElementImpl extends ClassElementImpl {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Consider creating an abstract superclass of
// ClassElementImpl that contains the portions of the API that this class
// needs, and make this class extend the new class.
/// A list containing all of the superclass constraints that are defined for
/// the mixin.
List<InterfaceType> _superclassConstraints = _Sentinel.interfaceType;
late List<String> superInvokedNames;
/// Initialize a newly created class element to have the given [name] at the
/// given [offset] in the file that contains the declaration of this element.
MixinElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
MixinElementImpl.forLinkedNode(CompilationUnitElementImpl enclosing,
Reference reference, MixinDeclarationImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode) { = this;
bool get isAbstract => true;
bool get isMixin => true;
List<InterfaceType> get mixins => const <InterfaceType>[];
List<InterfaceType> get superclassConstraints {
if (!identical(_superclassConstraints, _Sentinel.interfaceType)) {
return _superclassConstraints;
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode;
if (linkedNode is MixinDeclaration) {
List<InterfaceType>? constraints;
var onClause = linkedNode.onClause;
if (onClause != null) {
constraints = onClause.superclassConstraints
.map((node) => node.type)
if (constraints == null || constraints.isEmpty) {
constraints = [library.typeProvider.objectType];
return _superclassConstraints = constraints;
return _superclassConstraints;
set superclassConstraints(List<InterfaceType> superclassConstraints) {
_superclassConstraints = superclassConstraints;
InterfaceType? get supertype => null;
set supertype(InterfaceType? supertype) {
throw StateError('Attempt to set a supertype for a mixin declaratio.');
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
/// The constants for all of the modifiers defined by the Dart language and for
/// a few additional flags that are useful.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class Modifier implements Comparable<Modifier> {
/// Indicates that the modifier 'abstract' was applied to the element.
static const Modifier ABSTRACT = Modifier('ABSTRACT', 0);
/// Indicates that an executable element has a body marked as being
/// asynchronous.
static const Modifier ASYNCHRONOUS = Modifier('ASYNCHRONOUS', 1);
/// Indicates that the modifier 'const' was applied to the element.
static const Modifier CONST = Modifier('CONST', 2);
/// Indicates that the modifier 'covariant' was applied to the element.
static const Modifier COVARIANT = Modifier('COVARIANT', 3);
/// Indicates that the class is `Object` from `dart:core`.
static const Modifier DART_CORE_OBJECT = Modifier('DART_CORE_OBJECT', 4);
/// Indicates that the import element represents a deferred library.
static const Modifier DEFERRED = Modifier('DEFERRED', 5);
/// Indicates that a class element was defined by an enum declaration.
static const Modifier ENUM = Modifier('ENUM', 6);
/// Indicates that a class element was defined by an enum declaration.
static const Modifier EXTERNAL = Modifier('EXTERNAL', 7);
/// Indicates that the modifier 'factory' was applied to the element.
static const Modifier FACTORY = Modifier('FACTORY', 8);
/// Indicates that the modifier 'final' was applied to the element.
static const Modifier FINAL = Modifier('FINAL', 9);
/// Indicates that an executable element has a body marked as being a
/// generator.
static const Modifier GENERATOR = Modifier('GENERATOR', 10);
/// Indicates that the pseudo-modifier 'get' was applied to the element.
static const Modifier GETTER = Modifier('GETTER', 11);
/// A flag used for libraries indicating that the defining compilation unit
/// contains at least one import directive whose URI uses the "dart-ext"
/// scheme.
static const Modifier HAS_EXT_URI = Modifier('HAS_EXT_URI', 12);
/// Indicates that the associated element did not have an explicit type
/// associated with it. If the element is an [ExecutableElement], then the
/// type being referred to is the return type.
static const Modifier IMPLICIT_TYPE = Modifier('IMPLICIT_TYPE', 13);
/// Indicates that modifier 'lazy' was applied to the element.
static const Modifier LATE = Modifier('LATE', 14);
/// Indicates that a class is a mixin application.
static const Modifier MIXIN_APPLICATION = Modifier('MIXIN_APPLICATION', 15);
/// Indicates that the pseudo-modifier 'set' was applied to the element.
static const Modifier SETTER = Modifier('SETTER', 16);
/// Indicates that the modifier 'static' was applied to the element.
static const Modifier STATIC = Modifier('STATIC', 17);
/// Indicates that the element does not appear in the source code but was
/// implicitly created. For example, if a class does not define any
/// constructors, an implicit zero-argument constructor will be created and it
/// will be marked as being synthetic.
static const Modifier SYNTHETIC = Modifier('SYNTHETIC', 18);
static const List<Modifier> values = [
/// The name of this modifier.
final String name;
/// The ordinal value of the modifier.
final int ordinal;
const Modifier(, this.ordinal);
int get hashCode => ordinal;
int compareTo(Modifier other) => ordinal - other.ordinal;
String toString() => name;
/// A concrete implementation of a [MultiplyDefinedElement].
class MultiplyDefinedElementImpl implements MultiplyDefinedElement {
/// The unique integer identifier of this element.
final int id = ElementImpl._NEXT_ID++;
/// The analysis context in which the multiply defined elements are defined.
