blob: 8801eae8c572f63b9c07d5510f4b365450a16bf4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.5
// Conversions for IDBKey.
// Per
// "A value is said to be a valid key if it is one of the following types: Array
// JavaScript objects [ECMA-262], DOMString [WEBIDL], Date [ECMA-262] or float
// [WEBIDL]. However Arrays are only valid keys if every item in the array is
// defined and is a valid key (i.e. sparse arrays can not be valid keys) and if
// the Array doesn't directly or indirectly contain itself. Any non-numeric
// properties are ignored, and thus does not affect whether the Array is a valid
// key. Additionally, if the value is of type float, it is only a valid key if
// it is not NaN, and if the value is of type Date it is only a valid key if its
// [[PrimitiveValue]] internal property, as defined by [ECMA-262], is not NaN."
// What is required is to ensure that an Lists in the key are actually
// JavaScript arrays, and any Dates are JavaScript Dates.
// Conversions for Window. These check if the window is the local
// window, and if it's not, wraps or unwraps it with a secure wrapper.
// We need to test for EventTarget here as well as it's a base type.
// We omit an unwrapper for Window as no methods take a non-local
// window as a parameter.
part of html_common;
/// Converts a Dart value into a JavaScript SerializedScriptValue.
convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(value) {
return convertDartToNative_PrepareForStructuredClone(value);
/// Since the source object may be viewed via a JavaScript event listener the
/// original may not be modified.
convertNativeToDart_SerializedScriptValue(object) {
return convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone(object, mustCopy: true);
* Converts a Dart value into a JavaScript SerializedScriptValue. Returns the
* original input or a functional 'copy'. Does not mutate the original.
* The main transformation is the translation of Dart Maps are converted to
* JavaScript Objects.
* The algorithm is essentially a dry-run of the structured clone algorithm
* described at
* Since the result of this function is expected to be passed only to JavaScript
* operations that perform the structured clone algorithm which does not mutate
* its output, the result may share structure with the input [value].
abstract class _StructuredClone {
// TODO(sra): Replace slots with identity hash table.
var values = [];
var copies = []; // initially 'null', 'true' during initial DFS, then a copy.
int findSlot(value) {
int length = values.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (identical(values[i], value)) return i;
return length;
readSlot(int i) => copies[i];
writeSlot(int i, x) {
copies[i] = x;
cleanupSlots() {} // Will be needed if we mark objects with a property.
bool cloneNotRequired(object);
JSObject newJsObject();
void forEachObjectKey(object, action(key, value));
void putIntoObject(object, key, value);
List newJsList(length);
void putIntoMap(map, key, value);
// Returns the input, or a clone of the input.
walk(e) {
if (e == null) return e;
if (e is bool) return e;
if (e is num) return e;
if (e is String) return e;
if (e is DateTime) {
return convertDartToNative_DateTime(e);
if (e is RegExp) {
// TODO(sra).
throw new UnimplementedError('structured clone of RegExp');
// The browser's internal structured cloning algorithm will copy certain
// types of object, but it will copy only its own implementations and not
// just any Dart implementations of the interface.
// TODO(sra): The JavaScript objects suitable for direct cloning by the
// structured clone algorithm could be tagged with an private interface.
if (e is File) return e;
if (e is Blob) return e;
if (e is FileList) return e;
// TODO(sra): Firefox: How to convert _TypedImageData on the other end?
if (e is ImageData) return e;
if (cloneNotRequired(e)) return e;
if (e is Map) {
var slot = findSlot(e);
var copy = readSlot(slot);
if (copy != null) return copy;
copy = newJsMap();
writeSlot(slot, copy);
e.forEach((key, value) {
putIntoMap(copy, key, walk(value));
return copy;
if (e is List) {
// Since a JavaScript Array is an instance of Dart List it is tempting
// in dart2js to avoid making a copy of the list if there is no need
// to copy anything reachable from the array. However, the list may have
// non-native properties or methods from interceptors and such, e.g.
// an immutability marker. So we had to stop doing that.
var slot = findSlot(e);
var copy = JS('returns:List|Null;creates:;', '#', readSlot(slot));
if (copy != null) return copy;
copy = copyList(e, slot);
return copy;
if (e is JSObject) {
var slot = findSlot(e);
var copy = readSlot(slot);
if (copy != null) return copy;
copy = newJsObject();
writeSlot(slot, copy);
// TODO: Consider inlining this so we don't allocate a closure.
forEachObjectKey(e, (key, value) {
putIntoObject(copy, key, walk(value));
return copy;
throw new UnimplementedError('structured clone of other type');
List copyList(List e, int slot) {
int i = 0;
int length = e.length;
var copy = newJsList(length);
writeSlot(slot, copy);
for (; i < length; i++) {
copy[i] = walk(e[i]);
return copy;
convertDartToNative_PrepareForStructuredClone(value) {
var copy = walk(value);
return copy;
* Converts a native value into a Dart object.
* If [mustCopy] is [:false:], may return the original input. May mutate the
* original input (but will be idempotent if mutation occurs). It is assumed
* that this conversion happens on native serializable script values such values
* from native DOM calls.
* [object] is the result of a structured clone operation.
* If necessary, JavaScript Dates are converted into Dart Dates.
