blob: 69c75ce5d4094bcb32942f7e70ab51018853a71f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/globals.h"
#if defined(HOST_OS_FUCHSIA)
#include "bin/platform.h"
#include <string.h> // NOLINT
#include <unistd.h> // NOLINT
#include "bin/dartutils.h"
#include "bin/fdutils.h"
#include "bin/file.h"
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
const char* Platform::executable_name_ = NULL;
char* Platform::resolved_executable_name_ = NULL;
int Platform::script_index_ = 1;
char** Platform::argv_ = NULL;
bool Platform::Initialize() {
return true;
int Platform::NumberOfProcessors() {
return sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);
const char* Platform::OperatingSystem() {
return "fuchsia";
const char* Platform::LibraryPrefix() {
return "lib";
const char* Platform::LibraryExtension() {
return "so";
const char* Platform::LocaleName() {
return getenv("LANG");
bool Platform::LocalHostname(char* buffer, intptr_t buffer_length) {
return gethostname(buffer, buffer_length) == 0;
char** Platform::Environment(intptr_t* count) {
// Using environ directly is only safe as long as we do not
// provide access to modifying environment variables.
intptr_t i = 0;
char** tmp = environ;
while (*(tmp++) != NULL) {
*count = i;
char** result;
result = reinterpret_cast<char**>(Dart_ScopeAllocate(i * sizeof(*result)));
for (intptr_t current = 0; current < i; current++) {
result[current] = environ[current];
return result;
const char* Platform::ResolveExecutablePath() {
// The string used on the command line to spawn the executable is in argv_[0].
// If that string is a relative or absolute path, i.e. it contains a '/', then
// we make the path absolute if it is not already and return it. If argv_[0]
// does not contain a '/', we assume it is a program whose location is
// resolved via the PATH environment variable, and search for it using the
// paths found there.
const char* path = getenv("PATH");
if ((strchr(argv_[0], '/') != NULL) || (path == NULL)) {
if (argv_[0][0] == '/') {
return File::GetCanonicalPath(argv_[0]);
} else {
char* result = DartUtils::ScopedCString(PATH_MAX + 1);
char* cwd = DartUtils::ScopedCString(PATH_MAX + 1);
getcwd(cwd, PATH_MAX);
snprintf(result, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", cwd, argv_[0]);
result[PATH_MAX] = '\0';
return File::GetCanonicalPath(result);
} else {
char* pathcopy = DartUtils::ScopedCopyCString(path);
char* result = DartUtils::ScopedCString(PATH_MAX + 1);
char* save = NULL;
while ((pathcopy = strtok_r(pathcopy, ":", &save)) != NULL) {
snprintf(result, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", pathcopy, argv_[0]);
result[PATH_MAX] = '\0';
if (File::Exists(result)) {
return File::GetCanonicalPath(result);
pathcopy = NULL;
// Couldn't find it. This causes null to be returned for
// Platform.resovledExecutable.
return NULL;
void Platform::Exit(int exit_code) {
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart
#endif // defined(HOST_OS_FUCHSIA)