blob: 8dd30401f01aa01e98e5aed96b3bbbc87d3f698d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/declared_variables.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/sdk/build_sdk_summary.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/packages.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/experiments.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/feature_set_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_content_cache.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/library_graph.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/sdk/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart'
show AnalysisOptions, AnalysisOptionsImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/package_map_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/package_bundle_reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/resource_provider_mixin.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/either.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/basic.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_utilities/check/check.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../resolution/context_collection_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class FileSystemState_BazelWorkspaceTest extends BazelWorkspaceResolutionTest {
void test_getFileForUri_hasGenerated_askGeneratedFirst() async {
var relPath = 'dart/my/test/a.dart';
var writablePath = convertPath('$workspaceRootPath/$relPath');
var generatedPath = convertPath('$workspaceRootPath/bazel-bin/$relPath');
// This generated file should be used instead of the writable.
newFile(generatedPath, '');
var analysisDriver = driverFor(convertPath(testFilePath));
var fsState = analysisDriver.fsState;
// Prepare URI(s).
var generatedUri = toUri(generatedPath);
var writableUri = toUri(writablePath);
// The file is the generated file.
var generatedFile = fsState.getFileForUri(generatedUri).t1!;
expect(generatedFile.uri, writableUri);
expect(generatedFile.path, generatedPath);
// The file is cached under the requested URI.
var writableFile1 = fsState.getFileForUri(writableUri).t1!;
var writableFile2 = fsState.getFileForUri(writableUri).t1!;
expect(writableFile1, same(generatedFile));
expect(writableFile2, same(generatedFile));
void test_getFileForUri_hasGenerated_askWritableFirst() async {
var relPath = 'dart/my/test/a.dart';
var writablePath = convertPath('$workspaceRootPath/$relPath');
var generatedPath = convertPath('$workspaceRootPath/bazel-bin/$relPath');
// This generated file should be used instead of the writable.
newFile(generatedPath, '');
var analysisDriver = driverFor(convertPath(testFilePath));
var fsState = analysisDriver.fsState;
// Prepare URI(s).
var generatedUri = toUri(generatedPath);
var writableUri = toUri(writablePath);
// The file is cached under the requested URI.
var writableFile1 = fsState.getFileForUri(writableUri).t1!;
var writableFile2 = fsState.getFileForUri(writableUri).t1!;
expect(writableFile2, same(writableFile1));
// The file is the generated file.
var generatedFile = fsState.getFileForUri(generatedUri).t1!;
expect(generatedFile.uri, writableUri);
expect(generatedFile.path, generatedPath);
expect(writableFile2, same(generatedFile));
void test_getFileForUri_nestedLib_notCanonicalUri() async {
var outerPath = convertPath('$workspaceRootPath/my/outer/lib/a.dart');
var outerUri = Uri.parse('package:my.outer/a.dart');
var innerPath = convertPath('/workspace/my/outer/lib/inner/lib/b.dart');
var innerUri = Uri.parse('package:my.outer.lib.inner/b.dart');
var analysisDriver = driverFor(outerPath);
var fsState = analysisDriver.fsState;
// User code might use such relative URI.
var innerUri2 = outerUri.resolve('inner/lib/b.dart');
expect(innerUri2, Uri.parse('package:my.outer/inner/lib/b.dart'));
// However the returned file must use the canonical URI.
var innerFile = fsState.getFileForUri(innerUri2).t1!;
expect(innerFile.path, innerPath);
expect(innerFile.uri, innerUri);
class FileSystemState_PubPackageTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
FileState get _dartAsyncState {
return fileStateForUriStr('dart:async');
FileState get _dartCoreState {
return fileStateForUriStr('dart:core');
FileState get _dartMathState {
return fileStateForUriStr('dart:math');
FileState fileStateFor(File file) {
return fsStateFor(file).getFileForPath(file.path);
FileState fileStateForUri(Uri uri) {
return fsStateFor(testFile).getFileForUri(uri).t1!;
FileState fileStateForUriStr(String uriStr) {
final uri = Uri.parse(uriStr);
return fileStateForUri(uri);
FileSystemState fsStateFor(File file) {
return driverFor(file.path).fsState;
test_newFile_augmentation_augmentationExists_hasImport() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
import augment 'c.dart';
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
library augment 'b.dart';
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
// We have not asked for `b.dart` yet, but it was found using URI.
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile.path, b.path);
expect(kind.augmented?.path, b.path);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
_assertAugmentationFiles(bState, [c]);
// We have not asked for `a.dart` yet, but it was found using URI.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile.path, a.path);
expect(kind.augmented?.path, a.path);
// Check `c.dart` again, now using the `b.dart` state.
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(bState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(bState));
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
// Check `b.dart` again, now using the `a.dart` state.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
test_newFile_augmentation_augmentationExists_hasImport_disconnected() async {
final a = getFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart');
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
import augment 'c.dart';
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
library augment 'b.dart';
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
// We have not asked for `b.dart` yet, but it was found using URI.
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile.path, b.path);
expect(kind.augmented?.path, b.path);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
_assertAugmentationFiles(bState, [c]);
// We have not asked for `a.dart` yet, but it was found using URI.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile.path, a.path);
// The file `a.dart` does not exist, so no import, so `null`.
expect(kind.augmented, isNull);
// Check `c.dart` again, now using the `b.dart` state.
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(bState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(bState));
// The file `a.dart` does not exist.
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
expect(aState.exists, isFalse);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, []);
// Check `b.dart` again, now using the `a.dart` state.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
// The URI can be resolved, it points at `a.dart` file.
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
// The file `a.dart` does not exist, so no import, so `null`.
expect(kind.augmented, isNull);
test_newFile_augmentation_augmentationExists_noImport() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
library augment 'b.dart';
// We found `b.dart` from the augmentation file `c.dart`.
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile.path, b.path);
// `b.dart` does not import `c.dart` as an augmentation.
expect(kind.augmented, isNull);
// Reading `a.dart` does not change anything.
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
// `b.dart` does not import `c.dart` as an augmentation.
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
_assertAugmentationFiles(bState, []);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
// Check `c.dart` again, now using the `b.dart` state.
