blob: 803f7a5deed587af484bf5706149b99c731417a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/painting.dart';
class MaterialColor extends ColorSwatch<int> {
const MaterialColor(int primary, Map<int, Color> swatch)
: super(primary, swatch);
Color get shade100 => this[100];
Color get shade200 => this[200];
Color get shade300 => this[300];
Color get shade400 => this[400];
Color get shade50 => this[50];
Color get shade500 => this[500];
Color get shade600 => this[600];
Color get shade700 => this[700];
Color get shade800 => this[800];
Color get shade900 => this[900];
class MaterialAccentColor extends ColorSwatch<int> {
const MaterialAccentColor(int primary, Map<int, Color> swatch)
: super(primary, swatch);
Color get shade50 => this[50];
Color get shade100 => this[100];
Color get shade200 => this[200];
Color get shade400 => this[400];
Color get shade700 => this[700];
class Colors {
static const Color black = Color(0xFF000000);
static const Color white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF);
static const MaterialColor red = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
// For simpler testing, these values are not the real Flutter values
// but just varying alphas on a primary value.
50: Color(0x05FF0000),
100: Color(0x10FF0000),
200: Color(0x20FF0000),
300: Color(0x30FF0000),
400: Color(0x40FF0000),
500: Color(0x50FF0000),
600: Color(0x60FF0000),
700: Color(0x70FF0000),
800: Color(0x80FF0000),
900: Color(0x90FF0000),
static const int _redPrimaryValue = 0xFFFF0000;
static const MaterialAccentColor redAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
// For simpler testing, these values are not the real Flutter values
// but just varying alphas on a primary value.
100: Color(0x10FFAA00),
200: Color(0x20FFAA00),
400: Color(0x40FFAA00),
700: Color(0x70FFAA00),
static const int _redAccentValue = 0xFFFFAA00;