blob: 40db6b40cacd4429b4107270b17bba5dffd77ad0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/backend/constant_propagator.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/block_builder.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_test_helper.h"
#include "vm/unit_test.h"
namespace dart {
// Test issue
// If graph contains a cyclic phi which participates in an EqualityCompare
// or StrictCompare with its input like phi(x, ...) == x then constant
// propagation might fail to converge by constantly revisiting this phi and
// its uses (which includes comparison and the phi itself).
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(ConstantPropagation_PhiUnwrappingAndConvergence) {
using compiler::BlockBuilder;
CompilerState S(thread, /*is_aot=*/false);
FlowGraphBuilderHelper H;
// We are going to build the following graph:
// B0[graph_entry]
// B1[function_entry]:
// v0 <- Constant(0)
// goto B2
// B2:
// v1 <- phi(v0, v1)
// v2 <- EqualityCompare(v1 == v0)
// if v2 == true then B4 else B3
// B3:
// goto B2
// B4:
// Return(v1)
PhiInstr* v1;
ConstantInstr* v0 = H.IntConstant(0);
auto b1 = H.flow_graph()->graph_entry()->normal_entry();
auto b2 = H.JoinEntry();
auto b3 = H.TargetEntry();
auto b4 = H.TargetEntry();
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b1);
builder.AddInstruction(new GotoInstr(b2, S.GetNextDeoptId()));
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b2);
v1 = H.Phi(b2, {{b1, v0}, {b3, FlowGraphBuilderHelper::kPhiSelfReference}});
auto v2 = builder.AddDefinition(new EqualityCompareInstr(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, Token::kEQ, new Value(v1), new Value(v0),
kSmiCid, S.GetNextDeoptId()));
new StrictCompareInstr(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, Token::kEQ_STRICT, new Value(v2),
new Value(H.flow_graph()->GetConstant(Bool::True())),
/*needs_number_check=*/false, S.GetNextDeoptId()),
b4, b3);
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b3);
builder.AddInstruction(new GotoInstr(b2, S.GetNextDeoptId()));
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b4);
builder.AddReturn(new Value(v1));
// Graph transformations will attempt to copy deopt information from
// branches and block entries which we did not assign.
// To disable copying we mark graph to disable LICM.
auto& blocks = H.flow_graph()->reverse_postorder();
EXPECT_EQ(2, blocks.length());
EXPECT_PROPERTY(blocks[0], it.IsGraphEntry());
EXPECT_PROPERTY(blocks[1], it.IsFunctionEntry());
EXPECT_PROPERTY(blocks[1]->next(), it.IsReturn());
it.value()->definition() == v0);
} // namespace dart