blob: 7df9eb6046302504f5c05592b78f4115bedd88ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of service;
/// A [ServiceObject] is an object known to the VM service and is tied
/// to an owning [Isolate].
abstract class ServiceObject extends Observable {
/// The owner of this [ServiceObject]. This can be an [Isolate], a
/// [VM], or null.
@reflectable ServiceObjectOwner get owner => _owner;
ServiceObjectOwner _owner;
/// The [VM] which owns this [ServiceObject].
@reflectable VM get vm => _owner.vm;
/// The [Isolate] which owns this [ServiceObject]. May be null.
@reflectable Isolate get isolate => _owner.isolate;
/// The id of this object.
@reflectable String get id => _id;
String _id;
/// The service type of this object.
@reflectable String get serviceType => _serviceType;
String _serviceType;
/// The complete service url of this object.
@reflectable String get link => _owner.relativeLink(_id);
/// The complete service url of this object with a '#/' prefix.
// TODO(turnidge): Figure out why using a getter here messes up polymer.
@reflectable String get hashLink => '#/${link}';
@reflectable set hashLink(var o) { /* silence polymer */ }
/// Has this object been fully loaded?
bool get loaded => _loaded;
bool _loaded = false;
// TODO(turnidge): Make loaded observable and get rid of loading
// from Isolate.
/// Is this object cacheable? That is, is it impossible for the [id]
/// of this object to change?
bool get canCache => false;
/// Is this object immutable after it is [loaded]?
bool get immutable => false;
@observable String name;
@observable String vmName;
/// Creates an empty [ServiceObject].
/// Creates a [ServiceObject] initialized from [map].
factory ServiceObject._fromMap(ServiceObjectOwner owner,
ObservableMap map) {
if (map == null) {
return null;
if (!_isServiceMap(map)) {
Logger.root.severe('Malformed service object: $map');
var type = _stripRef(map['type']);
var obj = null;
assert(type != 'VM');
switch (type) {
case 'Code':
obj = new Code._empty(owner);
case 'Error':
obj = new DartError._empty(owner);
case 'Isolate':
obj = new Isolate._empty(owner);
case 'Library':
obj = new Library._empty(owner);
case 'ServiceError':
obj = new ServiceError._empty(owner);
case 'ServiceException':
obj = new ServiceException._empty(owner);
case 'Script':
obj = new Script._empty(owner);
case 'Socket':
obj = new Socket._empty(owner);
obj = new ServiceMap._empty(owner);
return obj;
/// If [this] was created from a reference, load the full object
/// from the service by calling [reload]. Else, return [this].
Future<ServiceObject> load() {
if (loaded) {
return new Future.value(this);
// Call reload which will fill in the entire object.
return reload();
Future<ServiceObject> _inProgressReload;
/// Reload [this]. Returns a future which completes to [this] or
/// a [ServiceError].
Future<ServiceObject> reload() {
if (id == '') {
// Errors don't have ids.
assert(serviceType == 'Error');
return new Future.value(this);
if (loaded && immutable) {
return new Future.value(this);
if (_inProgressReload == null) {
_inProgressReload = vm.getAsMap(link).then((ObservableMap map) {
var mapType = _stripRef(map['type']);
if (mapType != _serviceType) {
// If the type changes, return a new object instead of
// updating the existing one.
assert(mapType == 'Error' || mapType == 'Null');
return new ServiceObject._fromMap(owner, map);
return this;
}).whenComplete(() {
// This reload is complete.
_inProgressReload = null;
return _inProgressReload;
/// Update [this] using [map] as a source. [map] can be a reference.
void update(ObservableMap map) {
// Don't allow the type to change on an object update.
// TODO(turnidge): Make this a ServiceError?
var mapIsRef = _hasRef(map['type']);
var mapType = _stripRef(map['type']);
assert(_serviceType == null || _serviceType == mapType);
if (_id != null && _id != map['id']) {
// It is only safe to change an id when the object isn't cacheable.
_id = map['id'];
_serviceType = mapType;
_update(map, mapIsRef);
// Updates internal state from [map]. [map] can be a reference.
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef);
abstract class ServiceObjectOwner extends ServiceObject {
/// Creates an empty [ServiceObjectOwner].
ServiceObjectOwner._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
/// Builds a [ServiceObject] corresponding to the [id] from [map].
/// The result may come from the cache. The result will not necessarily
/// be [loaded].
ServiceObject getFromMap(ObservableMap map);
/// Creates a link to [id] relative to [this].
