blob: 6db0e8f63efd1467f477a7e39a424e42ddbfa36c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// IrNodes are kept in a separate library to have precise control over their
// dependencies on other parts of the system.
library dart2js.ir_nodes;
import '../dart2jslib.dart' as dart2js show Constant;
import '../elements/elements.dart'
show FunctionElement, LibraryElement, ParameterElement, ClassElement;
import '../universe/universe.dart' show Selector, SelectorKind;
import '../dart_types.dart' show DartType, GenericType;
abstract class Node {
static int hashCount = 0;
final int hashCode = hashCount = (hashCount + 1) & 0x3fffffff;
accept(Visitor visitor);
abstract class Expression extends Node {
Expression plug(Expression expr) => throw 'impossible';
/// The base class of things that variables can refer to: primitives,
/// continuations, function and continuation parameters, etc.
abstract class Definition extends Node {
// The head of a linked-list of occurrences, in no particular order.
Reference firstRef = null;
bool get hasAtMostOneUse => firstRef == null || firstRef.nextRef == null;
bool get hasExactlyOneUse => firstRef != null && firstRef.nextRef == null;
bool get hasAtLeastOneUse => firstRef != null;
bool get hasMultipleUses => !hasAtMostOneUse;
void substituteFor(Definition other) {
if (other.firstRef == null) return;
Reference previous, current = other.firstRef;
do {
current.definition = this;
previous = current;
current = current.nextRef;
} while (current != null);
previous.nextRef = firstRef;
firstRef = other.firstRef;
abstract class Primitive extends Definition {
/// Operands to invocations and primitives are always variables. They point to
/// their definition and are linked into a list of occurrences.
class Reference {
Definition definition;
Reference nextRef = null;
Reference(this.definition) {
nextRef = definition.firstRef;
definition.firstRef = this;
/// Binding a value (primitive or constant): 'let val x = V in E'. The bound
/// value is in scope in the body.
/// During one-pass construction a LetVal with an empty body is used to
/// represent one-level context 'let val x = V in []'.
class LetPrim extends Expression {
final Primitive primitive;
Expression body = null;
Expression plug(Expression expr) {
assert(body == null);
return body = expr;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLetPrim(this);
/// Binding a continuation: 'let cont k(v) = E in E'. The bound continuation
/// is in scope in the body and the continuation parameter is in scope in the
/// continuation body.
/// During one-pass construction a LetCont with an empty continuation body is
/// used to represent the one-level context 'let cont k(v) = [] in E'.
class LetCont extends Expression {
final Continuation continuation;
final Expression body;
LetCont(this.continuation, this.body);
Expression plug(Expression expr) {
assert(continuation.body == null);
return continuation.body = expr;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLetCont(this);
abstract class Invoke {
Selector get selector;
List<Reference> get arguments;
/// Invoke a static function in tail position.
class InvokeStatic extends Expression implements Invoke {
final FunctionElement target;
* The selector encodes how the function is invoked: number of positional
* arguments, names used in named arguments. This information is required
* to build the [StaticCallSiteTypeInformation] for the inference graph.
final Selector selector;
final Reference continuation;
final List<Reference> arguments;
InvokeStatic(, this.selector, Continuation cont,
List<Definition> args)
: continuation = new Reference(cont),
arguments = _referenceList(args) {
assert(selector.kind == SelectorKind.CALL);
assert( ==;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeStatic(this);
/// Invoke a method, operator, getter, setter, or index getter/setter in
/// tail position.
class InvokeMethod extends Expression implements Invoke {
final Reference receiver;
final Selector selector;
final Reference continuation;
final List<Reference> arguments;
InvokeMethod(Definition receiver,
Continuation cont,
List<Definition> args)
: receiver = new Reference(receiver),
continuation = new Reference(cont),
arguments = _referenceList(args) {
assert(selector != null);
assert(selector.kind == SelectorKind.CALL ||
selector.kind == SelectorKind.OPERATOR ||
(selector.kind == SelectorKind.GETTER && arguments.isEmpty) ||
(selector.kind == SelectorKind.SETTER && arguments.length == 1) ||
(selector.kind == SelectorKind.INDEX && arguments.length == 1) ||
(selector.kind == SelectorKind.INDEX && arguments.length == 2));
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeMethod(this);
/// Non-const call to a constructor. The [target] may be a generative
/// constructor, factory, or redirecting factory.
class InvokeConstructor extends Expression implements Invoke {
final GenericType type;
final FunctionElement target;
final Reference continuation;
final List<Reference> arguments;
final Selector selector;
/// The class being instantiated. This is the same as `target.enclosingClass`
/// and `type.element`.
