blob: 994a3dd62a1bb3417362c9aeb03ad103b6b34fff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library trydart.decoration;
import 'dart:html';
import 'shadow_root.dart' show
import 'editor.dart' show
class Decoration {
final String color;
final bool bold;
final bool italic;
final bool stress;
final bool important;
const Decoration({this.color: '#000000',
this.bold: false,
this.italic: false,
this.stress: false,
this.important: false});
Element applyTo(text) {
if (text is String) {
text = new Text(text);
if (bold) {
text = new Element.tag('b')..append(text);
if (italic) {
text = new Element.tag('i')..append(text);
if (stress) {
text = new Element.tag('em')..append(text);
if (important) {
text = new Element.tag('strong')..append(text);
return new SpanElement()..append(text) = color;
class DiagnosticDecoration extends Decoration {
final String kind;
final String message;
const DiagnosticDecoration(
{String color: '#000000',
bool bold: false,
bool italic: false,
bool stress: false,
bool important: false})
: super(color: color, bold: bold, italic: italic, stress: stress,
important: important);
Element applyTo(text) {
var element = super.applyTo(text);
var nodes = new List.from(element.nodes);
var tip = new Text('');
if (kind == 'error') {
tip = error(message);
return element..append(diagnostic(nodes, tip));
createAlert(text, [String cls]) {
var classes = ['alert'];
if (cls != null) {
SpanElement result = new SpanElement()
..classes.addAll(classes) = 'normal';
setShadowRoot(result, text);
return result;
info(text) => createAlert(text, 'alert-info');
error(text) => createAlert(text, 'alert-error');
warning(text) => createAlert(text);
class CodeCompletionDecoration extends Decoration {
const CodeCompletionDecoration(
{String color: '#000000',
bool bold: false,
bool italic: false,
bool stress: false,
bool important: false})
: super(color: color, bold: bold, italic: italic, stress: stress,
important: important);
static from(Decoration decoration) {
return new CodeCompletionDecoration(
color: decoration.color,
bold: decoration.bold,
italic: decoration.italic,
stress: decoration.stress,
important: decoration.important);
Element applyTo(text) {
var codeCompletion = new DivElement()
..contentEditable = 'false'
return super.applyTo(text)