String relativeLink(String id);
/// State for a VM being inspected.
abstract class VM extends ServiceObjectOwner {
@reflectable VM get vm => this;
@reflectable Isolate get isolate => null;
@reflectable Iterable<Isolate> get isolates => _isolateCache.values;
@reflectable String get link => '$id';
@reflectable String relativeLink(String id) => '$id';
@observable String version = 'unknown';
@observable String architecture = 'unknown';
@observable double uptime = 0.0;
@observable bool assertsEnabled = false;
@observable bool typeChecksEnabled = false;
VM() : super._empty(null) {
name = 'vm';
vmName = 'vm';
_cache['vm'] = this;
update(toObservable({'id':'vm', 'type':'@VM'}));
final StreamController<ServiceException> exceptions =
new StreamController.broadcast();
final StreamController<ServiceError> errors =
new StreamController.broadcast();
static final RegExp _currentIsolateMatcher = new RegExp(r'isolates/\d+');
static final RegExp _currentObjectMatcher = new RegExp(r'isolates/\d+/');
static final String _isolatesPrefix = 'isolates/';
String _parseObjectId(String id) {
Match m = _currentObjectMatcher.matchAsPrefix(id);
if (m == null) {
return null;
return m.input.substring(m.end);
String _parseIsolateId(String id) {
Match m = _currentIsolateMatcher.matchAsPrefix(id);
if (m == null) {
return '';
return id.substring(0, m.end);
Map<String,ServiceObject> _cache = new Map<String,ServiceObject>();
Map<String,Isolate> _isolateCache = new Map<String,Isolate>();
ServiceObject getFromMap(ObservableMap map) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
Future<ServiceObject> _getIsolate(String isolateId) {
if (isolateId == '') {
return new Future.value(null);
Isolate isolate = _isolateCache[isolateId];
if (isolate != null) {
return new Future.value(isolate);
// The isolate is not in the cache. Reload the vm and see if the
// requested isolate is found.
return reload().then((result) {
if (result is! VM) {
return null;
assert(result == this);
return _isolateCache[isolateId];
Future<ServiceObject> get(String id) {
var parts = id.split('#');
assert(parts.length >= 1);
// We should never see more than two hashes.
assert(parts.length <= 2);
// The ID does not include anything after the # (or the # itself).
id = parts[0];
// I'm serious.
// Isolates are handled specially, since they can cache sub-objects.
if (id.startsWith(_isolatesPrefix)) {
String isolateId = _parseIsolateId(id);
String objectId = _parseObjectId(id);
return _getIsolate(isolateId).then((isolate) {
if (isolate == null) {
// The isolate does not exist. Return the VM object instead.
// TODO(turnidge): Generate a service error?
return this;
if (objectId == null) {
return isolate.reload();
} else {
return isolate.get(objectId);
var obj = _cache[id];
if (obj != null) {
return obj.reload();
// Cache miss. Get the object from the vm directly.
return getAsMap(id).then((ObservableMap map) {
var obj = new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, map);
if (obj.canCache) {
_cache.putIfAbsent(id, () => obj);
return obj;
dynamic _reviver(dynamic key, dynamic value) {
return value;
ObservableMap _parseJSON(String response) {
var map;
try {
var decoder = new JsonDecoder(_reviver);
map = decoder.convert(response);
} catch (e, st) {
return null;
return toObservable(map);
Future<ObservableMap> _processMap(ObservableMap map) {
// Verify that the top level response is a service map.
if (!_isServiceMap(map)) {
return new Future.error(
new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, toObservable({
'type': 'ServiceException',
'id': '',
'kind': 'FormatException',
'response': map,
'message': 'Top level service responses must be service maps.',
// Preemptively capture ServiceError and ServiceExceptions.
if (map['type'] == 'ServiceError') {
return new Future.error(new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, map));
} else if (map['type'] == 'ServiceException') {
return new Future.error(new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, map));
// map is now guaranteed to be a non-error/exception ServiceObject.
return new Future.value(map);
Future<ObservableMap> _decodeError(e) {
return new Future.error(new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, toObservable({
'type': 'ServiceException',
'id': '',
'kind': 'DecodeException',
'This is likely a result of a known V8 bug. Although the '
'the bug has been fixed the fix may not be in your Chrome'
' version. For more information see '
'Observatory is still functioning and you should try your'
' action again.',
'message': 'Could not decode JSON: $e',
/// Gets [id] as an [ObservableMap] from the service directly. If
/// an error occurs, the future is completed as an error with a
/// ServiceError or ServiceException. Therefore any chained then() calls
/// will only receive a map encoding a valid ServiceObject.
Future<ObservableMap> getAsMap(String id) {
return getString(id).then((response) {
var map;
try {
map = _parseJSON(response);
} catch (e, st) {
print('Hit V8 bug.');
return _decodeError(e);
return _processMap(map);
}).catchError((error) {
// ServiceError, forward to VM's ServiceError stream.
return new Future.error(error);
}, test: (e) => e is ServiceError).catchError((exception) {
// ServiceException, forward to VM's ServiceException stream.
return new Future.error(exception);
}, test: (e) => e is ServiceException);
/// Get [id] as a [String] from the service directly. See [getAsMap].