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(bState));
expect(kind.augmented, isNull);
test_newFile_augmentation_cycle1_augmentSelf() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library augment 'b.dart';
import augment 'b.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
// We can construct a cycle using augmentations.
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
_assertAugmentationFiles(bState, [b]);
bState.assertKind((bKind) {
bKind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(bKind.uriFile, same(bState));
expect(bKind.augmented, same(bState));
// The cycle does not prevent building of the library cycle.
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
// TODO(scheglov) ask for the cycle signature
test_newFile_augmentation_cycle2() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
import augment 'c.dart';
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
library augment 'b.dart';
import augment 'b.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
_assertAugmentationFiles(bState, [c]);
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
_assertAugmentationFiles(cState, [b]);
// We can construct a cycle using augmentations.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(bState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(bState));
// The cycle does not prevent building of the library cycle.
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
// TODO(scheglov) ask for the cycle signature
test_newFile_augmentation_invalid() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
library augment 'da:';
// The URI is invalid, so there is no way to discover the target.
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationUnknownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.directive.uri, 'da:');
test_newFile_augmentation_libraryExists_hasImport() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
// We have not asked for `a.dart` yet, but it was found using URI.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile.path, a.path);
expect(kind.augmented?.path, a.path);
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
// Check `b.dart` again, now using the `a.dart` state.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
test_newFile_augmentation_libraryExists_noImport() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', '');
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, []);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
// We can find `a.dart` using the URI.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
// But `a.dart` does not import `b.dart`.
expect(kind.augmented, isNull);
// Refreshing `a.dart` does not change anything.
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, []);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, isNull);
test_newFile_augmentation_targetNotExists() async {
final a = getFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart');
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
// We can find `a.dart` from `b.dart` using the URI.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile.path, a.path);
// The file `a.dart` does not exist, so no import.
expect(kind.augmented, isNull);
// We can get `a.dart`, but it does not exist.
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
expect(aState.exists, isFalse);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, []);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
// The file `a.dart` does not exist, so no import.
expect(kind.augmented, isNull);
test_newFile_augmentation_twoLibraries() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'c.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
import augment 'c.dart';
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [c]);
// We use the URI from `library augment` to find the augmentation target.
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
// Reading `b.dart` does not update the augmentation.
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
_assertAugmentationFiles(bState, [c]);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
// Refreshing `a.dart` does not update the augmentation.
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
// Refreshing `b.dart` does not update the augmentation.
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
// Exclude from `a.dart`, the URI still points at `a.dart`.
// But `c.dart` is not a valid augmentation anymore.
newFile(a.path, '');
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, []);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, isNull);
// Exclude from `b.dart`, still point at `a.dart`, still not valid.
newFile(b.path, '');
_assertAugmentationFiles(bState, []);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, isNull);
// Include into `b.dart`, still point at `a.dart`, still not valid.
newFile(b.path, r'''
import augment 'c.dart';
_assertAugmentationFiles(bState, [c]);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, isNull);
// Include into `a.dart`, restore to `a.dart` as the target.
newFile(a.path, r'''
import augment 'c.dart';
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [c]);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
test_newFile_library_exports_dart() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
export 'dart:async';
export 'dart:math';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(export) => export.isLibrary(_dartAsyncState),
(export) => export.isLibrary(_dartMathState),
test_newFile_library_exports_inSummary_library() async {
// Prepare a bundle where `package:foo/foo.dart` is a library.
final librarySummaryFiles = <File>[];
final fooRoot = getFolder('$workspaceRootPath/foo');
newFile('${fooRoot.path}/lib/foo.dart', 'class F {}');
final fooPackageConfigFile = getFile(
PackageConfigFileBuilder()..add(name: 'foo', rootPath: fooRoot.path),
final analysisDriver = driverFor(fooRoot.path);
final bundleBytes = await analysisDriver.buildPackageBundle(
uriList: [
final bundleFile =
// Delete, so it is not available as a file.
// We don't have a package config for it anyway, but just to be sure.
// Prepare for recreating the collection, with summaries.
sdkSummaryFile = await _writeSdkSummary();
this.librarySummaryFiles = librarySummaryFiles;
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
export 'dart:async';
export 'package:foo/foo.dart';
export 'b.dart';
final b = getFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart');
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(import) {
final expected = Uri.parse('dart:async');
(import) {
final expected = Uri.parse('package:foo/foo.dart');
(import) => import.isLibrary(bState),
test_newFile_library_exports_inSummary_part() async {
// Prepare a bundle where `package:foo/foo2.dart` is a part.
final librarySummaryFiles = <File>[];
final fooRoot = getFolder('$workspaceRootPath/foo');
newFile('${fooRoot.path}/lib/foo.dart', r'''
part 'foo2.dart';
newFile('${fooRoot.path}/lib/foo2.dart', r'''
part of 'foo.dart';
final fooPackageConfigFile = getFile(
PackageConfigFileBuilder()..add(name: 'foo', rootPath: fooRoot.path),
final analysisDriver = driverFor(fooRoot.path);
final bundleBytes = await analysisDriver.buildPackageBundle(
uriList: [
final bundleFile =
// Delete, so it is not available as a file.
// We don't have a package config for it anyway, but just to be sure.
// Prepare for recreating the collection, with summaries.
sdkSummaryFile = await _writeSdkSummary();
this.librarySummaryFiles = librarySummaryFiles;
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
export 'package:foo/foo2.dart';
export 'b.dart';
final b = getFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart');
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(export) {
final expected = Uri.parse('package:foo/foo2.dart');
(export) => export.isLibrary(bState),
test_newFile_library_exports_invalidRelativeUri() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
export '::net';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(export) => export.isNotFile(),
test_newFile_library_exports_package() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', '');
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', '');
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
export 'a.dart';
export 'package:test/b.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(export) => export.isLibrary(aState),
(export) => export.isLibrary(bState),
test_newFile_library_exports_part() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part of my.lib;
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
export 'a.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(export) => export.isFile(aState),
test_newFile_library_imports_library_augmentation() async {
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
import 'b.dart';
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(import) => import.isFile(bState),
(import) => import
test_newFile_library_imports_library_dart() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(import) => import.isLibrary(_dartAsyncState),
(import) => import.isLibrary(_dartMathState),
(import) => import
test_newFile_library_imports_library_dart_explicitDartCore() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:math';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(import) => import
(import) => import.isLibrary(_dartMathState),
test_newFile_library_imports_library_inSummary_library() async {
// Prepare a bundle where `package:foo/foo.dart` is a library.
final librarySummaryFiles = <File>[];
final fooRoot = getFolder('$workspaceRootPath/foo');
newFile('${fooRoot.path}/lib/foo.dart', 'class F {}');
final fooPackageConfigFile = getFile(
PackageConfigFileBuilder()..add(name: 'foo', rootPath: fooRoot.path),
final analysisDriver = driverFor(fooRoot.path);
final bundleBytes = await analysisDriver.buildPackageBundle(
uriList: [
final bundleFile =
// Delete, so it is not available as a file.
