blob: 225a1dc0445c7d3439afb5681e9ad3c1c04f3ce1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* The results of a single block of tests (count times run, overall time).
class BlockSample {
BlockSample(this.count, this.durationNanos);
int count;
int durationNanos;
static int _totalCount(List<BlockSample> samples) =>
_sum(samples, int (BlockSample s) => s.count);
static int _totalTime(List<BlockSample> samples) =>
_sum(samples, int (BlockSample s) => s.durationNanos);
static BlockSample _select(List<BlockSample> samples,
BlockSample selector(BlockSample a, BlockSample b)) {
BlockSample r = null;
for (BlockSample s in samples) {
r = (r == null) ? s : selector(r, s);
return r;
static int _sum(List<BlockSample> samples, int extract(BlockSample s)) {
int total = 0;
for (BlockSample s in samples) {
total += extract(s);
return total;
* Uses sample data to build a performance model for a test. Construct
* the model from a set of sample results, and it generates a simple
* predivtive model for execution of future requests. It uses
* a simple least-squares linear solution to build the model.
class PerformanceModel {
PerformanceModel.calculate(List<BlockSample> source) {
if (0 == source.length) {
throw "Missing data exception";
} else if (1 == source.length) {
overheadNanos = 0;
perRequestNanos = source[0].durationNanos / source[0].count;
} else {
double n = source.length.toDouble();
double sumY = BlockSample._totalTime(source).toDouble();
double sumXSquared = BlockSample._sum(source,
int _(BlockSample s) => s.count * s.count).toDouble();
double sumX = BlockSample._totalCount(source).toDouble();
double sumXY = BlockSample._sum(source,
int _(BlockSample s) => s.durationNanos * s.count).toDouble();
overheadNanos =
((((sumY * sumXSquared) - (sumX * sumXY)) /
((n * sumXSquared) - (sumX * sumX))) / source.length).toInt();
perRequestNanos =
(((n * sumXY) - (sumX * sumY)) /
((n * sumXSquared) - (sumX * sumX))).toInt();
bool isValid() => overheadNanos >= 0 && perRequestNanos >= 0;
int overheadNanos;
int perRequestNanos;
int repsFor(int targetDurationNanos, [int blocksize = -1]) {
if (blocksize <= 0) {
return ((targetDurationNanos - overheadNanos) / perRequestNanos).toInt();
} else {
int blockTime = overheadNanos + (blocksize * perRequestNanos);
int fullBlocks = targetDurationNanos ~/ blockTime;
int extraReps =
((targetDurationNanos - (fullBlocks * blockTime)) - overheadNanos)
~/ perRequestNanos;
return ((fullBlocks * blocksize) + extraReps).toInt();
* Report overall test performance
class TestReport {
TestReport(, this.desc, this.warmup, this.results) {
spaceChar = " ".charCodes[0];
int spaceChar;
int resultsCount() => BlockSample._totalCount(results);
int resultsNanos() => BlockSample._totalTime(results);
int resultsBestNanos() {
BlockSample best = bestBlock(results);
return best.durationNanos ~/ best.count;
int resultsMeanNanos() =>
(BlockSample._totalTime(results) /
int resultsWorstNanos() {
BlockSample worst = worstBlock(results);
return worst.durationNanos / worst.count;
int warmupBestNanos() {
BlockSample best = bestBlock(warmup);
return best.durationNanos / best.count;
int warmupMeanNanos() => _totalTime(warmup) / _totalCount(warmup);
int warmupWorstNanos() {
BlockSample worst = worstBlock(warmup);
return worst.durationNanos / worst.count;
BlockSample bestBlock(List<BlockSample> samples) {
return BlockSample._select(samples,
BlockSample selector(BlockSample a, BlockSample b) {
return a.durationNanos <= b.durationNanos ? a : b;
BlockSample worstBlock(List<BlockSample> samples) {
return BlockSample._select(samples,
BlockSample selector(BlockSample a, BlockSample b) {
return a.durationNanos >= b.durationNanos ? a : b;
void printReport() {
String text = _leftAlign("${id}", 30);
String totalCount = _rightAlign(resultsCount().toString(), 10);
String totalDurationMs =
_rightAlign(_stringifyDoubleAsInt(resultsNanos() / 1E6), 6);
String meanDuration =
