blob: 7a3bafb979026f8166d9c9a984ee87ae1a74a938 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library builtin;
// NOTE: Do not import 'dart:io' in builtin.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' hide LinkedList, LinkedListEntry;
import 'dart:_internal' hide Symbol;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:typed_data';
// Embedder sets this to true if the --trace-loading flag was passed on the
// command line.
bool _traceLoading = false;
// Before handling an embedder entrypoint we finalize the setup of the
// dart:_builtin library.
bool _setupCompleted = false;
// 'print' implementation.
// The standalone embedder registers the closurized _print function with the
// dart:core library.
void _printString(String s) native "Builtin_PrintString";
void _print(arg) {
_getPrintClosure() => _print;
// The current working directory when the embedder was launched.
late Uri _workingDirectory;
// The URI that the root script was loaded from. Remembered so that
// package imports can be resolved relative to it. The root script is the basis
// for the root library in the VM.
Uri? _rootScript;
// packagesConfig specified for the isolate.
Uri? _packagesConfigUri;
// Packages are either resolved looking up in a map or resolved from within a
// package root.
bool get _packagesReady => (_packageMap != null) || (_packageError != null);
// Error string set if there was an error resolving package configuration.
// For example not finding a .packages file or packages/ directory, malformed
// .packages file or any other related error.
String? _packageError = null;
// The map describing how certain package names are mapped to Uris.
Uri? _packageConfig = null;
Map<String, Uri>? _packageMap = null;
// Special handling for Windows paths so that they are compatible with URI
// handling.
// Embedder sets this to true if we are running on Windows.
bool _isWindows = false;
// Logging from builtin.dart is prefixed with a '*'.
String _logId = (Isolate.current.hashCode % 0x100000).toRadixString(16);
_log(msg) {
_print("* $_logId $msg");
_sanitizeWindowsPath(path) {
// For Windows we need to massage the paths a bit according to
// Convert
// C:\one\two\three
// to
// /C:/one/two/three
if (_isWindows == false) {
// Do nothing when not running Windows.
return path;
var fixedPath = "${path.replaceAll('\\', '/')}";
if ((path.length > 2) && (path[1] == ':')) {
// Path begins with a drive letter.
return '/$fixedPath';
return fixedPath;
_setPackagesConfig(String packagesParam) {
var packagesName = _sanitizeWindowsPath(packagesParam);
var packagesUri = Uri.parse(packagesName);
if (packagesUri.scheme == '') {
// Script does not have a scheme, assume that it is a path,
// resolve it against the working directory.
packagesUri = _workingDirectory.resolveUri(packagesUri);
_packagesConfigUri = packagesUri;
// Given a uri with a 'package' scheme, return a Uri that is prefixed with
// the package root or resolved relative to the package configuration.
Uri _resolvePackageUri(Uri uri) {
assert(uri.scheme == "package");
if ( {
var path = '${}${uri.path}';
var right = 'package:$path';
var wrong = 'package://$path';
throw "URIs using the 'package:' scheme should look like "
"'$right', not '$wrong'.";
var packageNameEnd = uri.path.indexOf('/');
if (packageNameEnd == 0) {
// Package URIs must have a non-empty package name (not start with "/").
throw "URIS using the 'package:' scheme should look like "
"'package:packageName${uri.path}', not 'package:${uri.path}'";
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Resolving package with uri path: ${uri.path}');
var resolvedUri;
final error = _packageError;
if (error != null) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Resolving package with pending resolution error: $error");
throw error;
} else {
if (packageNameEnd < 0) {
// Package URIs must have a path after the package name, even if it's
// just "/".
throw "URIS using the 'package:' scheme should look like "
"'package:${uri.path}/', not 'package:${uri.path}'";
var packageName = uri.path.substring(0, packageNameEnd);
final mapping = _packageMap![packageName];
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Mapped '$packageName' package to '$mapping'");
if (mapping == null) {
throw "No mapping for '$packageName' package when resolving '$uri'.";
var path;
assert(uri.path.length > packageName.length);
path = uri.path.substring(packageName.length + 1);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Path to be resolved in package: $path");
resolvedUri = mapping.resolve(path);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Resolved '$uri' to '$resolvedUri'.");
return resolvedUri;
void _requestPackagesMap(Uri? packageConfig) {
dynamic msg = null;
if (packageConfig != null) {
// Explicitly specified .packages path.
msg = _handlePackagesRequest(_traceLoading, -2, packageConfig);
} else {
// Search for .packages starting at the root script.
msg = _handlePackagesRequest(_traceLoading, -1, _rootScript!);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Requested packages map for '$_rootScript'.");
if (msg is String) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Got failure response on package port: '$msg'");
// Remember the error message.