final AnalysisContext context;
final AnalysisSession session;
/// The name of the conflicting elements.
final String name;
final List<Element> conflictingElements;
/// Initialize a newly created element in the given [context] to represent
/// the given non-empty [conflictingElements].
this.context, this.session,, this.conflictingElements);
Element? get declaration => null;
String get displayName => name;
String? get documentationComment => null;
Element? get enclosingElement => null;
bool get hasAlwaysThrows => false;
bool get hasDeprecated => false;
bool get hasDoNotStore => false;
bool get hasFactory => false;
bool get hasInternal => false;
bool get hasIsTest => false;
bool get hasIsTestGroup => false;
bool get hasJS => false;
bool get hasLiteral => false;
bool get hasMustCallSuper => false;
bool get hasNonVirtual => false;
bool get hasOptionalTypeArgs => false;
bool get hasOverride => false;
bool get hasProtected => false;
bool get hasRequired => false;
bool get hasSealed => false;
bool get hasVisibleForTemplate => false;
bool get hasVisibleForTesting => false;
bool get isPrivate {
throw UnimplementedError();
bool get isPublic => !isPrivate;
bool get isSynthetic => true;
bool get isVisibleForTemplate => false;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.ERROR;
LibraryElement? get library => null;
Source? get librarySource => null;
ElementLocation? get location => null;
List<ElementAnnotation> get metadata => const <ElementAnnotation>[];
int get nameLength => 0;
int get nameOffset => -1;
Source? get source => null;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) =>
String getDisplayString({required bool withNullability}) {
var elementsStr = {
return e.getDisplayString(
withNullability: withNullability,
}).join(', ');
return '[' + elementsStr + ']';
String getExtendedDisplayName(String? shortName) {
if (shortName != null) {
return shortName;
return displayName;
bool isAccessibleIn(LibraryElement? library) {
for (Element element in conflictingElements) {
if (element.isAccessibleIn(library)) {
return true;
return false;
E? thisOrAncestorMatching<E extends Element>(Predicate<Element> predicate) =>
E? thisOrAncestorOfType<E extends Element>() => null;
String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
bool needsSeparator = false;
void writeList(List<Element> elements) {
for (Element element in elements) {
if (needsSeparator) {
buffer.write(", ");
} else {
needsSeparator = true;
element.getDisplayString(withNullability: true),
return buffer.toString();
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
// There are no children to visit
/// The synthetic element representing the declaration of the type `Never`.
class NeverElementImpl extends ElementImpl implements TypeDefiningElement {
/// Return the unique instance of this class.
static NeverElementImpl get instance => NeverTypeImpl.instance.element;
/// Initialize a newly created instance of this class. Instances of this class
/// should <b>not</b> be created except as part of creating the type
/// associated with this element. The single instance of this class should be
/// accessed through the method [instance].
NeverElementImpl() : super('Never', -1) {
setModifier(Modifier.SYNTHETIC, true);
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.NEVER;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => null;
DartType instantiate({
required NullabilitySuffix nullabilitySuffix,
}) {
switch (nullabilitySuffix) {
case NullabilitySuffix.question:
return NeverTypeImpl.instanceNullable;
return NeverTypeImpl.instanceLegacy;
case NullabilitySuffix.none:
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
/// A [VariableElementImpl], which is not a parameter.
abstract class NonParameterVariableElementImpl extends VariableElementImpl
with _HasLibraryMixin {
/// Initialize a newly created variable element to have the given [name] and
/// [offset].
NonParameterVariableElementImpl(String name, int offset)
: super(name, offset);
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
int? get codeLength {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeLength(linkedNode!);
return super.codeLength;
int? get codeOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.codeOffset;
String? get documentationComment {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var comment = context.getDocumentationComment(linkedNode!);
return getCommentNodeRawText(comment);
return super.documentationComment;
Element get enclosingElement => super.enclosingElement!;
bool get hasImplicitType {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.hasImplicitType(linkedNode!);
return super.hasImplicitType;
bool get hasInitializer {
return linkedNode != null &&
linkedContext!.hasInitializer(linkedNode as VariableDeclarationImpl);
String get name {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return reference!.name;
int get nameOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.getNameOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.nameOffset;
DartType get type => ElementTypeProvider.current.getVariableType(this);
set type(DartType type) {
_type = type;
/// A concrete implementation of a [ParameterElement].
class ParameterElementImpl extends VariableElementImpl
with ParameterElementMixin
implements ParameterElement {
/// A list containing all of the parameters defined by this parameter element.
/// There will only be parameters if this parameter is a function typed
/// parameter.
List<ParameterElement> _parameters = _Sentinel.parameterElement;
/// A list containing all of the type parameters defined for this parameter
/// element. There will only be parameters if this parameter is a function
/// typed parameter.
List<TypeParameterElement> _typeParameters = _Sentinel.typeParameterElement;
/// The kind of this parameter.
ParameterKind? _parameterKind;
/// The Dart code of the default value.
String? _defaultValueCode;
/// True if this parameter inherits from a covariant parameter. This happens
/// when it overrides a method in a supertype that has a corresponding
/// covariant parameter.
bool inheritsCovariant = false;
/// Initialize a newly created parameter element to have the given [name] and
/// [nameOffset].
