blob: 57fe97d3c9a6030398350e25460291e4fec78020 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/syntactic_errors.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'context_collection_resolution.dart';
import 'node_text_expectations.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class BinaryExpressionResolutionTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest
with BinaryExpressionResolutionTestCases {
test_eqEq_alwaysBool() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension type MyBool(bool it) implements bool {}
class A {
MyBool operator ==(_) => MyBool(true);
void f(A a) {
a == 0;
var node = findNode.binary('a == 0');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: A
operator: ==
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::==::@parameter::_
staticType: int
staticElement: self::@class::A::@method::==
staticInvokeType: MyBool Function(Object)
staticType: bool
test_eqEq_switchExpression_left() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(Object? x) {
(switch (x) {
_ => 1,
} == 0);
var node = findNode.binary('== 0');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SwitchExpression
switchKeyword: switch
leftParenthesis: (
expression: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: Object?
rightParenthesis: )
leftBracket: {
guardedPattern: GuardedPattern
pattern: WildcardPattern
name: _
matchedValueType: Object?
arrow: =>
expression: IntegerLiteral
literal: 1
staticType: int
rightBracket: }
staticType: int
operator: ==
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::==::@parameter::other
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::==
staticInvokeType: bool Function(Object)
staticType: bool
test_eqEq_switchExpression_right() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(Object? x) {
0 == switch (x) {
_ => 1,
var node = findNode.binary('0 ==');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
staticType: int
operator: ==
rightOperand: SwitchExpression
switchKeyword: switch
leftParenthesis: (
expression: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: Object?
rightParenthesis: )
leftBracket: {
guardedPattern: GuardedPattern
pattern: WildcardPattern
name: _
matchedValueType: Object?
arrow: =>
expression: IntegerLiteral
literal: 1
staticType: int
rightBracket: }
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::==::@parameter::other
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::==
staticInvokeType: bool Function(Object)
staticType: bool
test_expression_recordType_hasOperator() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f((String,) a) {
a + 0;
extension on (String,) {
int operator +(int other) => 0;
var node = findNode.binary('+ 0');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: (String,)
operator: +
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: self::@extension::0::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticType: int
staticElement: self::@extension::0::@method::+
staticInvokeType: int Function(int)
staticType: int
test_expression_recordType_noOperator() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
void f((String,) a) {
a + 0;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, 26, 1),
var node = findNode.binary('+ 0');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: (String,)
operator: +
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: <null>
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: InvalidType
test_gtGtGt() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
A operator >>>(int amount) => this;
void f(A a) {
a >>> 3;
var node = findNode.singleBinaryExpression;
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: A
operator: >>>
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 3
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::>>>::@parameter::amount
staticType: int
staticElement: self::@class::A::@method::>>>
staticInvokeType: A Function(int)
staticType: A
test_ifNull_left_nullableContext() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
T f<T>(T t) => t;
int g() => f(null) ?? 0;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('?? 0'), r'''
leftOperand: MethodInvocation
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>(T)
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
literal: null
parameter: ParameterMember
base: self::@function::f::@parameter::t
substitution: {T: int?}
staticType: Null
rightParenthesis: )
staticInvokeType: int? Function(int?)
staticType: int?
operator: ??
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: <null>
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: int
test_ifNull_lubUsedEvenIfItDoesNotSatisfyContext() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
// @dart=3.3
class A {}
class B1 extends A {}
class B2 extends A {}
class C1 implements B1, B2 {}
class C2 implements B1, B2 {}
f(C1? c1, C2 c2, Object? o) {
if (o is B1) {
o = c1 ?? c2;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('c1 ?? c2'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: c1
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::c1
staticType: C1?
operator: ??
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: c2
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::c2
staticType: C2
parameter: <null>
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: A
test_ifNull_nullableInt_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(int? x, int y) {
x ?? y;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('x ?? y'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: int?
operator: ??
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: y
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::y
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: int
test_ifNull_nullableInt_nullableDouble() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(int? x, double? y) {
x ?? y;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('x ?? y'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: int?
operator: ??
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: y
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::y
staticType: double?
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: num?
test_ifNull_nullableInt_nullableInt() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(int? x) {
x ?? x;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('x ?? x'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: int?
operator: ??