_packageError = msg;
} else if (msg is List) {
// First entry contains the location of the loaded .packages file.
assert((msg.length % 2) == 0);
assert(msg.length >= 2);
assert(msg[1] == null);
_packageConfig = Uri.parse(msg[0]);
final pmap = new Map<String, Uri>();
_packageMap = pmap;
for (var i = 2; i < msg.length; i += 2) {
// TODO(iposva): Complain about duplicate entries.
pmap[msg[i]] = Uri.parse(msg[i + 1]);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Setup package map: $_packageMap");
} else {
_packageError = "Bad type of packages reply: ${msg.runtimeType}";
if (_traceLoading) {
// The values go from ' ' to DEL and `x` means disallowed.
const String _invalidPackageNameChars =
bool _isValidPackageName(String packageName) {
const space = 0x20;
const del = 0x7F;
const dot = 0x2e;
const lowerX = 0x78;
for (int i = 0; i < packageName.length; ++i) {
final int char = packageName.codeUnitAt(i);
if (char < space || del < char) {
return false;
final int allowed = _invalidPackageNameChars.codeUnitAt(char - space);
assert(allowed == dot || allowed == lowerX);
if (allowed == lowerX) {
return false;
return true;
_parsePackagesFile(bool traceLoading, Uri packagesFile, String data) {
// The first entry contains the location of the identified .packages file
// instead of a mapping.
final List result = [packagesFile.toString(), null];
final lines = LineSplitter.split(data);
for (String line in lines) {
final hashIndex = line.indexOf('#');
if (hashIndex == 0) {
if (hashIndex > 0) {
line = line.substring(0, hashIndex);
line = line.trimRight();
if (line.isEmpty) {
final colonIndex = line.indexOf(':');
if (colonIndex <= 0) {
return 'Line in "$packagesFile" should be of the format '
'`<package-name>:<path>" but was: "$line"';
final packageName = line.substring(0, colonIndex);
if (!_isValidPackageName(packageName)) {
return 'Package name in $packagesFile contains disallowed characters ('
'was: "$packageName")';
String packageUri = line.substring(colonIndex + 1);
if (traceLoading) {
_log("packageName: $packageName");
_log("packageUri: $packageUri");
// Ensure the package uri ends with a /.
if (!packageUri.endsWith('/')) {
packageUri += '/';
final resolvedPackageUri = packagesFile.resolve(packageUri).toString();
if (traceLoading) {
_log("mapping: $packageName -> $resolvedPackageUri");
if (traceLoading) {
_log("Parsed packages file at $packagesFile. Sending:\n$result");
return result;
// The .dart_tool/package_config.json format is described in
// The returned list has the format:
// [0] Location of package_config.json file.
// [1] null
// [n*2] Name of n-th package
// [n*2 + 1] Location of n-th package's sources (as a String)
List _parsePackageConfig(bool traceLoading, Uri packageConfig, String data) {
final Map packageJson = json.decode(data);
final version = packageJson['configVersion'];
if (version != 2) {
throw 'The package configuration file has an unsupported version.';
// The first entry contains the location of the identified
// .dart_tool/package_config.json file instead of a mapping.
