blob: 3664beea93b27238578e90f16d56f9fb8653467c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library bindings_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
import 'package:observe/mirrors_used.dart'; // make test smaller.
import 'package:observe/src/dirty_check.dart' show dirtyCheckZone;
import 'package:polymer_expressions/polymer_expressions.dart';
import 'package:smoke/mirrors.dart' as smoke;
import 'package:template_binding/template_binding.dart' show
TemplateBindExtension, templateBind;
import 'package:unittest/html_config.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
var testDiv;
main() => dirtyCheckZone().run(() {
group('bindings', () {
var stop = null;
setUp(() {
document.body.append(testDiv = new DivElement());
tearDown(() {
testDiv = null;
test('should update binding when data changes', () {
var model = new NotifyModel();
var binding = new PolymerExpressions()
.prepareBinding('x', null, null)(model, null, false);
expect(binding.value, isNull);
model.x = "hi";
return new Future(() {
expect(binding.value, 'hi');
test('should update text content when data changes', () {
var model = new NotifyModel('abcde');
var tag = new Element.html(
var template = templateBind(tag);
testDiv.append(template.createInstance(model, new PolymerExpressions()));
var el;
return new Future(() {
el = testDiv.query("span");
expect(el.text, 'abcde');
expect(model.x, 'abcde');
model.x = '___';
}).then(_nextMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(model.x, '___');
expect(el.text, '___');
test('should log eval exceptions', () {
var model = new NotifyModel('abcde');
var completer = new Completer();
runZoned(() {
var tag = new Element.html(
var template = templateBind(tag);
new PolymerExpressions()));
return _nextMicrotask(null);
}, onError: (e) {
expect('$e', startsWith("Error evaluating expression 'foo':"));
return completer.future;
test('detects changes to ObservableList', () {
var list = new ObservableList.from([1, 2, 3]);
var tag = new Element.html('<template>{{x[1]}}</template>');
var template = templateBind(tag);
var model = new NotifyModel(list);
testDiv.append(template.createInstance(model, new PolymerExpressions()));
return new Future(() {
expect(testDiv.text, '2');
list[1] = 10;
}).then(_nextMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(testDiv.text, '10');
list[1] = 11;
}).then(_nextMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(testDiv.text, '11');
list[0] = 9;
}).then(_nextMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(testDiv.text, '11');
}).then(_nextMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(testDiv.text, '3');
}).then(_nextMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(testDiv.text, '90');
test('detects changes to ObservableMap keys/values', () {
var map = new ObservableMap.from({'a': 1, 'b': 2});
var tag = new Element.html('<template>'
'<template repeat="{{k in x.keys}}">{{k}}:{{x[k]}},</template>'
var template = templateBind(tag);
var model = new NotifyModel(map);
testDiv.append(template.createInstance(model, new PolymerExpressions()));
return new Future(() {
expect(testDiv.text, 'a:1,b:2,');
map['c'] = 3;
}).then(_nextMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(testDiv.text, 'a:1,c:3,');
map['a'] = 4;
}).then(_nextMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(testDiv.text, 'a:4,c:3,');
// TODO(sigmund): enable this test (issue 19105)
// _cursorPositionTest(false);
// Regression tests for issue 18792.
for (var usePolymer in [true, false]) {
// We run these tests both with PolymerExpressions and with the default
// delegate to ensure the results are consistent. The expressions on these
// tests use syntax common to both delegates.
var name = usePolymer ? 'polymer-expressions' : 'default';
group('$name delegate', () {
// Use <option template repeat="{{y}}" value="{{}}">item {{}}
_initialSelectTest('{{y}}', '{{}}', usePolymer);
_updateSelectTest('{{y}}', '{{}}', usePolymer);
group('polymer-expressions delegate, polymer syntax', () {
// Use <option template repeat="{{i in y}}" value="{{i}}">item {{i}}
_initialSelectTest('{{i in y}}', '{{i}}', true);
_updateSelectTest('{{i in y}}', '{{i}}', true);
_cursorPositionTest(bool usePolymer) {
test('should preserve the cursor position', () {
var model = new NotifyModel('abcde');
var tag = new Element.html(
'<template><input id="i1" value={{x}}></template>');
var template = templateBind(tag);
var delegate = usePolymer ? new PolymerExpressions() : null;
testDiv.append(template.createInstance(model, delegate));
var el;
return new Future(() {
el = testDiv.query("#i1");
var subscription = el.onInput.listen(expectAsync((_) {}, count: 1));
expect(el.value, 'abcde');
expect(model.x, 'abcde');
el.selectionStart = 3;
el.selectionEnd = 3;
expect(el.selectionStart, 3);
expect(el.selectionEnd, 3);
el.value = 'abc de';
// Updating the input value programatically (even to the same value in
// Chrome) loses the selection position.
expect(el.selectionStart, 6);
expect(el.selectionEnd, 6);
el.selectionStart = 4;
el.selectionEnd = 4;
expect(model.x, 'abcde');
el.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
expect(model.x, 'abc de');
expect(el.value, 'abc de');
// But propagating observable values through reassign the value and
// selection will be preserved.
expect(el.selectionStart, 4);
expect(el.selectionEnd, 4);
}).then(_nextMicrotask).then((_) {
// Nothing changes on the next micro task.
expect(el.selectionStart, 4);
expect(el.selectionEnd, 4);
}).then((_) => window.animationFrame).then((_) {
// ... or on the next animation frame.
expect(el.selectionStart, 4);
expect(el.selectionEnd, 4);
}).then(_afterTimeout).then((_) {
// ... or later.
expect(el.selectionStart, 4);
expect(el.selectionEnd, 4);
_initialSelectTest(String repeatExp, String valueExp, bool usePolymer) {
test('initial select value is set correctly', () {
var list = const ['a', 'b'];
var tag = new Element.html('<template>'
'<select value="{{x}}">'
'<option template repeat="$repeatExp" value="$valueExp">item $valueExp'
treeSanitizer: _nullTreeSanitizer);
var template = templateBind(tag);
var model = new NotifyModel('b', list);
var delegate = usePolymer ? new PolymerExpressions() : null;
testDiv.append(template.createInstance(model, delegate));
expect(testDiv.querySelector('select').value, 'b');
return new Future(() {
expect(model.x, 'b');
expect(testDiv.querySelector('select').value, 'b');
_updateSelectTest(String repeatExp, String valueExp, bool usePolymer) {
test('updates to select value propagate correctly', () {
var list = const ['a', 'b'];
var tag = new Element.html('<template>'
'<select value="{{x}}">'
'<option template repeat="$repeatExp" value="$valueExp">item $valueExp'
treeSanitizer: _nullTreeSanitizer);
var template = templateBind(tag);
var model = new NotifyModel('a', list);
var delegate = usePolymer ? new PolymerExpressions() : null;
testDiv.append(template.createInstance(model, delegate));
expect(testDiv.querySelector('select').value, 'a');
return new Future(() {
expect(testDiv.querySelector('select').value, 'a');
model.x = 'b';
}).then(_nextMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(testDiv.querySelector('select').value, 'b');
_nextMicrotask(_) => new Future(() {});
_afterTimeout(_) => new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 30), () {});
class NotifyModel extends ChangeNotifier {
var _x;
var _y;
NotifyModel([this._x, this._y]);
get x => _x;
set x(value) {
_x = notifyPropertyChange(#x, _x, value);
get y => _y;
set y(value) {
_y = notifyPropertyChange(#y, _y, value);
class _NullTreeSanitizer implements NodeTreeSanitizer {
void sanitizeTree(Node node) {}
final _nullTreeSanitizer = new _NullTreeSanitizer();