Future<String> getString(String id);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
if (mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
version = map['version'];
architecture = map['architecture'];
uptime = map['uptime'];
assertsEnabled = map['assertsEnabled'];
typeChecksEnabled = map['typeChecksEnabled'];
void _updateIsolates(List newIsolates) {
var oldIsolateCache = _isolateCache;
var newIsolateCache = new Map<String,Isolate>();
for (var isolateMap in newIsolates) {
var isolateId = isolateMap['id'];
var isolate = oldIsolateCache[isolateId];
if (isolate != null) {
newIsolateCache[isolateId] = isolate;
} else {
isolate = new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, isolateMap);
newIsolateCache[isolateId] = isolate;'New isolate \'${}\'');
// Update the individual isolates asynchronously.
newIsolateCache.forEach((isolateId, isolate) {
_isolateCache = newIsolateCache;
/// Snapshot in time of tag counters.
class TagProfileSnapshot {
final double seconds;
final List<int> counters;
int get sum => _sum;
int _sum = 0;
TagProfileSnapshot(this.seconds, int countersLength)
: counters = new List<int>(countersLength);
/// Set [counters] and update [sum].
void set(List<int> counters) {
this.counters.setAll(0, counters);
for (var i = 0; i < this.counters.length; i++) {
_sum += this.counters[i];
/// Set [counters] with the delta from [counters] to [old_counters]
/// and update [sum].
void delta(List<int> counters, List<int> old_counters) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.counters.length; i++) {
this.counters[i] = counters[i] - old_counters[i];
_sum += this.counters[i];
/// Update [counters] with new maximum values seen in [counters].
void max(List<int> counters) {
for (var i = 0; i < counters.length; i++) {
var c = counters[i];
this.counters[i] = this.counters[i] > c ? this.counters[i] : c;
/// Zero [counters].
void zero() {
for (var i = 0; i < counters.length; i++) {
counters[i] = 0;
class TagProfile {
final List<String> names = new List<String>();
final List<TagProfileSnapshot> snapshots = new List<TagProfileSnapshot>();
double get updatedAtSeconds => _seconds;
double _seconds;
TagProfileSnapshot _maxSnapshot;
int _historySize;
int _countersLength = 0;
void _processTagProfile(double seconds, ObservableMap tagProfile) {
_seconds = seconds;
var counters = tagProfile['counters'];
if (names.length == 0) {
// Initialization.
_countersLength = tagProfile['counters'].length;
for (var i = 0; i < _historySize; i++) {
var snapshot = new TagProfileSnapshot(0.0, _countersLength);;
// The counters monotonically grow, keep track of the maximum value.
_maxSnapshot = new TagProfileSnapshot(0.0, _countersLength);
var snapshot = new TagProfileSnapshot(seconds, _countersLength);
// We snapshot the delta from the current counters to the maximum counter
// values., _maxSnapshot.counters);
// Only keep _historySize snapshots.
if (snapshots.length > _historySize) {
/// State for a running isolate.
class Isolate extends ServiceObjectOwner {
@reflectable VM get vm => owner;
@reflectable Isolate get isolate => this;
@observable ObservableMap counters = new ObservableMap();
String get link => _id;
String get hashLink => '#/$_id';
@observable ServiceMap pauseEvent = null;
bool get _isPaused => pauseEvent != null;
@observable bool running = false;
@observable bool idle = false;
@observable bool loading = true;
@observable bool ioEnabled = false;
Map<String,ServiceObject> _cache = new Map<String,ServiceObject>();
final TagProfile tagProfile = new TagProfile(20);
Isolate._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner) {
assert(owner is VM);
/// Creates a link to [id] relative to [this].
@reflectable String relativeLink(String id) => '${}/$id';
/// Creates a relative link to [id] with a '#/' prefix.
@reflectable String relativeHashLink(String id) => '#/${relativeLink(id)}';
static const TAG_ROOT_ID = 'code/tag-0';
/// Returns the Code object for the root tag.
Code tagRoot() {
// TODO(turnidge): Use get() here instead?
return _cache[TAG_ROOT_ID];
void processProfile(ServiceMap profile) {
assert(profile.serviceType == 'Profile');
var codeTable = new List<Code>();
var codeRegions = profile['codes'];
for (var codeRegion in codeRegions) {
Code code = codeRegion['code'];
assert(code != null);
_updateProfileData(profile, codeTable);
var exclusiveTrie = profile['exclusive_trie'];
if (exclusiveTrie != null) {
profileTrieRoot = _processProfileTrie(exclusiveTrie, codeTable);
void _resetProfileData() {
_cache.values.forEach((value) {
if (value is Code) {
Code code = value;
void _updateProfileData(ServiceMap profile, List<Code> codeTable) {
var codeRegions = profile['codes'];
var sampleCount = profile['samples'];
for (var codeRegion in codeRegions) {
Code code = codeRegion['code'];
code.updateProfileData(codeRegion, codeTable, sampleCount);
Future refreshCoverage() {
return get('coverage').then(_processCoverage);
void _processCoverage(ServiceMap coverage) {
assert(coverage.serviceType == 'CodeCoverage');
var coverageList = coverage['coverage'];
assert(coverageList != null);
coverageList.forEach((scriptCoverage) {
void _processScriptCoverage(ObservableMap scriptCoverage) {
// Because the coverage data was upgraded into a ServiceObject,
// the script can be directly accessed.