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: int?
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: int?
test_plus_augmentedExpression_augments_nothing() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class A {
int operator+(Object? a) {
return augmented + 0;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER, 50, 9),
var node = findNode.singleReturnStatement;
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
returnKeyword: return
expression: BinaryExpression
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: augmented
staticElement: <null>
staticType: InvalidType
operator: +
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: <null>
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: InvalidType
semicolon: ;
test_plus_augmentedExpression_augments_plus() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'test.dart';
class A {
int operator+(Object? a) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
augment library 'a.dart';
augment class A {
augment int operator+(Object? a) {
return augmented + 0;
var node = findNode.singleReturnStatement;
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
returnKeyword: return
expression: BinaryExpression
leftOperand: AugmentedExpression
augmentedKeyword: augmented
element: self::@class::A::@method::+
staticType: A
operator: +
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::+::@parameter::a
staticType: int
staticElement: self::@class::A::@method::+
staticInvokeType: int Function(Object?)
staticType: int
semicolon: ;
test_plus_augmentedExpression_augments_unaryMinus() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'test.dart';
class A {
int operator-() => 0;
await assertErrorsInCode('''
augment library 'a.dart';
augment class A {
augment int operator-() {
return augmented + 0;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.AUGMENTED_EXPRESSION_NOT_OPERATOR, 84, 9),
var node = findNode.singleReturnStatement;
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
returnKeyword: return
expression: BinaryExpression
leftOperand: AugmentedExpression
augmentedKeyword: augmented
element: <null>
staticType: A
operator: +
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: <null>
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: InvalidType
semicolon: ;
test_plus_extensionType_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
extension type Int(int i) implements int {
Int operator +(int other) {
return Int(i + other);
void f(Int a, int b) {
a + b;
var node = findNode.binary('a + b');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: Int
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: self::@extensionType::Int::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: self::@extensionType::Int::@method::+
staticInvokeType: Int Function(int)
staticType: Int
test_plus_int_never() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
f(int a, Never b) {
a + b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a + b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: Never
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: num
test_plus_never_int() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
f(Never a, int b) {
a + b;
''', [
error(WarningCode.RECEIVER_OF_TYPE_NEVER, 22, 1),
error(WarningCode.DEAD_CODE, 26, 2),
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a + b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: Never
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: Never
test_plus_switchExpression_left() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(Object? x) {
(switch (x) {
_ => 1,
} + 0);
var node = findNode.binary('+ 0');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SwitchExpression
switchKeyword: switch
leftParenthesis: (
expression: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: Object?
rightParenthesis: )
leftBracket: {
guardedPattern: GuardedPattern
pattern: WildcardPattern
name: _
matchedValueType: Object?
arrow: =>
expression: IntegerLiteral
literal: 1
staticType: int
rightBracket: }
staticType: int
operator: +
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: int
test_plus_switchExpression_right() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(Object? x) {
0 + switch (x) {
_ => 1,
var node = findNode.binary('0 +');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
staticType: int
operator: +
rightOperand: SwitchExpression
switchKeyword: switch
leftParenthesis: (
expression: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: Object?
rightParenthesis: )
leftBracket: {
guardedPattern: GuardedPattern
pattern: WildcardPattern
name: _
matchedValueType: Object?