* If [mustCopy] is [:true:], the entire object is copied and the original input
* is not mutated. This should be the case where Dart and JavaScript code can
* access the value, for example, via multiple event listeners for
* MessageEvents. Mutating the object to make it more 'Dart-like' would corrupt
* the value as seen from the JavaScript listeners.
abstract class _AcceptStructuredClone {
// TODO(sra): Replace slots with identity hash table.
var values = [];
var copies = []; // initially 'null', 'true' during initial DFS, then a copy.
bool mustCopy = false;
int findSlot(value) {
int length = values.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (identicalInJs(values[i], value)) return i;
return length;
/// Are the two objects identical, but taking into account that two JsObject
/// wrappers may not be identical, but their underlying Js Object might be.
bool identicalInJs(a, b);
readSlot(int i) => copies[i];
writeSlot(int i, x) {
copies[i] = x;
/// Iterate over the JS properties.
forEachJsField(object, action(key, value));
/// Create a new Dart list of the given length. May create a native List or
/// a JsArray, depending if we're in Dartium or dart2js.
List newDartList(length);
walk(e) {
if (e == null) return e;
if (e is bool) return e;
if (e is num) return e;
if (e is String) return e;
if (isJavaScriptDate(e)) {
return convertNativeToDart_DateTime(e);
if (isJavaScriptRegExp(e)) {
// TODO(sra).
throw new UnimplementedError('structured clone of RegExp');
if (isJavaScriptPromise(e)) {
return promiseToFuture(e);
if (isJavaScriptSimpleObject(e)) {
// TODO(sra): If mustCopy is false, swizzle the prototype for one of a Map
// implementation that uses the properties as storage.
var slot = findSlot(e);
var copy = readSlot(slot);
if (copy != null) return copy;
copy = {};
writeSlot(slot, copy);
forEachJsField(e, (key, value) => copy[key] = walk(value));
return copy;
if (isJavaScriptArray(e)) {
var l = JS<List>('returns:List;creates:;', '#', e);
var slot = findSlot(l);
var copy = JS<List>('returns:List|Null;creates:;', '#', readSlot(slot));
if (copy != null) return copy;
int length = l.length;
// Since a JavaScript Array is an instance of Dart List, we can modify it
// in-place unless we must copy.
copy = mustCopy ? newDartList(length) : l;
writeSlot(slot, copy);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
copy[i] = walk(l[i]);
return copy;
// Assume anything else is already a valid Dart object, either by having
// already been processed, or e.g. a cloneable native class.
return e;
convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone(object, {mustCopy: false}) {
this.mustCopy = mustCopy;
var copy = walk(object);
return copy;
// Conversions for ContextAttributes.
// On Firefox, the returned ContextAttributes is a plain object.
class ContextAttributes {
bool alpha;
bool antialias;
bool depth;
bool premultipliedAlpha;
bool preserveDrawingBuffer;
bool stencil;
bool failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat;
convertNativeToDart_ContextAttributes(nativeContextAttributes) {
// On Firefox the above test fails because ContextAttributes is a plain
// object so we create a _TypedContextAttributes.
return new ContextAttributes(
JS('var', '#.alpha', nativeContextAttributes),
JS('var', '#.antialias', nativeContextAttributes),
JS('var', '#.depth', nativeContextAttributes),
JS('var', '#.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat', nativeContextAttributes),
JS('var', '#.premultipliedAlpha', nativeContextAttributes),
JS('var', '#.preserveDrawingBuffer', nativeContextAttributes),
JS('var', '#.stencil', nativeContextAttributes));
// Conversions for ImageData
// On Firefox, the returned ImageData is a plain object.
class _TypedImageData implements ImageData {
final Uint8ClampedList data;
final int height;
final int width;
_TypedImageData(, this.height, this.width);
ImageData convertNativeToDart_ImageData(nativeImageData) {
// None of the native getters that return ImageData are declared as returning
// [ImageData] since that is incorrect for FireFox, which returns a plain
// Object. So we need something that tells the compiler that the ImageData
// class has been instantiated.
// TODO(sra): Remove this when all the ImageData returning APIs have been
// annotated as returning the union ImageData + Object.
JS('ImageData', '0');
if (nativeImageData is ImageData) {
// Fix for Issue 16069: on IE, the `data` field is a CanvasPixelArray which
// has Array as the constructor property. This interferes with finding the
// correct interceptor. Fix it by overwriting the constructor property.
var data =;
if (JS('bool', '#.constructor === Array', data)) {
if (JS('bool', 'typeof CanvasPixelArray !== "undefined"')) {
JS('void', '#.constructor = CanvasPixelArray', data);
// This TypedArray property is missing from CanvasPixelArray.
JS('void', '#.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 1', data);
return nativeImageData;
// On Firefox the above test fails because [nativeImageData] is a plain
// object. So we create a _TypedImageData.
return new _TypedImageData(
JS('NativeUint8ClampedList', '', nativeImageData),
JS('var', '#.height', nativeImageData),
JS('var', '#.width', nativeImageData));
// We can get rid of this conversion if _TypedImageData implements the fields
// with native names.
convertDartToNative_ImageData(ImageData imageData) {
if (imageData is _TypedImageData) {
return JS('', '{data: #, height: #, width: #}',,
imageData.height, imageData.width);
return imageData;