Script script = scriptCoverage['script'];
ServiceObject getFromMap(ObservableMap map) {
if (map == null) {
return null;
String id = map['id'];
var obj = _cache[id];
if (obj != null) {
return obj;
// Build the object from the map directly.
obj = new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, map);
if (obj.canCache) {
_cache[id] = obj;
return obj;
Future<ServiceObject> get(String id) {
// Do not allow null ids or empty ids.
assert(id != null && id != '');
var obj = _cache[id];
if (obj != null) {
return obj.reload();
// Cache miss. Get the object from the vm directly.
return vm.getAsMap(relativeLink(id)).then((ObservableMap map) {
var obj = new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, map);
if (obj.canCache) {
_cache.putIfAbsent(id, () => obj);
return obj;
@observable Library rootLib;
@observable ObservableList<Library> libraries =
new ObservableList<Library>();
@observable ObservableMap topFrame;
@observable String name;
@observable String vmName;
@observable String mainPort;
@observable Map entry;
@observable final Map<String, double> timers =
toObservable(new Map<String, double>());
@observable int newHeapUsed = 0;
@observable int oldHeapUsed = 0;
@observable int newHeapCapacity = 0;
@observable int oldHeapCapacity = 0;
@observable String fileAndLine;
@observable DartError error;
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
mainPort = map['mainPort'];
name = map['name'];
vmName = map['name'];
if (mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
loading = false;
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
if (map['rootLib'] == null ||
map['timers'] == null ||
map['heap'] == null) {
Logger.root.severe("Malformed 'Isolate' response: $map");
rootLib = map['rootLib'];
if (map['entry'] != null) {
entry = map['entry'];
if (map['topFrame'] != null) {
topFrame = map['topFrame'];
} else {
topFrame = null ;
var countersMap = map['tagCounters'];
if (countersMap != null) {
var names = countersMap['names'];
var counts = countersMap['counters'];
assert(names.length == counts.length);
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
sum += counts[i];
// TODO: Why does this not work without this?
counters = toObservable({});
if (sum == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
counters[names[i]] = '0.0%';
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
counters[names[i]] =
(counts[i] / sum * 100.0).toStringAsFixed(2) + '%';
var timerMap = {};
map['timers'].forEach((timer) {
timerMap[timer['name']] = timer['time'];
timers['total'] = timerMap['time_total_runtime'];
timers['compile'] = timerMap['time_compilation'];
timers['gc'] = 0.0; // TODO(turnidge): Export this from VM.
timers['init'] = (timerMap['time_script_loading'] +
timerMap['time_creating_snapshot'] +
timerMap['time_isolate_initialization'] +
timers['dart'] = timerMap['time_dart_execution'];
newHeapUsed = map['heap']['usedNew'];
oldHeapUsed = map['heap']['usedOld'];
newHeapCapacity = map['heap']['capacityNew'];
oldHeapCapacity = map['heap']['capacityOld'];
List features = map['features'];
if (features != null) {
for (var feature in features) {
if (feature == 'io') {
ioEnabled = true;
// Isolate status
pauseEvent = map['pauseEvent'];
running = (!_isPaused && map['topFrame'] != null);
idle = (!_isPaused && map['topFrame'] == null);
error = map['error'];
for (var lib in map['libraries']) {
libraries.sort((a,b) =>;
Future<TagProfile> updateTagProfile() {
return vm.getAsMap(relativeLink('profile/tag')).then((ObservableMap m) {
var seconds = new / 1000.0;
tagProfile._processTagProfile(seconds, m);
return tagProfile;
@reflectable CodeTrieNode profileTrieRoot;
// The profile trie is serialized as a list of integers. Each node
// is recreated by consuming some portion of the list. The format is as
// follows:
// [0] index into codeTable of code object.
// [1] tick count (number of times this stack frame occured).
// [2] child node count
// Reading the trie is done by recursively reading the tree depth-first
// pre-order.
CodeTrieNode _processProfileTrie(List<int> data, List<Code> codeTable) {
// Setup state shared across calls to _readTrieNode.
_trieDataCursor = 0;
_trieData = data;
if (_trieData == null) {
return null;
if (_trieData.length < 3) {
// Not enough integers for 1 node.
return null;
// Read the tree, returns the root node.
return _readTrieNode(codeTable);
int _trieDataCursor;
List<int> _trieData;
CodeTrieNode _readTrieNode(List<Code> codeTable) {
// Read index into code table.
var index = _trieData[_trieDataCursor++];
// Lookup code object.
var code = codeTable[index];
// Frame counter.
var count = _trieData[_trieDataCursor++];
// Create node.
var node = new CodeTrieNode(code, count);
// Number of children.
var children = _trieData[_trieDataCursor++];
// Recursively read child nodes.
for (var i = 0; i < children; i++) {
var child = _readTrieNode(codeTable);
node.summedChildCount += child.count;
return node;
/// A [ServiceObject] which implements [ObservableMap].
class ServiceMap extends ServiceObject implements ObservableMap {
final ObservableMap _map = new ObservableMap();
static String objectIdRingPrefix = 'objects/';
bool get canCache {
return (_serviceType == 'Class' ||
_serviceType == 'Function' ||
_serviceType == 'Field') &&
bool get immutable => false;
ServiceMap._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
String toString() => _map.toString();
void _upgradeValues() {
assert(owner != null);
_upgradeCollection(_map, owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_loaded = !mapIsRef;
// TODO(turnidge): Currently _map.clear() prevents us from
// upgrading an already upgraded submap. Is clearing really the
// right thing to do here?