_rightAlign(_stringifyDoubleAsInt(resultsMeanNanos().toDouble()), 8);
print("${text} total time:${totalDurationMs} ms" +
" iterations:${totalCount} mean:${meanDuration} ns");
void printReportWithThroughput(int sizeBytes) {
String text = _leftAlign("${id}", 30);
String totalCount = _rightAlign(resultsCount().toString(), 10);
String totalDurationMs =
_rightAlign(_stringifyDoubleAsInt(resultsNanos() / 1E6), 6);
String meanDuration =
_rightAlign(_stringifyDoubleAsInt(resultsMeanNanos()), 8);
int totalBytes = sizeBytes * resultsCount();
String mbPerSec = (((1E9 * sizeBytes * resultsCount()) /
(1024 * 1024 * resultsNanos()))).toString();
print("${text} total time:${totalDurationMs} ms" +
" iterations:${totalCount}" +
" mean:${meanDuration} ns; ${mbPerSec} MB/sec");
String _leftAlign(String s, int width) {
List<int> outCodes = [];
outCodes.insertRange(0, width, spaceChar);
outCodes.setRange(0, Math.min(width, s.length), s.charCodes);
return new String.fromCharCodes(outCodes);
String _rightAlign(String s, int width) {
List<int> outCodes = [];
outCodes.insertRange(0, width, spaceChar);
outCodes.setRange(Math.max(0, width - s.length), Math.min(width, s.length),
return new String.fromCharCodes(outCodes);
static String _stringifyDoubleAsInt(double val) {
if (val.isInfinite || val.isNaN) {
return "NaN";
} else {
return val.toInt().toString();
String id;
String desc;
List<BlockSample> warmup;
List<BlockSample> results;
class Runner {
static bool runTest(String testId) {
Options opts = new Options();
return opts.arguments.length == 0 ||
opts.arguments.some(_(String id) => id == testId);
* Run traditional blocking-style tests. Tests may be run a specified number
* of times, or they can be run based on performance to estimate a particular
* duration.
class BenchmarkRunner extends Runner {
static void runCount(String id, String desc, CountTestConfig config,
Function test) {
if (runTest(id)) {
List<BlockSample> warmupSamples = _runTests(test, config._warmup, 1);
List<BlockSample> resultSamples = _runTests(test, config._reps, 1);
new TestReport(id, desc, warmupSamples, resultSamples));
static void runTimed(String id, String desc, TimedTestConfig config,
Function test) {
if (runTest(id)) {
List<BlockSample> warmupSamples = _runTests(test, config._warmup, 1);
PerformanceModel model = _calibrate(config._minSampleTimeMs, 16, test);
int reps = model.repsFor(1E6 * config._targetTimeMs, config._blocksize);
int blocksize = config._blocksize < 0 ? reps : config._blocksize;
List<BlockSample> resultSamples = _runTests(test, reps, blocksize);
new TestReport(id, desc, warmupSamples, resultSamples));
static PerformanceModel _calibrate(int minSampleTimeMs, int maxAttempts,
Function test) {
PerformanceModel model;
int i = 0;
do {
model = _buildPerformanceModel(minSampleTimeMs, test);
} while (i < maxAttempts && !model.isValid());
return model;
static PerformanceModel _buildPerformanceModel(
int minSampleTimeMs, Function test) {
int iterations = 1;
List<BlockSample> calibrationResults = [];
BlockSample calibration = _execBlock(test, iterations);
while (calibration.durationNanos < (1E6 * minSampleTimeMs)) {
iterations *= 2;
calibration = _execBlock(test, iterations);
return new PerformanceModel.calculate(calibrationResults);
static List<BlockSample> _runTests(Function test, int count, int blocksize) {
List<BlockSample> samples = [];
for (int rem = count; rem > 0; rem -= blocksize) {
BlockSample bs = _execBlock(test, Math.min(blocksize, rem));
return samples;
static BlockSample _execBlock(Function test, int count) {
Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
return new BlockSample(count, s.elapsedMicroseconds * 1000);
* Define CPSTest type.
typedef void CPSTest(Function continuation);
typedef void ReportHandler(TestReport r);
* Run non-blocking-style using Continuation Passing Style callbacks. Tests may
* be run a specified number of times, or they can be run based on performance
* to estimate a particular duration.