ParameterElementImpl(String? name, int nameOffset) : super(name, nameOffset);
ParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNode(ElementImpl enclosing,
Reference? reference, FormalParameterImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode) {
assert(linkedNode.isNamed || reference == null);
FormalParameterImpl.setDeclaredElement(linkedNode, this);
factory ParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNodeFactory(
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference? reference, FormalParameterImpl node) {
if (node is FieldFormalParameter) {
return FieldFormalParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
} else if (node is FunctionTypedFormalParameter ||
node is SimpleFormalParameter) {
return ParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, node);
} else {
throw UnimplementedError('${node.runtimeType}');
/// Creates a synthetic parameter with [name], [type] and [kind].
factory ParameterElementImpl.synthetic(
String? name, DartType type, ParameterKind kind) {
ParameterElementImpl element = ParameterElementImpl(name, -1);
element.type = type;
element.isSynthetic = true;
element.parameterKind = kind;
return element;
ParameterElement get declaration => this;
String? get defaultValueCode {
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode;
if (linkedNode is DefaultFormalParameter) {
return linkedNode.defaultValue?.toSource();
return _defaultValueCode;
/// Set Dart code of the default value.
set defaultValueCode(String? defaultValueCode) {
_defaultValueCode = defaultValueCode != null
? StringUtilities.intern(defaultValueCode)
: null;
bool get hasDefaultValue {
return defaultValueCode != null;
bool get hasImplicitType {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.hasImplicitType(linkedNode!);
return super.hasImplicitType;
bool get isCovariant {
if (isExplicitlyCovariant || inheritsCovariant) {
return true;
return false;
/// Return true if this parameter is explicitly marked as being covariant.
bool get isExplicitlyCovariant {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.isExplicitlyCovariant(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.COVARIANT);
/// Set whether this variable parameter is explicitly marked as being
/// covariant.
set isExplicitlyCovariant(bool isCovariant) {
setModifier(Modifier.COVARIANT, isCovariant);
bool get isFinal {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode as FormalParameter;
return linkedNode.isFinal;
return super.isFinal;
bool get isInitializingFormal => false;
bool get isLate => false;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.PARAMETER;
String get name {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!
.getFormalParameterName(linkedNode as FormalParameter);
int get nameOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.getNameOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.nameOffset;
ParameterKind get parameterKind {
if (_parameterKind != null) return _parameterKind!;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode as FormalParameterImpl;
return linkedNode.kind;
// TODO(migration): Make it impossible by construction.
throw StateError('The kind must set.');
set parameterKind(ParameterKind parameterKind) {
_parameterKind = parameterKind;
List<ParameterElement> get parameters {
if (!identical(_parameters, _Sentinel.parameterElement)) {
return _parameters;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var formalParameters = context.getFormalParameters(linkedNode!);
if (formalParameters != null) {
return _parameters = ParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNodeList(
} else {
return _parameters;
return _parameters;
/// Set the parameters defined by this executable element to the given
/// [parameters].
set parameters(List<ParameterElement> parameters) {
for (ParameterElement parameter in parameters) {
(parameter as ParameterElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_parameters = parameters;
List<TypeParameterElement> get typeParameters {
if (!identical(_typeParameters, _Sentinel.typeParameterElement)) {
return _typeParameters;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var typeParameters = linkedContext!.getTypeParameters2(linkedNode!);
if (typeParameters == null) {
return _typeParameters = const [];
return _typeParameters = typeParameters.typeParameters
.map<TypeParameterElement>((node) {
var element = node.declaredElement;
element ??= TypeParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNode(this, node);
return element;
return _typeParameters;
/// Set the type parameters defined by this parameter element to the given
/// [typeParameters].
set typeParameters(List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters) {
for (TypeParameterElement parameter in typeParameters) {
(parameter as TypeParameterElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_typeParameters = typeParameters;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) =>
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
safelyVisitChildren(parameters, visitor);
/// TODO(scheglov) Do we need this method at all?
/// We should create all parameter elements during applying resolution.
/// Or when we build elements before linking.
static List<ParameterElement> forLinkedNodeList(
ElementImpl enclosing,
LinkedUnitContext context,
Reference? containerRef,
List<FormalParameter>? formalParameters) {
if (formalParameters == null) {
return const [];
return {
var element = node.declaredElement;
if (element != null) {
return element;
if (node is DefaultFormalParameterImpl) {
NormalFormalParameter parameterNode = node.parameter;
Reference? reference;
if (node.isNamed) {
var name = parameterNode.identifier?.name ?? '';
reference = containerRef?.getChild(name);
reference?.node = node;
if (parameterNode is FieldFormalParameter) {
return DefaultFieldFormalParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
} else {
return DefaultParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
} else {
return ParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNodeFactory(
enclosing, null, node as FormalParameterImpl);
/// The parameter of an implicit setter.
class ParameterElementImpl_ofImplicitSetter extends ParameterElementImpl {
final PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitSetter setter;
PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitSetter setter)
: setter = setter,
super('_${}', setter.variable.nameOffset) {
enclosingElement = setter;
isSynthetic = true;
parameterKind = ParameterKind.REQUIRED;
bool get inheritsCovariant {
var variable = setter.variable;
if (variable is FieldElementImpl) {
return variable.inheritsCovariant;
return false;
set inheritsCovariant(bool value) {
var variable = setter.variable;
if (variable is FieldElementImpl) {
variable.inheritsCovariant = value;
bool get isCovariant {
if (isExplicitlyCovariant || inheritsCovariant) {
return true;
return false;
bool get isExplicitlyCovariant {
var variable = setter.variable;
if (variable is FieldElementImpl) {
return variable.isCovariant;
return false;
DartType get type => ElementTypeProvider.current.getVariableType(this);
set type(DartType type) {
assert(false); // Should never be called.