name = _map['user_name'];
vmName = _map['name'];
// Forward Map interface calls.
void addAll(Map other) => _map.addAll(other);
void clear() => _map.clear();
bool containsValue(v) => _map.containsValue(v);
bool containsKey(k) => _map.containsKey(k);
void forEach(Function f) => _map.forEach(f);
putIfAbsent(key, Function ifAbsent) => _map.putIfAbsent(key, ifAbsent);
void remove(key) => _map.remove(key);
operator [](k) => _map[k];
operator []=(k, v) => _map[k] = v;
bool get isEmpty => _map.isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty => _map.isNotEmpty;
Iterable get keys => _map.keys;
Iterable get values => _map.values;
int get length => _map.length;
// Forward ChangeNotifier interface calls.
bool deliverChanges() => _map.deliverChanges();
void notifyChange(ChangeRecord record) => _map.notifyChange(record);
notifyPropertyChange(Symbol field, Object oldValue, Object newValue) =>
_map.notifyPropertyChange(field, oldValue, newValue);
void observed() => _map.observed();
void unobserved() => _map.unobserved();
Stream<List<ChangeRecord>> get changes => _map.changes;
bool get hasObservers => _map.hasObservers;
/// A [DartError] is peered to a Dart Error object.
class DartError extends ServiceObject {
DartError._empty(ServiceObject owner) : super._empty(owner);
@observable String kind;
@observable String message;
@observable ServiceMap exception;
@observable ServiceMap stacktrace;
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
kind = map['kind'];
message = map['message'];
exception = new ServiceObject._fromMap(owner, map['exception']);
stacktrace = new ServiceObject._fromMap(owner, map['stacktrace']);
name = 'DartError $kind';
vmName = name;
/// A [ServiceError] is an error that was triggered in the service
/// server or client. Errors are prorammer mistakes that could have
/// been prevented, for example, requesting a non-existant path over the
/// service.
class ServiceError extends ServiceObject {
ServiceError._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
@observable String kind;
@observable String message;
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
kind = map['kind'];
message = map['message'];
name = 'ServiceError $kind';
vmName = name;
/// A [ServiceException] is an exception that was triggered in the service
/// server or client. Exceptions are events that should be handled,
/// for example, an isolate went away or the connection to the VM was lost.
class ServiceException extends ServiceObject {
ServiceException._empty(ServiceObject owner) : super._empty(owner);
@observable String kind;
@observable String message;
@observable dynamic response;
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
kind = map['kind'];
message = map['message'];
response = map['response'];
name = 'ServiceException $kind';
vmName = name;
class Library extends ServiceObject {
@observable String url;
@reflectable final imports = new ObservableList<Library>();
@reflectable final scripts = new ObservableList<Script>();
@reflectable final classes = new ObservableList<ServiceMap>();
@reflectable final variables = new ObservableList<ServiceMap>();
@reflectable final functions = new ObservableList<ServiceMap>();
bool get canCache => true;
bool get immutable => false;
Library._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
url = map['url'];
var shortUrl = url;
if (url.startsWith('file://') ||
url.startsWith('http://')) {
shortUrl = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
name = map['user_name'];
if (name.isEmpty) {
name = shortUrl;
vmName = map['name'];
if (mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
class ScriptLine {
@reflectable final int line;
@reflectable final String text;
ScriptLine(this.line, this.text);
class Script extends ServiceObject {
@reflectable final lines = new ObservableList<ScriptLine>();
@reflectable final hits = new ObservableMap<int, int>();
@observable String kind;
@observable int firstTokenPos;
@observable int lastTokenPos;
bool get canCache => true;
bool get immutable => true;
String _shortUrl;
String _url;
Script._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
ScriptLine getLine(int line) {
assert(line >= 1);
return lines[line - 1];
/// This function maps a token position to a line number.
int tokenToLine(int token) => _tokenToLine[token];
Map _tokenToLine;
/// This function maps a token position to a column number.
int tokenToCol(int token) => _tokenToCol[token];
Map _tokenToCol;
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
kind = map['kind'];
_url = map['name'];
_shortUrl = _url.substring(_url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
name = _shortUrl;
vmName = _url;
void _parseTokenPosTable(List<List<int>> table) {
if (table == null) {
_tokenToLine = {};
_tokenToCol = {};
firstTokenPos = null;
lastTokenPos = null;
for (var line in table) {
// Each entry begins with a line number...
var lineNumber = line[0];
for (var pos = 1; pos < line.length; pos += 2) {
// ...and is followed by (token offset, col number) pairs.
var tokenOffset = line[pos];
var colNumber = line[pos+1];
if (firstTokenPos == null) {
// Mark first token position.
firstTokenPos = tokenOffset;
lastTokenPos = tokenOffset;
} else {
// Keep track of max and min token positions.
firstTokenPos = (firstTokenPos <= tokenOffset) ?
firstTokenPos : tokenOffset;
lastTokenPos = (lastTokenPos >= tokenOffset) ?
lastTokenPos : tokenOffset;
_tokenToLine[tokenOffset] = lineNumber;
_tokenToCol[tokenOffset] = colNumber;
void _processHits(List scriptHits) {
// Update hits table.
for (var i = 0; i < scriptHits.length; i += 2) {
var line = scriptHits[i];
var hit = scriptHits[i + 1]; // hit status.
assert(line >= 1); // Lines start at 1.
hits[line] = hit;
void _processSource(String source) {
// Preemptyively mark that this is not loaded.
