blob: d89741d0614e15c1436acb2507d67283ededb591 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/channel/byte_stream_channel.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ByteStreamClientChannelTest {
late ByteStreamClientChannel channel;
/// Sink that may be used to deliver data to the channel, as though it's
/// coming from the server.
late IOSink inputSink;
/// Sink through which the channel delivers data to the server.
late IOSink outputSink;
/// Stream of lines sent back to the client by the channel.
late Stream<String> outputLineStream;
void setUp() {
var inputStream = StreamController<List<int>>();
inputSink = IOSink(inputStream);
var outputStream = StreamController<List<int>>();
outputLineStream =
outputSink = IOSink(outputStream);
channel = ByteStreamClientChannel(, outputSink);
Future<void> test_close() {
var doneCalled = false;
var closeCalled = false;
// add listener so that outputSink will trigger done/close futures
outputLineStream.listen((_) {/* no-op */});
outputSink.done.then((_) {
doneCalled = true;
channel.close().then((_) {
closeCalled = true;
return pumpEventQueue().then((_) {
expect(doneCalled, isTrue);
expect(closeCalled, isTrue);
Future<void> test_listen_notification() {
var notifications = <Notification>[];
channel.notificationStream.forEach((n) => notifications.add(n));
return pumpEventQueue().then((_) {
expect(notifications.length, equals(1));
expect(notifications[0].event, equals('server.connected'));
Future<void> test_listen_response() {
var responses = <Response>[];
channel.responseStream.forEach((n) => responses.add(n));
return pumpEventQueue().then((_) {
expect(responses.length, equals(1));
expect(responses[0].id, equals('72'));
Future<void> test_sendRequest() {
var assertCount = 0;
var request = Request('72', '');
outputLineStream.first.then((line) => json.decode(line)).then((json) {
expect(json[Request.ID], equals('72'));
expect(json[Request.METHOD], equals(''));
channel.sendRequest(request).then((Response response) {
expect(, equals('72'));
return pumpEventQueue().then((_) => expect(assertCount, equals(2)));
class ByteStreamServerChannelTest {
late ByteStreamServerChannel channel;
/// Sink that may be used to deliver data to the channel, as though it's
/// coming from the client.
late IOSink inputSink;
/// Stream of lines sent back to the client by the channel.
late Stream<String> outputLineStream;
/// Stream of requests received from the channel via [listen()].
late Stream<Request> requestStream;
/// Stream of errors received from the channel via [listen()].
late Stream errorStream;
/// Future which is completed when then [listen()] reports [onDone].
late Future doneFuture;
void setUp() {
var inputStream = StreamController<List<int>>();
inputSink = IOSink(inputStream);
var outputStream = StreamController<List<int>>();
outputLineStream =
var outputSink = IOSink(outputStream);
channel = ByteStreamServerChannel(, outputSink, InstrumentationService.NULL_SERVICE);
var requestStreamController = StreamController<Request>();
requestStream =;
var errorStreamController = StreamController();
errorStream =;
var doneCompleter = Completer();
doneFuture = doneCompleter.future;
channel.requests.listen((Request request) {
}, onError: (error) {
}, onDone: () {
Future<void> test_closed() {
return inputSink
.then((_) => channel.closed.timeout(Duration(seconds: 1)));
Future<void> test_listen_invalidJson() {
return inputSink
.then((_) => outputLineStream.first.timeout(Duration(seconds: 1)))
.then((String response) {
var jsonResponse = JsonCodec().decode(response);
expect(jsonResponse, isMap);
expect(jsonResponse, contains('error'));
expect(jsonResponse['error'], isNotNull);
Future<void> test_listen_invalidRequest() {
return inputSink
.then((_) => outputLineStream.first.timeout(Duration(seconds: 1)))
.then((String response) {
var jsonResponse = JsonCodec().decode(response);
expect(jsonResponse, isMap);
expect(jsonResponse, contains('error'));
expect(jsonResponse['error'], isNotNull);
Future<void> test_listen_streamDone() {
return inputSink
.then((_) => doneFuture.timeout(Duration(seconds: 1)));
Future<void> test_listen_streamError() {
var error = Error();
return inputSink
.then((_) => errorStream.first.timeout(Duration(seconds: 1)))
.then((var receivedError) {
expect(receivedError, same(error));
Future<void> test_listen_wellFormedRequest() {
return inputSink
.then((_) => requestStream.first.timeout(Duration(seconds: 1)))
.then((Request request) {
expect(, equals('0'));
expect(request.method, equals('server.version'));
Future<void> test_sendNotification() {
return outputLineStream.first
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 1))
.then((String notification) {
var jsonNotification = JsonCodec().decode(notification);
expect(jsonNotification, isMap);
expect(jsonNotification, contains('event'));
expect(jsonNotification['event'], equals('foo'));
Future<void> test_sendNotification_exceptionInSink() async {
// This IOSink asynchronously throws an exception on any writeln().
var outputSink = _IOSinkThatAsyncThrowsOnWrite();
var channel = ByteStreamServerChannel(StreamController<List<int>>().stream,
outputSink, InstrumentationService.NULL_SERVICE);
// Attempt to send a notification.
// An exception was thrown, it did not leak, but the channel was closed.
await channel.closed;
Future<void> test_sendResponse() {
return outputLineStream.first
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 1))
.then((String response) {
var jsonResponse = JsonCodec().decode(response);
expect(jsonResponse, isMap);
expect(jsonResponse, contains('id'));
expect(jsonResponse['id'], equals('foo'));
class _IOSinkThatAsyncThrowsOnWrite implements IOSink {
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
void writeln([Object? obj = '']) {
Timer(Duration(milliseconds: 10), () {
throw '42';