DartType get typeInternal => setter.variable.type;
/// A mixin that provides a common implementation for methods defined in
/// [ParameterElement].
mixin ParameterElementMixin implements ParameterElement {
bool get isNamed => parameterKind.isNamed;
bool get isNotOptional => parameterKind.isRequired;
bool get isOptional => parameterKind.isOptional;
bool get isOptionalNamed => parameterKind.isOptionalNamed;
bool get isOptionalPositional => parameterKind.isOptionalPositional;
bool get isPositional => parameterKind.isPositional;
bool get isRequiredNamed => parameterKind.isRequiredNamed;
bool get isRequiredPositional => parameterKind.isRequiredPositional;
// Overridden to remove the 'deprecated' annotation.
ParameterKind get parameterKind;
void appendToWithoutDelimiters(
StringBuffer buffer, {
bool withNullability = false,
}) {
withNullability: withNullability,
buffer.write(' ');
if (defaultValueCode != null) {
buffer.write(' = ');
/// A concrete implementation of a [PrefixElement].
class PrefixElementImpl extends _ExistingElementImpl implements PrefixElement {
/// The scope of this prefix, `null` if it has not been created yet.
PrefixScope? _scope;
/// Initialize a newly created method element to have the given [name] and
/// [nameOffset].
PrefixElementImpl(String name, int nameOffset) : super(name, nameOffset);
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference, SimpleIdentifier linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
String get displayName => name;
LibraryElement get enclosingElement =>
super.enclosingElement as LibraryElement;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.PREFIX;
String get name {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return reference!.name;
int get nameOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return (linkedNode as SimpleIdentifier).offset;
return super.nameOffset;
Scope get scope => _scope ??= PrefixScope(enclosingElement, this);
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitPrefixElement(this);
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
/// A concrete implementation of a [PropertyAccessorElement].
class PropertyAccessorElementImpl extends ExecutableElementImpl
implements PropertyAccessorElement {
/// The variable associated with this accessor.
late PropertyInducingElement variable;
/// Initialize a newly created property accessor element to have the given
/// [name] and [offset].
PropertyAccessorElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
/// Initialize a newly created synthetic property accessor element to be
/// associated with the given [variable].
PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forVariable(PropertyInducingElementImpl variable,
{Reference? reference})
: super(, variable.nameOffset, reference: reference) {
this.variable = variable;
isAbstract = variable is FieldElementImpl && variable.isAbstract;
isStatic = variable.isStatic;
isSynthetic = true;
PropertyAccessorElement? get correspondingGetter {
if (isGetter) {
return null;
return variable.getter;
PropertyAccessorElement? get correspondingSetter {
if (isSetter) {
return null;
return variable.setter;
PropertyAccessorElement get declaration => this;
String get identifier {
String name = displayName;
String suffix = isGetter ? "?" : "=";
return "$name$suffix";
/// Set whether this class is abstract.
set isAbstract(bool isAbstract) {
setModifier(Modifier.ABSTRACT, isAbstract);
bool get isGetter {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isGetter(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.GETTER);
/// Set whether this accessor is a getter.
set isGetter(bool isGetter) {
setModifier(Modifier.GETTER, isGetter);
bool get isSetter {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isSetter(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.SETTER);
/// Set whether this accessor is a setter.
set isSetter(bool isSetter) {
setModifier(Modifier.SETTER, isSetter);
bool get isStatic {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isStatic(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.STATIC);
/// Set whether this accessor is static.
set isStatic(bool isStatic) {
setModifier(Modifier.STATIC, isStatic);
ElementKind get kind {
if (isGetter) {
return ElementKind.GETTER;
return ElementKind.SETTER;
String get name {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var name = reference!.name;
if (isSetter) {
return '$name=';
return name;
if (isSetter) {
return "${}=";
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) =>
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
(isGetter ? 'get ' : 'set ') + variable.displayName,
/// Implicit getter for a [PropertyInducingElementImpl].
class PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitGetter
extends PropertyAccessorElementImpl {
/// Create the implicit getter and bind it to the [property].
PropertyInducingElementImpl property,
{Reference? reference})
: super.forVariable(property, reference: reference) {
property.getter = this;
reference?.element = this;
Element get enclosingElement => variable.enclosingElement!;
bool get hasImplicitReturnType => variable.hasImplicitType;
bool get isGetter => true;
DartType get returnType =>
set returnType(DartType returnType) {
assert(false); // Should never be called.