arrow: =>
expression: IntegerLiteral
literal: 1
staticType: int
rightBracket: }
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: int
test_star_syntheticOperand_both() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
void f() {
final v = * ;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE, 19, 1),
error(ParserErrorCode.MISSING_IDENTIFIER, 23, 1),
error(ParserErrorCode.MISSING_IDENTIFIER, 25, 1),
var node = findNode.singleBinaryExpression;
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: <empty> <synthetic>
staticElement: <null>
staticType: InvalidType
operator: *
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: <empty> <synthetic>
parameter: <null>
staticElement: <null>
staticType: InvalidType
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: InvalidType
test_star_syntheticOperand_left() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
void f() {
final v = * 2;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE, 19, 1),
error(ParserErrorCode.MISSING_IDENTIFIER, 23, 1),
var node = findNode.singleBinaryExpression;
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: <empty> <synthetic>
staticElement: <null>
staticType: InvalidType
operator: *
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 2
parameter: <null>
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: InvalidType
test_star_syntheticOperand_right() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
void f() {
final v = 2 * ;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE, 19, 1),
error(ParserErrorCode.MISSING_IDENTIFIER, 27, 1),
var node = findNode.singleBinaryExpression;
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 2
staticType: int
operator: *
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: <empty> <synthetic>
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::*::@parameter::other
staticElement: <null>
staticType: InvalidType
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::*
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: double
test_superQualifier_plus() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int operator +(int other) => 0;
class B extends A {
int operator +(int other) => 0;
void f() {
super + 0;
var node = findNode.binary('+ 0');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SuperExpression
superKeyword: super
staticType: B
operator: +
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticType: int
staticElement: self::@class::A::@method::+
staticInvokeType: int Function(int)
staticType: int
test_thisExpression_plus() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int operator +(int other) => 0;
void f() {
this + 0;
var node = findNode.binary('+ 0');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: ThisExpression
thisKeyword: this
staticType: A
operator: +
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticType: int
staticElement: self::@class::A::@method::+
staticInvokeType: int Function(int)
staticType: int
mixin BinaryExpressionResolutionTestCases on PubPackageResolutionTest {
test_bangEq() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, int b) {
a != b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a != b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: !=
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::==::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::==
staticInvokeType: bool Function(Object)
staticType: bool
test_bangEq_extensionOverride_left() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension E on int {}
void f(int a) {
E(a) != 0;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_EXTENSION_OPERATOR, 46, 2),
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('!= 0'), r'''
leftOperand: ExtensionOverride
name: E
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
token: a
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
rightParenthesis: )
element: self::@extension::E
extendedType: int
staticType: null
operator: !=
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: <null>
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: InvalidType
test_bangEqEq() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, int b) {
a !== b;
''', [
error(ScannerErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATOR, 22, 1),
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a !== b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: !==
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: InvalidType
test_eqEq_dynamic_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(dynamic a) {
a == 0;
var node = findNode.binary('a == 0');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: dynamic
operator: ==
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: dart:core::@class::Object::@method::==::@parameter::other
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::Object::@method::==
staticInvokeType: bool Function(Object)
staticType: bool
test_eqEq_extensionOverride_left() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension E on int {}
void f(int a) {
E(a) == 0;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_EXTENSION_OPERATOR, 46, 2),
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('== 0'), r'''
leftOperand: ExtensionOverride
name: E
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
token: a
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
rightParenthesis: )
element: self::@extension::E
extendedType: int
staticType: null
operator: ==
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: <null>
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: bool
test_eqEq_int_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, int b) {
a == b;
var node = findNode.binary('a == b');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: ==
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::==::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::==
staticInvokeType: bool Function(Object)
staticType: bool
test_eqEq_invalidType_int() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(A a) {
a == 0;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_CLASS, 7, 1),
var node = findNode.binary('a == 0');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: InvalidType
operator: ==
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: dart:core::@class::Object::@method::==::@parameter::other
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::Object::@method::==
staticInvokeType: bool Function(Object)
staticType: bool
test_eqEqEq() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, int b) {
a === b;
''', [
error(ScannerErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATOR, 22, 1),
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a === b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: ===
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: InvalidType
test_ifNull() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
f(int? a, double b) {
a ?? b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a ?? b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int?
operator: ??