_loaded = false;
if (source == null) {
var sourceLines = source.split('\n');
if (sourceLines.length == 0) {
// We have the source to the script. This is now loaded.
_loaded = true;
lines.clear();'Adding ${sourceLines.length} source lines for ${_url}');
for (var i = 0; i < sourceLines.length; i++) {
lines.add(new ScriptLine(i + 1, sourceLines[i]));
class CodeTick {
final int address;
final int exclusiveTicks;
final int inclusiveTicks;
CodeTick(this.address, this.exclusiveTicks, this.inclusiveTicks);
class PcDescriptor extends Observable {
final int address;
@reflectable final int deoptId;
@reflectable final int tokenPos;
@reflectable final int tryIndex;
@reflectable final String kind;
@observable Script script;
@observable String formattedLine;
PcDescriptor(this.address, this.deoptId, this.tokenPos, this.tryIndex,
@reflectable String formattedDeoptId() {
if (deoptId == -1) {
return 'N/A';
return deoptId.toString();
@reflectable String formattedTokenPos() {
if (tokenPos == -1) {
return '';
return tokenPos.toString();
void processScript(Script script) {
this.script = null;
if (tokenPos == -1) {
var line = script.tokenToLine(tokenPos);
if (line == null) {
this.script = script;
var scriptLine = script.getLine(line);
formattedLine = scriptLine.text;
class CodeInstruction extends Observable {
@observable final int address;
@observable final String machine;
@observable final String human;
@observable CodeInstruction jumpTarget;
@reflectable List<PcDescriptor> descriptors =
new ObservableList<PcDescriptor>();
static String formatPercent(num a, num total) {
var percent = 100.0 * (a / total);
return '${percent.toStringAsFixed(2)}%';
CodeInstruction(this.address, this.machine, this.human);
@reflectable bool get isComment => address == 0;
@reflectable bool get hasDescriptors => descriptors.length > 0;
@reflectable String formattedAddress() {
if (address == 0) {
return '';
return '0x${address.toRadixString(16)}';
@reflectable String formattedInclusive(Code code) {
if (code == null) {
return '';
var tick = code.addressTicks[address];
if (tick == null) {
return '';
// Don't show inclusive ticks if they are the same as exclusive ticks.
if (tick.inclusiveTicks == tick.exclusiveTicks) {
return '';
var pcent = formatPercent(tick.inclusiveTicks, code.totalSamplesInProfile);
return '$pcent (${tick.inclusiveTicks})';
@reflectable String formattedExclusive(Code code) {
if (code == null) {
return '';
var tick = code.addressTicks[address];
if (tick == null) {
return '';
var pcent = formatPercent(tick.exclusiveTicks, code.totalSamplesInProfile);
return '$pcent (${tick.exclusiveTicks})';
bool _isJumpInstruction() {
return human.startsWith('j');
int _getJumpAddress() {
var chunks = human.split(' ');
if (chunks.length != 2) {
// We expect jump instructions to be of the form 'j.. address'.
return 0;
var address = chunks[1];
if (address.startsWith('0x')) {
// Chop off the 0x.
address = address.substring(2);
try {
return int.parse(address, radix:16);
} catch (_) {
return 0;
void _resolveJumpTarget(List<CodeInstruction> instructions) {
if (!_isJumpInstruction()) {
int address = _getJumpAddress();
if (address == 0) {
// Could not determine jump address.
print('Could not determine jump address for $human');
for (var i = 0; i < instructions.length; i++) {
var instruction = instructions[i];
if (instruction.address == address) {
jumpTarget = instruction;
print('Could not find instruction at ${address.toRadixString(16)}');
class CodeKind {
final _value;
const CodeKind._internal(this._value);
String toString() => '$_value';
static CodeKind fromString(String s) {
if (s == 'Native') {
return Native;
} else if (s == 'Dart') {
return Dart;
} else if (s == 'Collected') {
return Collected;
} else if (s == 'Reused') {
return Reused;
} else if (s == 'Tag') {
return Tag;
Logger.root.warning('Unknown code kind $s');
throw new FallThroughError();
static const Native = const CodeKind._internal('Native');
static const Dart = const CodeKind._internal('Dart');
static const Collected = const CodeKind._internal('Collected');
static const Reused = const CodeKind._internal('Reused');
static const Tag = const CodeKind._internal('Tag');
class CodeCallCount {
final Code code;
final int count;
CodeCallCount(this.code, this.count);
class CodeTrieNode {
final Code code;
final int count;
final children = new List<CodeTrieNode>();
int summedChildCount = 0;
CodeTrieNode(this.code, this.count);
class Code extends ServiceObject {
@observable CodeKind kind;
@observable int totalSamplesInProfile = 0;
@reflectable int exclusiveTicks = 0;
@reflectable int inclusiveTicks = 0;
@reflectable int startAddress = 0;
@reflectable int endAddress = 0;
@reflectable final callers = new List<CodeCallCount>();
@reflectable final callees = new List<CodeCallCount>();
@reflectable final instructions = new ObservableList<CodeInstruction>();
@reflectable final addressTicks = new ObservableMap<int, CodeTick>();
@observable String formattedInclusiveTicks = '';
@observable String formattedExclusiveTicks = '';
@observable ServiceMap objectPool;
@observable ServiceMap function;
@observable Script script;
@observable bool isOptimized = false;
String name;
String vmName;
bool get canCache => true;
bool get immutable => true;
Code._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
// Reset all data associated with a profile.
