blob: 9bffb215b806dac03928c360b5f1712b9532d839 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
#include "vm/dart.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/raw_object.h"
#include "vm/ring_buffer.h"
#include "vm/spaces.h"
#include "vm/virtual_memory.h"
#include "vm/visitor.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Heap;
class Isolate;
class JSONObject;
class ObjectSet;
class ScavengerVisitor;
// Wrapper around VirtualMemory that adds caching and handles the empty case.
class SemiSpace {
static void InitOnce();
// Get a space of the given size. Returns NULL on out of memory. If size is 0,
// returns an empty space: pointer(), start() and end() all return NULL.
static SemiSpace* New(intptr_t size_in_words);
// Hand back an unused space.
void Delete();
void* pointer() const { return region_.pointer(); }
uword start() const { return region_.start(); }
uword end() const { return region_.end(); }
intptr_t size_in_words() const {
return static_cast<intptr_t>(region_.size()) >> kWordSizeLog2;
bool Contains(uword address) const { return region_.Contains(address); }
// Set write protection mode for this space. The space must not be protected
// when Delete is called.
// TODO(koda): Remember protection mode in VirtualMemory and assert this.
void WriteProtect(bool read_only);
explicit SemiSpace(VirtualMemory* reserved);
VirtualMemory* reserved_; // NULL for an emtpy space.
MemoryRegion region_;
static SemiSpace* cache_;
static Mutex* mutex_;
// Statistics for a particular scavenge.
class ScavengeStats {
ScavengeStats() {}
ScavengeStats(int64_t start_micros,
int64_t end_micros,
SpaceUsage before,
SpaceUsage after,
intptr_t promo_candidates_in_words,
intptr_t promoted_in_words)
: start_micros_(start_micros),
promoted_in_words_(promoted_in_words) {}
// Of all data before scavenge, what fraction was found to be garbage?
double GarbageFraction() const {
intptr_t survived = after_.used_in_words + promoted_in_words_;
return 1.0 - (survived / static_cast<double>(before_.used_in_words));
// Fraction of promotion candidates that survived and was thereby promoted.
// Returns zero if there were no promotion candidates.
double PromoCandidatesSuccessFraction() const {
return promo_candidates_in_words_ > 0
? promoted_in_words_ /
: 0.0;
int64_t DurationMicros() const { return end_micros_ - start_micros_; }
int64_t start_micros_;
int64_t end_micros_;
SpaceUsage before_;
SpaceUsage after_;
intptr_t promo_candidates_in_words_;
intptr_t promoted_in_words_;
class Scavenger {
Scavenger(Heap* heap,
intptr_t max_semi_capacity_in_words,
uword object_alignment);
// Check whether this Scavenger contains this address.
// During scavenging both the to and from spaces contain "legal" objects.
// During a scavenge this function only returns true for addresses that will
// be part of the surviving objects.
bool Contains(uword addr) const { return to_->Contains(addr); }
RawObject* FindObject(FindObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
uword TryAllocate(intptr_t size) {
ASSERT(Utils::IsAligned(size, kObjectAlignment));
ASSERT(heap_ != Dart::vm_isolate()->heap());
#if defined(DEBUG)
if (FLAG_gc_at_alloc && !scavenging_) {
uword result = top_;
intptr_t remaining = end_ - top_;
if (remaining < size) {
return 0;
ASSERT((result & kObjectAlignmentMask) == object_alignment_);
top_ += size;
ASSERT(to_->Contains(top_) || (top_ == to_->end()));
return result;
// Collect the garbage in this scavenger.
void Scavenge();
void Scavenge(bool invoke_api_callbacks);
// Promote all live objects.
void Evacuate() {
ASSERT(UsedInWords() == 0);
// Accessors to generate code for inlined allocation.