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: double
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: num
test_logicalAnd() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(bool a, bool b) {
a && b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a && b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: bool
operator: &&
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: bool
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: bool
test_logicalOr() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(bool a, bool b) {
a || b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a || b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: bool
operator: ||
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: bool
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: bool
test_minus_int_context_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(int a) {
h(a - f());
h(int x) {}
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::-::@parameter::other
staticInvokeType: int Function()
staticType: int
test_minus_int_double() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, double b) {
a - b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a - b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: -
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::-::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: double
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::-
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: double
test_minus_int_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, int b) {
a - b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a - b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: -
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::-::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::-
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: int
test_mod_int_context_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(int a) {
h(a % f());
h(int x) {}
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::%::@parameter::other
staticInvokeType: int Function()
staticType: int
test_mod_int_double() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, double b) {
a % b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a % b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: %
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::%::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: double
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::%
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: double
test_mod_int_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, int b) {
a % b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a % b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: %
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::%::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::%
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: int
test_plus_double_context_double() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(double a) {
h(a + f());
h(double x) {}
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: dart:core::@class::double::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticInvokeType: num Function()
staticType: num
test_plus_double_context_int() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(double a) {
h(a + f());
h(int x) {}
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE, 45, 7),
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: dart:core::@class::double::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticInvokeType: num Function()
staticType: num
test_plus_double_context_none() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(double a) {
a + f();
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: dart:core::@class::double::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticInvokeType: num Function()
staticType: num
test_plus_double_dynamic() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(double a, dynamic b) {
a + b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a + b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: double
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::double::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: dynamic
staticElement: dart:core::@class::double::@method::+
staticInvokeType: double Function(num)
staticType: double
test_plus_int_context_double() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(int a) {
h(a + f());
h(double x) {}
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticInvokeType: double Function()
staticType: double
test_plus_int_context_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(int a) {
h(a + f());
h(int x) {}
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticInvokeType: int Function()
staticType: int
test_plus_int_context_int_target_rewritten() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(int Function() a) {
h(a() + f());
h(int x) {}
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticInvokeType: int Function()
staticType: int
test_plus_int_context_int_via_extension_explicit() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
extension E on int {
String operator+(num x) => '';
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(int a) {
h(E(a) + f());
h(int x) {}
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE, 98, 10),
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: self::@extension::E::@method::+::@parameter::x
staticInvokeType: num Function()
staticType: num
test_plus_int_context_none() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(int a) {
a + f();
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticInvokeType: num Function()
staticType: num
test_plus_int_double() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, double b) {
a + b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a + b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: double
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: double
test_plus_int_dynamic() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, dynamic b) {
a + b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a + b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: dynamic
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: num
test_plus_int_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, int b) {
a + b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a + b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: int
test_plus_int_int_target_rewritten() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
f(int Function() a, int b) {
a() + b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a() + b'), r'''
leftOperand: FunctionExpressionInvocation
function: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int Function()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: int Function()
staticType: int
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: int
test_plus_int_int_via_extension_explicit() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
extension E on int {
String operator+(int other) => '';
f(int a, int b) {
E(a) + b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('E(a) + b'), r'''
leftOperand: ExtensionOverride
name: E
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
token: a
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
rightParenthesis: )
element: self::@extension::E
extendedType: int
staticType: null
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: self::@extension::E::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: self::@extension::E::@method::+
staticInvokeType: String Function(int)
staticType: String
test_plus_int_num() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, num b) {
a + b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a + b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: num
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: num
test_plus_invalidType_int() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
void f() {
x + 0;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER, 13, 1),
var node = findNode.binary('x + 0');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: InvalidType
operator: +
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: <null>
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: InvalidType
test_plus_num_context_int() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(num a) {
h(a + f());
h(int x) {}
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE, 42, 7),
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticInvokeType: num Function()
staticType: num
test_plus_other_context_int() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