DartType get returnTypeInternal => variable.type;
FunctionType get type => ElementTypeProvider.current.getExecutableType(this);
set type(FunctionType type) {
assert(false); // Should never be called.
FunctionType get typeInternal {
if (_type != null) return _type!;
var type = FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: const <TypeParameterElement>[],
parameters: const <ParameterElement>[],
returnType: returnType,
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
element: this,
// Don't cache, because types change during top-level inference.
if (linkedContext != null && !linkedContext!.isLinking) {
_type = type;
return type;
/// Implicit setter for a [PropertyInducingElementImpl].
class PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitSetter
extends PropertyAccessorElementImpl {
/// Create the implicit setter and bind it to the [property].
PropertyInducingElementImpl property,
{Reference? reference})
: super.forVariable(property, reference: reference) {
property.setter = this;
Element get enclosingElement => variable.enclosingElement!;
bool get isSetter => true;
List<ParameterElement> get parameters =>
List<ParameterElement> get parametersInternal {
if (!identical(_parameters, _Sentinel.parameterElement)) {
return _parameters;
return _parameters = <ParameterElement>[
DartType get returnType =>
set returnType(DartType returnType) {
assert(false); // Should never be called.
DartType get returnTypeInternal => VoidTypeImpl.instance;
FunctionType get type => ElementTypeProvider.current.getExecutableType(this);
set type(FunctionType type) {
assert(false); // Should never be called.
FunctionType get typeInternal {
if (_type != null) return _type!;
var type = FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: const <TypeParameterElement>[],
parameters: parameters,
returnType: returnType,
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
element: this,
// Don't cache, because types change during top-level inference.
if (linkedContext != null && !linkedContext!.isLinking) {
_type = type;
return type;
/// A concrete implementation of a [PropertyInducingElement].
abstract class PropertyInducingElementImpl
extends NonParameterVariableElementImpl implements PropertyInducingElement {
/// The getter associated with this element.
PropertyAccessorElement? getter;
/// The setter associated with this element, or `null` if the element is
/// effectively `final` and therefore does not have a setter associated with
/// it.
PropertyAccessorElement? setter;
/// This field is set during linking, and performs type inference for
/// this property. After linking this field is always `null`.
PropertyInducingElementTypeInference? typeInference;
/// The error reported during type inference for this variable, or `null` if
/// this variable is not a subject of type inference, or there was no error.
TopLevelInferenceError? typeInferenceError;
/// Initialize a newly created synthetic element to have the given [name] and
/// [offset].
PropertyInducingElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
bool get hasTypeInferred => _type != null;
bool get isConstantEvaluated => true;
bool get isLate {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isLate(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.LATE);
DartType get type => ElementTypeProvider.current.getFieldType(this);
DartType get typeInternal {
if (_type != null) return _type!;
if (linkedNode != null) {
// While performing inference during linking, the first step is to collect
// dependencies. During this step we resolve the expression, but we might
// reference elements that don't have their types inferred yet. So, here
// we give some type. A better solution would be to infer recursively, but
// we are not doing this yet.
if (_type == null) {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
return _type!;
if (isSynthetic && _type == null) {
if (getter != null) {
_type = getter!.returnType;
} else if (setter != null) {
List<ParameterElement> parameters = setter!.parameters;
_type = parameters.isNotEmpty
? parameters[0].type
: DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
_type = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
return super.typeInternal;
/// Return `true` if this variable needs the setter.
bool get _hasSetter {
if (isConst) {
return false;
if (isLate) {
return !isFinal || !hasInitializer;
return !isFinal;
/// Instances of this class are set for fields and top-level variables
/// to perform top-level type inference during linking.
abstract class PropertyInducingElementTypeInference {
void perform();
/// A concrete implementation of a [ShowElementCombinator].
class ShowElementCombinatorImpl implements ShowElementCombinator {
final LinkedUnitContext? linkedContext;
final ShowCombinator? linkedNode;
/// The names that are to be made visible in the importing library if they are
/// defined in the imported library.
List<String> _shownNames = _Sentinel.string;
/// The offset of the character immediately following the last character of
/// this node.
int _end = -1;
/// The offset of the 'show' keyword of this element.
int _offset = 0;
: linkedContext = null,
linkedNode = null;
ShowElementCombinatorImpl.forLinkedNode(this.linkedContext, this.linkedNode);
int get end {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedNode!.end;
return _end;
set end(int end) {
_end = end;
int get offset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedNode!.keyword.offset;
return _offset;
set offset(int offset) {
_offset = offset;
List<String> get shownNames {
if (!identical(_shownNames, _Sentinel.string)) {
return _shownNames;
if (linkedNode != null) {
return _shownNames = linkedNode! =>;
return _shownNames;
set shownNames(List<String> shownNames) {
_shownNames = shownNames;
String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.write("show ");
int count = shownNames.length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
buffer.write(", ");
return buffer.toString();
/// A concrete implementation of a [TopLevelVariableElement].
class TopLevelVariableElementImpl extends PropertyInducingElementImpl
implements TopLevelVariableElement {
/// Initialize a newly created synthetic top-level variable element to have
/// the given [name] and [offset].
TopLevelVariableElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode) {
if (linkedNode is VariableDeclarationImpl) { = this;
if (!linkedNode.isSynthetic) {
var enclosingRef = enclosing.reference!;
getter = PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitGetter(
reference: enclosingRef.getChild('@getter').getChild(name),
if (_hasSetter) {
setter = PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitSetter(
reference: enclosingRef.getChild('@setter').getChild(name),
factory TopLevelVariableElementImpl.forLinkedNodeFactory(
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference reference, AstNode linkedNode) {
if (enclosing.enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isConst(linkedNode)) {
return ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
return TopLevelVariableElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
TopLevelVariableElement get declaration => this;
bool get isExternal {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isExternal(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.EXTERNAL);
bool get isStatic => true;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) =>
/// An element that represents [GenericTypeAlias].
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class TypeAliasElementImpl extends _ExistingElementImpl
with TypeParameterizedElementMixin
implements TypeAliasElement {
/// TODO(scheglov) implement as modifier
bool isSimplyBounded = true;
/// Is `true` if the element has direct or indirect reference to itself
/// from anywhere except a class element or type parameter bounds.
bool hasSelfReference = false;
bool _isAliasedElementReady = false;
ElementImpl? _aliasedElement;
DartType? _aliasedType;
TypeAliasElementImpl(String name, int nameOffset) : super(name, nameOffset);
CompilationUnitElementImpl enclosingUnit,
Reference reference,
TypeAlias linkedNode,
) : super.forLinkedNode(enclosingUnit, reference, linkedNode) {
var nameNode = linkedNode is FunctionTypeAliasImpl
: (linkedNode as GenericTypeAliasImpl).name;
nameNode.staticElement = this;
factory TypeAliasElementImpl.forLinkedNodeFactory(
CompilationUnitElementImpl enclosingUnit,
Reference reference,
TypeAlias linkedNode,
) {
if (linkedNode is FunctionTypeAlias) {
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
return FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
enclosingUnit, reference, linkedNode);
} else {
var aliasedType = (linkedNode as GenericTypeAlias).type;
if (aliasedType is GenericFunctionType ||
!enclosingUnit.isNonFunctionTypeAliasesEnabled) {
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
return FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
enclosingUnit, reference, linkedNode);
} else {
return TypeAliasElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
enclosingUnit, reference, linkedNode);
ElementImpl? get aliasedElement {
return _aliasedElement;
DartType get aliasedType {
if (_aliasedType != null) return _aliasedType!;
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode;
if (linkedNode is GenericTypeAlias) {
var typeNode = linkedNode.type;
if (isNonFunctionTypeAliasesEnabled) {
_aliasedType = typeNode.type;
assert(_aliasedType != null);
} else if (typeNode is GenericFunctionType) {
_aliasedType = typeNode.type;
assert(_aliasedType != null);
} else {
_aliasedType = _errorFunctionType(NullabilitySuffix.none);
} else if (linkedNode is FunctionTypeAlias) {
_aliasedType = (_aliasedElement as GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl).type;
return _aliasedType!;
set aliasedType(DartType rawType) {
_aliasedType = rawType;
int get codeLength {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeLength(linkedNode!);
return super.codeLength!;
int get codeOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.codeOffset!;
String get displayName => name;
String? get documentationComment {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit.linkedContext!;
var comment = context.getDocumentationComment(linkedNode!);
return getCommentNodeRawText(comment);
return super.documentationComment;
CompilationUnitElement get enclosingElement =>
super.enclosingElement as CompilationUnitElement;
ElementKind get kind {
if (isNonFunctionTypeAliasesEnabled) {
return ElementKind.TYPE_ALIAS;
} else {
return ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS;
String get name {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return reference!.name;
int get nameOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.getNameOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.nameOffset;
/// Set the type parameters defined for this type to the given
/// [typeParameters].
set typeParameters(List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters) {
for (TypeParameterElement typeParameter in typeParameters) {
(typeParameter as TypeParameterElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_typeParameterElements = typeParameters;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) {
return visitor.visitTypeAliasElement(this);
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
DartType instantiate({
required List<DartType> typeArguments,
required NullabilitySuffix nullabilitySuffix,
}) {
if (hasSelfReference) {
if (isNonFunctionTypeAliasesEnabled) {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
return _errorFunctionType(nullabilitySuffix);
var substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(typeParameters, typeArguments);
var type = substitution.substituteType(aliasedType);
var resultNullability = type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question
? NullabilitySuffix.question
: nullabilitySuffix;
if (type is FunctionType) {
return FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: type.typeFormals,
parameters: type.parameters,
returnType: type.returnType,
nullabilitySuffix: resultNullability,
aliasElement: this,
aliasArguments: typeArguments,
} else if (type is InterfaceType) {
return InterfaceTypeImpl(
element: type.element,
typeArguments: type.typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: resultNullability,
aliasElement: this,
aliasArguments: typeArguments,
} else {
return (type as TypeImpl).withNullability(resultNullability);
void _ensureAliasedElement() {
if (_isAliasedElementReady) return;
_isAliasedElementReady = true;
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode;
if (linkedNode != null) {
if (linkedNode is GenericTypeAlias) {
var type = linkedNode.type;
if (type is GenericFunctionTypeImpl) {
_aliasedElement =
type.declaredElement as GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl?;
// TODO(scheglov) Do we need this?
