blob: 3a095c15e693aceb86b726e9c2c1da489e95fa1a [file] [log] [blame]
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
class Closure#main#function extends core::Object implements core::Function {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field Vector context;
constructor •(final Vector context) dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function::context = context
method call() dynamic {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final Vector #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function::context};
return #contextParameter[0][1] = #contextParameter[1];
class Closure#main#function#1 extends core::Object implements core::Function {
field core::String note = "This is temporary. The VM doesn't need closure classes.";
field Vector context;
constructor •(final Vector context) dynamic
: self::Closure#main#function#1::context = context
method call() dynamic {
"This is a temporary solution. In the VM, this will become an additional parameter.";
final Vector #contextParameter = this.{self::Closure#main#function#1::context};
throw "last: ${#contextParameter[0][1]} != ${self::max.-(1)}";
static const field core::int max = 100;
static method main() dynamic {
dynamic closures = <dynamic>[];
dynamic closures2 = <dynamic>[];
final Vector #context = MakeVector(2);
#context[1] = null;
Vector #context = MakeVector(2);
#context[0] = #context;
#context[1] = 0;
for (; (#context[1]).<(self::max); #context = CopyVector(#context), #context[1] = (#context[1]).+(1)) {
closures.add(new self::Closure#main#function::•(#context));
closures2.add(new self::Closure#main#function#1::•(#context));
core::int sum = 0;
for (core::Function f in closures) {
sum = sum.+(;
for (core::Function f in closures2) {;
core::int expectedSum = self::max.-(1).*(self::max).~/(2);
if(!expectedSum.==(sum)) {
throw core::Exception::•("Unexpected sum = ${sum} != ${expectedSum}");