uword* TopAddress() { return &top_; }
uword* EndAddress() { return &end_; }
static intptr_t top_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Scavenger, top_); }
static intptr_t end_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Scavenger, end_); }
int64_t UsedInWords() const {
return (top_ - FirstObjectStart()) >> kWordSizeLog2;
int64_t CapacityInWords() const { return to_->size_in_words(); }
int64_t ExternalInWords() const { return external_size_ >> kWordSizeLog2; }
SpaceUsage GetCurrentUsage() const {
SpaceUsage usage;
usage.used_in_words = UsedInWords();
usage.capacity_in_words = CapacityInWords();
usage.external_in_words = ExternalInWords();
return usage;
void VisitObjects(ObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor) const;
void AddRegionsToObjectSet(ObjectSet* set) const;
void WriteProtect(bool read_only);
void AddGCTime(int64_t micros) { gc_time_micros_ += micros; }
int64_t gc_time_micros() const { return gc_time_micros_; }
void IncrementCollections() { collections_++; }
intptr_t collections() const { return collections_; }
#ifndef PRODUCT
void PrintToJSONObject(JSONObject* object) const;
#endif // !PRODUCT
void AllocateExternal(intptr_t size);
void FreeExternal(intptr_t size);
// Ids for time and data records in Heap::GCStats.
enum {
// Time
kVisitIsolateRoots = 0,
kIterateStoreBuffers = 1,
kProcessToSpace = 2,
kIterateWeaks = 3,
// Data
kStoreBufferEntries = 0,
kDataUnused1 = 1,
kDataUnused2 = 2,
kToKBAfterStoreBuffer = 3
uword FirstObjectStart() const { return to_->start() | object_alignment_; }
SemiSpace* Prologue(Isolate* isolate, bool invoke_api_callbacks);
void IterateStoreBuffers(Isolate* isolate, ScavengerVisitor* visitor);
void IterateObjectIdTable(Isolate* isolate, ScavengerVisitor* visitor);
void IterateRoots(Isolate* isolate, ScavengerVisitor* visitor);
void IterateWeakProperties(Isolate* isolate, ScavengerVisitor* visitor);
void IterateWeakReferences(Isolate* isolate, ScavengerVisitor* visitor);
void IterateWeakRoots(Isolate* isolate, HandleVisitor* visitor);
void ProcessToSpace(ScavengerVisitor* visitor);
void EnqueueWeakProperty(RawWeakProperty* raw_weak);
uword ProcessWeakProperty(RawWeakProperty* raw_weak,
ScavengerVisitor* visitor);
void Epilogue(Isolate* isolate, SemiSpace* from, bool invoke_api_callbacks);
bool IsUnreachable(RawObject** p);
// During a scavenge we need to remember the promoted objects.
// This is implemented as a stack of objects at the end of the to space. As
// object sizes are always greater than sizeof(uword) and promoted objects do
// not consume space in the to space they leave enough room for this stack.
void PushToPromotedStack(uword addr) {
end_ -= sizeof(addr);
ASSERT(end_ > top_);
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(end_) = addr;
uword PopFromPromotedStack() {
uword result = *reinterpret_cast<uword*>(end_);
end_ += sizeof(result);
ASSERT(end_ <= to_->end());
return result;
bool PromotedStackHasMore() const {
return end_ < to_->end();
void UpdateMaxHeapCapacity();
void UpdateMaxHeapUsage();
void ProcessWeakReferences();
intptr_t NewSizeInWords(intptr_t old_size_in_words) const;
// Accessed from generated code.
// ** This block of fields must come first! **
// For AOT cross-compilation, we rely on these members having the same offsets
// in SIMARM(IA32) and ARM, and the same offsets in SIMARM64(X64) and ARM64.
// We use only word-sized fields to avoid differences in struct packing on the
// different architectures. See also CheckOffsets in
uword top_;
uword end_;
SemiSpace* to_;
Heap* heap_;
// A pointer to the first unscanned object. Scanning completes when
// this value meets the allocation top.
uword resolved_top_;
// Objects below this address have survived a scavenge.
uword survivor_end_;
intptr_t max_semi_capacity_in_words_;
// All object are aligned to this value.
uword object_alignment_;
// Keep track whether a scavenge is currently running.
bool scavenging_;
// Keep track of pending weak properties discovered while scagenging.
RawWeakProperty* delayed_weak_properties_;
int64_t gc_time_micros_;
intptr_t collections_;
static const int kStatsHistoryCapacity = 2;
RingBuffer<ScavengeStats, kStatsHistoryCapacity> stats_history_;
// The total size of external data associated with objects in this scavenger.
intptr_t external_size_;
friend class ScavengerVisitor;
friend class ScavengerWeakVisitor;
} // namespace dart