// We probably should set it when linking and when applying.
// TODO(scheglov) And remove the reference!.
_aliasedElement ??= GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
} else if (isNonFunctionTypeAliasesEnabled) {
// No element for `typedef A<T> = List<T>;`
} else {
_aliasedElement = GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl.forOffset(-1)
..enclosingElement = this
..typeParameters = const <TypeParameterElement>[]
..parameters = const <ParameterElement>[]
..returnType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
// TODO(scheglov) Same as above (both).
_aliasedElement = GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl.forLinkedNode(
FunctionTypeImpl _errorFunctionType(NullabilitySuffix nullabilitySuffix) {
return FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: const [],
parameters: const [],
returnType: DynamicTypeImpl.instance,
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix,
/// A concrete implementation of a [TypeParameterElement].
class TypeParameterElementImpl extends ElementImpl
implements TypeParameterElement {
/// The default value of the type parameter. It is used to provide the
/// corresponding missing type argument in type annotations and as the
/// fall-back type value in type inference.
DartType? defaultType;
/// The type representing the bound associated with this parameter, or `null`
/// if this parameter does not have an explicit bound.
DartType? _bound;
/// The value representing the variance modifier keyword, or `null` if
/// there is no explicit variance modifier, meaning legacy covariance.
Variance? _variance;
/// Initialize a newly created method element to have the given [name] and
/// [offset].
TypeParameterElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
ElementImpl enclosing, TypeParameterImpl linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, null, linkedNode) { = this;
/// Initialize a newly created synthetic type parameter element to have the
/// given [name], and with [synthetic] set to true.
TypeParameterElementImpl.synthetic(String name) : super(name, -1) {
isSynthetic = true;
DartType? get bound =>
set bound(DartType? bound) {
_bound = bound;
DartType? get boundInternal {
if (_bound != null) return _bound;
var linkedNode = this.linkedNode;
if (linkedNode is TypeParameter) {
return _bound = linkedNode.bound?.type;
return _bound;
int get codeLength {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeLength(linkedNode!);
return super.codeLength!;
int get codeOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return linkedContext!.getCodeOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.codeOffset!;
TypeParameterElement get declaration => this;
String get displayName => name;
bool get isLegacyCovariant {
return _variance == null;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER;
String get name {
if (linkedNode != null) {
var node = linkedNode as TypeParameter;
int get nameOffset {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.getNameOffset(linkedNode!);
return super.nameOffset;
Variance get variance {
return _variance ?? Variance.covariant;
set variance(Variance? newVariance) => _variance = newVariance;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) {
return true;
if (other is TypeParameterElement) {
if (other.enclosingElement == null || enclosingElement == null) {
return identical(other, this);
return other.location == location;
return false;
T? accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) =>
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
TypeParameterType instantiate({
required NullabilitySuffix nullabilitySuffix,
}) {
return TypeParameterTypeImpl(
element: this,
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix,
/// Mixin representing an element which can have type parameters.
mixin TypeParameterizedElementMixin
implements _ExistingElementImpl, TypeParameterizedElement {
/// A cached list containing the type parameters declared by this element
/// directly, or `null` if the elements have not been created yet. This does
/// not include type parameters that are declared by any enclosing elements.
List<TypeParameterElement> _typeParameterElements =
bool get isSimplyBounded => true;
List<TypeParameterElement> get typeParameters {
if (!identical(_typeParameterElements, _Sentinel.typeParameterElement)) {
return _typeParameterElements;
if (linkedNode != null) {
var typeParameters = linkedContext!.getTypeParameters2(linkedNode!);
if (typeParameters == null) {
return _typeParameterElements = const [];
return _typeParameterElements = typeParameters.typeParameters
.map<TypeParameterElement>((node) {
var element = node.declaredElement;
element ??= TypeParameterElementImpl.forLinkedNode(this, node);
return element;
return _typeParameterElements;
/// A concrete implementation of a [UriReferencedElement].
abstract class UriReferencedElementImpl extends _ExistingElementImpl
implements UriReferencedElement {
/// The offset of the URI in the file, or `-1` if this node is synthetic.
int _uriOffset = -1;
/// The offset of the character immediately following the last character of
/// this node's URI, or `-1` if this node is synthetic.
int _uriEnd = -1;
/// The URI that is specified by this directive.
String? _uri;
/// Initialize a newly created import element to have the given [name] and
/// [offset]. The offset may be `-1` if the element is synthetic.
UriReferencedElementImpl(String? name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference? reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
/// Initialize using the given serialized information.
UriReferencedElementImpl.forSerialized(ElementImpl enclosingElement)
: super.forSerialized(enclosingElement);
/// Return the URI that is specified by this directive.