// We don't have a package config for it anyway, but just to be sure.
// Prepare for recreating the collection, with summaries.
sdkSummaryFile = await _writeSdkSummary();
this.librarySummaryFiles = librarySummaryFiles;
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
import 'b.dart';
final b = getFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart');
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(import) {
final expected = Uri.parse('dart:async');
(import) {
final expected = Uri.parse('package:foo/foo.dart');
(import) => import.isLibrary(bState),
(import) {
final expected = Uri.parse('dart:core');
test_newFile_library_imports_library_inSummary_part() async {
// Prepare a bundle where `package:foo/foo2.dart` is a part.
final librarySummaryFiles = <File>[];
final fooRoot = getFolder('$workspaceRootPath/foo');
newFile('${fooRoot.path}/lib/foo.dart', r'''
part 'foo2.dart';
newFile('${fooRoot.path}/lib/foo2.dart', r'''
part of 'foo.dart';
final fooPackageConfigFile = getFile(
PackageConfigFileBuilder()..add(name: 'foo', rootPath: fooRoot.path),
final analysisDriver = driverFor(fooRoot.path);
final bundleBytes = await analysisDriver.buildPackageBundle(
uriList: [
final bundleFile =
// Delete, so it is not available as a file.
// We don't have a package config for it anyway, but just to be sure.
// Prepare for recreating the collection, with summaries.
sdkSummaryFile = await _writeSdkSummary();
this.librarySummaryFiles = librarySummaryFiles;
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import 'package:foo/foo2.dart';
import 'b.dart';
final b = getFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart');
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(export) {
final expected = Uri.parse('package:foo/foo2.dart');
(export) => export.isLibrary(bState),
(export) {
final expected = Uri.parse('dart:core');
test_newFile_library_imports_library_invalidRelativeUri() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import '::net';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(import) => import.isNotFile(),
(import) => import.isLibrary(_dartCoreState),
test_newFile_library_imports_library_package() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', '');
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', '');
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
import 'a.dart';
import 'package:test/b.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(import) => import.isLibrary(aState),
(import) => import.isLibrary(bState),
(import) => import
test_newFile_library_imports_library_part() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part of my.lib;
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
import 'a.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
(import) => import.isFile(aState),
(import) => import
test_newFile_library_includePart_withoutPartOf() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
// no part of
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
// Library `a.dart` includes `b.dart` as a part.
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
// But `b.dart` thinks that it is a library itself.
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
// Refreshing the library does not change this.
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
test_newFile_libraryDirective() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
library my;
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my');
test_newFile_noDirectives() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', '');
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
test_newFile_partOfName() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
library my.lib;
part 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
part of my.lib;
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
// We don't know the library initially.
// Even though the library file exists, we have not seen it yet.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my.lib');
expect(kind.libraries, isEmpty);
expect(kind.library, isNull);
// Read the library file.
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my.lib');
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
// Now the part knows its library.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, same(aState));
test_newFile_partOfName_differentName() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
library my.lib;
part 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
part of other.lib;
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
// We don't know the library initially.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(, 'other.lib');
expect(kind.library, isNull);
// Read the library file.
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my.lib');
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
// We still don't know the library, because the part wants `other.lib`,
// but `a.dart` that includes `b.dart` has the name `my.lib`.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, isNull);
test_newFile_partOfName_twoLibraries() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
library my.lib;
part 'c.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library my.lib;
part 'c.dart';
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
part of my.lib;
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my.lib');
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [c]);
// We set the library while reading `a.dart` file.
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, aState);
// Reading `b.dart` does not update the part.
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my.lib');
_assertPartedFiles(bState, [c]);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
kind.assertLibraries([aState, bState]);
expect(kind.library, aState);
// Refreshing `b.dart` does not update the part.
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
kind.assertLibraries([aState, bState]);
expect(kind.library, aState);
// Refreshing `a.dart` does not update the part.
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
kind.assertLibraries([aState, bState]);
expect(kind.library, aState);
// Exclude the part from `a.dart`, switch to `b.dart` instead.
newFile(a.path, '');
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, bState);
// Exclude the part from `b.dart`, no library.
newFile(b.path, '');
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, isNull);
// Include into `b.dart`, use it as the library.
newFile(b.path, r'''
library my.lib;
part 'c.dart';
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, bState);
// Include into `a.dart`, switch to `a.dart`.
newFile(a.path, r'''
library my.lib;
part 'c.dart';
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
kind.assertLibraries([aState, bState]);
expect(kind.library, aState);
test_newFile_partOfUri_doesNotExist() async {
final a = getFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart');
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
part of 'a.dart';
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
// The URI in `part of URI` tells us which library to use.
// However it does not exist, so it does not include the file, so the
// part file will not be analyzed during the library analysis.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile.path, a.path);
expect(kind.library, isNull);
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
expect(aState.exists, isFalse);
_assertPartedFiles(aState, []);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, isNull);
// Create `a.dart` that includes the part file.
newFile(a.path, r'''
part 'b.dart';
// The library file has already been read because of `part of uri`.
// So, we explicitly refresh it.
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
// Now the part file knows its library.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, same(aState));
// Refreshing the part file does not break the kind.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, same(aState));
test_newFile_partOfUri_exists_hasPart() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
part of 'a.dart';
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
// We have not read the library file explicitly yet.
// But it was read because of the `part of` directive.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile.path, a.path);
expect(kind.library?.path, a.path);
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, same(aState));
// Refreshing the part file does not break the kind.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, same(aState));
test_newFile_partOfUri_exists_noPart() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', '');
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
part of 'a.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
// The URI in `part of URI` tells us which library to use.