void resetProfileData() {
totalSamplesInProfile = 0;
exclusiveTicks = 0;
inclusiveTicks = 0;
formattedInclusiveTicks = '';
formattedExclusiveTicks = '';
void _updateDescriptors(Script script) {
this.script = script;
for (var instruction in instructions) {
for (var descriptor in instruction.descriptors) {
void loadScript() {
if (script != null) {
// Already done.
if (kind != CodeKind.Dart){
if (function == null) {
if (function['script'] == null) {
// Attempt to load the function.
function.load().then((func) {
var script = function['script'];
if (script == null) {
// Function doesn't have an associated script.
// Load the script and then update descriptors.
// Load the script and then update descriptors.
/// Reload [this]. Returns a future which completes to [this] or
/// a [ServiceError].
Future<ServiceObject> reload() {
assert(kind != null);
if (kind == CodeKind.Dart) {
// We only reload Dart code.
return super.reload();
return new Future.value(this);
void _resolveCalls(List<CodeCallCount> calls, List data, List<Code> codes) {
// Assert that this has been cleared.
assert(calls.length == 0);
// Resolve.
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 2) {
var index = int.parse(data[i]);
var count = int.parse(data[i + 1]);
assert(index >= 0);
assert(index < codes.length);
calls.add(new CodeCallCount(codes[index], count));
// Sort to descending count order.
calls.sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count);
static String formatPercent(num a, num total) {
var percent = 100.0 * (a / total);
return '${percent.toStringAsFixed(2)}%';
void updateProfileData(Map profileData,
List<Code> codeTable,
int sampleCount) {
// Assert we have a CodeRegion entry.
assert(profileData['type'] == 'CodeRegion');
// Assert we are handed profile data for this code object.
assert(profileData['code'] == this);
totalSamplesInProfile = sampleCount;
inclusiveTicks = int.parse(profileData['inclusive_ticks']);
exclusiveTicks = int.parse(profileData['exclusive_ticks']);
_resolveCalls(callers, profileData['callers'], codeTable);
_resolveCalls(callees, profileData['callees'], codeTable);
var ticks = profileData['ticks'];
if (ticks != null) {
formattedInclusiveTicks =
'${formatPercent(inclusiveTicks, totalSamplesInProfile)} '
formattedExclusiveTicks =
'${formatPercent(exclusiveTicks, totalSamplesInProfile)} '
void _update(ObservableMap m, bool mapIsRef) {
name = m['user_name'];
vmName = m['name'];
isOptimized = m['isOptimized'] != null ? m['isOptimized'] : false;
kind = CodeKind.fromString(m['kind']);
startAddress = int.parse(m['start'], radix:16);
endAddress = int.parse(m['end'], radix:16);
function = isolate.getFromMap(m['function']);
objectPool = isolate.getFromMap(m['object_pool']);
var disassembly = m['disassembly'];
if (disassembly != null) {
var descriptors = m['descriptors'];
if (descriptors != null) {
descriptors = descriptors['members'];
// We are loaded if we have instructions or are not Dart code.
_loaded = (instructions.length != 0) || (kind != CodeKind.Dart);
hasDisassembly = (instructions.length != 0) && (kind == CodeKind.Dart);
@observable bool hasDisassembly = false;
void _processDisassembly(List<String> disassembly){
assert(disassembly != null);
assert((disassembly.length % 3) == 0);
for (var i = 0; i < disassembly.length; i += 3) {
var address = 0; // Assume code comment.
var machine = disassembly[i + 1];
var human = disassembly[i + 2];
if (disassembly[i] != '') {
// Not a code comment, extract address.
address = int.parse(disassembly[i]);
var instruction = new CodeInstruction(address, machine, human);
for (var instruction in instructions) {
void _processDescriptor(Map d) {
var address = int.parse(d['pc'], radix:16);
var deoptId = d['deoptId'];
var tokenPos = d['tokenPos'];
var tryIndex = d['tryIndex'];
var kind = d['kind'].trim();
for (var instruction in instructions) {
if (instruction.address == address) {
instruction.descriptors.add(new PcDescriptor(address,
'Could not find instruction with pc descriptor address: $address');
void _processDescriptors(List<Map> descriptors) {
for (Map descriptor in descriptors) {
void _processTicks(List<String> profileTicks) {
assert(profileTicks != null);
assert((profileTicks.length % 3) == 0);
for (var i = 0; i < profileTicks.length; i += 3) {
var address = int.parse(profileTicks[i], radix:16);
var exclusive = int.parse(profileTicks[i + 1]);
var inclusive = int.parse(profileTicks[i + 2]);
var tick = new CodeTick(address, exclusive, inclusive);
addressTicks[address] = tick;
/// Returns true if [address] is contained inside [this].