String? get uri => _uri;
/// Set the URI that is specified by this directive to be the given [uri].
set uri(String? uri) {
_uri = uri;
/// Return the offset of the character immediately following the last
/// character of this node's URI, or `-1` if this node is synthetic.
int get uriEnd => _uriEnd;
/// Set the offset of the character immediately following the last character
/// of this node's URI to the given [offset].
set uriEnd(int offset) {
_uriEnd = offset;
/// Return the offset of the URI in the file, or `-1` if this node is
/// synthetic.
int get uriOffset => _uriOffset;
/// Set the offset of the URI in the file to the given [offset].
set uriOffset(int offset) {
_uriOffset = offset;
/// A concrete implementation of a [VariableElement].
abstract class VariableElementImpl extends ElementImpl
implements VariableElement {
/// The type of this variable.
DartType? _type;
/// Initialize a newly created variable element to have the given [name] and
/// [offset].
VariableElementImpl(String? name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
ElementImpl enclosing, Reference? reference, AstNode linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosing, reference, linkedNode);
/// Initialize using the given serialized information.
VariableElementImpl.forSerialized(ElementImpl enclosingElement)
: super.forSerialized(enclosingElement);
/// If this element represents a constant variable, and it has an initializer,
/// a copy of the initializer for the constant. Otherwise `null`.
/// Note that in correct Dart code, all constant variables must have
/// initializers. However, analyzer also needs to handle incorrect Dart code,
/// in which case there might be some constant variables that lack
/// initializers.
Expression? get constantInitializer => null;
VariableElement get declaration => this;
String get displayName => name;
/// Return the result of evaluating this variable's initializer as a
/// compile-time constant expression, or `null` if this variable is not a
/// 'const' variable, if it does not have an initializer, or if the
/// compilation unit containing the variable has not been resolved.
EvaluationResultImpl? get evaluationResult => null;
/// Set the result of evaluating this variable's initializer as a compile-time
/// constant expression to the given [result].
set evaluationResult(EvaluationResultImpl? result) {
throw StateError("Invalid attempt to set a compile-time constant result");
bool get hasImplicitType {
return hasModifier(Modifier.IMPLICIT_TYPE);
/// Set whether this variable element has an implicit type.
set hasImplicitType(bool hasImplicitType) {
setModifier(Modifier.IMPLICIT_TYPE, hasImplicitType);
bool get isConst {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isConst(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.CONST);
/// Set whether this variable is const.
set isConst(bool isConst) {
setModifier(Modifier.CONST, isConst);
bool get isConstantEvaluated => true;
bool get isFinal {
if (linkedNode != null) {
return enclosingUnit.linkedContext!.isFinal(linkedNode!);
return hasModifier(Modifier.FINAL);
/// Set whether this variable is final.
set isFinal(bool isFinal) {
setModifier(Modifier.FINAL, isFinal);
bool get isStatic => hasModifier(Modifier.STATIC);
String get name =>!;
DartType get type => ElementTypeProvider.current.getVariableType(this);
set type(DartType type) {
_type = type;
/// Gets the element's type, without going through the indirection of
/// [ElementTypeProvider].
/// In most cases, the element's `returnType` getter should be used instead.
DartType get typeInternal => _type!;
void appendTo(ElementDisplayStringBuilder builder) {
DartObject? computeConstantValue() => null;
abstract class _ExistingElementImpl extends ElementImpl with _HasLibraryMixin {
_ExistingElementImpl(String? name, int offset, {Reference? reference})
: super(name, offset, reference: reference);
ElementImpl? enclosingElement, Reference? reference, AstNode? linkedNode)
: super.forLinkedNode(enclosingElement, reference, linkedNode);
/// Initialize using the given serialized information.
_ExistingElementImpl.forSerialized(ElementImpl enclosingUnit)
: super.forSerialized(enclosingUnit);
mixin _HasLibraryMixin on ElementImpl {
LibraryElementImpl get library => thisOrAncestorOfType()!;
Source get librarySource => library.source;
Source get source => enclosingElement!.source!;
/// Instances of [List]s that are used as "not yet computed" values, they
/// must be not `null`, and not identical to `const <T>[]`.
class _Sentinel {
static final List<ClassElement> classElement = List.unmodifiable([]);
static final List<ConstructorElement> constructorElement =
static final List<ConstructorInitializer> constructorInitializer =
static final List<ElementAnnotation> elementAnnotation =
static final List<ExportElement> exportElement = List.unmodifiable([]);
static final List<ExtensionElement> extensionElement = List.unmodifiable([]);
static final List<FieldElement> fieldElement = List.unmodifiable([]);
static final List<FunctionElement> functionElement = List.unmodifiable([]);
@Deprecated('Use TypeAliasElement instead')
static final List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> functionTypeAliasElement =
static final List<ImportElement> importElement = List.unmodifiable([]);
static final List<InterfaceType> interfaceType = List.unmodifiable([]);
static final List<MethodElement> methodElement = List.unmodifiable([]);
static final List<NamespaceCombinator> namespaceCombinator =
static final List<ParameterElement> parameterElement = List.unmodifiable([]);
static final List<PropertyAccessorElement> propertyAccessorElement =
static final List<String> string = List.unmodifiable([]);
static final List<TopLevelVariableElement> topLevelVariables =
static final List<TypeAliasElement> typeAliasElement = List.unmodifiable([]);
static final List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameterElement =