blob: 6292527d4b3ae3ffe588a116f94d5c3905c1bcc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of template_binding;
// Note: the JavaScript version monkeypatches(!!) the close method of the passed
// in Bindable. We use a wrapper instead.
class _InputBinding extends Bindable {
// Note: node can be an InputElement or TextAreaElement. Both have "value".
var _node;
StreamSubscription _eventSub;
Bindable _bindable;
String _propertyName;
_InputBinding(this._node, this._bindable, this._propertyName) {
_eventSub = _getStreamForInputType(_node).listen(_nodeChanged);
void _updateNode(newValue) => _updateProperty(_node, newValue, _propertyName);
static void _updateProperty(node, newValue, String propertyName) {
switch (propertyName) {
case 'checked':
node.checked = _toBoolean(newValue);
case 'selectedIndex':
node.selectedIndex = _toInt(newValue);
case 'value':
node.value = _sanitizeValue(newValue);
void _nodeChanged(e) {
switch (_propertyName) {
case 'value':
value = _node.value;
case 'checked':
value = _node.checked;
// Only the radio button that is getting checked gets an event. We
// therefore find all the associated radio buttons and update their
// checked binding manually.
if (_node is InputElement && _node.type == 'radio') {
for (var r in _getAssociatedRadioButtons(_node)) {
var checkedBinding = nodeBind(r).bindings['checked'];
if (checkedBinding != null) {
// Set the value directly to avoid an infinite call stack.
checkedBinding.value = false;
case 'selectedIndex':
value = _node.selectedIndex;
open(callback(value)) =>;
get value => _bindable.value;
set value(newValue) => _bindable.value = newValue;
void close() {
if (_eventSub != null) {
_eventSub = null;
if (_bindable != null) {
_bindable = null;
static EventStreamProvider<Event> _checkboxEventType = () {
// Attempt to feature-detect which event (change or click) is fired first
// for checkboxes.
var div = new DivElement();
var checkbox = div.append(new InputElement());
checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
var fired = [];
checkbox.onClick.listen((e) {
checkbox.onChange.listen((e) {
checkbox.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', view: window));
// WebKit/Blink don't fire the change event if the element is outside the
// document, so assume 'change' for that case.
return fired.length == 1 ? Element.changeEvent : fired.first;
static Stream<Event> _getStreamForInputType(element) {
if (element is OptionElement) return element.onInput;
switch (element.type) {
case 'checkbox':
return _checkboxEventType.forTarget(element);
case 'radio':
case 'select-multiple':
case 'select-one':
return element.onChange;
return element.onInput;
// |element| is assumed to be an HTMLInputElement with |type| == 'radio'.
// Returns an array containing all radio buttons other than |element| that
// have the same |name|, either in the form that |element| belongs to or,
// if no form, in the document tree to which |element| belongs.
// This implementation is based upon the HTML spec definition of a
// "radio button group":
static Iterable _getAssociatedRadioButtons(element) {
if (element.form != null) {
return element.form.nodes.where((el) {
return el != element &&
el is InputElement &&
el.type == 'radio' && ==;
} else {
var treeScope = _getTreeScope(element);
if (treeScope == null) return const [];
var radios = treeScope.querySelectorAll(
return radios.where((el) => el != element && el.form == null);
// TODO(jmesserly,sigmund): I wonder how many bindings typically convert from
// one type to another (e.g. value-as-number) and whether it is useful to
// have something like a int/num binding converter (either as a base class or
// a wrapper).
static int _toInt(value) {
if (value is String) return int.parse(value, onError: (_) => 0);
return value is int ? value : 0;