// However `a.dart` does not include `b.dart` as a part, so `b.dart` will
// not be analyzed during the library analysis.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, isNull);
test_newFile_partOfUri_invalid() async {
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
part of 'da:';
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
// The URI is invalid, so there is no way to discover the library.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriUnknownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.directive.uri, 'da:');
// Reading a library that includes this part does not change the fact
// that the URI in the `part of URI` in `b.dart` cannot be resolved.
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part 'b.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriUnknownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.directive.uri, 'da:');
test_newFile_partOfUri_twoLibraries() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part 'c.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
part 'c.dart';
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
part of 'a.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [c]);
// We set the library while reading `a.dart` file.
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, aState);
// Reading `b.dart` does not update the part.
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
_assertPartedFiles(bState, [c]);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, aState);
// Refreshing `b.dart` does not update the part.
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, aState);
// Refreshing `a.dart` does not update the part.
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, aState);
// Exclude the part from `a.dart`, but the URI in `part of` still resolves
// to `a.dart`, so no changes.
newFile(a.path, '');
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, isNull);
// Exclude the part from `b.dart`, no changes.
newFile(b.path, '');
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, isNull);
// Include into `b.dart`, no changes.
newFile(b.path, r'''
part 'c.dart';
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, isNull);
// Include into `a.dart`, no changes.
newFile(a.path, r'''
part 'c.dart';
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, aState);
test_refresh_augmentation_to_library() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
// Make it a library.
newFile(b.path, '');
// Not an augmentation anymore, but a library.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
// But `a.dart` still uses `b.dart` as an augmentation.
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
// ...even if we attempt to refresh.
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
test_refresh_augmentation_to_partOfName() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
library my.lib;
import augment 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
// Make it a part.
newFile(b.path, r'''
part of my.lib;
// Not an augmentation anymore, but a part.
// This part can find the referenced library by name `my.lib`.
// But the library does not include this part, so no library.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, isNull);
// But `a.dart` still uses `b.dart` as an augmentation.
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
_assertPartedFiles(aState, []);
// ...even if we attempt to refresh.
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
_assertPartedFiles(aState, []);
// Now include `b.dart` into `a.dart` as a part.
newFile(a.path, r'''
library my.lib;
part 'b.dart';
// ...not an augmentation, but a known part.
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, []);
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, same(aState));
test_refresh_augmentation_to_partOfUri() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
// Make it a part.
newFile(b.path, r'''
part of 'a.dart';
// Not an augmentation anymore, but a part.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, isNull);
// But `a.dart` still uses `b.dart` as an augmentation.
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
_assertPartedFiles(aState, []);
// ...even if we attempt to refresh.
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
_assertPartedFiles(aState, []);
// Now include `b.dart` into `a.dart` as a part.
newFile(a.path, r'''
part 'b.dart';
// ...not an augmentation, but a known part.
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, []);
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, same(aState));
test_refresh_library_removePart_partOfName() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part of my;
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
part of my;
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
library my;
part 'a.dart';
part 'b.dart';
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my');
_assertPartedFiles(cState, [a, b]);
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
// Both part files know the library.
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, same(cState));
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, same(cState));
newFile(c.path, r'''
library my;
part 'b.dart';
// Stop referencing `a.dart` part file.
_assertPartedFiles(cState, [b]);
// The library does not include `a.dart` as a part anymore.
// The part `b.dart` is still connected.
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, isNull);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, same(cState));
test_refresh_library_removePart_partOfUri() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part of 'c.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
part of 'c.dart';
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
library my;
part 'a.dart';
part 'b.dart';
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my');
_assertPartedFiles(cState, [a, b]);
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
// Both part files know the library.
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, cState);
expect(kind.library, cState);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, cState);
expect(kind.library, cState);
newFile(c.path, r'''
library my;
part 'b.dart';
// Stop referencing `a.dart` part file.
_assertPartedFiles(cState, [b]);
// But the URIs in the `part of URI` are still the same.
// So, both parts are still linked to the library.
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(cState));
expect(kind.library, isNull);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, cState);
expect(kind.library, same(cState));
test_refresh_library_to_augmentation() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library b;
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertAugmentationFiles(aState, [b]);
// TODO(scheglov) Restore.
// final aCycle_1 = aState.libraryCycle;
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, 'b');
newFile(b.path, r'''
library augment 'a.dart';
// We will discover the target by URI.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as AugmentationKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, aState);
expect(kind.augmented, same(aState));
// The file `b.dart` was something else, but now it is a known augmentation.
// This affects libraries that include it.
// TODO(scheglov) Restore.
// final aCycle_2 = aState.libraryCycle;
// expect(aCycle_2.apiSignature, isNot(aCycle_1.apiSignature));
test_refresh_library_to_partOfName() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
library my.lib;
part 'b.dart';
// No `part of`, so it is a library.
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', '');
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
final aCycle_1 = aState.libraryCycle;
// No `part of`, so it is a library.
// It does not matter, that `a.dart` tried to use it as part.
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
// Make it a part.
newFile(b.path, r'''
part of my.lib;
// We will discover the library by name.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(kind.library, aState);
// The file `b.dart` was something else, but now it is a known part.
// This affects libraries that include it.
final aCycle_2 = aState.libraryCycle;
expect(aCycle_2.apiSignature, isNot(aCycle_1.apiSignature));
test_refresh_library_to_partOfName_noLibrary() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
library my;
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my');
newFile(a.path, r'''
part of my;
// No library that includes it, so it stays unknown.
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my');
expect(kind.library, isNull);
test_refresh_library_to_partOfUri() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library b;
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
final aCycle_1 = aState.libraryCycle;
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, 'b');
newFile(b.path, r'''
part of 'a.dart';
// We will discover the library using the URI.
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, same(aState));
// The file `b.dart` was something else, but now it is a known part.
// This affects libraries that include it.
final aCycle_2 = aState.libraryCycle;
expect(aCycle_2.apiSignature, isNot(aCycle_1.apiSignature));
test_refresh_partOfName_twoLibraries() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part of my.lib;
class A1 {}
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my.lib');
_assertPartedFiles(bState, [a]);
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my.lib');
_assertPartedFiles(cState, [a]);
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my.lib');
kind.assertLibraries([bState, cState]);
expect(kind.library, same(bState));
final bCycle_1 = bState.libraryCycle;
final cCycle_1 = cState.libraryCycle;
// Update `a.dart` part.
newFile(a.path, r'''
part of my.lib;
class A2 {}
// `a.dart` is still a part.
