blob: 53865011799d9e79cd278063465583f1c2e47d64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/migration_info.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/path_mapper.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/resources/resources.g.dart'
as resources;
import 'package:mustache/mustache.dart' as mustache;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// A mustache template for one library's instrumentation output.
mustache.Template _template = mustache.Template(r'''
<title>Non-nullable fix instrumentation report</title>
<script src="{{ highlightJsPath }}"></script>
<script>{{{ dartPageScript }}}</script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=",600&display=swap">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ highlightStylePath }}">
<style>{{{ dartPageStyle }}}</style>
<h1>Preview of NNBD migration</h1>
<h2 id="unit-name">&nbsp;</h2>
<div class="panels">
<div class="horizontal">
<div class="nav-panel">
<div class="nav-inner">
<p class="panel-heading">Navigation</p>
<p class="root">{{{ root }}}</p>
<div class="nav-tree"></div>
</div><!-- /nav-inner -->
</div><!-- /nav -->
'<div class="content">'
'<div class="code">'
'{{! Compilation unit content is written here. }}'
'<p class="welcome">'
'{{! TODO(srawlins): More welcome text! }}'
'Select a source file on the left to preview the edits.'
'<div class="regions">'
'{{! The regions are then written again, overlaying the first copy of }}'
'{{! the content, to provide tooltips for modified regions. }}'
'</div><!-- /regions -->'
'<div class="footer"><em>Generated on {{ generationDate }}</em></div>'
'</div><!-- /content -->'
<div class="info-panel">
<div class="panel-container">
<div class="edit-panel">
<p class="panel-heading">Edit info</p>
<div class="panel-content">
Click a modified region of code to see why the migration tool chose
to make the edit.
</div><!-- /panel-content -->
</div><!-- /edit-panel -->
<div class="edit-list">
<p class="panel-heading">Edits</p>
<div class="panel-content"></div>
</div><!-- /edit-list -->
</div><!-- /panel-container -->
</div><!-- /info-panel -->
</div><!-- /horizontal -->
</div><!-- /panels -->
/// Instrumentation display output for a library that was migrated to use
/// non-nullable types.
class InstrumentationRenderer {
/// Information for a whole migration, so that libraries can reference each
/// other.
final MigrationInfo migrationInfo;
/// An object used to map the file paths of analyzed files to the file paths
/// of the HTML files used to view the content of those files.
final PathMapper pathMapper;
/// Creates an output object for the given library info.
InstrumentationRenderer(this.migrationInfo, this.pathMapper);
/// Returns the path context used to manipulate paths.
path.Context get pathContext => migrationInfo.pathContext;
/// Builds an HTML view of the instrumentation information.
String render() {
Map<String, dynamic> mustacheContext = {
'root': migrationInfo.includedRoot,
'dartPageScript': resources.migration_js,
'dartPageStyle': resources.migration_css,
'highlightJsPath': migrationInfo.highlightJsPath,
'highlightStylePath': migrationInfo.highlightStylePath,
'generationDate': migrationInfo.migrationDate,
return _template.renderString(mustacheContext);