abstract class A {
num operator+(String x);
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(A a) {
h(a + f());
h(int x) {}
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE, 88, 7),
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::+::@parameter::x
staticInvokeType: String Function()
staticType: String
test_plus_other_context_int_via_extension_explicit() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class A {}
extension E on A {
String operator+(num x) => '';
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(A a) {
h(E(a) + f());
h(int x) {}
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE, 105, 10),
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: self::@extension::E::@method::+::@parameter::x
staticInvokeType: num Function()
staticType: num
test_plus_other_context_int_via_extension_implicit() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class A {}
extension E on A {
String operator+(num x) => '';
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(A a) {
h(a + f());
h(int x) {}
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE, 105, 7),
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: self::@extension::E::@method::+::@parameter::x
staticInvokeType: num Function()
staticType: num
test_plus_other_double() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
abstract class A {
String operator+(double other);
f(A a, double b) {
a + b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a + b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: A
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: double
staticElement: self::@class::A::@method::+
staticInvokeType: String Function(double)
staticType: String
test_plus_other_int_via_extension_explicit() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class A {}
extension E on A {
String operator+(int other) => '';
f(A a, int b) {
E(a) + b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('E(a) + b'), r'''
leftOperand: ExtensionOverride
name: E
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
token: a
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: A
rightParenthesis: )
element: self::@extension::E
extendedType: A
staticType: null
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: self::@extension::E::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: self::@extension::E::@method::+
staticInvokeType: String Function(int)
staticType: String
test_plus_other_int_via_extension_implicit() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class A {}
extension E on A {
String operator+(int other) => '';
f(A a, int b) {
a + b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a + b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: A
operator: +
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: self::@extension::E::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: self::@extension::E::@method::+
staticInvokeType: String Function(int)
staticType: String
test_receiverTypeParameter_bound_dynamic() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f<T extends dynamic>(T a) {
a + 0;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a + 0'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: T
operator: +
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: <null>
staticType: int
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: dynamic
test_receiverTypeParameter_bound_num() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f<T extends num>(T a) {
a + 0;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a + 0'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: T
operator: +
rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+::@parameter::other
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: num
test_slash() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, int b) {
a / b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a / b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: /
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::/::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::/
staticInvokeType: double Function(num)
staticType: double
test_star_int_context_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
T f<T>() => throw Error();
g(int a) {
h(a * f());
h(int x) {}
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('f()');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>()
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::*::@parameter::other
staticInvokeType: int Function()
staticType: int
test_star_int_double() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, double b) {
a * b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a * b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: *
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::*::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: double
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::*
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: double
test_star_int_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f(int a, int b) {
a * b;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('a * b'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: int
operator: *
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b
parameter: dart:core::@class::num::@method::*::@parameter::other
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b
staticType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::*
staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
staticType: int
class InferenceUpdate3Test extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
List<String> get experiments {
return [
test_ifNull_contextIsConvertedToATypeUsingGreatestClosure() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class A {}
class B1<T> extends A {}
class B2<T> extends A {}
class C1<T> implements B1<T>, B2<T> {}
class C2<T> implements B1<T>, B2<T> {}
void contextB1<T>(B1<T> b1) {}
f(C1<int>? c1, C2<double> c2) {
contextB1(c1 ?? c2);
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('c1 ?? c2'), r'''BinaryExpression
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: c1
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::c1
staticType: C1<int>?
operator: ??
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: c2
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::c2
staticType: C2<double>
parameter: ParameterMember
base: self::@function::contextB1::@parameter::b1
substitution: {T: Object?}
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: B1<Object?>
test_ifNull_contextNotUsedIfLhsDoesNotSatisfyContext() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class A {}
class B1 extends A {}
class B2 extends A {}
class C1 implements B1, B2 {}
class C2 implements B1, B2 {}
f(B2? b2, C1 c1, Object? o) {
if (o is B1) {
o = b2 ?? c1;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('b2 ?? c1'), r'''BinaryExpression
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b2
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b2
staticType: B2?
operator: ??
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: c1
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::c1
staticType: C1
parameter: <null>
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: B2
test_ifNull_contextNotUsedIfRhsDoesNotSatisfyContext() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class A {}
class B1 extends A {}
class B2 extends A {}
class C1 implements B1, B2 {}
class C2 implements B1, B2 {}
f(C1? c1, B2 b2, Object? o) {
if (o is B1) {
o = c1 ?? b2;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('c1 ?? b2'), r'''BinaryExpression
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: c1
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::c1
staticType: C1?
operator: ??
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: b2
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::b2
staticType: B2
parameter: <null>
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: B2
test_ifNull_contextUsedInsteadOfLubIfLubDoesNotSatisfyContext() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class A {}
class B1 extends A {}
class B2 extends A {}
class C1 implements B1, B2 {}
class C2 implements B1, B2 {}
B1 f(C1? c1, C2 c2) => c1 ?? c2;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.binary('c1 ?? c2'), r'''
leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: c1
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::c1
staticType: C1?
operator: ??
rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
token: c2
parameter: <null>
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::c2
staticType: C2
staticElement: <null>
staticInvokeType: null
staticType: B1