blob: d05c54f9ee85a82ae89d3c79174820727787987c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library json_rpc_2.server;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '../error_code.dart' as error_code;
import 'exception.dart';
import 'parameters.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A JSON-RPC 2.0 server.
/// A server exposes methods that are called by requests, to which it provides
/// responses. Methods can be registered using [registerMethod] and
/// [registerFallback]. Requests can be handled using [handleRequest] and
/// [parseRequest].
/// Note that since requests can arrive asynchronously and methods can run
/// asynchronously, it's possible for multiple methods to be invoked at the same
/// time, or even for a single method to be invoked multiple times at once.
class Server {
/// The methods registered for this server.
final _methods = new Map<String, Function>();
/// The fallback methods for this server.
/// These are tried in order until one of them doesn't throw a
/// [RpcException.methodNotFound] exception.
final _fallbacks = new Queue<Function>();
/// Registers a method named [name] on this server.
/// [callback] can take either zero or one arguments. If it takes zero, any
/// requests for that method that include parameters will be rejected. If it
/// takes one, it will be passed a [Parameters] object.
/// [callback] can return either a JSON-serializable object or a Future that
/// completes to a JSON-serializable object. Any errors in [callback] will be
/// reported to the client as JSON-RPC 2.0 errors.
void registerMethod(String name, Function callback) {
if (_methods.containsKey(name)) {
throw new ArgumentError('There\'s already a method named "$name".');
_methods[name] = callback;
/// Registers a fallback method on this server.
/// A server may have any number of fallback methods. When a request comes in
/// that doesn't match any named methods, each fallback is tried in order. A
/// fallback can pass on handling a request by throwing a
/// [RpcException.methodNotFound] exception.
/// [callback] can return either a JSON-serializable object or a Future that
/// completes to a JSON-serializable object. Any errors in [callback] will be
/// reported to the client as JSON-RPC 2.0 errors. [callback] may send custom
/// errors by throwing an [RpcException].
void registerFallback(callback(Parameters parameters)) {
/// Handle a request that's already been parsed from JSON.
/// [request] is expected to be a JSON-serializable object representing a
/// request sent by a client. This calls the appropriate method or methods for
/// handling that request and returns a JSON-serializable response, or `null`
/// if no response should be sent. [callback] may send custom
/// errors by throwing an [RpcException].
Future handleRequest(request) {
return syncFuture(() {
if (request is! List) return _handleSingleRequest(request);
if (request.isEmpty) {
return new RpcException(error_code.INVALID_REQUEST, 'A batch must '
'contain at least one request.').serialize(request);
return Future.wait( {
var nonNull = results.where((result) => result != null);
return nonNull.isEmpty ? null : nonNull.toList();
/// Parses and handles a JSON serialized request.
/// This calls the appropriate method or methods for handling that request and
/// returns a JSON string, or `null` if no response should be sent.
Future<String> parseRequest(String request) {
return syncFuture(() {
var decodedRequest;
try {
decodedRequest = JSON.decode(request);
} on FormatException catch (error) {
return new RpcException(error_code.PARSE_ERROR, 'Invalid JSON: '
return handleRequest(decodedRequest);
}).then((response) {
if (response == null) return null;
return JSON.encode(response);
/// Handles an individual parsed request.
Future _handleSingleRequest(request) {
return syncFuture(() {
var name = request['method'];
var method = _methods[name];
if (method == null) method = _tryFallbacks;
if (method is ZeroArgumentFunction) {
if (!request.containsKey('params')) return method();
throw new RpcException.invalidParams('No parameters are allowed for '
'method "$name".');
return method(new Parameters(name, request['params']));
}).then((result) {
// A request without an id is a notification, which should not be sent a
// response, even if one is generated on the server.
if (!request.containsKey('id')) return null;
return {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'result': result,
'id': request['id']
}).catchError((error, stackTrace) {
if (error is! RpcException) {
error = new RpcException(
error_code.SERVER_ERROR, getErrorMessage(error), data: {
'full': error.toString(),
'stack': new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace).toString()
if (error.code != error_code.INVALID_REQUEST &&
!request.containsKey('id')) {
return null;
} else {
return error.serialize(request);
/// Validates that [request] matches the JSON-RPC spec.
void _validateRequest(request) {
if (request is! Map) {
throw new RpcException(error_code.INVALID_REQUEST, 'Request must be '
'an Array or an Object.');
if (!request.containsKey('jsonrpc')) {
throw new RpcException(error_code.INVALID_REQUEST, 'Request must '
'contain a "jsonrpc" key.');
if (request['jsonrpc'] != '2.0') {
throw new RpcException(error_code.INVALID_REQUEST, 'Invalid JSON-RPC '
'version ${JSON.encode(request['jsonrpc'])}, expected "2.0".');
if (!request.containsKey('method')) {
throw new RpcException(error_code.INVALID_REQUEST, 'Request must '
'contain a "method" key.');
var method = request['method'];
if (request['method'] is! String) {
throw new RpcException(error_code.INVALID_REQUEST, 'Request method must '
'be a string, but was ${JSON.encode(method)}.');
var params = request['params'];
if (request.containsKey('params') && params is! List && params is! Map) {
throw new RpcException(error_code.INVALID_REQUEST, 'Request params must '
'be an Array or an Object, but was ${JSON.encode(params)}.');
var id = request['id'];
if (id != null && id is! String && id is! num) {
throw new RpcException(error_code.INVALID_REQUEST, 'Request id must be a '
'string, number, or null, but was ${JSON.encode(id)}.');
/// Try all the fallback methods in order.
Future _tryFallbacks(Parameters params) {
var iterator = _fallbacks.toList().iterator;
_tryNext() {
if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
return new Future.error(
new RpcException.methodNotFound(params.method),
new Chain.current());
return syncFuture(() => iterator.current(params)).catchError((error) {
if (error is! RpcException) throw error;
if (error.code != error_code.METHOD_NOT_FOUND) throw error;
return _tryNext();
return _tryNext();