blob: 7c1d64efab2658c7e24df61553e2cbacf3884a85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.10
library dart2js.source_information;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import '../common.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../js/js.dart' show JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation;
import '../serialization/serialization.dart';
import '../universe/call_structure.dart';
import 'source_file.dart';
import 'position_information.dart';
/// Interface for passing source information, for instance for use in source
/// maps, through the backend.
abstract class SourceInformation extends JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation {
const SourceInformation();
static SourceInformation readFromDataSource(DataSourceReader source) {
int hasSourceInformation = source.readInt();
if (hasSourceInformation == 0) {
return null;
} else if (hasSourceInformation == 1) {
return const SourceMappedMarker();
} else {
assert(hasSourceInformation == 2);
return PositionSourceInformation.readFromDataSource(source);
static void writeToDataSink(
DataSinkWriter sink, SourceInformation sourceInformation) {
if (sourceInformation == null) {
} else if (sourceInformation is SourceMappedMarker) {
} else {
PositionSourceInformation positionSourceInformation = sourceInformation;
SourceSpan get sourceSpan;
/// The source location associated with the start of the JS node.
SourceLocation get startPosition => null;
/// The source location associated with an inner of the JS node.
/// The inner position is for instance `foo()` in ``.
SourceLocation get innerPosition => null;
/// The source location associated with the end of the JS node.
SourceLocation get endPosition => null;
/// A list containing start, inner, and end positions.
List<SourceLocation> get sourceLocations;
/// A list of inlining context locations.
List<FrameContext> get inliningContext => null;
/// Return a short textual representation of the source location.
String get shortText;
/// Context information about inlined calls.
/// This is associated with SourceInformation objects to be able to emit
/// precise data about inlining that can then be used by defobuscation tools
/// when reconstructing a source stack from a production stack trace.
class FrameContext {
static const String tag = 'frame-context';
/// Location of the call that was inlined.
final SourceInformation callInformation;
/// Name of the method that was inlined.
final String inlinedMethodName;
FrameContext(this.callInformation, this.inlinedMethodName);
factory FrameContext.readFromDataSource(DataSourceReader source) {
SourceInformation callInformation = source.readCached<SourceInformation>(
() => SourceInformation.readFromDataSource(source));
String inlinedMethodName = source.readString();
return FrameContext(callInformation, inlinedMethodName);
void writeToDataSink(DataSinkWriter sink) {
(SourceInformation sourceInformation) =>
SourceInformation.writeToDataSink(sink, sourceInformation));
String toString() => "(FrameContext: $callInformation, $inlinedMethodName)";
/// Strategy for creating, processing and applying [SourceInformation].
class SourceInformationStrategy {
const SourceInformationStrategy();
/// Create a [SourceInformationBuilder] for [member].
SourceInformationBuilder createBuilderForContext(
covariant MemberEntity member) {
return SourceInformationBuilder();
/// Generate [SourceInformation] marker for non-preamble code.
SourceInformation buildSourceMappedMarker() => null;
/// Called when compilation has completed.
void onComplete() {}
/// Interface for generating [SourceInformation].
class SourceInformationBuilder {
const SourceInformationBuilder();
/// Create a [SourceInformationBuilder] for [member] with additional inlining
/// [context].
SourceInformationBuilder forContext(
covariant MemberEntity member, SourceInformation context) =>
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the declaration of the [member].
SourceInformation buildDeclaration(covariant MemberEntity member) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the stub of [callStructure] for [member].
SourceInformation buildStub(
covariant FunctionEntity function, CallStructure callStructure) =>
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the generic [node].
SourceInformation buildGeneric(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for an instantiation of a class using [node]
/// for the source position.
SourceInformation buildCreate(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the return [node].
SourceInformation buildReturn(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for an implicit return in [element].
SourceInformation buildImplicitReturn(covariant MemberEntity element) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the loop [node].
SourceInformation buildLoop(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for a read access like `a.b`.
SourceInformation buildGet(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for a write access like `a.b = 3`.
SourceInformation buildSet(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for a call in [node].
SourceInformation buildCall(ir.Node receiver, ir.Node call) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the if statement in [node].
SourceInformation buildIf(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the constructor invocation in [node].
SourceInformation buildNew(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the throw in [node].
SourceInformation buildThrow(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the assert in [node].
SourceInformation buildAssert(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the assignment in [node].
SourceInformation buildAssignment(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the variable declaration inserted as
/// first statement of a function.
SourceInformation buildVariableDeclaration() => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the await [node].
SourceInformation buildAwait(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the yield or yield* [node].
SourceInformation buildYield(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for async/await boiler plate code.
SourceInformation buildAsyncBody() => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for exiting async/await code.
SourceInformation buildAsyncExit() => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for an invocation of a foreign method.
SourceInformation buildForeignCode(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for a string interpolation of [node].
SourceInformation buildStringInterpolation(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the for-in `iterator` access in [node].
SourceInformation buildForInIterator(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the for-in `moveNext` call in [node].
SourceInformation buildForInMoveNext(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the for-in `current` access in [node].
SourceInformation buildForInCurrent(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the for-in variable assignment in [node].
SourceInformation buildForInSet(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the operator `[]` access in [node].
SourceInformation buildIndex(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the operator `[]=` assignment in [node].
SourceInformation buildIndexSet(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the binary operation in [node].
SourceInformation buildBinary(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the unary operation in [node].
SourceInformation buildUnary(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the try statement in [node].
SourceInformation buildTry(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the unary operator in [node].