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfNameFileStateKind;
expect(, 'my.lib');
kind.assertLibraries([bState, cState]);
expect(kind.library, same(bState));
// ...but the unlinked signature of `a.dart` is different.
// We invalidate `b.dart` it references `a.dart`.
// We invalidate `c.dart` it references `a.dart`.
// Even though `a.dart` is not a valid part of `c.dart`.
final bCycle_2 = bState.libraryCycle;
final cCycle_2 = cState.libraryCycle;
expect(bCycle_2.apiSignature, isNot(bCycle_1.apiSignature));
expect(cCycle_2.apiSignature, isNot(cCycle_1.apiSignature));
test_refresh_partOfUri_to_library() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part 'b.dart';
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
part of 'a.dart';
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
final aCycle_1 = aState.libraryCycle;
// There is `part of` in `b.dart`, so it is a part.
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(aState));
expect(kind.library, same(aState));
// There are no directives in `b.dart`, so it is a library.
newFile(b.path, r'''
// no part of
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
// Library `a.dart` still considers `b.dart` its part.
_assertPartedFiles(aState, [b]);
// The library cycle for `a.dart` is different now.
final aCycle_2 = aState.libraryCycle;
expect(aCycle_2.apiSignature, isNot(aCycle_1.apiSignature));
test_refresh_partOfUri_twoLibraries() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part of 'b.dart';
class A1 {}
final b = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', r'''
part 'a.dart';
final c = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/c.dart', r'''
part 'a.dart';
final bState = fileStateFor(b);
bState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
_assertPartedFiles(bState, [a]);
final cState = fileStateFor(c);
cState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(, isNull);
_assertPartedFiles(cState, [a]);
final aState = fileStateFor(a);
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(bState));
expect(kind.library, same(bState));
final bCycle_1 = bState.libraryCycle;
final cCycle_1 = cState.libraryCycle;
// Update `a.dart` part.
newFile(a.path, r'''
part of 'b.dart';
class A2 {}
// `a.dart` is still a part.
aState.assertKind((kind) {
kind as PartOfUriKnownFileStateKind;
expect(kind.uriFile, same(bState));
expect(kind.library, same(bState));
// ...but the unlinked signature of `a.dart` is different.
// We invalidate `b.dart` it references `a.dart`.
// We invalidate `c.dart` it references `a.dart`.
// Even though `a.dart` is not a valid part of `c.dart`.
final bCycle_2 = bState.libraryCycle;
final cCycle_2 = cState.libraryCycle;
expect(bCycle_2.apiSignature, isNot(bCycle_1.apiSignature));
expect(cCycle_2.apiSignature, isNot(cCycle_1.apiSignature));
void _assertAugmentationFiles(FileState fileState, List<File> expected) {
final actualFiles = {
if (part != null) {
return getFile(part.path);
expect(actualFiles, expected);
void _assertPartedFiles(FileState fileState, List<File> expected) {
final actualFiles = {
if (part != null) {
return getFile(part.path);
expect(actualFiles, expected);
Future<File> _writeSdkSummary() async {
final file = resourceProvider.getFile('/home/summaries/sdk.sum');
final bytes = await buildSdkSummary2(
resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
sdkPath: sdkRoot.path,
return file;
class FileSystemStateTest with ResourceProviderMixin {
final ByteStore byteStore = MemoryByteStore();
final FileContentOverlay contentOverlay = FileContentOverlay();
final StringBuffer logBuffer = StringBuffer();
final _GeneratedUriResolverMock generatedUriResolver =
late final SourceFactory sourceFactory;
late final PerformanceLog logger;
late final FileSystemState fileSystemState;
void setUp() {
logger = PerformanceLog(logBuffer);
var sdkRoot = newFolder('/sdk');
resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
root: sdkRoot,
var sdk = FolderBasedDartSdk(resourceProvider, sdkRoot);
var packageMap = <String, List<Folder>>{
'aaa': [getFolder('/aaa/lib')],
'bbb': [getFolder('/bbb/lib')],
var packages = Packages({
'aaa': Package(
name: 'aaa',
rootFolder: newFolder('/packages/aaa'),
libFolder: newFolder('/packages/aaa/lib'),
languageVersion: null,
'bbb': Package(
name: 'bbb',
rootFolder: newFolder('/packages/bbb'),
libFolder: newFolder('/packages/bbb/lib'),
languageVersion: null,
var workspace = BasicWorkspace.find(
sourceFactory = SourceFactory([
PackageMapUriResolver(resourceProvider, packageMap),
AnalysisOptions analysisOptions = AnalysisOptionsImpl();
var featureSetProvider =
sourceFactory: sourceFactory,
resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
packages: Packages.empty,
packageDefaultFeatureSet: FeatureSet.latestLanguageVersion(),
nonPackageDefaultLanguageVersion: ExperimentStatus.currentVersion,
nonPackageDefaultFeatureSet: FeatureSet.latestLanguageVersion(),
fileSystemState = FileSystemState(
fileContentCache: FileContentCache.ephemeral(resourceProvider),
test_definedClassMemberNames() {
String path = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
newFile(path, r'''
class A {
int a, b;
d() {}
get e => null;
set f(_) {}
class B {
g() {}
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
unorderedEquals(['a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']));
test_definedClassMemberNames_enum() {
String path = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
newFile(path, r'''
enum E1 {
int field1, field2;
const E1();
const E1.namedConstructor();
void method() {}
get getter => 0;
set setter(_) {}
enum E2 {
get getter2 => 0;
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
test_definedTopLevelNames() {
String path = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
newFile(path, r'''
class A {}
class B = Object with A;
typedef C();
D() {}
get E => null;
set F(_) {}
var G, H;
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
unorderedEquals(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H']));
test_getFileForPath_doesNotExist() {
String path = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
expect(file.path, path);
