blob: d085a8962a3f716c397a1bcfc8da35f20aa72d83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of template_binding;
/** Extensions to [Element]s that behave as templates. */
class TemplateBindExtension extends _ElementExtension {
var _model;
BindingDelegate _bindingDelegate;
_TemplateIterator _iterator;
bool _setModelScheduled = false;
Element _templateInstanceRef;
// Note: only used if `this is! TemplateElement`
DocumentFragment _content;
bool _templateIsDecorated;
HtmlDocument _stagingDocument;
_InstanceBindingMap _bindingMap;
TemplateBindExtension._(Element node) : super(node);
Element get _node => super._node;
TemplateBindExtension get _self => super._node is TemplateBindExtension
? _node : this;
_TemplateIterator _processBindingDirectives(_TemplateBindingMap directives) {
if (_iterator != null) _iterator._closeDependencies();
if (directives._if == null &&
directives._bind == null &&
directives._repeat == null) {
if (_iterator != null) {
_iterator = null;
return null;
if (_iterator == null) {
bindings['iterator'] = _iterator = new _TemplateIterator(this);
_iterator._updateDependencies(directives, model);
return _iterator;
* Creates an instance of the template, using the provided [model] and
* optional binding [delegate].
* If [instanceBindings] is supplied, each [Bindable] in the returned
* instance will be added to the list. This makes it easy to close all of the
* bindings without walking the tree. This is not normally necesssary, but is
* used internally by the system.
DocumentFragment createInstance([model, BindingDelegate delegate,
List<Bindable> instanceBindings]) {
final content = templateBind(ref).content;
// Dart note: we store _bindingMap on the TemplateBindExtension instead of
// the "content" because we already have an expando for it.
var map = _bindingMap;
if (map == null || !identical(map.content, content)) {
// TODO(rafaelw): Setup a MutationObserver on content to detect
// when the instanceMap is invalid.
map = _createInstanceBindingMap(content, delegate);
map.content = content;
_bindingMap = map;
final staging = _getTemplateStagingDocument();
final instance = _stagingDocument.createDocumentFragment();
_templateCreator[instance] = _node;
final instanceRecord = new TemplateInstance(model);
var i = 0;
for (var c = content.firstChild; c != null; c = c.nextNode, i++) {
final childMap = map != null ? map.getChild(i) : null;
var clone = _cloneAndBindInstance(c, instance, _stagingDocument,
childMap, model, delegate, instanceBindings);
nodeBindFallback(clone)._templateInstance = instanceRecord;
instanceRecord._firstNode = instance.firstChild;
instanceRecord._lastNode = instance.lastChild;
return instance;
/** The data model which is inherited through the tree. */
get model => _model;
void set model(value) {
_model = value;
static Node _deepCloneIgnoreTemplateContent(Node node, stagingDocument) {
var clone = stagingDocument.importNode(node, false);
if (isSemanticTemplate(clone)) return clone;
for (var c = node.firstChild; c != null; c = c.nextNode) {
clone.append(_deepCloneIgnoreTemplateContent(c, stagingDocument));
return clone;
* The binding delegate which is inherited through the tree. It can be used
* to configure custom syntax for `{{bindings}}` inside this template.
BindingDelegate get bindingDelegate => _bindingDelegate;
void set bindingDelegate(BindingDelegate value) {
_bindingDelegate = value;
// Clear cached state based on the binding delegate.
_bindingMap = null;
if (_iterator != null) {
_iterator._initPrepareFunctions = false;
_iterator._instanceModelFn = null;
_iterator._instancePositionChangedFn = null;
_ensureSetModelScheduled() {
if (_setModelScheduled) return;
_setModelScheduled = true;
void _setModel() {
_setModelScheduled = false;
var map = _getBindings(_node, _bindingDelegate);
_processBindings(_node, map, _model);
/** Gets the template this node refers to. */
Element get ref {
Element result = null;
var refId = _node.attributes['ref'];
if (refId != null) {
var treeScope = _getTreeScope(_node);
if (treeScope != null) {
result = treeScope.getElementById(refId);
if (result == null) {
var instanceRoot = _getInstanceRoot(_node);
// TODO(jmesserly): this won't work if refId is a number
// Similar to bug:
if (instanceRoot != null) {
result = instanceRoot.querySelector('#$refId');
if (result == null) {
result = _templateInstanceRef;
if (result == null) return _node;
var nextRef = templateBind(result).ref;
return nextRef != null ? nextRef : result;
* Gets the content of this template.
DocumentFragment get content {
return _content != null ? _content : (_node as TemplateElement).content;
* Ensures proper API and content model for template elements.
* [instanceRef] can be used to set the [Element.ref] property of [template],
* and use the ref's content will be used as source when createInstance() is
* invoked.
