blob: 1ca595e0714c8c7f8334962e25c13aeee9cbd1ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../common/resolution.dart';
import '../common_elements.dart';
import '../constants/constant_system.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/resolution_types.dart';
import '../universe/call_structure.dart';
import '../universe/use.dart' show ConstantUse, StaticUse;
import '../universe/world_impact.dart'
show WorldImpact, StagedWorldImpactBuilder;
import 'backend_usage.dart' show BackendUsageBuilder;
import 'native_data.dart';
* Support for Custom Elements.
* The support for custom elements the compiler builds a table that maps the
* custom element class's [Type] to the interceptor for the class and the
* constructor(s) for the class.
* We want the table to contain only the custom element classes used, and we
* want to avoid resolving and compiling constructors that are not used since
* that may bring in unused code. This class controls the resolution and code
* generation to restrict the impact.
* The following line of code requires the generation of the generative
* constructor factory function(s) for FancyButton, and their insertion into the
* table:
* document.register(FancyButton, 'x-fancy-button');
* We detect this by 'joining' the classes that are referenced as type literals
* with the classes that are custom elements, enabled by detecting the presence
* of the table access code used by document.register.
* We have to be more conservative when the type is unknown, e.g.
* document.register(classMirror.reflectedType, tagFromMetadata);
* and
* class Component<T> {
* final tag;
* Component(this.tag);
* void register() => document.register(T, tag);
* }
* const Component<FancyButton>('x-fancy-button').register();
* In these cases we conservatively generate all viable entries in the table.
abstract class CustomElementsAnalysisBase {
final NativeBasicData _nativeData;
final Resolution _resolution;
final CommonElements _commonElements;
this._resolution, this._commonElements, this._nativeData);
CustomElementsAnalysisJoin get join;
void registerInstantiatedClass(ClassElement classElement) {
if (!_nativeData.isNativeOrExtendsNative(classElement)) return;
if (classElement.isMixinApplication) return;
if (classElement.isAbstract) return;
// JsInterop classes are opaque interfaces without a concrete
// implementation.
if (_nativeData.isJsInteropClass(classElement)) return;
void registerStaticUse(MemberEntity element) {
assert(element != null);
if (element == _commonElements.findIndexForNativeSubclassType) {
join.demanded = true;
/// Computes the [WorldImpact] of the classes registered since last flush.
WorldImpact flush() => join.flush();
class CustomElementsResolutionAnalysis extends CustomElementsAnalysisBase {
final CustomElementsAnalysisJoin join;
Resolution resolution,
ConstantSystem constantSystem,
CommonElements commonElements,
NativeBasicData nativeData,
BackendUsageBuilder backendUsageBuilder)
: join = new CustomElementsAnalysisJoin(
resolution, constantSystem, commonElements, nativeData,
backendUsageBuilder: backendUsageBuilder),
super(resolution, commonElements, nativeData) {
// TODO(sra): Remove this work-around. We should mark allClassesSelected in
// both joins only when we see a construct generating an unknown [Type] but
// we can't currently recognize all cases. In particular, the work-around
// for the unimplemented `ClassMirror.reflectedType` is not recognizable.
// TODO(12607): Match on [ClassMirror.reflectedType]
join.allClassesSelected = true;
void registerTypeLiteral(ResolutionDartType type) {
if (type.isInterfaceType) {
// TODO(sra): If we had a flow query from the type literal expression to
// the Type argument of the metadata lookup, we could tell if this type
// literal is really a demand for the metadata.
} else if (type.isTypeVariable) {
// This is a type parameter of a parameterized class.
// TODO(sra): Is there a way to determine which types are bound to the
// parameter?
join.allClassesSelected = true;
class CustomElementsCodegenAnalysis extends CustomElementsAnalysisBase {
final CustomElementsAnalysisJoin join;
Resolution resolution,
ConstantSystem constantSystem,
CommonElements commonElements,
NativeBasicData nativeData)
: join = new CustomElementsAnalysisJoin(
resolution, constantSystem, commonElements, nativeData),
super(resolution, commonElements, nativeData) {
// TODO(sra): Remove this work-around. We should mark allClassesSelected in
// both joins only when we see a construct generating an unknown [Type] but
// we can't currently recognize all cases. In particular, the work-around
// for the unimplemented `ClassMirror.reflectedType` is not recognizable.
// TODO(12607): Match on [ClassMirror.reflectedType]
join.allClassesSelected = true;
void registerTypeConstant(ClassElement element) {
bool get needsTable => join.demanded;
bool needsClass(ClassElement classElement) =>
List<ConstructorElement> constructors(ClassElement classElement) =>
class CustomElementsAnalysisJoin {
final Resolution _resolution;
final ConstantSystem _constantSystem;
final CommonElements _commonElements;
final NativeBasicData _nativeData;
final BackendUsageBuilder _backendUsageBuilder;
final bool forResolution;
final StagedWorldImpactBuilder impactBuilder = new StagedWorldImpactBuilder();
// Classes that are candidates for needing constructors. Classes are moved to
// [activeClasses] when we know they need constructors.
final instantiatedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
// Classes explicitly named.
final selectedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
// True if we must conservatively include all extension classes.
bool allClassesSelected = false;
// Did we see a demand for the data?
bool demanded = false;
// ClassesOutput: classes requiring metadata.
final activeClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
CustomElementsAnalysisJoin(this._resolution, this._constantSystem,
this._commonElements, this._nativeData,
{BackendUsageBuilder backendUsageBuilder})
: this._backendUsageBuilder = backendUsageBuilder,
this.forResolution = backendUsageBuilder != null;
WorldImpact flush() {
if (!demanded) return const WorldImpact();
var newActiveClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
for (ClassElement classElement in instantiatedClasses) {
bool isNative = _nativeData.isNativeClass(classElement);
bool isExtension =
!isNative && _nativeData.isNativeOrExtendsNative(classElement);
// Generate table entries for native classes that are explicitly named and
// extensions that fix our criteria.
if ((isNative && selectedClasses.contains(classElement)) ||
(isExtension &&
(allClassesSelected || selectedClasses.contains(classElement)))) {
Iterable<ConstructorElement> escapingConstructors =
for (ConstructorElement constructor in escapingConstructors) {
impactBuilder.registerStaticUse(new StaticUse.constructorInvoke(
constructor, CallStructure.NO_ARGS));
if (forResolution) {
// Force the generaton of the type constant that is the key to an entry
// in the generated table.
ConstantValue constant = _makeTypeConstant(classElement);
.registerConstantUse(new ConstantUse.customElements(constant));
return impactBuilder.flush();
TypeConstantValue _makeTypeConstant(ClassElement element) {
ResolutionDartType elementType = element.rawType;
return _constantSystem.createType(_commonElements, elementType);
List<ConstructorElement> computeEscapingConstructors(
ClassElement classElement) {
List<ConstructorElement> result = <ConstructorElement>[];
// Only classes that extend native classes have constructors in the table.
// We could refine this to classes that extend Element, but that would break
// the tests and there is no sane reason to subclass other native classes.
if (_nativeData.isNativeClass(classElement)) return result;
void selectGenerativeConstructors(ClassElement enclosing, Element member) {
if (member.isGenerativeConstructor) {
// Ignore constructors that cannot be called with zero arguments.
ConstructorElement constructor = member;
FunctionSignature parameters = constructor.functionSignature;
if (parameters.requiredParameterCount == 0) {
includeBackendMembers: false, includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: false);
return result;