ClassElement get targetClass => target.enclosingElement;
/// True if this is an invocation of a factory constructor.
bool get isFactory => target.isFactoryConstructor;
Continuation cont,
List<Definition> args)
: continuation = new Reference(cont),
arguments = _referenceList(args) {
assert(type.element == target.enclosingElement);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeConstructor(this);
/// Invoke [toString] on each argument and concatenate the results.
class ConcatenateStrings extends Expression {
final Reference continuation;
final List<Reference> arguments;
ConcatenateStrings(Continuation cont, List<Definition> args)
: continuation = new Reference(cont),
arguments = _referenceList(args);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitConcatenateStrings(this);
/// Invoke a continuation in tail position.
class InvokeContinuation extends Expression {
final Reference continuation;
final List<Reference> arguments;
// An invocation of a continuation is recursive if it occurs in the body of
// the continuation itself.
bool isRecursive;
InvokeContinuation(Continuation cont, List<Definition> args,
{recursive: false})
: continuation = new Reference(cont),
arguments = _referenceList(args),
isRecursive = recursive {
if (recursive) cont.isRecursive = true;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeContinuation(this);
/// The base class of things which can be tested and branched on.
abstract class Condition extends Node {
class IsTrue extends Condition {
final Reference value;
IsTrue(Definition val) : value = new Reference(val);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitIsTrue(this);
/// Choose between a pair of continuations based on a condition value.
class Branch extends Expression {
final Condition condition;
final Reference trueContinuation;
final Reference falseContinuation;
Branch(this.condition, Continuation trueCont, Continuation falseCont)
: trueContinuation = new Reference(trueCont),
falseContinuation = new Reference(falseCont);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitBranch(this);
class Constant extends Primitive {
final dart2js.Constant value;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitConstant(this);
class LiteralList extends Primitive {
List<Reference> values;
LiteralList(List<Primitive> values)
: this.values = _referenceList(values);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralList(this);
class LiteralMap extends Primitive {
List<Reference> keys;
List<Reference> values;
LiteralMap(List<Primitive> keys, List<Primitive> values)
: this.keys = _referenceList(keys),
this.values = _referenceList(values);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralMap(this);
class Parameter extends Primitive {
final ParameterElement element;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitParameter(this);
/// Continuations are normally bound by 'let cont'. A continuation with no
/// parameter (or body) is used to represent a function's return continuation.
/// The return continuation is bound by the Function, not by 'let cont'.
class Continuation extends Definition {
final List<Parameter> parameters;
Expression body = null;
// A continuation is recursive if it has any recursive invocations.
bool isRecursive = false;
Continuation.retrn() : parameters = null;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitContinuation(this);
/// A function definition, consisting of parameters and a body. The parameters
/// include a distinguished continuation parameter.
class FunctionDefinition extends Node {
final Continuation returnContinuation;
final List<Parameter> parameters;
final Expression body;
FunctionDefinition(this.returnContinuation, this.parameters, this.body);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitFunctionDefinition(this);
List<Reference> _referenceList(List<Definition> definitions) {
return => new Reference(e)).toList(growable: false);
abstract class Visitor<T> {
T visit(Node node) => node.accept(this);
// Abstract classes.
T visitNode(Node node) => null;
T visitExpression(Expression node) => visitNode(node);
T visitDefinition(Definition node) => visitNode(node);
T visitPrimitive(Primitive node) => visitDefinition(node);
T visitCondition(Condition node) => visitNode(node);
// Concrete classes.
T visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node) => visitNode(node);
// Expressions.
