blob: eb5ee435972ee65d3930627cc109353d499a88fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Common logic to make it easy to run the polymer linter and deploy tool.
* The functions in this library are designed to make it easier to create
* `build.dart` files. A `build.dart` file is a Dart script that can be invoked
* from the command line, but that can also invoked automatically by the Dart
* Editor whenever a file in your project changes or when selecting some menu
* options, such as 'Reanalyze Sources'.
* To work correctly, place the `build.dart` in the root of your project (where
* pubspec.yaml lives). The file must be named exactly `build.dart`.
* It's quite likely that in the near future `build.dart` will be replaced with
* something else. For example, `pub deploy` will deal with deploying
* applications automatically, and the Dart Editor might provide other
* mechanisms to hook linters.
* There are three important functions exposed by this library [build], [lint],
* and [deploy]. The following examples show common uses of these functions when
* writing a `build.dart` file.
* **Example 1**: Uses build.dart to run the linter tool.
* import 'dart:io';
* import 'package:polymer/builder.dart';
* main() {
* lint();
* }
* **Example 2**: Runs the linter and creates a deployable version of the app
* every time.
* import 'dart:io';
* import 'package:polymer/builder.dart';
* main() {
* lint().then(() => deploy());
* }
* **Example 3**: Runs the linter, but conditionally does the deploy step. See
* [parseOptions] for a description of options parsed automatically by this
* helper library.
* import 'dart:io';
* import 'package:polymer/builder.dart';
* main() {
* var options = parseOptions();
* lint().then(() {
* if (options.forceDeploy) deploy();
* });
* }
* **Example 4**: Same as above, but uses [build] (which internally calls [lint]
* and [deploy]).
* import 'dart:io';
* import 'package:polymer/builder.dart';
* main() {
* build();
* }
* **Example 5**: Like the previous example, but indicates to the linter and
* deploy tool which files are actually used as entry point files. See the
* documentation of [build] below for more details.
* import 'dart:io';
* import 'package:polymer/builder.dart';
* main() {
* build(entryPoints: ['web/index.html']);
* }
library polymer.builder;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'src/build/linter.dart';
import 'src/build/runner.dart';
import 'transformer.dart';
* Runs the polymer linter on any relevant file in your package, such as any
* .html file under 'lib/', 'asset/', and 'web/'. And, if requested, creates a
* directory suitable for deploying a Polymer application to a server.
* The [entryPoints] list contains files under web/ that should be treated as
* entry points. Each entry on this list is a relative path from the package
* root (for example 'web/index.html'). If null, all files under 'web/' are
* treated as possible entry points.
* Options are read from the command line arguments, but you can override them
* passing the [options] argument. The deploy operation is run only when the
* command-line argument `--deploy` is present, or equivalently when
* `options.forceDeploy` is true.
* The linter and deploy steps needs to know the name of the [currentPackage]
* and the location where to find the code for any package it depends on
* ([packageDirs]). This is inferred automatically, but can be overriden if
* those arguments are provided.
Future build({List<String> entryPoints, CommandLineOptions options,
String currentPackage, Map<String, String> packageDirs}) {
if (options == null) options = _options;
return lint(entryPoints: entryPoints, options: options,
currentPackage: currentPackage, packageDirs: packageDirs).then((res) {
if (options.forceDeploy) {
return deploy(entryPoints: entryPoints, options: options,
currentPackage: currentPackage, packageDirs: packageDirs);
* Runs the polymer linter on any relevant file in your package,
* such as any .html file under 'lib/', 'asset/', and 'web/'.
* The [entryPoints] list contains files under web/ that should be treated as
* entry points. Each entry on this list is a relative path from the package
* root (for example 'web/index.html'). If null, all files under 'web/' are
* treated as possible entry points.
* Options are read from the command line arguments, but you can override them
* passing the [options] argument.
* The linter needs to know the name of the [currentPackage] and the location
* where to find the code for any package it depends on ([packageDirs]). This is
* inferred automatically, but can be overriden if those arguments are provided.
