blob: f1c527448273085b4f28966a77004f0292e17a29 [file] [log] [blame]
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
static const field dynamic #errors = const <dynamic>["pkg/front_end/testcases/illegal_named_function_expression.dart:6:11: Error: A function expression can't have a return type.
var x = void f<T>(T t) {};
^^^^", "pkg/front_end/testcases/illegal_named_function_expression.dart:6:16: Error: A function expression can't have a name.
var x = void f<T>(T t) {};
^", "pkg/front_end/testcases/illegal_named_function_expression.dart:8:9: Error: A function expression can't have a return type.
print(void g<T>(T t) {});
^^^^", "pkg/front_end/testcases/illegal_named_function_expression.dart:8:14: Error: A function expression can't have a name.
print(void g<T>(T t) {});
^"]/* from null */;
static method main() → dynamic {
<T extends core::Object>(T) → core::Null x = let final <T extends core::Object>(T) → core::Null f = <T extends core::Object>(T t) → core::Null {} in f;
core::print(let final <T extends core::Object>(T) → core::Null g = <T extends core::Object>(T t) → core::Null {} in g);