T visitLetPrim(LetPrim node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitLetCont(LetCont node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitInvokeContinuation(InvokeContinuation node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitBranch(Branch node) => visitExpression(node);
// Definitions.
T visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) => visitPrimitive(node);
T visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) => visitPrimitive(node);
T visitConstant(Constant node) => visitPrimitive(node);
T visitParameter(Parameter node) => visitPrimitive(node);
T visitContinuation(Continuation node) => visitDefinition(node);
// Conditions.
T visitIsTrue(IsTrue node) => visitCondition(node);
/// Generate a Lisp-like S-expression representation of an IR node as a string.
/// The representation is not pretty-printed, but it can easily be quoted and
/// dropped into the REPL of one's favorite Lisp or Scheme implementation to be
/// pretty-printed.
class SExpressionStringifier extends Visitor<String> {
final Map<Definition, String> names = <Definition, String>{};
int _valueCounter = 0;
int _continuationCounter = 0;
String newValueName() => 'v${_valueCounter++}';
String newContinuationName() => 'k${_continuationCounter++}';
String visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node) {
names[node.returnContinuation] = 'return';
String parameters = node.parameters
.map((p) {
String name =;
names[p] = name;
return name;
.join(' ');
return '(FunctionDefinition ($parameters return) ${visit(node.body)})';
String visitLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
String name = newValueName();
names[node.primitive] = name;
String value = visit(node.primitive);
String body = visit(node.body);
return '(LetPrim $name $value) $body';
String visitLetCont(LetCont node) {
String cont = newContinuationName();
names[node.continuation] = cont;
String parameters = node.continuation.parameters
.map((p) {
String name = newValueName();
names[p] = name;
return ' $name';
String contBody = visit(node.continuation.body);
String body = visit(node.body);
String op = node.continuation.isRecursive ? 'LetCont*' : 'LetCont';
return '($op ($cont$parameters) $contBody) $body';
String formatArguments(Invoke node) {
int positionalArgumentCount = node.selector.positionalArgumentCount;
List<String> args = new List<String>();
args.addAll(node.arguments.getRange(0, positionalArgumentCount)
.map((v) => names[v.definition]));
for (int i = 0; i < node.selector.namedArgumentCount; ++i) {
String name = node.selector.namedArguments[i];
Definition arg = node.arguments[positionalArgumentCount + i].definition;
args.add("($name: $arg)");
return args.join(' ');
String visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {
String name =;
String cont = names[node.continuation.definition];
String args = formatArguments(node);
return '(InvokeStatic $name $args $cont)';
String visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
String name =;
String rcv = names[node.receiver.definition];
String cont = names[node.continuation.definition];
String args = formatArguments(node);
return '(InvokeMethod $rcv $name $args $cont)';
String visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {
String callName;
if ( {
callName = '${node.type}';
} else {
callName = '${node.type}.${}';
String cont = names[node.continuation.definition];
String args = formatArguments(node);
return '(InvokeConstructor $callName $args $cont)';
String visitConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node) {
String cont = names[node.continuation.definition];
String args = => names[v.definition]).join(' ');
return '(ConcatenateStrings $args $cont)';
String visitInvokeContinuation(InvokeContinuation node) {
String cont = names[node.continuation.definition];
String args = => names[v.definition]).join(' ');
String op =
node.isRecursive ? 'InvokeContinuation*' : 'InvokeContinuation';
return '($op $cont $args)';
String visitBranch(Branch node) {
String condition = visit(node.condition);
String trueCont = names[node.trueContinuation.definition];
String falseCont = names[node.falseContinuation.definition];
return '(Branch $condition $trueCont $falseCont)';
String visitConstant(Constant node) {
return '(Constant ${node.value})';
String visitParameter(Parameter node) {
// Parameters are visited directly in visitLetCont.
return '(Unexpected Parameter)';
String visitContinuation(Continuation node) {
// Continuations are visited directly in visitLetCont.
return '(Unexpected Continuation)';
String visitIsTrue(IsTrue node) {
String value = names[node.value.definition];
return '(IsTrue $value)';