class CPSBenchmarkRunner extends Runner {
CPSBenchmarkRunner(): _cpsTests = [];
void addTest(CPSTest test) {
void runTests([int index = 0, Function continuation = null]) {
if (index < _cpsTests.length) {
_addToEventQueue(_() => runTests(index + 1, continuation));
} else {
if (null != continuation) {
_addToEventQueue(_() => continuation());
List<CPSTest> _cpsTests;
static void runCount(String id, String desc, CountTestConfig config,
CPSTest test, void continuation()) {
if (runTest(id)) {
_runTests(test, config._warmup, 1, (List<BlockSample> warmupSamples){
int blocksize =
config._blocksize <= 0 ? config._reps : config._blocksize;
_runTests(test, config._reps, blocksize,
_(List<BlockSample> resultSamples) {
new TestReport(id, desc, warmupSamples, resultSamples));
} else {
static void runTimed(String id, String desc, TimedTestConfig config,
CPSTest test, void continuation()) {
if (runTest(id)) {
_runTests(test, config._warmup, 1, (List<BlockSample> warmupSamples){
_calibrate(config._minSampleTimeMs, 5, test, (PerformanceModel model){
int reps =
model.repsFor(1E6 * config._targetTimeMs, config._blocksize);
int blocksize =
config._blocksize <= 0 ? reps : config._blocksize;
_runTests(test, reps, blocksize, (List<BlockSample> results) {
new TestReport(id, desc, warmupSamples, results));
} else {
static void nextTest(Function testLoop, int iteration) {
_addToEventQueue(() => testLoop(iteration + 1));
static void _calibrate(int minSampleTimeMs, int maxAttempts,
CPSTest test, void continuation(PerformanceModel model)) {
_buildPerformanceModel(minSampleTimeMs, test, (PerformanceModel model){
if (maxAttempts > 1 && !model.isValid()) {
_calibrate(minSampleTimeMs, maxAttempts - 1, test, continuation);
} else {
static void _buildPerformanceModel(
int minSampleTimeMs, CPSTest test, void continuation(PerformanceModel m),
[int iterations = 1, List<BlockSample> calibrationResults = null]) {
List<BlockSample> _calibrationResults =
null == calibrationResults ? [] : calibrationResults;
_runTests(test, iterations, 1000, (List<BlockSample> calibration) {
if (BlockSample._totalTime(calibration) < (1E6 * minSampleTimeMs)) {
_buildPerformanceModel(minSampleTimeMs, test, continuation,
iterations: iterations * 2,
calibrationResults: _calibrationResults);
} else {
PerformanceModel model =
new PerformanceModel.calculate(_calibrationResults);
static void _runTests(CPSTest test, int reps, int blocksize,
void continuation(List<BlockSample> samples),
[List<BlockSample> samples = null]) {
List<BlockSample> localSamples = (null == samples) ? [] : samples;
if (reps > 0) {
int blockCount = Math.min(blocksize, reps);
_execBlock(test, blockCount, (BlockSample sample){
_addToEventQueue(() =>
_runTests(test, reps - blockCount, blocksize,
continuation, localSamples));
} else {
static void _execBlock(CPSTest test, int count,
void continuation(BlockSample sample)) {
Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();
_innerLoop(test, count, () {
continuation(new BlockSample(count, s.elapsedInUs() * 1000));
static void _innerLoop(CPSTest test, int remainingCount,
Function continuation) {
if (remainingCount > 1) {
test(() => _innerLoop(test, remainingCount - 1, continuation));
} else {
static void _addToEventQueue(Function action) {
new Timer(0, _(Timer t) => action());
class CountTestConfig {
CountTestConfig(int this._warmup, int this._reps,
[int blocksize = -1, ReportHandler reportHandler = null]) {
this._blocksize = blocksize;
this._reportHandler = (null == reportHandler) ?
_(TestReport r) => r.printReport() : reportHandler;
Function _reportHandler;
Function get reportHandler => _reportHandler;
int _warmup;
int _reps;
int _blocksize;
class TimedTestConfig {
TimedTestConfig(int this._warmup, int this._targetTimeMs,
[int minSampleTimeMs = 100, int blocksize = -1,
ReportHandler reportHandler = null]) :
this._minSampleTimeMs = minSampleTimeMs,
this._blocksize = blocksize {
this._reportHandler = (null == reportHandler) ?
_(TestReport r) => r.printReport() : reportHandler;
Function _reportHandler;
Function get reportHandler => _reportHandler;
int _warmup;
int _targetTimeMs;
int _minSampleTimeMs;
int _blocksize;