blob: 015215c4aede12be2b49a200b7bac7704b2fe6ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This contains extra functions and classes useful for implementing
* serialiation. Some or all of these will be removed once the functionality is
* available in the core library.
library serialization_helpers;
import 'dart:collection';
* A named function of one argument that just returns it. Useful for using
* as a default value for a function parameter or other places where you want
* to concisely provide a function that just returns its argument.
doNothing(x) => x;
/** Concatenate two lists. Handle the case where one or both might be null. */
// TODO(alanknight): Remove once issue 5342 is resolved.
Iterable append(Iterable a, Iterable b) {
if (a == null) {
return (b == null) ? [] : new List.from(b);
if (b == null) return new List.from(a);
var result = new List.from(a);
return result;
* Return a sorted version of [anIterable], using the default sort criterion.
* Always returns a List, regardless of the type of [anIterable].
List sorted(anIterable) {
var result = new List.from(anIterable);
return result;
/** Helper function for PrimitiveRule to tell which objects it applies to. */
bool isPrimitive(object) {
return identical(object, null) || object is num || object is String ||
identical(object, true) || identical(object, false);
* Be able to iterate polymorphically between List-like and Map-like things.
* For example, keysAndValues(["a", "b", "c"]).forEach((key, value) => ...);
* will loop over the key/value pairs 1/"a", 2/"b", 3/"c", as if the argument
* was a Map from integer keys to string values.
* Only supports forEach() and map() operations because that was all the code
* needed for the moment.
MapLikeIterable keysAndValues(x) {
if (x is Map) return new MapLikeIterableForMap(x);
if (x is Iterable) return new MapLikeIterableForList(x);
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid argument");
* A class for iterating over things as if they were Maps, which primarily
* means that forEach() and map() pass two arguments, and map() returns a new
* Map with the same keys as [collection] and values which have been transformed
* by the argument to map().
abstract class MapLikeIterable {
final collection;
/** Iterate over the collection, passing both key and value parameters. */
void forEach(Function f);
* Return a new collection whose keys are the same as [collection], but whose
* values are the result of applying [f] to the key/value pairs. So, if
* [collection] is a List, it will be the same as the map() method if the
* [key] parameter wasn't passed.
map(Function f) {
var result = copyEmpty();
forEach((key, value) {
result[key] = f(key, value);
return result;
* Return an empty copy of our collection. Very limited, only knows enough
* to return a Map or List as appropriate.
class MapLikeIterableForMap extends MapLikeIterable {
MapLikeIterableForMap(collection) : super(collection);
void forEach(Function f) { collection.forEach(f);}
Map copyEmpty() => new Map();
class MapLikeIterableForList extends MapLikeIterable {
MapLikeIterableForList(collection) : super(collection);
void forEach(f) {
Iterator iterator = collection.iterator;
for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
f(i, iterator.current);
List copyEmpty() => new List(collection.length);
* An inverse of MapLikeIterable. Lets you iterate polymorphically between
* List-like and Map-like things, but making them behave like Lists, instead
* of behaving like Maps.
* So values(["a", "b", "c"]).forEach((value) => ...);
* will loop over the values "a", "b", "c", as if it were a List of values.
* Only supports forEach() and map() operations because that was all I needed
* for the moment.
values(x) {
if (x is Iterable) return x;
if (x is Map) return new ListLikeIterable(x);
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid argument");
mapValues(x, f) {
if (x is Set) return;
if (x is Iterable) return;
if (x is Map) return new ListLikeIterable(x).map(f);
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid argument");
* A class for iterating over things as if they were Lists, which primarily
* means that forEach passes one argument, and map() returns a new Map
* with the same keys as [collection] and values which haev been transformed
* by the argument to map().
class ListLikeIterable {
final Map collection;
/** Iterate over the collection, passing just the value parameters. */
forEach(f) {
collection.forEach((key, value) => f(value));
* Return a new collection whose keys are the same as [collection], but whose
* values are the result of applying [f] to the key/value pairs. So, if
* [collection] is a List, it will be the same as if map() had been called
* directly on [collection].
map(Function f) {
var result = new Map();
collection.forEach((key, value) => result[key] = f(value));
return result;
* Return an iterator that behaves like a List iterator, taking one parameter.
Iterator get iterator => collection.values.iterator;
* This acts as a stand-in for some value that cannot be hashed. We can't
* just use const Object() because the compiler will fold them together.
class _Sentinel {
final _wrappedObject;
const _Sentinel(this._wrappedObject);
* This is used in the implementation of [IdentityMap]. We wrap all the keys
* in an [_IdentityMapKey] that compares using the identity of the wrapped
* objects. It also treats equal primitive values as identical
* to conserve space.
class _IdentityMapKey {
var _value;
* Check if an object is primitive to know if we should compare it using
* equality or identity. We don't test null/true/false where it's the same.
_isPrimitive(x) => x is String || x is num;
operator ==(_IdentityMapKey w) =>
_isPrimitive(_value) ? _value == w._value : identical(_value, w._value);
get hashCode => _value.hashCode;
get object => _value;
* This provides an identity map. We wrap all the objects in
* an [_IdentityMapKey] that compares using the identity of the
* wrapped objects. It also treats equal primitive values as identical
* to conserve space.
class IdentityMap<K, V> extends HashMap<K, V> {
// TODO(alanknight): Replace with a system identity-based map once
// one is available. Issue 4161.
// Check before wrapping because some methods may call others, e.g. on
// dart2js putIfAbsent calls containsKey, so without this we wrap forever.
_wrap(Object key) =>
(key is _IdentityMapKey) ? key : new _IdentityMapKey(key);
_unwrap(_IdentityMapKey wrapper) => wrapper.object;
Iterable<K> get keys => => _unwrap(x));
Iterable<V> get values => super.values;
void forEach(void f(K key, V value)) {
super.forEach((k, v) => f(_unwrap(k), v));
V operator [](K key) => super[_wrap(key)];
void operator []=(K key, V value) {
super[_wrap(key)] = value;
V putIfAbsent(K key, Function ifAbsent) =>
super.putIfAbsent(_wrap(key), ifAbsent);
bool containsKey(Object key) => super.containsKey(_wrap(key));
V remove(Object key) => super.remove(_wrap(key));