SourceInformation buildCatch(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the is-test in [node].
SourceInformation buildIs(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the as-cast in [node].
SourceInformation buildAs(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the switch statement [node].
SourceInformation buildSwitch(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the switch case in [node].
SourceInformation buildSwitchCase(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the list literal in [node].
SourceInformation buildListLiteral(ir.Node node) => null;
/// Generate [SourceInformation] for the break/continue in [node].
SourceInformation buildGoto(ir.Node node) => null;
/// A location in a source file.
abstract class SourceLocation {
static const String tag = 'source-location';
const SourceLocation();
/// The absolute URI of the source file of this source location.
Uri get sourceUri;
/// The character offset of the this source location into the source file.
int get offset;
/// The 1-based line number of the [offset].
int get line;
/// The 1-based column number of the [offset] with its line.
int get column;
/// The name associated with this source location, if any.
String get sourceName;
static SourceLocation readFromDataSource(DataSourceReader source) {
int hasSourceLocation = source.readInt();
if (hasSourceLocation == 0) {
return null;
} else if (hasSourceLocation == 1) {
return const NoSourceLocationMarker();
} else {
assert(hasSourceLocation == 2);
Uri sourceUri = source.readUri();
int offset = source.readInt();
int line = source.readInt();
int column = source.readInt();
String sourceName = source.readString();
return DirectSourceLocation(sourceUri, offset, line, column, sourceName);
static void writeToDataSink(
DataSinkWriter sink, SourceLocation sourceLocation) {
if (sourceLocation == null) {
} else if (sourceLocation is NoSourceLocationMarker) {
} else {
int get hashCode {
return sourceUri.hashCode * 17 +
offset.hashCode * 19 +
sourceName.hashCode * 23;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return other is SourceLocation &&
sourceUri == other.sourceUri &&
offset == other.offset &&
sourceName == other.sourceName;
String get shortText => '${sourceUri?.pathSegments?.last}:[$line,$column]';
String toString() => '${sourceUri}:[${line},${column}]';
class DirectSourceLocation extends SourceLocation {
final Uri sourceUri;
final int offset;
final int line;
final int column;
final String sourceName;
this.sourceUri, this.offset, this.line, this.column, this.sourceName);
/// A location in a source file.
abstract class AbstractSourceLocation extends SourceLocation {
final SourceFile _sourceFile;
ir.Location _location;
AbstractSourceLocation(this._sourceFile) {
offset < _sourceFile.length,
SourceSpan(sourceUri, 0, 0),
"Invalid source location in ${sourceUri}: "
"offset=$offset, length=${_sourceFile.length}."));
AbstractSourceLocation.fromLocation(this._location) : _sourceFile = null;
AbstractSourceLocation.fromOther(AbstractSourceLocation location)
: this.fromLocation(location._location);
Uri get sourceUri => _sourceFile.uri;
int get offset;
int get line => (_location ??= _sourceFile.getLocation(offset)).line;
int get column => (_location ??= _sourceFile.getLocation(offset)).column;
String get sourceName;
String get shortText => '${sourceUri.pathSegments.last}:[$line,$column]';
String toString() => '${sourceUri}:[$line,$column]';
class OffsetSourceLocation extends AbstractSourceLocation {
final int offset;
final String sourceName;
OffsetSourceLocation(SourceFile sourceFile, this.offset, this.sourceName)
: super(sourceFile);
String get shortText => '${super.shortText}:$sourceName';
String toString() => '${super.toString()}:$sourceName';
/// Compute the source map name for [element]. If [callStructure] is non-null
/// it is used to name the parameter stub for [element].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Merge this with `computeKernelElementNameForSourceMaps`
// when the old frontend is removed.
String computeElementNameForSourceMaps(Entity element,
[CallStructure callStructure]) {
if (element is ClassEntity) {
} else if (element is MemberEntity) {
String suffix = computeStubSuffix(callStructure);
if (element is ConstructorEntity || element is ConstructorBodyEntity) {
String className =;
if ( == '') {
return className;
return '$className.${}$suffix';
} else if (element.enclosingClass != null) {
if (element.enclosingClass.isClosure) {
return computeElementNameForSourceMaps(
element.enclosingClass, callStructure);
return '${}.${}$suffix';
} else {
return '${}$suffix';
// TODO(redemption): Create element names from kernel locals and closures.
/// Compute the suffix used for a parameter stub for [callStructure].
String computeStubSuffix(CallStructure callStructure) {
if (callStructure == null) return '';
StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
if (callStructure.namedArguments.isNotEmpty) {
return sb.toString();
class NoSourceLocationMarker extends SourceLocation {
const NoSourceLocationMarker();
Uri get sourceUri => null;
String get sourceName => null;
int get column => null;
int get line => null;
int get offset => null;
String get shortName => '<no-location>';
String toString() => '<no-location>';
/// Information tracked about inlined frames.
/// Dart2js adds an extension to source-map files to track where calls are
/// inlined. This information is used to improve the precision of tools that
/// deobfuscate production stack traces.
class FrameEntry {
/// For push operations, the location of the inlining call, otherwise null.
final SourceLocation pushLocation;
/// For push operations, the inlined method name, otherwise null.
final String inlinedMethodName;
/// Whether a pop is the last pop that makes the inlining stack empty.
final bool isEmptyPop;
FrameEntry.push(this.pushLocation, this.inlinedMethodName)
: isEmptyPop = false;
: pushLocation = null,
inlinedMethodName = null;
bool get isPush => pushLocation != null;
bool get isPop => pushLocation == null;