expect(file.uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a.dart'));
expect(file.content, '');
expect(file.contentHash, _md5(''));
expect(_excludeSdk(file.importedFiles), isEmpty);
expect(file.exportedFiles, isEmpty);
expect(file.partedFiles, isEmpty);
expect(file.libraryFiles, [file]);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.directReferencedFiles), isEmpty);
expect(file.isPart, isFalse);
expect(file.library, isNull);
expect(file.unlinked2, isNotNull);
expect(file.unlinked2.exports, isEmpty);
test_getFileForPath_emptyUri() {
String path = convertPath('/test.dart');
newFile(path, r'''
import '';
export '';
part '';
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
test_getFileForPath_hasLibraryDirective_hasPartOfDirective() {
String a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
library L;
part of L;
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a);
expect(file.isPart, isFalse);
test_getFileForPath_invalidUri() {
String a = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String a1 = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a1.dart');
String a2 = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a2.dart');
String a3 = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a3.dart');
String content_a1 = r'''
import 'package:aaa/a1.dart';
import ':[invalid uri]';
export 'package:aaa/a2.dart';
export ':[invalid uri]';
part 'a3.dart';
part ':[invalid uri]';
newFile(a, content_a1);
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.importedFiles), hasLength(2));
expect(file.importedFiles[0]!.path, a1);
expect(file.importedFiles[0]!.uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a1.dart'));
expect(file.importedFiles[0]!.source, isNotNull);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.exportedFiles), hasLength(2));
expect(file.exportedFiles[0]!.path, a2);
expect(file.exportedFiles[0]!.uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a2.dart'));
expect(file.exportedFiles[0]!.source, isNotNull);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.partedFiles), hasLength(2));
expect(file.partedFiles[0]!.path, a3);
expect(file.partedFiles[0]!.uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a3.dart'));
expect(file.partedFiles[0]!.source, isNotNull);
test_getFileForPath_library() {
String a1 = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a1.dart');
String a2 = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a2.dart');
String a3 = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a3.dart');
String a4 = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a4.dart');
String b1 = convertPath('/bbb/lib/b1.dart');
String b2 = convertPath('/bbb/lib/b2.dart');
String content_a1 = r'''
import 'package:aaa/a2.dart';
import 'package:bbb/b1.dart';
export 'package:bbb/b2.dart';
export 'package:aaa/a3.dart';
part 'a4.dart';
class A1 {}
newFile(a1, content_a1);
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a1);
expect(file.path, a1);
expect(file.content, content_a1);
expect(file.contentHash, _md5(content_a1));
expect(file.isPart, isFalse);
expect(file.library, isNull);
expect(file.unlinked2, isNotNull);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.importedFiles), hasLength(2));
expect(file.importedFiles[0]!.path, a2);
expect(file.importedFiles[0]!.uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a2.dart'));
expect(file.importedFiles[0]!.source, isNotNull);
expect(file.importedFiles[1]!.path, b1);
expect(file.importedFiles[1]!.uri, Uri.parse('package:bbb/b1.dart'));
expect(file.importedFiles[1]!.source, isNotNull);
expect(file.exportedFiles, hasLength(2));
expect(file.exportedFiles[0]!.path, b2);
expect(file.exportedFiles[0]!.uri, Uri.parse('package:bbb/b2.dart'));
expect(file.exportedFiles[0]!.source, isNotNull);
expect(file.exportedFiles[1]!.path, a3);
expect(file.exportedFiles[1]!.uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a3.dart'));
expect(file.exportedFiles[1]!.source, isNotNull);
expect(file.partedFiles, hasLength(1));
expect(file.partedFiles[0]!.path, a4);
expect(file.partedFiles[0]!.uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a4.dart'));
expect(file.libraryFiles, [file, file.partedFiles[0]]);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.directReferencedFiles), hasLength(5));
test_getFileForPath_onlyDartFiles() {
String not_dart = convertPath('/test/lib/not_dart.txt');
String a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
String c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
String d = convertPath('/test/lib/d.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
library lib;
import 'dart:math';
import 'b.dart';
import 'not_dart.txt';
export 'c.dart';
export 'not_dart.txt';
part 'd.dart';
part 'not_dart.txt';
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.importedFiles).map((f) => f!.path), [b, not_dart]);
expect( => f!.path), [c, not_dart]);
expect( => f!.path), [d, not_dart]);
unorderedEquals([a, b, c, d, not_dart]));
test_getFileForPath_part() {
String a1 = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a1.dart');
String a2 = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a2.dart');
newFile(a1, r'''
library a1;
part 'a2.dart';
newFile(a2, r'''
part of a1;
class A2 {}
FileState file_a2 = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a2);
expect(file_a2.path, a2);
expect(file_a2.uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a2.dart'));
expect(file_a2.unlinked2, isNotNull);
expect(_excludeSdk(file_a2.importedFiles), isEmpty);
expect(file_a2.exportedFiles, isEmpty);
expect(file_a2.partedFiles, isEmpty);
expect(_excludeSdk(file_a2.directReferencedFiles), isEmpty);
// The library is not known yet.
expect(file_a2.isPart, isTrue);
expect(file_a2.library, isNull);
// Ask for the library.
FileState file_a1 = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a1);
expect(file_a1.partedFiles, hasLength(1));
expect(file_a1.partedFiles[0], same(file_a2));
_excludeSdk(file_a1.directReferencedFiles), unorderedEquals([file_a2]));
// Now the part knows its library.
expect(file_a2.library, same(file_a1));
// Now update the library, and refresh its file.