final result = <dynamic>[packageConfig.toString(), null];
final List packages = packageJson['packages'] ?? [];
for (final Map package in packages) {
String rootUri = package['rootUri'];
if (!rootUri.endsWith('/')) rootUri += '/';
final String packageName = package['name'];
final String? packageUri = package['packageUri'];
final Uri resolvedRootUri = packageConfig.resolve(rootUri);
final Uri resolvedPackageUri = packageUri != null
? resolvedRootUri.resolve(packageUri)
: resolvedRootUri;
if (packageUri != null &&
!'$resolvedPackageUri'.contains('$resolvedRootUri')) {
throw 'The resolved "packageUri" is not a subdirectory of the "rootUri".';
if (!_isValidPackageName(packageName)) {
throw 'Package name in $packageConfig contains disallowed characters ('
'was: "$packageName")';
if (traceLoading) {
_log('Resolved package "$packageName" to be at $resolvedPackageUri');
return result;
_findPackagesConfiguration(bool traceLoading, Uri base) {
try {
// Walk up the directory hierarchy to check for the existence of either one
// of
// - .packages (preferred)
// - .dart_tool/package_config.json
var currentDir = new File.fromUri(base).parent;
while (true) {
final dirUri = currentDir.uri;
// We prefer using `.dart_tool/package_config.json` over `.packages`.
final packageConfig = dirUri.resolve(".dart_tool/package_config.json");
if (traceLoading) {
_log("Checking for $packageConfig file.");
File file = File.fromUri(packageConfig);
bool exists = file.existsSync();
if (traceLoading) {
_log("$packageConfig exists: $exists");
if (exists) {
final data = utf8.decode(file.readAsBytesSync());
if (traceLoading) {
_log("Loaded package config file from $packageConfig:$data\n");
return _parsePackageConfig(traceLoading, packageConfig, data);
// We fallback to using `.packages` if it exists.
final packagesFile = dirUri.resolve(".packages");
if (traceLoading) {
_log("Checking for $packagesFile file.");
file = File.fromUri(packagesFile);
exists = file.existsSync();
if (traceLoading) {
_log("$packagesFile exists: $exists");
if (exists) {
final String data = utf8.decode(file.readAsBytesSync());
if (traceLoading) {
_log("Loaded packages file from $packagesFile:\n$data");
return _parsePackagesFile(traceLoading, packagesFile, data);
final parentDir = currentDir.parent;
if (dirUri == parentDir.uri) break;
currentDir = parentDir;
if (traceLoading) {
_log("Could not resolve a package configuration from $base");
return "Could not resolve a package configuration for base at $base";
} catch (e, s) {
if (traceLoading) {
_log("Error loading packages: $e\n$s");
return "Uncaught error ($e) loading packages file.";
int _indexOfFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter(String data) {
// Whitespace characters ignored in JSON spec:
const tab = 0x09;
const lf = 0x0A;
const cr = 0x0D;
const space = 0x20;
int index = 0;
while (index < data.length) {
final int char = data.codeUnitAt(index);
if (char != lf && char != cr && char != space && char != tab) {
return index;
bool _canBeValidJson(String data) {
const int openCurly = 0x7B;
final int index = _indexOfFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter(data);
return index < data.length && data.codeUnitAt(index) == openCurly;
_parsePackageConfiguration(bool traceLoading, Uri resource, Uint8List bytes) {
try {
final data = utf8.decode(bytes);
if (_canBeValidJson(data)) {
return _parsePackageConfig(traceLoading, resource, data);
} else {
return _parsePackagesFile(traceLoading, resource, data);
} catch (e) {
return "The resource '$resource' is neither a valid '.packages' file nor "
"a valid '.dart_tool/package_config.json' file.";
bool _isValidUtf8DataUrl(UriData data) {
final mime = data.mimeType;
if (mime != "text/plain") {
return false;
final charset = data.charset;
if (charset != "utf-8" && charset != "US-ASCII") {
return false;
return true;
_handlePackagesRequest(bool traceLoading, int tag, Uri resource) {
try {
if (tag == -1) {
if (resource.scheme == '' || resource.scheme == 'file') {
return _findPackagesConfiguration(traceLoading, resource);
} else {
return "Unsupported scheme used to locate .packages file:'$resource'.";
} else if (tag == -2) {
if (traceLoading) {
_log("Handling load of packages map: '$resource'.");
late Uint8List bytes;
if (resource.scheme == '' || resource.scheme == 'file') {
final file = File.fromUri(resource);
if (!file.existsSync()) {
return "Packages file '$resource' does not exit.";
bytes = file.readAsBytesSync();
} else if (resource.scheme == 'data') {
final uriData =!;
if (!_isValidUtf8DataUrl(uriData)) {
return "The data resource '$resource' must have a 'text/plain' mime "
"type and a 'utf-8' or 'US-ASCII' charset.";
bytes = uriData.contentAsBytes();
} else {
return "Unknown scheme (${resource.scheme}) for package file at "
return _parsePackageConfiguration(traceLoading, resource, bytes);
} else {
return "Unknown packages request tag: $tag for '$resource'.";
} catch (e, s) {
if (traceLoading) {
_log("Error handling packages request: $e\n$s");
return "Uncaught error ($e) handling packages request.";
// Embedder Entrypoint:
// The embedder calls this method to initial the package resolution state.