bool contains(int address) {
return (address >= startAddress) && (address < endAddress);
/// Sum all caller counts.
int sumCallersCount() => _sumCallCount(callers);
/// Specific caller count.
int callersCount(Code code) => _callCount(callers, code);
/// Sum of callees count.
int sumCalleesCount() => _sumCallCount(callees);
/// Specific callee count.
int calleesCount(Code code) => _callCount(callees, code);
int _sumCallCount(List<CodeCallCount> calls) {
var sum = 0;
for (CodeCallCount caller in calls) {
sum += caller.count;
return sum;
int _callCount(List<CodeCallCount> calls, Code code) {
for (CodeCallCount caller in calls) {
if (caller.code == code) {
return caller.count;
return 0;
@reflectable bool get isDartCode => kind == CodeKind.Dart;
class SocketKind {
final _value;
const SocketKind._internal(this._value);
String toString() => '$_value';
static SocketKind fromString(String s) {
if (s == 'Listening') {
return Listening;
} else if (s == 'Normal') {
return Normal;
} else if (s == 'Pipe') {
return Pipe;
} else if (s == 'Internal') {
return Internal;
Logger.root.warning('Unknown socket kind $s');
throw new FallThroughError();
static const Listening = const SocketKind._internal('Listening');
static const Normal = const SocketKind._internal('Normal');
static const Pipe = const SocketKind._internal('Pipe');
static const Internal = const SocketKind._internal('Internal');
/// A snapshot of statistics associated with a [Socket].
class SocketStats {
@reflectable final int bytesRead;
@reflectable final int bytesWritten;
@reflectable final int readCalls;
@reflectable final int writeCalls;
@reflectable final int available;
SocketStats(this.bytesRead, this.bytesWritten,
this.readCalls, this.writeCalls,
/// A peer to a Socket in dart:io. Sockets can represent network sockets or
/// OS pipes. Each socket is owned by another ServceObject, for example,
/// a process or an HTTP server.
class Socket extends ServiceObject {
Socket._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
bool get canCache => true;
ServiceObject socketOwner;
@reflectable bool get isPipe => (kind == SocketKind.Pipe);
@observable SocketStats latest;
@observable SocketStats previous;
@observable SocketKind kind;
@observable String protocol = '';
@observable bool readClosed = false;
@observable bool writeClosed = false;
@observable bool closing = false;
/// Listening for connections.
@observable bool listening = false;
@observable int fd;
@observable String localAddress;
@observable int localPort;
@observable String remoteAddress;
@observable int remotePort;
// Updates internal state from [map]. [map] can be a reference.
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
name = map['name'];
vmName = map['name'];
kind = SocketKind.fromString(map['kind']);
if (mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
readClosed = map['readClosed'];
writeClosed = map['writeClosed'];
closing = map['closing'];
listening = map['listening'];
protocol = map['protocol'];
localAddress = map['localAddress'];
localPort = map['localPort'];
remoteAddress = map['remoteAddress'];
remotePort = map['remotePort'];
fd = map['fd'];
socketOwner = map['owner'];
// Returns true if [map] is a service map. i.e. it has the following keys:
// 'id' and a 'type'.
bool _isServiceMap(ObservableMap m) {
return (m != null) && (m['id'] != null) && (m['type'] != null);
bool _hasRef(String type) => type.startsWith('@');
String _stripRef(String type) => (_hasRef(type) ? type.substring(1) : type);
/// Recursively upgrades all [ServiceObject]s inside [collection] which must
/// be an [ObservableMap] or an [ObservableList]. Upgraded elements will be
/// associated with [vm] and [isolate].
void _upgradeCollection(collection, ServiceObjectOwner owner) {
if (collection is ServiceMap) {
if (collection is ObservableMap) {
_upgradeObservableMap(collection, owner);
} else if (collection is ObservableList) {
_upgradeObservableList(collection, owner);
void _upgradeObservableMap(ObservableMap map, ServiceObjectOwner owner) {
map.forEach((k, v) {
if ((v is ObservableMap) && _isServiceMap(v)) {
map[k] = owner.getFromMap(v);
} else if (v is ObservableList) {
_upgradeObservableList(v, owner);
} else if (v is ObservableMap) {
_upgradeObservableMap(v, owner);
void _upgradeObservableList(ObservableList list, ServiceObjectOwner owner) {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var v = list[i];
if ((v is ObservableMap) && _isServiceMap(v)) {
list[i] = owner.getFromMap(v);
} else if (v is ObservableList) {
_upgradeObservableList(v, owner);
} else if (v is ObservableMap) {
_upgradeObservableMap(v, owner);