// The library does not include this part, so no library.
newFile(a1, r'''
library a1;
part 'not-a2.dart';
expect(file_a2.library, isNull);
test_getFileForPath_samePath() {
String path = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
FileState file1 = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
FileState file2 = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
expect(file2, same(file1));
test_getFileForUri_invalidUri() {
var uri = Uri.parse('package:x');
(file) {
expect(file, isNull);
(_) {
fail('Expected null.');
test_getFilesSubtypingName_class() {
String a = convertPath('/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
newFile(b, r'''
class A {}
class D implements A {}
FileState aFile = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a);
FileState bFile = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(b);
unorderedEquals([aFile, bFile]),
// Change b.dart so that it does not subtype A.
newFile(b, r'''
class C {}
class D implements C {}
test_getFilesSubtypingName_enum_implements() {
String a = convertPath('/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
class A {}
enum E1 implements A {
newFile(b, r'''
class A {}
enum E2 implements A {
FileState aFile = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a);
FileState bFile = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(b);
unorderedEquals([aFile, bFile]),
// Change b.dart so that it does not subtype A.
newFile(b, r'''
class C {}
enum E2 implements C {
test_getFilesSubtypingName_enum_with() {
String a = convertPath('/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
mixin M {}
enum E1 with M {
newFile(b, r'''
mixin M {}
enum E2 with M {
FileState aFile = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a);
FileState bFile = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(b);
unorderedEquals([aFile, bFile]),
test_hasUri() {
Uri uri = Uri.parse('package:aaa/foo.dart');
String templatePath = convertPath('/aaa/lib/foo.dart');
String generatedPath = convertPath('/generated/aaa/lib/foo.dart');
Source generatedSource = _SourceMock(generatedPath, uri);
generatedUriResolver.resolveAbsoluteFunction = (uri) => generatedSource;
expect(fileSystemState.hasUri(templatePath), isFalse);
expect(fileSystemState.hasUri(generatedPath), isTrue);
test_libraryCycle() {
String pa = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String pb = convertPath('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
String pc = convertPath('/aaa/lib/c.dart');
String pd = convertPath('/aaa/lib/d.dart');
FileState fa = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pa);
FileState fb = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pb);
FileState fc = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pc);
FileState fd = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pd);
// Compute library cycles for all files.
// No imports, so just a single file.
newFile(pa, '');
_assertLibraryCycle(fa, [fa], []);
// Import b.dart into a.dart, two files now.
newFile(pa, "import 'b.dart';");
_assertLibraryCycle(fa, [fa], [fb.libraryCycle]);
// Update b.dart so that it imports c.dart now.
newFile(pb, "import 'c.dart';");
_assertFilesWithoutLibraryCycle([fa, fb]);
_assertLibraryCycle(fa, [fa], [fb.libraryCycle]);
_assertLibraryCycle(fb, [fb], [fc.libraryCycle]);
// Update b.dart so that it exports d.dart instead.
newFile(pb, "export 'd.dart';");
_assertFilesWithoutLibraryCycle([fa, fb]);
_assertLibraryCycle(fa, [fa], [fb.libraryCycle]);
_assertLibraryCycle(fb, [fb], [fd.libraryCycle]);
// Update a.dart so that it does not import b.dart anymore.
newFile(pa, '');
_assertLibraryCycle(fa, [fa], []);
test_libraryCycle_cycle() {
String pa = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String pb = convertPath('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
newFile(pa, "import 'b.dart';");
newFile(pb, "import 'a.dart';");
FileState fa = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pa);
FileState fb = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pb);
// Compute library cycles for all files.
// It's a cycle.
_assertLibraryCycle(fa, [fa, fb], []);
_assertLibraryCycle(fb, [fa, fb], []);
expect(fa.libraryCycle, same(fb.libraryCycle));
// Update a.dart so that it does not import b.dart anymore.
newFile(pa, '');
_assertFilesWithoutLibraryCycle([fa, fb]);
_assertLibraryCycle(fa, [fa], []);
_assertLibraryCycle(fb, [fb], [fa.libraryCycle]);
test_libraryCycle_invalidPart_withPart() {
var pa = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
newFile(pa, r'''
part of lib;
part 'a.dart';
var fa = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pa);
_assertLibraryCycle(fa, [fa], []);
test_libraryCycle_part() {
var a_path = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
var b_path = convertPath('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a_path, r'''
part 'b.dart';
newFile(b_path, r'''
part of 'a.dart';
var a_file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a_path);
var b_file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(b_path);
_assertFilesWithoutLibraryCycle([a_file, b_file]);
// Compute the library cycle for 'a.dart', the library.
var a_libraryCycle = a_file.libraryCycle;
// The part 'b.dart' has its own library cycle.
// If the user chooses to import a part, it is a compile-time error.
// We could handle this in different ways:
// 1. Completely ignore an import of a file with a `part of` directive.
// 2. Treat such file as a library anyway.
// By giving a part its own library cycle we support (2).
var b_libraryCycle = b_file.libraryCycle;
expect(b_libraryCycle, isNot(same(a_libraryCycle)));
test_referencedNames() {
String path = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
newFile(path, r'''
A foo(B p) {
C c = new C(p);
return c;
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
expect(file.referencedNames, unorderedEquals(['A', 'B', 'C']));
test_refresh_differentApiSignature() {
String path = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
newFile(path, r'''
class A {}
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
expect(file.definedTopLevelNames, contains('A'));
List<int> signature = file.apiSignature;
// Update the resource and refresh the file state.
newFile(path, r'''
class B {}
final changeKind = file.refresh();
expect(changeKind, FileStateRefreshResult.apiChanged);
expect(file.definedTopLevelNames, contains('B'));
expect(file.apiSignature, isNot(signature));
test_refresh_sameApiSignature() {
String path = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
newFile(path, r'''
class C {
foo() {
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
List<int> signature = file.apiSignature;
// Update the resource and refresh the file state.
newFile(path, r'''
class C {
foo() {
final changeKind = file.refresh();
expect(changeKind, FileStateRefreshResult.contentChanged);
expect(file.apiSignature, signature);
test_store_zeroLengthUnlinked() {
String path = convertPath('/test.dart');
newFile(path, 'class A {}');
// Get the file, prepare unlinked.
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
expect(file.unlinked2, isNotNull);
// Make the unlinked unit in the byte store zero-length, damaged.
byteStore.put(file.test.unlinkedKey, Uint8List(0));
// Refresh should not fail, zero bytes in the store are ignored.
expect(file.unlinked2, isNotNull);
test_subtypedNames() {
String path = convertPath('/test.dart');
newFile(path, r'''
class X extends A {}
class Y extends A with B {}
class Z implements C, D {}
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
expect(file.referencedNames, unorderedEquals(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']));
test_transitiveSignature() {
String pa = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String pb = convertPath('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
String pc = convertPath('/aaa/lib/c.dart');
String pd = convertPath('/aaa/lib/d.dart');
newFile(pa, "class A {}");
newFile(pb, "import 'a.dart';");
newFile(pc, "import 'b.dart';");
newFile(pd, "class D {}");
FileState fa = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pa);
FileState fb = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pb);
FileState fc = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pc);
FileState fd = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pd);
// Compute transitive closures for all files.
