blob: d146ce38de9e337daa6c3ccec7d4dad06684d039 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library json_tests;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:json/json.dart' as json;
main() {
test('Parse', () {
// Scalars.
expect(json.parse(' 5 '), equals(5));
expect(json.parse(' -42 '), equals(-42));
expect(json.parse(' 3e0 '), equals(3));
expect(json.parse(' 3.14 '), equals(3.14));
expect(json.parse('true '), isTrue);
expect(json.parse(' false'), isFalse);
expect(json.parse(' null '), isNull);
expect(json.parse('\n\rnull\t'), isNull);
expect(json.parse(' "hi there\\" bob" '), equals('hi there" bob'));
expect(json.parse(' "" '), isEmpty);
// Lists.
expect(json.parse(' [] '), isEmpty);
expect(json.parse('[ ]'), isEmpty);
expect(json.parse(' [3, -4.5, true, "hi", false] '),
equals([3, -4.5, true, 'hi', false]));
// Nulls are tricky.
expect(json.parse('[null]'), orderedEquals([null]));
expect(json.parse(' [3, -4.5, null, true, "hi", false] '),
equals([3, -4.5, null, true, 'hi', false]));
expect(json.parse('[[null]]'), equals([[null]]));
expect(json.parse(' [ [3], [], [null], ["hi", true]] '),
equals([[3], [], [null], ['hi', true]]));
// Maps.
expect(json.parse(' {} '), isEmpty);
expect(json.parse('{ }'), isEmpty);
' {"x":3, "y": -4.5, "z" : "hi","u" : true, "v": false } '),
equals({"x":3, "y": -4.5, "z" : "hi", "u" : true, "v": false }));
expect(json.parse(' {"x":3, "y": -4.5, "z" : "hi" } '),
equals({"x":3, "y": -4.5, "z" : "hi" }));
expect(json.parse(' {"y": -4.5, "z" : "hi" ,"x":3 } '),
equals({"y": -4.5, "z" : "hi" ,"x":3 }));
expect(json.parse('{ " hi bob " :3, "": 4.5}'),
equals({ " hi bob " :3, "": 4.5}));
expect(json.parse(' { "x" : { } } '), equals({ 'x' : {}}));
expect(json.parse('{"x":{}}'), equals({ 'x' : {}}));
// Nulls are tricky.
expect(json.parse('{"w":null}'), equals({ 'w' : null}));
expect(json.parse('{"x":{"w":null}}'), equals({"x":{"w":null}}));
expect(json.parse(' {"x":3, "y": -4.5, "z" : "hi",'
'"w":null, "u" : true, "v": false } '),
equals({"x":3, "y": -4.5, "z" : "hi",
"w":null, "u" : true, "v": false }));
expect(json.parse('{"x": {"a":3, "b": -4.5}, "y":[{}], '
'"z":"hi","w":{"c":null,"d":true}, "v":null}'),
equals({"x": {"a":3, "b": -4.5}, "y":[{}],
"z":"hi","w":{"c":null,"d":true}, "v":null}));
test('stringify', () {
// Scalars.
expect(json.stringify(5), equals('5'));
expect(json.stringify(-42), equals('-42'));
// Dart does not guarantee a formatting for doubles,
// so reparse and compare to the original.
expect(json.stringify(true), equals('true'));
expect(json.stringify(false), equals('false'));
expect(json.stringify(null), equals('null'));
expect(json.stringify(' hi there" bob '), equals('" hi there\\" bob "'));
expect(json.stringify('hi\\there'), equals('"hi\\\\there"'));
// TODO(devoncarew): these tests break the dartium build
//expect(json.stringify('hi\nthere'), equals('"hi\\nthere"'));
//expect(json.stringify('hi\r\nthere'), equals('"hi\\r\\nthere"'));
expect(json.stringify(''), equals('""'));
// Lists.
expect(json.stringify([]), equals('[]'));
expect(json.stringify(new List(0)), equals('[]'));
expect(json.stringify(new List(3)), equals('[null,null,null]'));
validateRoundTrip([3, -4.5, null, true, 'hi', false]);
expect(json.stringify([[3], [], [null], ['hi', true]]),
// Maps.
expect(json.stringify({}), equals('{}'));
expect(json.stringify(new Map()), equals('{}'));
expect(json.stringify({'x':{}}), equals('{"x":{}}'));
expect(json.stringify({'x':{'a':3}}), equals('{"x":{"a":3}}'));
// Dart does not guarantee an order on the keys
// of a map literal, so reparse and compare to the original Map.
{'x':3, 'y':-4.5, 'z':'hi', 'w':null, 'u':true, 'v':false});
validateRoundTrip({"x":3, "y":-4.5, "z":'hi'});
validateRoundTrip({' hi bob ':3, '':4.5});
{'x':{'a':3, 'b':-4.5}, 'y':[{}], 'z':'hi', 'w':{'c':null, 'd':true},
expect(json.stringify(new ToJson(4)), "4");
expect(json.stringify(new ToJson([4, "a"])), '[4,"a"]');
expect(json.stringify(new ToJson([4, new ToJson({"x":42})])),
expect(() {
json.stringify([new ToJson(new ToJson(4))]);
}, throwsJsonError);
expect(() {
json.stringify([new Object()]);
}, throwsJsonError);
test('stringify throws if argument cannot be converted', () {
* Checks that we get an exception (rather than silently returning null) if
* we try to stringify something that cannot be converted to json.
expect(() => json.stringify(new TestClass()), throwsJsonError);
test('stringify throws if toJson throws', () {
expect(() => json.stringify(new ToJsoner("bad", throws: true)),
test('stringify throws if toJson returns non-serializable value', () {
expect(() => json.stringify(new ToJsoner(new TestClass())),
test('stringify throws on cyclic values', () {
var a = [];
var b = a;
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
b = [b];
expect(() => json.stringify(a), throwsJsonError);
class TestClass {
int x;
String y;
TestClass() : x = 3, y = 'joe' { }
class ToJsoner {
final Object returnValue;
final bool throws;
ToJsoner(this.returnValue, {this.throws});
Object toJson() {
if (throws) throw returnValue;
return returnValue;
class ToJson {
final object;
const ToJson(this.object);
toJson() => object;
var throwsJsonError =
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<json.JsonUnsupportedObjectError>());
* Checks that the argument can be converted to a JSON string and
* back, and produce something equivalent to the argument.
validateRoundTrip(expected) {
expect(json.parse(json.stringify(expected)), equals(expected));