Future lint({List<String> entryPoints, CommandLineOptions options,
String currentPackage, Map<String, String> packageDirs}) {
if (options == null) options = _options;
if (currentPackage == null) currentPackage = readCurrentPackageFromPubspec();
var linterOptions = new TransformOptions(currentPackage, entryPoints);
var formatter = options.machineFormat ? jsonFormatter : consoleFormatter;
var linter = new Linter(linterOptions, formatter);
return runBarback(new BarbackOptions([[linter]], null,
currentPackage: currentPackage, packageDirs: packageDirs)).then((assets) {
var messages = {};
var futures = [];
for (var asset in assets) {
var id =;
if (id.package == currentPackage && id.path.endsWith('.messages')) {
futures.add(asset.readAsString().then((content) {
if (content.isEmpty) return;
messages[id] = content;
return Future.wait(futures).then((_) {
// Print messages sorting by package and filepath.
var orderedKeys = messages.keys.toList();
orderedKeys.sort((a, b) {
int packageCompare = a.package.compareTo(b.package);
if (packageCompare != 0) return packageCompare;
return a.path.compareTo(b.path);
for (var key in orderedKeys) {
* Creates a directory suitable for deploying a Polymer application to a server.
* **Note**: this function will be replaced in the future by the `pub deploy`
* command.
* The [entryPoints] list contains files under web/ that should be treated as
* entry points. Each entry on this list is a relative path from the package
* root (for example 'web/index.html'). If null, all files under 'web/' are
* treated as possible entry points.
* Options are read from the command line arguments, but you can override them
* passing the [options] list.
* The deploy step needs to know the name of the [currentPackage] and the
* location where to find the code for any package it depends on
* ([packageDirs]). This is inferred automatically, but can be overriden if
* those arguments are provided.
Future deploy({List<String> entryPoints, CommandLineOptions options,
String currentPackage, Map<String, String> packageDirs}) {
if (options == null) options = _options;
if (currentPackage == null) currentPackage = readCurrentPackageFromPubspec();
var barbackOptions = new BarbackOptions(
createDeployPhases(new TransformOptions(currentPackage, entryPoints)),
options.outDir, currentPackage: currentPackage,
packageDirs: packageDirs);
return runBarback(barbackOptions)
.then((_) => print('Done! All files written to "${options.outDir}"'));
* Options that may be used either in build.dart or by the linter and deploy
* tools.
class CommandLineOptions {
/** Files marked as changed. */
final List<String> changedFiles;
/** Files marked as removed. */
final List<String> removedFiles;
/** Whether to clean intermediate artifacts, if any. */
final bool clean;
/** Whether to do a full build (as if all files have changed). */
final bool full;
/** Whether to print results using a machine parseable format. */
final bool machineFormat;
/** Whether the force deploy option was passed in the command line. */
final bool forceDeploy;
/** Location where to generate output files. */
final String outDir;
CommandLineOptions(this.changedFiles, this.removedFiles, this.clean,
this.full, this.machineFormat, this.forceDeploy, this.outDir);
/** Options parsed directly from the command line arguments. */
CommandLineOptions _options = parseOptions();
* Parse command-line arguments and return a [CommandLineOptions] object. The
* following flags are parsed by this method.
* * `--changed file-path`: notify of a file change.
* * `--removed file-path`: notify that a file was removed.
* * `--clean`: remove temporary artifacts (if any)
* * `--full`: build everything, similar to marking every file as changed
* * `--machine`: produce output that can be parsed by tools, such as the Dart
* Editor.
* * `--deploy`: force deploy.
* * `--help`: print documentation for each option and exit.
* Currently not all the flags are used by [lint] or [deploy] above, but they
* are available so they can be used from your `build.dart`. For instance, see
* the top-level library documentation for an example that uses the force-deploy
* option to conditionally call [deploy].
* If this documentation becomes out of date, the best way to discover which
* flags are supported is to invoke this function from your build.dart, and run
* it with the `--help` command-line flag.
CommandLineOptions parseOptions([List<String> args]) {
var parser = new ArgParser()
..addOption('changed', help: 'The file has changed since the last build.',
allowMultiple: true)
..addOption('removed', help: 'The file was removed since the last build.',
allowMultiple: true)
..addFlag('clean', negatable: false,
help: 'Remove any build artifacts (if any).')
..addFlag('full', negatable: false, help: 'perform a full build')
..addFlag('machine', negatable: false,
help: 'Produce warnings in a machine parseable format.')
..addFlag('deploy', negatable: false,
help: 'Whether to force deploying.')
..addOption('out', abbr: 'o', help: 'Directory to generate files into.',
defaultsTo: 'out')
..addFlag('help', abbr: 'h',
negatable: false, help: 'Displays this help and exit.');
var res = parser.parse(args == null ? new Options().arguments : args);
if (res['help']) {
print('A build script that invokes the polymer linter and deploy tools.');
print('Usage: dart build.dart [options]');
print('\nThese are valid options expected by build.dart:');
return new CommandLineOptions(res['changed'], res['removed'], res['clean'],
res['full'], res['machine'], res['deploy'], res['out']);