// This implicitly computes library cycles.
expect(fa.transitiveSignature, isNotNull);
expect(fb.transitiveSignature, isNotNull);
expect(fc.transitiveSignature, isNotNull);
expect(fd.transitiveSignature, isNotNull);
// Make an update to a.dart that does not change its API signature.
// All library cycles are still valid.
newFile(pa, "class A {} // the same API signature");
// Change a.dart API signature.
// This flushes signatures of b.dart and c.dart, but d.dart is still OK.
newFile(pa, "class A2 {}");
_assertFilesWithoutLibraryCycle([fa, fb, fc]);
test_transitiveSignature_part() {
var aPath = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var bPath = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(aPath, r'''
part 'b.dart';
newFile(bPath, '''
part of 'a.dart';
var aFile = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(aPath);
var bFile = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(bPath);
var aSignature = aFile.transitiveSignature;
var bSignature = bFile.transitiveSignature;
// It is not valid to use a part as a library, and so ask its signature.
// But when this happens, we should compute the transitive signature anyway.
// And it should not be the signature of the containing library.
expect(bSignature, isNot(aSignature));
void _assertFilesWithoutLibraryCycle(List<FileState> expected) {
var actual = fileSystemState.test.filesWithoutLibraryCycle;
expect(_excludeSdk(actual), unorderedEquals(expected));
void _assertIsUnresolvedFile(FileState? file) {
expect(file, isNull);
void _assertLibraryCycle(
FileState file,
List<FileState> expectedLibraries,
List<LibraryCycle> expectedDirectDependencies,
) {
expect(file.libraryCycle.libraries, unorderedEquals(expectedLibraries));
List<T> _excludeSdk<T>(Iterable<T> files) {
return files.where((file) {
if (file is LibraryCycle) {
return !file.libraries.any((file) => file.uri.isScheme('dart'));
} else if (file is FileState) {
return !file.uri.isScheme('dart');
} else if (file == null) {
return true;
} else {
return !(file as String).startsWith(convertPath('/sdk'));
static String _md5(String content) {
return hex.encode(md5.convert(utf8.encode(content)).bytes);
class _GeneratedUriResolverMock extends UriResolver {
Source? Function(Uri)? resolveAbsoluteFunction;
Uri? Function(String)? pathToUriFunction;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
throw StateError('Unexpected invocation of ${invocation.memberName}');
Uri? pathToUri(String path) {
return pathToUriFunction?.call(path);
Source? resolveAbsolute(Uri uri) {
if (resolveAbsoluteFunction != null) {
return resolveAbsoluteFunction!(uri);
return null;
class _SourceMock implements Source {
final String fullName;
final Uri uri;
_SourceMock(this.fullName, this.uri);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
throw StateError('Unexpected invocation of ${invocation.memberName}');
extension on FileState {
void assertKind(void Function(FileStateKind kind) f) {
expect(kind.file, same(this));
extension on PartOfNameFileStateKind {
void assertLibraries(Iterable<FileState> expectedFiles) {
final expectedKinds = {
return e.kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
expect(libraries, unorderedEquals(expectedKinds));
extension on CheckTarget<ImportDirectiveState> {
CheckTarget<Source?> get importedLibrarySource {
return nest(
(selected) => 'importedLibrarySource ${valueStr(selected)}',
CheckTarget<bool> get isSyntheticDartCoreImport {
return nest(
(selected) => 'isSyntheticDartCoreImport ${valueStr(selected)}',
/// Is [ImportDirectiveWithFile], but not a library.
void isFile(FileState expected) {
/// Is [ImportDirectiveWithFile], and is a library.
void isLibrary(FileState expected) {
final expectedKind = expected.kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
/// Exactly [ImportDirectiveState], even the file is not known.
void isNotFile() {
void withInSummaryLibrary(Uri expected) {
void withInSummaryNotLibrary(Uri expected) {
extension on CheckTarget<ExportDirectiveState> {
CheckTarget<Source?> get exportedLibrarySource {
return nest(
(selected) => 'exportedLibrarySource ${valueStr(selected)}',
/// Is [ExportDirectiveWithFile], but not a library.
void isFile(FileState expected) {
/// Is [ExportDirectiveWithFile], and is a library.
void isLibrary(FileState expected) {
final expectedKind = expected.kind as LibraryFileStateKind;
/// Exactly [ExportDirectiveState], even the file is not known.
void isNotFile() {
void withInSummaryLibrary(Uri expected) {
void withInSummaryNotLibrary(Uri expected) {
extension on CheckTarget<ImportDirectiveWithFile> {
CheckTarget<FileState> get importedFile {
return nest(
(selected) => 'importedFile ${valueStr(selected)}',
CheckTarget<LibraryFileStateKind?> get importedLibrary {
return nest(
(selected) => 'importedLibrary ${valueStr(selected)}',
CheckTarget<Source> get importedSource {
return nest(
(selected) => 'importedSource ${valueStr(selected)}',
extension on CheckTarget<ExportDirectiveWithFile> {
CheckTarget<FileState> get exportedFile {
return nest(
(selected) => 'exportedFile ${valueStr(selected)}',
CheckTarget<LibraryFileStateKind?> get exportedLibrary {
return nest(
(selected) => 'exportedLibrary ${valueStr(selected)}',
CheckTarget<Source> get exportedSource {
return nest(
(selected) => 'exportedSource ${valueStr(selected)}',
extension on CheckTarget<ImportDirectiveWithInSummarySource> {
CheckTarget<InSummarySource> get importedSource {
return nest(
(selected) => 'importedSource ${valueStr(selected)}',
extension on CheckTarget<ExportDirectiveWithInSummarySource> {
CheckTarget<InSummarySource> get exportedSource {
return nest(
(selected) => 'exportedSource ${valueStr(selected)}',
extension on CheckTarget<Source> {
CheckTarget<Uri> get uri {
return nest(
(selected) => 'uri ${valueStr(selected)}',
extension _Either2Extension<T1, T2> on Either2<T1, T2> {
T1 get t1 {
late T1 result;
(t1) => result = t1,
(_) => throw 'Expected T1',
return result;