void _Init(
String? packagesConfig, String workingDirectory, String? rootScript) {
// Register callbacks and hooks with the rest of core libraries.
// _workingDirectory must be set first.
_workingDirectory = new;
// setup _rootScript.
if (rootScript != null) {
_rootScript = Uri.parse(rootScript);
// If the --packages flag was passed, setup _packagesConfig.
if (packagesConfig != null) {
_packageMap = null;
// Embedder Entrypoint:
// The embedder calls this method with the current working directory.
void _setWorkingDirectory(String cwd) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Setting working directory: $cwd');
_workingDirectory = new;
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Working directory URI: $_workingDirectory');
// Embedder Entrypoint:
// The embedder calls this method with the value of the --packages command line
// option. It can point to a ".packages" or a ".dart_tool/package_config.json"
// file.
String _setPackagesMap(String packagesParam) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
// First convert the packages parameter from the command line to a URI which
// can be handled by the loader code.
// TODO(iposva): Consider refactoring the common code below which is almost
// shared with resolution of the root script.
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Resolving packages map: $packagesParam");
if (_workingDirectory == null) {
throw 'No current working directory set.';
var packagesName = _sanitizeWindowsPath(packagesParam);
var packagesUri = Uri.parse(packagesName);
if (packagesUri.scheme == '') {
// Script does not have a scheme, assume that it is a path,
// resolve it against the working directory.
packagesUri = _workingDirectory.resolveUri(packagesUri);
var packagesUriStr = packagesUri.toString();
VMLibraryHooks.packageConfigString = packagesUriStr;
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Resolved packages map to: $packagesUri');
return packagesUriStr;
// Resolves the script uri in the current working directory iff the given uri
// did not specify a scheme (e.g. a path to a script file on the command line).
String _resolveScriptUri(String scriptName) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Resolving script: $scriptName");
if (_workingDirectory == null) {
throw 'No current working directory set.';
scriptName = _sanitizeWindowsPath(scriptName);
var scriptUri = Uri.parse(scriptName);
if (scriptUri.scheme == '') {
// Script does not have a scheme, assume that it is a path,
// resolve it against the working directory.
scriptUri = _workingDirectory.resolveUri(scriptUri);
// Remember the root script URI so that we can resolve packages based on
// this location.
_rootScript = scriptUri;
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Resolved entry point to: $_rootScript');
return scriptUri.toString();
// Register callbacks and hooks with the rest of the core libraries.
_setupHooks() {
_setupCompleted = true;
VMLibraryHooks.packageConfigUriFuture = _getPackageConfigFuture;
VMLibraryHooks.resolvePackageUriFuture = _resolvePackageUriFuture;
Future<Uri?> _getPackageConfigFuture() {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Request for package config from user code.");
if (!_packagesReady) {
// Respond with the packages config (if any) after package resolution.
return Future.value(_packageConfig);
Future<Uri?> _resolvePackageUriFuture(Uri packageUri) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Request for package Uri resolution from user code: $packageUri");
if (packageUri.scheme != "package") {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Non-package Uri, returning unmodified: $packageUri");
// Return the incoming parameter if not passed a package: URI.
return Future.value(packageUri);
if (!_packagesReady) {
Uri? resolvedUri;
try {
resolvedUri = _resolvePackageUri(packageUri);
} catch (e, s) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Exception when resolving package URI: $packageUri:\n$e\n$s");
resolvedUri = null;
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Resolved '$packageUri' to '$resolvedUri'");
return Future.value(resolvedUri);