blob: 8306f15f5200c0f2f52c1437ecaac1199ce8c5a2 [file] [log] [blame]
/// The name of the subdirectory in .dart_tool where dartdev stores kernel files
const dartdevKernelCache = 'kernel';
const serverInfoOption = 'resident-server-info-file';
const residentOption = 'resident';
const responseSuccessString = 'success';
const responseErrorString = 'errorMessage';
const responseOutputString = 'compilerOutputLines';
const commandString = 'command';
const compileString = 'compile';
const shutdownString = 'shutdown';
const sourceString = 'executable';
const outputString = 'output-dill';
const packageString = 'packages';
const defineOption = 'define';
const enableAssertsOption = 'enable-asserts';
const enableExperimentOption = 'enable-experiment';
const soundNullSafetyOption = 'sound-null-safety';
const aotOption = 'aot';
const tfaOption = 'tfa';
const verbosityOption = 'verbosity';