* Returns true if this template was just decorated, or false if it was
* already decorated.
static bool decorate(Element template, [Element instanceRef]) =>
bool _decorate([Element instanceRef]) {
// == true check because it starts as a null field.
if (_templateIsDecorated == true) return false;
var templateElementExt = this;
_templateIsDecorated = true;
var isNativeHtmlTemplate = _node is TemplateElement;
final bootstrapContents = isNativeHtmlTemplate;
final liftContents = !isNativeHtmlTemplate;
var liftRoot = false;
if (!isNativeHtmlTemplate) {
if (_isAttributeTemplate(_node)) {
if (instanceRef != null) {
// Dart note: this is just an assert in JS.
throw new ArgumentError('instanceRef should not be supplied for '
'attribute templates.');
templateElementExt = templateBind(
templateElementExt._templateIsDecorated = true;
isNativeHtmlTemplate = templateElementExt._node is TemplateElement;
liftRoot = true;
} else if (_isSvgTemplate(_node)) {
templateElementExt = templateBind(
templateElementExt._templateIsDecorated = true;
isNativeHtmlTemplate = templateElementExt._node is TemplateElement;
if (!isNativeHtmlTemplate) {
var doc = _getOrCreateTemplateContentsOwner(templateElementExt._node);
templateElementExt._content = doc.createDocumentFragment();
if (instanceRef != null) {
// template is contained within an instance, its direct content must be
// empty
templateElementExt._templateInstanceRef = instanceRef;
} else if (liftContents) {
_liftNonNativeChildrenIntoContent(templateElementExt, _node, liftRoot);
} else if (bootstrapContents) {
return true;
static final _contentsOwner = new Expando();
static final _ownerStagingDocument = new Expando();
static HtmlDocument _getOrCreateTemplateContentsOwner(Element template) {
var doc = template.ownerDocument;
if (doc.window == null) return doc;
var d = _contentsOwner[doc];
if (d == null) {
// TODO(arv): This should either be a Document or HTMLDocument depending
// on doc.
d = doc.implementation.createHtmlDocument('');
while (d.lastChild != null) {
_contentsOwner[doc] = d;
return d;
HtmlDocument _getTemplateStagingDocument() {
if (_stagingDocument == null) {
var owner = _node.ownerDocument;
var doc = _ownerStagingDocument[owner];
if (doc == null) {
doc = owner.implementation.createHtmlDocument('');
_ownerStagingDocument[owner] = doc;
_stagingDocument = doc;
return _stagingDocument;
// For non-template browsers, the parser will disallow <template> in certain
// locations, so we allow "attribute templates" which combine the template
// element with the top-level container node of the content, e.g.
// <tr template repeat="{{ foo }}"" class="bar"><td>Bar</td></tr>
// becomes
// <template repeat="{{ foo }}">
// + #document-fragment
// + <tr class="bar">
// + <td>Bar</td>
static Element _extractTemplateFromAttributeTemplate(Element el) {
var template = el.ownerDocument.createElement('template');
el.parentNode.insertBefore(template, el);
for (var name in el.attributes.keys.toList()) {
switch (name) {
case 'template':
case 'repeat':
case 'bind':
case 'ref':
template.attributes[name] = el.attributes.remove(name);
return template;
static Element _extractTemplateFromSvgTemplate(Element el) {
var template = el.ownerDocument.createElement('template');
el.parentNode.insertBefore(template, el);
return template;
static void _liftNonNativeChildrenIntoContent(TemplateBindExtension template,
Element el, bool useRoot) {
var content = template.content;
if (useRoot) {
var child;
while ((child = el.firstChild) != null) {
* This used to decorate recursively all templates from a given node.
* By default [decorate] will be called on templates lazily when certain
* properties such as [model] are accessed, but it can be run eagerly to
* decorate an entire tree recursively.
// TODO(rafaelw): Review whether this is the right public API.
static void bootstrap(Node content) {
void _bootstrap(template) {
if (!TemplateBindExtension.decorate(template)) {
// Need to do this first as the contents may get lifted if |node| is
// template.
// TODO(jmesserly): content is DocumentFragment or Element
var descendents =
(content as dynamic).querySelectorAll(_allTemplatesSelectors);
if (isSemanticTemplate(content)) {
static final String _allTemplatesSelectors =
'template, ' + => "$k[template]").join(", ");
static bool _initStyles;
// This is to replicate template_element.css
// TODO(jmesserly): move this to an opt-in CSS file?
static void _injectStylesheet() {
if (_initStyles == true) return;
_initStyles = true;
var style = new StyleElement()
..text = '$_allTemplatesSelectors { display: none; }';
final _templateCreator = new Expando();
_getTreeScope(Node node) {
while (true) {
var parent = node.parentNode;
if (parent != null) {
node = parent;
} else {
var creator = _templateCreator[node];
if (creator == null) break;
node = creator;
// Note: JS code tests that getElementById is present. We can't do that
// easily, so instead check for the types known to implement it.
if (node is Document || node is ShadowRoot || node is SvgSvgElement) {
return node;
return null;
_getInstanceRoot(node) {
while (node.parentNode != null) {
node = node.parentNode;
return _templateCreator[node] != null ? node : null;